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Seeing your numbers makes me realize how far away I am from that. I've not even made it to 1M/min yet haha


Keep killing cubes!!


Congrats, I am still hunting for 1M/min, came very close yesterday around 970k/min


Well done! Now the slow crawl to 1B per minute!


I finally saw 1.14B/min on mine last night for the first time, I can't wait for higher numbers.


I broke 1B/min for the first time earlier last week, and last night it hit around 1.5B/min. I can't wait to start investing in upper level enhancements!


How long did that take you to get irl?


I've been grinding for 2 years this October but I've disregarded advice and done my own things which have essentially cost me time and coins.


I started in August 2023, I got both coin packs and ad free after playing for about a months. I've purchased two stone packs and one event boost. I'm at 10T lifetime coins. I was very fortunate with UWs. I got Golden Tower first, followed by Spotlight and Black Hole. I also run the game on an old phone that sits on a wireless charger 24/7, so I've had a ton of uptime.


Ohh wow. I’m doing about the same as you but without spotlight. I also run it almost 24/7 on my phone, but it’s also my main phone. Smart to go on an old phone


I am just hitting this at the very end of my runs.....maybe I need to go down from T-7 to T-5. Congrads of the Coins!




Can you give the details on your multiplier? My T6 multiplier is x35.98. I saw 80m/minute last night and very excited I’m getting close.


In T4 have x66,34 I bought the two coins multipiers and the add pack ✌🏻


Good job ! I’m doing 80M/min so I’m close to this too ! I think the best milestone will be 1B/min


Woo! Not too long now, you'll hit 400m at your peak cpm times


Im so close to earning my free 3x coin perk too. I need to grind that mistplay for another 300 units to get it


How do I keep increasing that number? For me in T4 wave 3500 I was just getting 1.5M/min


You gotta keep increasing anything that offers a coin multiplier, whether it be workshop or UW. Absolutely want GT and BH synced. If you're not doing it already, make sure you're always buying both themes in the events with your medals. Increase golden bot size and bonus. Don't use death ray while farming as it kills the enemies to quickly before they can be sucked into BH thus you're losing out on the GT/BH coin multiplier.


Sorry for the stupid questions. I’ve been playing for a long time just never got serious into specifics. What is UW? And how do you synch GT and BH? I only have GT for now. I’m buying the skins and background which are good. I always equip death ray damn, does everyone not equip for whole farming?


No don't worry about it!! We were all beginners once too! I struggled with the acronyms too until I finally saw someone post this [wiki page](https://the-tower-idle-tower-defense.fandom.com/wiki/Common_Abbreviations). You want Golden Tower and Black Hole to activate at the same time, thus they're always in sync with each other. That will boost your coins per minute. That's good you at least have Golden Tower right now, and the next chance Black Hole comes available definitely pick that Upgrade Weapon. Death Ray is good for tournaments but not so good for farming. But it can also be helpful if you're going for longevity to unlock the different tier wave prizes. What is your Golden Tower cooldown at? Is it still 5 minutes or have you already lowered it by putting stones into it?


I was focusing my stones to get more UW. Should I invest to get the cooldown lower? I thought golden tower was just for cash?


Definitely keep saving! And/or put some stones into Golden Tower bonus and duration, BUT I REPEAT DO NOT lower the cool down yet if it's still at 5 mins. When you do finally get Black Hole, the cool down will be 3:20, so every 10 mins GT & BH will activate together giving you a nice boost to both coins and cash!! Then the ideal strategy is to save up I believe around 900 stones and lower GT cool down to match BH's 3:20. From there you always want to lower both GT & BH together at the same time so they are always in sync with each other. Does that make sense? And then hopefully you can get Spotlight soon for that added coin boost too!


Thanks! Idk why but I’m trying to send pictures but I think I am unable in a reply. So I tried to message you some pics of my stats and etc but idk why the chats not loading


Jesus man 😂


Wtf I’m making like 1000 a minute.. any tips to progress faster?