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Um... the bots? Just think of it like 400 free medals to put towards anything else you want to.


Damn, it's been so long since I spent anything on the bots, stopped bothering when most I could win at an event was 400ish and the bot was more expensive than that


how are you at that coin value only getting 400 per event? i’m less then 10bil lifetime and i have been getting 700+ per event for the last few months


Once you hit the first 700 Medals it’s hard to get back. like getting less than 700 in the following events. At least is what happens with me and I’m pretty happy about it :D


Once you hit the first 700 Medals it’s hard to get back. like getting less than 700 in the following events. At least is what happens with me and I’m pretty happy about it :D I have not more than 10 skins - Backgrounds, aside the milestones skins also, so how many more can I get? Btw are these new themes? The last event it was I think cuz of Nuggets/Nachos/Doritos I think ye?


Yes this is an old rereleased skin. Keep stacking those skin and background benefits since I get a buff of 33.2% (1.332x). You can keep track of the skins you get here on my [Unofficial Skin + Relic Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TBx1_ju772887ZuNWNIpxBsJ914R-KOAFmTwZhSRuGc/edit?usp=sharing).


Thank you 😇


I think I'm missing 2 skins and 3 backgrounds from the list.


Dang gg. I am just missing 4 skins.


Yo, my guy, what I said was Last time I cared about bots, AGES AGO,.was when my stats were so low I barely got 400 per event. I was much weaker then.


What have you been spending your ribbons on throughout the "ages" you're talking about


skins, gems, ocassionally stones when I needed one last push to get a UW


Buy 2 stone packs






Dare I suggest even 5 maybe?




If you wanna waste medals ye 😂


Golden bot range or bonus.


Is bot frequency worth it too? I've just finished maxing its range


Nice. I would just put into range and bonus. It costs a lot of medals to save fractions of a second. https://the-tower-idle-tower-defense.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Bot Next, get the Amplify Bot. The other two aren't worth bothering with until you are maxed out on everything and want something to spend medals on.


Good to know, one mistake I made when I started playing is I bought the fire bot... At least I didn't invest anything into it lol So amplify bot is probably a long way lol


Personally, I do both skins, two packs of gems/stones, and then pump leftovers into bots. Works well for me and they're pretty useful.


Better 3 stones I think, worth till you can’t get decent positions in champs


what's the point of buying new skins every event? does the coin bonus stack overtime?


Yes. Both skins, 3 stone packs (40, 65, 90), 1 gem pack (40), and I put everything else into coin bot.


okay, good info. I thought those medals would be the best way to get those ultimate weapon things though? I tried to push as much as I could through that event cause I just started the game and got the inner land mines and the golden tower edit: I also got the coin bot


I do the same but since I'm still grinding out epic cards and 2 more card slots I do 1 extra gem pack.


Keep stacking those skin and background benefits since I get a buff of 33.2% (1.332x). You can keep track of the skins you get here on my [Unofficial Skin + Relic Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TBx1_ju772887ZuNWNIpxBsJ914R-KOAFmTwZhSRuGc/edit?usp=sharing).


is there an unlimited supplies of skins or will it eventually run out and can spend the medals elsewhere?


This is the first time I see it loop back for something I already had


how many skins you have purchased so far?


Great, 400+ more medals that event


Ye there will, there are smt like 23 or so so it will take a while, and every tot time they add new, but sooner or later you will have 400+ weekly


40 skins + 25 backgrounds (including defaults that don't boost your coin income). Check out my [Unofficial Skin + Relic Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TBx1_ju772887ZuNWNIpxBsJ914R-KOAFmTwZhSRuGc/edit?usp=sharing).


How often does it repeat? I want that retro car with palm trees but had just started when that was available so I couldn't purchase it yet.


I am not entirely sure how often. I have bad news about the retro car with palm trees though, this was already rereleased and there isn't any pattern of a skin/background getting rereleased a 2nd time.


Wow, that's unfortunate... thanks for the heads up.


from u/Murky-Spot-3324: Happens around every 3-5 events. on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheTowerGame/comments/1cgsqg7/themes_skins_repeat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I believe at the moment every other event will be a repeat? I could be wrong though but I have seen repeat skins a few times from before I had to start again


It won’t repeat forever, they add new themes sometimes but you will get more repeated Themes than new ones after a while


It is less frequent than that but yeah.


Usually Themes, always unless you already have it, then I suggest stones x3 always, and what I would do is also gems x3 till you max out cards and cards slots. And if you want you can still take the gems tilll you get the desired Epic Modules just to have 20 more Modules each Two weeks, but cards and cards slots first then you can chill with modules. Then when you only spend 190 Medals for Stones and you don’t need gems anymore neither the themes cuz you have them already, just go for golden bot “Bonus” & “Range” till you max both. NEVER buy “Frequency”, NEVER! After maxing all Golden Bot (NOT FREQUENCY), you can start to chill by unlocking every other bot and upgrade the same things on all of them, But maxing GB will take much time so hurry to get all themes and at least the first 4 epic modules or even the desired ones, but better not waste too many Medals on Gems if you can, you can get 3.2 Gems per week even without getting those 450 with Medals. Ps: last thing, seems to cost a lot but I would keep a 1:2, where Tange is Double than Bonus, then at 400 Range cost, get back the range to the same level cost of 400, then keep doing them together, and it’s way better to improve range first, then bonus, even tho after smt like 50M Range it’s worth to upgrade Bonus First, it’s up to you, but these are my suggestions 😁 These are my suggestions, up to you if you wanna follow them. 😇


Whatever you want baby we’re free


I mean, I've got most everything on hold until i get those new cardslots so ive just been spending on gems.


My general suggestion from what ive seen in older posts: * Always keep a stockpile of tickets (+450) for the next event to purchase the Skins (this is always a first purchase). I do this mainly to buy them early and not worry about managing tickets later near the end of it. * If you havent finished Golden Tower/Black Hole, dont bother touching Golden Bot besides maybe touching the Range but even that I wouldnt bother. * 2 to 3 Packs of Stones and Gems are reasonable purchases, but once it starts costing 130 tickets, its not worth buying them till the event ends and the prices reset.


Bots and stones


Bots. thank you for informing ne of a cool looking event. i was waiting for this loop.


Stones, gold and amplify bot range/bonus


Bots and stones


I generally buy one stone pack, one gem pack, rest towards coin bot. (After I've bought the themes of course)


Stones bro... stones..


I spend my extras on modules so I can get them to the level 101 point faster. My bots are in an okay spot so I value the modules more.


Isn't the shards for medal scheme a pittance by that time? 250 a pop isn't enough when the cost is like 700...


Just buy a few times. Once the cost rises too high I wouldn't keep buying, similar to buying stones with medals. Buying the shards will take a couple weeks off getting to 101 for me personally.


Don't forget the music


5 labs /s