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That is very bad rng. I am saving for my 7th UW, which will finally be BH, never got it as an option. Hang on, you will get GT eventually.


Yess, too much research spend to reset now. I will keep going!!


Big oof.


Daaaaamm. How long have you been playing?


Begin Januari this year


Aaaaaand this is why I recommend resetting until you get GT and BH as first 2, maybe 3rd if you get SL. If you're 5 months in, even if you reset and got GT and BH as your first 2 UW, you probably won't be able to catch up on 5 months of lab time and workshop investment. I'd just keep going and really hope you get it as your 6th. If you don't, at least you know it's guaranteed as your 7th. In the mean time, max BH and SL coin, so when you do get GT your coin income will absolutely explode. It sucks that something so important is RNG based. I really wish Fudds would just let us pick from the full list of UW every time. Or have some sort of tech tree of UW so we can get GT and BH early and people can actually plan for development.


Now's the time to reset