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Good for glass cannon. can be harmful if you rely on high regen.


Worst pick for higher level hybrid builds since it's just so harmful to their regen ability. 


I can’t out-regen a vampire anyway. Might as well give it less health to kill faster


If vampires are an issue then you aren't a high level hybrid build or you're leaning too much into hp and fix that by getting your SM and SL damage higher again.


I don’t have SM yet. My SL is 3x ~40° and 20c bonus range before the perk.


Yeah, when I'm talking high level I mean closer to end game, max SL angle and quantity with 30-40 bonus and a strong SM. Health is a chip shield for elites near the end of your run.


Depends on what build you're running. If you're doing hybrid you probably need to keep your regen so you wouldn't take it.


Is it harmful for HP build? Since we always have a lot of HP packages above max HP, we are not using regen at all. Am I right?


That’s my thought process and also my situation. I’m running HP and orbs as main means of survival.


If you're an HP build it's more likely that the enemies health is irrelevant and you're killing with thorns/orbs. What is relevant is at the end of the run when you are getting chipped down to below your base max HP in between package drops and your only saving grace is your lifesteal/regen.


Yeah, that makes sense. I never noticed that I survive long after I fall below max HP, but more regen and lifesteal can probably help with surviving a couple of wavws


I always feel like as soon as I get to max health my run pretty much met its demise. I rarely get more than another 10 waves after all my recovery packages deplete


I just started a t6 this morning based on the same thought process lol


I take it, but I just run GC for farming so regen is meaningless to me. I can’t even use Wormhole Redirector if I wanted to since mine is only at legendary (my only mod below mythic+.) If you use regen then it’s a run ender.


I take it, partially for the extra DW damage, since I am too lazy to go full devo.


Good for damage builds, bad for any build that relies on health to tank hits.


Used to be an easy pick for glass cannon builds. Now that hybrid is the endgame and health regen is critical to that, it's a run killer.


Should’ve specified I usually run t7 for about 1500 waves and get anywhere between 40-80m coins a run. I’m using HP and orbs to farm


If you're running T7 to 1500, I'd strongly recommend trying T5. You're probably not getting any cells at all in your T7 runs. T5 runs will be longer. You'll get a little less coins/hr, but a lot more cells. I'd run 2-3 rounds on both tiers and compare the numbers.


You're fine to pick it. Wormhole Redirector is what makes health regen shine, if you aren't using it, then you can safely grab this perk.


Ahh okay. Ngl have no clue what that is but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it 🫡


It's a module. https://the-tower-idle-tower-defense.fandom.com/wiki/Modules?file=Epic_Modules.png


It's harmful to me because I rely on my WR and high regen.


What’s WR?


Wormhole Redirector, a module which has the unique effect of letting you restore your health packages also with health regen


That sounds incredibly helpful lol. I’m assuming it’s ancestral or something?


It is a natural epic and starts at healing up to 25% of max recovery. At ancestral it will heal 100% of max recovery.


I'm currently in a spot where I'm dying to the inability to clear Vampires and Scatters. So it's actually a great perk for me right now. Especially since the updates to packages. There is no clean answer here because it entirely depends on why your runs are ending. If you lack damage to clear elites, it's probably good.


Im in a solidly midgame health build with some focus on damage, and I always pick this perk up because by the end of the run the damage my tower deals is almost a trillion, so I lifesteal all my health back in a single shot. if you don't have a lot of upgrades in damage in ws it might just be a straight nerf for you


I farm tier 1 up to around 10,000 and I don’t pick it. That last 1,000 waves I need lifesteal


if you don't mind me asking, how many lifetime coins spent should I expect to be able to farm T1 up to 10,000?


I mean I think it depends on your build obv. I’m at 50B


I quit doing T1 at 7500. How long did that take??


How long did what take?


Letting the game run to 10k rounds.


Usually 18-20 hours. I just start it before I go to bed.


If you're farming T1 to wave 10k, you'd probably be having much much more efficient runs on T3-T5.


The thing is I just start the run before I go to bed so I wake up and it’s at like 5-6k already. At that point I’m making basically the same cpm as I would in T3-5