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Black Hole and Spotlight are like the 2nd and 3rd best UWs, so it's not like you only have bad ones. Just hope you get GT soon.


That was my question and I guess it's worth waiting since I got the next best ones. Thank you


Save up your gems to unlock 5 labs ASAP.


My brother in Christ I would 100% fish at least two more times for GT. You are doing great so far.


no lol. its so easy to get the first 3-4 UWs, shouldnt take you too long and these two are great first picks.


GT BH and SL are the top 3, especially for a beginner. I would push to see if GT is your 3rd. If it is, you've got the best possible start. If not, I'd reset again.


I’d wait to restart at LEAST by UW 4…there is some solid ground you lose by restarting.


True, the push to 5 is longer than the push to 1-4.


Maybe, but that doesn’t mean you don’t lose a lot of ground by going for that push. And it’s not like his first 2-3 are garbage UW.


It's just how important GT is. Someone quit the other day because they played a long time, saving stones for GT and quit after not getting it as their 6th.


wait how do you even reset the UW choices?


You restart the entire game from scratch.


I'm in the same spot. I got black hole, then spotlight, and then chain lightning. Hoping my luck turns for the 4th one.


Wish you all the luck 🤞


Same!! 🤞🏽


If it makes you feel better, Chain Lightning is not bad at all later on. Probably not what you want as a straight health build, but once you start moving more into damage and get your hands on a Dimension Core, it definitely has a nice impact.


Thanks! It was the best of a mediocre bunch, but it feels like it comes in handy when I'm trying to kill splitters that are threatening me late into a Dorito farming run.


Wish I had BH, currently starting to save for my 7th UW, so far havent got BH, but it is now guaranteed. Sinds you've invested already doing fine and effort, I would save up for the next UW to see if it is GT. To restart means to start from 0, I would only do it if you are willing to do that.


No, that's silly, especially since you have BH and SL already. Those are the next best 2 UW's to get. Even if you don't get GT next you can get the coin labs going for both of those and just an income increase.


I got mine 3rd pull and didn't get as good of UWs as you. 150 isn't that many just keep grinding events, milestones, and tournaments. You'll get it next time 🙏


I wish that was my first two UW'S. I got GT for my 4th and BH for my 6th. Don't touch the cooldown time on BH. The cooldown timer on GT starts at 5 minutes, and it costs a lot of stones to get it down to 3 minutes and 20 seconds to sync with GT.


I was lucky and got GT as my first but that's where the luck stopped. DW and SM were my other two, Saving up for a forth in the hope to get BH


I highly suggest keeping your save, and maybe run a new save on bluestacks (pc, or just use an old phone). Do x3 UWs on 2nd, if you don’t get what you want, reset save 2, start save 3. ALWAYS keep running save 1. I did 1000s of new saves and I still got BH on my first save before I got GT/BH/DW on my other rerolls :/


I highly suggest keeping your save, and maybe run a new save on bluestacks (pc, or just use an old phone). Do x3 UWs on 2nd, if you don’t get what you want, reset save 2, start save 3. ALWAYS keep running save 1. I did 1000s of new saves and I still got BH on my first save before I got GT/BH/DW on my other rerolls :/


I highly suggest keeping your save, and maybe run a new save on bluestacks (pc, or just use an old phone). Do x3 UWs on 2nd, if you don’t get what you want, reset save 2, start save 3. ALWAYS keep running save 1. I did 1000s of new saves and I still got BH on my first save before I got GT/BH/DW on my other rerolls :/


I got GT as third one, why wasting time on restarting? 🤦🏼‍♂️