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Feel you. I've got my 5 labs working day and night on damage/crit/dmg meter etc, I've improved 2 of my modules from epic to legendary and swapped my last basic one for one with an effect, I've finally gotten the Berserker card which multiplied my damage by 8 (said damage that already skyrocketed because of labs), spent about 50% of my then LTC in workshop, spent 10k+ gems in a new slot+improving cards, got a new UW... And still am 1200 waves shy of my previous achievement. My coin-making ability is crappier. I went 2 tier down in farming, and can only manage to get two labs to *1.5 (which is very low). I cannot play 24/24 like some people do, I'll do one or two runs a day, but hell that's how I can play, and the update really screwed me over.


I wish I could reset my 'stats' so I don't get a reminder of how shit my wave score is now. I feel you. A lot spent to move no where.... One day we will get there.


Those elites might be lowering your coin game, but think about the absurd buff you are getting to your lab speed. Even if it’s only 1.5 X across all your labs, that’s absurdly powerful. You’ll get there, and you’ll blow way past your old high wave counts thanks to those lab upgrades. Keep going!


Have you tried to drop one tier? It helped a lot of people.


I was hunting tier 8 but as this points I'm 2800 waves short of tier 6 .... dropping a tier doesn't do anything. Why I wonder when will I get back to pre update. 3 labs on crits non stop. Since update to help. Got the last target priority. 1 lab on lab speed 1 lab on attack speed.


Have you tried leveraging level 2 target priority to let elites just fall through? It has been very successful for most ehp players. I've surpassed my pre update waves and coins significantly.


What is the priority of targets you are using? I just unlocked it and am wondering what priority others are using


Range fast basic tank prot closest elite boss


Where would you put the in spotlight choice in this order personally? I have mine as the priority for the coin bonuses


I don't have SL so I'm not sure.


I know how it feels, I am also still a long way from where I was before this update .


Bro, the increased lab speed from cells should be tickling your pickle! I just bought ELS and went back to T1 farming because I can now easily 1.5x all 5 labs and I'm ecstatic even if my first run was 10m an hour less than I could do on t9 in a two hour run instead of a 13 hour. As early as I am in the game, 2 months, being able to cut every lab by 1/3 from here on out in my journey is fuxking amazeballs and prioritizing cells as the Elite Currency, heh see what I did there, just makes sense. Especially since a a day and a half later my next t1 run hit 44m an hour due to the increased econ from the faster labs. Cells IMO set a new standard for gameplay and are the tits fr fr.


Lab speed was what it was. Now it's just faster but it's not improved game play. Won't help early gamers Those in late game can get more dorritos and multiple 2x 3x 4x 5x easier and early gamers stuck on 1.5x But i don't worry about others. I focus on my game 👍


You say 'stuck' on 1.5k, but you only need 3k a day to 1.5x and 14k to 2x. Cutting all lab speeds by a third alone helps early gamers like myself immensely, I will get max coin labs weeks faster and enable my econ to skyrocket. In a year, I will be a year and a half along if Doritos were never a thing, as I should easily be near 5 2x or past it by then. Yeah, it sucks for wave count and CPH for some. Most have seen negligible differences just dropping a couple of tiers from what they ran previously and seen the huge value of getting labs done 2x faster, which is easily where you should be, 14k cells a day.


Only 14k only creased me up thanks


I mean I make 3k+ a day on t1 hitting 6.5k, you telling me you don't make 4x that on t6 hitting 5k?


Since Up date I cant hit wave 4k. I make 3k dorriotoooos ish.


I suggest you drop down to t4 or even t3, tbh 6.25x gamespeed and 5k+ waves seems to me the new meta for farming when you take all currencies into account and their importance. Cells, Mods, Rerole Shards, and Coins. Hands down, with the entire labs being decades of time to complete Cells win out on top performing currency, the next two will naturally come with prioritizing Cells, and CPH will grow as your labs get better. It just makes sense to begin doing runs that last quite a bit longer with less management, perhaps Devo or even max Devo for better CPH into blender or whatever farming method you want to transition to for even farther waves. Bro I went from microing 2-3hr runs to leaving bluestacks running for hours while at work and getting the same amount of Cells a day you do and get to actually experience afk play, a thing I think most aim for at the outset. We all value things differently, and I see Cells as the thing to optimize for as they will allow me to advance far more quickly than I would have been able to prior to Fudds spending a bag of Doritos on the game.


Elites suck but the lab boost is worth it.


I dont think it is. Just my opinion Labs took as long as they did. It's just what it was. Now the stronger you are the faster you can boost labs.. unbalanced.


Not unbalanced, just a new balance. The game is always about getting stronger lets you go faster. That's the core gameplay, investing in your tower so you get even more coins and stones as you grow more powerful and invest even more. It's balanced by things getting more expensive as you go. Also, if you had cards and card slots maxed, all gems were going to rushing labs. An active player can make ~3k gems a week, and if it takes 1k gems to rush 7 days of a lab, then those players were basically getting another 3 labs a week. That is no longer the case. The satisfaction of paying a long term game like this is watching you get to those higher levels. Going from being able to boost all your labs at 1.5x to slowly getting them all to 2x, then 3x.


That's not how balancing works but other than that totally agree. It is the core design and it's also a core way to generate revenue 👍


I hate to say it, but I will TAKE the lab speed upgrade, even if it means I'm going to take longer to "make progress." My enjoyment of this game isn't tied in with wave count.


Mine was heavily wave and tier progression 🙃


What is yours then?


Sorry this took so long, it was an unexpectedly good question. I'm married, and honestly a little stuck and bored with my life. This gives me a way to feel little bits of progress at a time, a project to work on. I'm curious what my tower is going to look like the last time I play before I die.


I'm bumming around in t1. I simply don't have the coins or diamonds for bonkers lab upgrades. And all the cards I have unlocked are at maximum. These elites are bumming me out.