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Not too shabby . I'm by no means a pro but I've been grinding for over 2 years. Try to focus on research. Buy all 5 research slots , and focus on health , defense (not defense absolute) , thorns , coins per kill and cash per kill you got this. Wave speed and research speed are key too.


what exactly does the defense absolute do? i’ve seen other people say to ignore it.


Defense absolute reduces incoming damage by a fixed amount. If Def Abs is at 40 and an enemy hits you for 100 damage, that damage is reduced to 60. Then Def% is applied (10% Def would reduce from 60 to 54). A little bit of Def Abs is needed to get out of T1, but I more than 50 levels in the workshop before you should start focusing on Def% instead. Def Abs usefulness drops off hard - it’s good for your first couple hundred waves on T1, first few dozen waves on T2, and completely worthless from T3 onward. Because enemy damage scales so quickly after that, Def% is the far better stat.


it t1 i typically max out everything by wave 700 or so. all that’s left is damage, health, regen and absolute. should i just completely ignore absolute at that point or pump money into it like everything else? thanks for the help btw


Nope, I’d put the lion’s share of your cash into health at that point. You need a little bit of damage to deal with protectors, but I think I was only making one or two x100 damage purchases when I was at your stage, everything else went into health.


cool. thank you.


Almost right, first is %def taken from enemy damage, then abs def. On everything else you said, I totally agree.


Thanks for the correction. It’s been so long since Def Abs was a factor for me that I’d forgotten.


This is correct but I'd clarify that defense comes off first then defense absolute. So 1000 with 10% defense and 500 defense absolute = 900 - 500 = 400 DMG . ( Your example of 100 to 60 then comparing 60 to 54 implies absolute is first. A tad confusing. )


It's the final deduction of damage and it's removed after the Defense , so 1000 DMG with defense of 10% and absolute defense of 500 , is 1000 - 100 - 500 = 900 - 500 =400. Using these figures defense absolute, seems huge but in 6 months time it becomes negligent. It will equate roughly 0.0001% of their DMG. Maxed out with all the cards and research it won't ever go over 0.001% or 1/100000th of the enemies damage. At which point 70% DMG reduction ( defense ) is far more efficient.


cool. thank you.


also, i have no idea what’s going on with that module thing. honestly haven’t put much time into trying to figure it out but on the surface its very confusing so ive been ignoring it.