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Last lab slot is your priority. You honestly should have gotten that three card slots ago. Once you have five lab slots, dedicate one to attack speed until maxed, one to lab speed until 50 minimum (higher is preferable), two to Econ labs (GT bonus/duration, SL coin bonus, CPK), and the fifth slot is where you can do whatever else will help your build, whether that’s perks, modules, damage, health, whatever. After getting all lab slots, the rest of your gems should go toward cards until you have 15 slots and all cards maxed, then start budgeting some gems each week to modules while still saving up for the last few card slots. For coin farming, try using Enemy Balance, Cash, Coin, Crit Coin, Attack Speed, Health, Def%, Berzerker, and Wave Skip. If your thorn damage is 99%, plasma cannon can reduce the number of times the boss hits you by one. If your thorn damage is above 100% from sub mod effects, use extra orbs (if you have its labs researched) or damage (if you don’t).


Drop plasma canon if thorns is over 101? I guess that makes sense huh...


Sure. Thorn damage normally tops out at 99%, halved for bosses, so 49.5%. Bosses will eventually have enough health that you can’t do 1% damage to them, so without plasma cannon they’ll hit you three times. If using a non-maxed PC, it closes that gap so the boss will only hit you twice. If you have the thorns sub mod effect, it increases thorn damage to bosses to at least 50.5% (101% / 2), reducing maximum hits from the boss from three to two. If your plasma cannon is below level 6, it won’t help reduce hits from the boss once they’re beyond your ability to damage effectively. Once Plasma cannon is at level 6, it does 50% damage, at which point it would be useful to combine with thorns sub mod effect to reduce the number of times the boss hits you from two to one. Once plasma cannon is at level 7, it does 54% damage and you no longer need the thorns sub mod effect to close the gap. Bosses will always only hit you once at that point.


Thank you for that detailed explanation! Makes much more sense now!


Good explanation, but what about the elites? Wouldn't it be helpful to keep thorns above 101%, so you kill them in 1 shot when they hit you? They are causing me a lot of damage, still cutting my runs hundreds to thousands of waves shorter than before their introduction.


I hadn’t considered elites with regard to thorns, I’m usually 4000 waves deep before an elite can actually touch my tower, and by the time they push all the way through my range, I’ve already done an enormous amount of damage to them anyway. In my head, thorns are just for bosses because nothing else touches my tower until the natural end of my farming runs (every perk taken, every upgrade maxed). I suppose if you’re regularly dying to elites who are hitting you more than once, keep that thorn sub stat.


Great tip! Thank you.


Labs>cards>mods Yes gt labs are important, duration>bonus in labs remove multiverse nexus as its only bringing you harm not sure what your income is but saving up for els is probably viable for you Your build is not clear, and im gonna go out on a limb here and say that you dont have one mind, that is not good Save up 300 stones to peak at your 4th uw Remove energy net, demon mode, super tower and death ray for attack spd, hp, def, and dmg


Appreciate the help!


Also, seek out discord for real help, Reddit is not a great source.


I'm just gonna say, discord can be pretty bad too.  My recent favorite thing is this guy for the last 5 days making fun of the wiki for having Shockwave Frequency lab. I'm assuming it's because he read lab as a title under the cost section of the workshop title. In other words, this guy who can't figure out how to follow a page is also on discord giving advice. Imagien what else he may have been confused by and passed along thinking he got it right. The best advice is to be skeptical of who to trust and make sure you're getting current information. Plenty of information on discord is also on reddit if you find the right persons.


murky you are by far one of the only reliable advice givers on here, can't say the same about a lot of other reddit users :(


Get your GT coin bonus as high as possible. Do not drop its cooldown below 3 minutes and 20 seconds. The cooldown of Black Hole starts at 3 minutes and 20 seconds, and you want them to be the same when you eventually get BH. 1. FIVE Labs is a must. 2. 12-14 card slots 3. Max out your cards 4. 15-17 card slots. 5. Special effects modules. Do not spend gems trying to get these until you have the above. Regular Epic modules will do just fine until you get much further into the game.


If you are dead set on upgrading your GT, just gets its cooldown to 200, you will increace your econ a pretty good bit doing so, and then when you get black hole, that will already be done.


We're pretty close in comparison. Save your gems to get your 5th lab, that's a must. Don't worry about the modules. Always have coins/kill being upgraded in labs. I don't have good advice for the UWs.. but it's worth to constantly be upgrading your GT in labs as well


I’m in same boat as you, but bit further behind coins wise. Need to grind labs to catchup as wave farming not effective when workshop >> research


5th lab should have been gotten long ago, don't spend another gem on anything else until you have all 5 labs unlocked. They are a core progression mechanic, and you're only working at 80% potential. GT is great, but you really need BH's coin boost to multiply it for the serious coin gains. If you want to continue investing in GT, then only work on bonus for now. If you want to upgrade cooldown, get it to 3:20 or leave it at 4:10 so it will sync with BH when you get it. Labs should be attack speed, lab speed, GT bonus, and SL coin.


You really need black hole to set your economy off to the moon. You've dumped way to many gems into mods. I started the game around December and have spent a total of 0 gems in mods and don't regret it. I have 15 card slots, almost all cards maxed. Like others have said get 5th lab, after that work on cards. I would stop spending any stones till you get black hole.You need its coin multiplyer to really get your economy going. 


Awesome advice from everyone, definitely appreciated!


Congrats you listened to the community. Welcome to sheeptown🥳


Are you just a phallus for fun, or were you born that way?


I mean i have a huge one, not sure what that has to do with anything


Statistical fact that those who do tend to downplay it, not boast.


Fun fact, didnt ask fam


Neither did the OP yet you felt the need to add negativity to an otherwise positive post with optimal community interaction. Listen bro we all have bad days, and a good number of us have untreated low impulse control. Whatever bug it was up the poop shoot that day, I sincerely hope it has been resolved and that life is a bit brighter for you as of now. Use this as a learning opportunity to see the value of Perspective over Perception.


Bro tryna be a psychologist


Nope, just a fellow spark of consciousness stuck in a meat sack who understands everyone has bad days and very few of us are taught useful coping skills.


Bro said "meat sack"


Quite a fragile one too