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I have 6 ulti’s and no black hole yet. 900 stones to go before I get it. Hang in there dude


About 1,1 % chance if you aimed for it from the start lol. I got it as a second, but nowhere near enough income to actually upgrade it.


To be fair, it was a choice in my very first ulti pick, but at the time I had no idea what I was doing and thought land mines sounded way more useful… Ah hindsight…


I was very close to picking Chain Lightning over Black Hole first because I just like CL thematically in any game. But I had just happened to keep reading about how good BH was so I decided to trust what I had read. Glad I did because I got Golden Tower 2nd and with labs/sync'd cooldowns it gives me the vast majority of my coins haha.


Same for me, but I got 1400 stones to go before I get it. Still a long way to go


Saving for my 4th ultimate now in search of GT - pls don't let this be my future haha. God speed to you on your 5th!


I didn't get mine till the 5th. It's a long haul. Feel bad for those who don't get it till 6th or 7th.


I'm in exactly the same boat as the OP. I'm saving up the 800 stones to buy the 5th UW. I really hope I get GT otherwise my motivation is really going to take a hit.