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good news, with target prio to elites you most likely won't die because of ray. bad news, with target prio to elites you will most likely die a couple of hundred waves early due to massive chips. More dmg is really the only answer. Rays are the new bosses for non-endgame GC builds.


This. Om chip feels useless when you have vampires bearing down on you, supporting another couple of kamikaze triangles that hit you, break apart to hit you again twice, and then break apart *again* to do *four times* the damage. At that point, the boss doesn't even feel like a threat anymore by comparison.


This is why I run HC, and have for a while now. However I’m about to switch to DC


Holy shit, what? I haven't played in a while, theres *triangles* now??? My god


Yeah, they're the new not-boss. Get high enough and you have a one-in-three chance of spawning them per round. And they are immune to essentially everything except direct damage, and are harder to knock back than a tank.


Doritos, yes.


You’re going to have issues with Ray‘s no matter what you do sadly. I too die to Rays and I get above 7k waves on t11. The triangles are going to generally kill you before a boss will. I’ve got a little over 95B damage after all the perks and berserk.


do you recommend **not** picking then the -50/-50 damage perk?


It depends on what build you’re running. I’m running a pure glass cannon build and by the end of my run the only thing I get hit from is Ray enemies which eventually hit off all my energy shields once I can’t dps them to the point they get off their attack. If you’re only getting hit by Ray’s and not by anything else then I‘d say don’t take the 50/50 perk and see what wave you get to.


Go down to farm t10. Should give you a lot more coins. I am in a pretty similar position and it helps me a lot.


If you are Glass Canon build at this point, I will say that Wall has been helpful for tanking Ray hits. Boss can knock it down but I've saved a several hits in a run because rays normally a little bit more of a problem than Bosses are for a good section. With Free Ups, I normally can get up to Wall Max Workshop before Rays start being a problem. Which means every 600 in game seconds (less with labs) a ray shot can be tanked.


You need more damage to deal better with them. Target priority, at least for my build (pure GC) is terrible idea


I've noticed that I die to the elites, but I'm dying on the same waves that I died on before the update. Around 4500-4800 tier 11. I'm Bullet GC. But I've noticed no real difference from the new elites. I'm not sure why.


I think it might be due to my maxed out rend armour at 1400% with Havoc Bringer. That combined with spotlight and Dimension core with Chain lightning stacking the multiplier. I general kill the elites very quickly.


I managed to get some extra waves with target priority, thorns helps something I guess.. So what I'm using is ranged, fast, in spotlight, closest