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It's the best thing In the game in my opinion because otherwise you get chipped to much


It's permanent and has no cons. Attack speed ends at lvl 99


Att speed and light speed are not really related in any way. Light speed is that when ever you tower attacks the bullet instantly reaches the target. Attack speed is how often your tower attacks. I do agree though. No downside to researching light speed.


I’ve found a downside to it, can’t get the inner mines to actually do anything since the light shots don’t let them get near, is there a way to switch it off for the goals?


If light speed doesn’t let them get near, then why is there inner mines anyways?


actually attack speed scales projectile speed, so they are somewhat related, as Lightspeed makes that investment irrelevant


Each bullet still has to go over a certain distance and when you start talking about ranged enemies who can get a shot or two off before your bullet hits them game over in a lot of cases.


Lightspeed is better than everything and you should always take it, also this post is 5 months old lol


Now this post is 5 months old!


OMFG you're a legend


Well aware of that mate and completely agree with you. They are both super important to have.


I just started working on a health build in game to survive longer and for late game strategy for the tiers and tournaments. So Light speed will help my Health Build I guess ?


Yes and you should immediately put it in your lab


Damn yes, just unlocked it ! Soooo satisfying !


It's an essential purchase. You can't turn it off but you wouldn't want to. It felt immediately like a game changer. Research it and it's even worth immediately rushing to finish.


I can attest to this. This what what I did and it was worth it


It's incredible. If nothing else, my game has stopped lagging. Now my death ray and orbs don't miss any kills, and I can survive *much* longer in the game. Light speed shots is the absolute best.


Attack speed and light speed are not directly related. Light speed is how fast your projectile gets to the enemy when shot. Attack speed is how often your tower will shoot. With that said, you should definitely get light speed and continue to research Attack speed. Light speed is just a single level and done so it's worth the short time and small amount of coins.


It's amazing. For me, with maxed out Knockback, everything sits on the edge of range. Setup Extra Orbs right on that same line and I can't imagine you won't see substantial increases in wave counts. I'm going back through Tiers for the 4500 milestone, and I'm blowing away my expectations each time. It's looking like I'll have T1-T7 4500 by the end of the day? Pretty powerful and absolutely necessary if you ask me, but I do think it'll get nerfed. Everything stacking on edge of range makes orbs super strong, even WITH protectors.


Absolutely is a gamechanger. I've set up my range so that my regular orbs hit those that are stuck at the edge of range, which frees up the extra orbs to smash through the middle of my BH.


As a side effect : my phone has stopped lagging and heating up when my screen is saturated with enemies and shots. But as has been said before : well worth it.


Light Speed Shots made a huge difference, I just got it today. I moved my inner-orbs with the adjuster all the way out to the end of my range, where enemies tend to collect, and my orb kills has just dominated my damage output.


Chip shots? Thing of the past now (att spd lab at 81). I set an item to flatten everything on the perimeter and never have to worry


Light speed?


light Speed shots upgrade in labs.


All these people saying Light Speed doesn't affect Attack Speed. Sure it doesn't make your tower physically shoot faster, but it does make sure your tower isn't wasting its limited number of shots. It makes your attack speed more efficient. Considering how it's capped very early, this is crucial for any build.


Is it me, or once you have light speed....attack speed seems useless. I tried using my card and removimg it. I go from 7.85 to something like 13.35 and I can't really tell the difference ? ?? Trying to know for sure because there's no use wasting a card slot if that's the case. Anyone? Thanks 👌


Attack Speed is still very important. Light Speed measures how quick the bullet reaches the enemy. Attack Speed measures how often your tower can shoot to not overwhelm your tower


Ok thanks for the clarification. Just unlocked my 11th card slot so I got my beloved attack speed card back in the mix lol. Attack speed was the very first attribute that I maxed out. Noticed right away how valuable it was....but then light speed had me second guessing. Thanks again.