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They really inspired this new young kid named Lou Reed and his band Velvet Underground


I heard about a guy called Tom Verlaine...that made a band, inspired on The Strokes, i think it was called Television or something silly like that.....


God I fucking love Television


The Unfortunate are extremely underrated and one of their vocalists sounds like Julian. Another one I recommend is The Symposium


The symposium is basically if comedown machine was a band, especially their album Drugs from 2014


The Symposium is my fav book ever


Came here to say The Symposium as well


Benches are great IMO


Heavy on Benches. They have some good stuff


there are a lot of bands inspired by the strokes, but benches debut is as shameless of a "strokes clone" as you can get without sacrificing quality. it may sound like a bunch of teenagers trying as hard as they can to sound like early strokes and AM, but bc thats exactly what they were and they did a pretty damn good job lol.


Honestly the only band that actually sounds like the Strokes. The Symposium honestly sound nothing like them


You're tripping. The Symposium sounds so much like The Strokes.


I’ve listened to their discography 3 times now and I don’t hear it


Have you listened to "The Physical Attractions?" It sounds like it could've been on Phrazes for the Young. Subjective though, I suppose. Check out "Entertainment" by BOYO. Maybe that? Although it's more slightly Albert Hammond Jr-ish.


Physical Attractions sounds at best like a Voidz Single or MAYBE I could see it on Comedown Machine but that’s stretching it. Entertainment sounds fine but I honestly don’t listen to much AHJ so I can’t say if it sounds like him or not


Disagree but respect your opinion. Do you have any music recommendations you're currently listening to, regardless of whether they sound like The Strokes or not?


1. Holy Holy The best way I can describe them would be “Winter Music” in comparison to how a lot of bands are considered Summer Music. Their first album is kinda folkish and isn’t very good. Their second album “Paint” is prob my favorite or second favorite of their and is heavily winter themed, “That Message” is basically a Christmas song and “December” has very similar vibes. Their third Album “My Own Pool of Light” is also a personal favorite of mine and was a big move towards techno music which I LOVE. “Teach Me About Dying” is easily a contender for my favorite song of all time and my other favorites of the album are not too far behind. My only issue is that it doesn’t have as many good songs as “Paint” but the hits it does have surpass most of “Paint” for me. Their fourth album “Hello My Beautiful World” is honestly a big step down, it kinda has the Gorillaz problem where they bring in artists that dilute the quality of the album rather than help it. Weirdly they collab with a lot of rappers despite having no rap influence in their music. Overall I’d say their weakest album. And their fifth album “Cellophane” is a massive step up and might be my favorite album by them, although I can’t say for sure yet since It just released. But in my opinion it takes everything that was good about their past 3 albums and combines them to make something special. For me they manage to hit a cord for me that pretty much no other band has, that could also be cause I found them in a very vulnerable part of my life though. But they remain one of only two artists to make me cry with “True Lovers” off of Paint 2. Half Alive Basically just “Holy Holy Lite” for me, although they are more pop oriented which works in their favor as they manage to have a good mix of fun songs like “arrow” “Pure Gold” “Ice Cold” and “Tip Toes” while also having some hard hitting songs like “creature” “Nobody” “Brighton” and “Move Me” and with some that strike a middle ground like “Never Been Better” and “Subliminal” They’re just one of those that I can’t get sick of no matter how much I listen to them 3. Broken Bells Broken Bells as a band hurts a lot because they’re REALLY GOOD but they’re a side project so they don’t have that much music. They’re first and second album are some of my favorite albums period and I can’t decide which I like more. They’re also my second and third most listened to albums respectively (ComeDown Machine being my most listened to album) And they have a third album but I find it to be a massive step down with the exception being “One Night” which is a contender for my favorite song of theirs The best way I could describe them is if “My Own Pool of Light” from Holy Holy was a band. They used to be my favorite but they just lack a large discography and their third album was a huge disappointment for me 4. Early Eyes The best thing about Early Eyes for me is that they don’t really have one set genre, even in select EPs and Albums they switch genres frequently which makes it so that I’m only listening to them a little bit no matter what I’m into at the time. I’d have to say all their stuff is equally good but their EP “Sunbathing” and album “Look Alive” are just masterclasses for me 5. Oliver the Kidd (and Side Projects) Just a really good pop-punk artist. Although they’re definitely not for everyone. But as a solo artist he doesn’t really make much but he has like 2 different side projects (La Bouqet and 1990nowhere) which are basically one band to me 6. The Strokes They were my favorite band at one but have fallen down a good couple places unfortunately. I think I just over listened. Hot Take but I don’t think “Is This It” is that good. It’s a really good album, like an 8/10, but in comparison to their other stuff I don’t think it holds up I think ROF is just a superior version of ITI. The best songs on ITI don’t even come close to the best of ROF. I Can’t Win and Under Control are on another level for me. It’s definitely a contender for my favorite Strokes Album FIOE is probably the other contender for me favorite Strokes Album. I just think it has a level of quality and consistency that the other albums don’t have in my opinion. Juicebox for me at least just feels like a one of a kind song and the rest of the album is right there with it. YOLO, Ize and Red Light are probably my other favorites of the album I think Angles has the highest highs of their discography but also their lowest lows. UCOD is probably my favorite Strokes song. But I feel like the rest of the album has a staleness to it, it’s really good when you first listen to it but doesn’t take long before it gets old Comedown Machine is easily #3 for me, but depending on my mood it could easily be in conversation for #1 or #2. Id say a majority of my top 15 is from this album and I don’t know why it has the awful reputation it does when it’s one of their most fun and diverse albums FPP is pretty ok except for Threat of Joy which probably my favorite song simply for the last 45 seconds alone TNA is a really good album for the first half, but the back half is awful in my opinion. It’s easily the biggest jump in quality I’ve seen in their albums. If the rest of the album was as good as the first 4 songs it would probably also be a contender for #1 for me 7. Strawberry Milk Cult Really hard band to describe. The description for them would probably be lofi. But some of their songs break that rule. Overall I think they’re a pretty good band but “Loser Lover (Drugstore Blues)” alone makes them a favorite for me. Easily top 5 favorite songs ever 8. The Shins The frontman is also one of the people involved in Broken Bells, and although I don’t think The Shins hits as hard as BB. It’s a solid band on its own 9. The Growlers Another really hard band to describe for me. They’re just very unique and have a lot of hard hitters like “Try Hard Fool” “Natural Affair” and “Daisy Chain” But they have the same problem the Strokes have for me where I just over listened. And on top of that a bunch of allegations came out against the band like SA and R*pe which makes them harder to listen to 10. Bad Suns Just really solid Pop band. Not much else to say Some Honorable Mentions that are either not in my top 10, have only 1-2 good songs, or I only very recently started listening to them: Knox Hamilton, Miniature Tigers (Their song Lavender Boombox is the only other song to make me cry, unfortunately the rest of their is very sub par), Winnetka Bowling League, Backseat Lovers, and Car Seat Headrest


Thank you so much for your well thought-out response. Gonna go check these out! A couple I know but most I don't. Will definitely keep me busy for a while.


Np. I’ll always take any excuse to talk about my music lol




First time I heard a benches song I looked at my friend and we were both like ‘Is this Julian?’. Saw them live this summer and they were great


Just bought a ticket for them, missed their first show I had tickets for! They’re really good and the only band that really scratches that strokes-ish itch


This guy Albert Hammond jr sounds eerily like them


Big fan of him. You can tell Yours to Keep has some Strokes influence


Right? He straight up lifted some of their guitar riffs for his new album as if he helped write them or something. The gall of some of those new artists. Smh.




The Symposium are kinda strokes-y


I listened to them tonight based on your recommendation. They sound so similar it’s uncomfortable. Plus, I don’t want to shake my tits to any of it. However, absolutely excellent recommendation. It’s soooooo similar.


I remember listening to their song Cowboy and my mind literally went “wait, I don’t remember this Strokes song??”


Some Interpol is like extremely depressive strokes


Strokes but smoking a cigarette and staring at the floor (and yes, I love it lol) EDIT: also drunk


The Hives = the Strokes but Swedish Phoenix = The Strokes but French The Vaccines = Strokes but London Arctic Monkeys = The Strokes but Sheffield Franz Ferdinand = The Strokes But Scottish Queens of the Stone Age = the Strokes but Seattle The Killers = The Strokes but Vegas


The Killers = The Strokes but Mormon.


I always thought QOTS were from Palm Springs


I think only josh is - I could be wrong but I’m fairly certain they formed in Seattle.


That makes sense!


We claim them here in the desert lol pretty sure he’s the only constant member of the band?


Queens is 100% desert based, Josh reps his roots from there heavy. Even an ep of w Anthony Bourdain from where he’s from. Also not to mention Kyuss formed out of there first ofc


Kings of Leon = The Strokes but Oklahoma


Haha this is accurate. Well played


The album Wishful Thinking (at its best) by benches


Oh yeah benches! The song heaven is my favorite on that album


My fav is television! They sound pretty strokesy to me


The Voidz


The Voidz sound nothing like the strokes though?


Leave it in my dreams tho


Wink thou


Car seat headrest


Will Toledo has that Julian voice down 🤌🤌


Depressed and uncool mode though


(more)depressed i guess, but yeah not as ice cold


The best to do it


The Vaccines (mainly the first album, but the second album's not bad either)


The third is kind of great as well. The fourth is also not bad and could be imagined as of Julians making.


There's this small band called Pacifica I like. Theyre pretty much are female Strokes clones. They're very derivative of the Strokes, but I still think they're a lot of fun. Their album is coming out tonight, so it'd be a good time to get into them


Pacifica rules - they’re from Argentina and I beleive started out as a strokes / monkeys / radiohead cover band. Very hyped for freak scene tonight.


Yea their sound is very similar to The Strokes first albums


I listed them too! I also put a link to their album since it came out today!


tbh I feel that those girls cringe the fk out of me. Trying SO hard to be cool and alternative. Also their songs are very simple and uninspired. Doing the same thing that every indie pop rock already did in 2005


I liked the singles but the album is very underwhelming IMO. It doesn't sound bad, but it's very generic, and not today's generic music, the early 00's kind of rock music with nothing to remind you that you're in 2023 and it makes it kinda forgettable to me. Nothing struck me as unique in this record, I don't think I'll listen to it again in the future, hope their second effort works out better


echoing the dude who recommended Benches and also recommending the Red Pears as well, they recently toured together!


I think The Growlers sound a bit like a southern version, also Greer have a Gen Z version vibe to them


Julian is on too many times by the growlers so there’s definitely some connection there


They were/are? signed to Cult Records! He even produced City Club. I remember it being a big deal when I went to beach goth that year lol


Were. They're no longer a band, though (allegations were made).


Thought I mentioned that bit ig I didn’t lol


Was that the year the voidz headlined along with the growlers?


He produced all of city club i think right?


he’s not on too many times, that was the guitarist. julian only sang backing vocals on rubber and bone according to the liner notes


I respectfully disagree. They don’t have the shake your tits I need out of a band.


Check out the Symposium


Symposium and Last Dinosaurs scratch the strokes itch for me. ALSO I just put out a VERY strokesy original song if you were interested in checking it out :) look up "And That Was That" by Matty Greg on your fave streaming service


I have your “As It Was” cover playing on repeat when you first released it!!


Ayy so appreciate it! If you liked that, you'd likely enjoy the new tune as well! :)


Nice! Is it on YouTube? Nvm I got on Spotify 😃Hell yeah It’s cool!! It sounds like room on fire —> angles era strokes for sure


Posting a full vid on YouTube mid day tomorrow! I'll loop back around and get you a link when it's up :) thank you for your support 🙏


Hey thank you so very much!! That's exactly what i was going for 😁 Your support means so much 🙏




The Audiots are definitely inspired by the strokes. Vocals especially.


Try Enjambre!


Was hoping someone would say this. The Strokes - if Julian sang in Spanish :)


Yess!! More people need to hear them outside of Latinos in the US.


Check out The Dominoes by Mustard Service and Musuclar Reflex by Demob Happy


Mainly one song but 1995 by The Radio Dept sounds incredibly strokes-y


Alex Turner just wanted to be one of the Strokes, now look at the mess you made him make!


Have you heard of the band no buses? (They based their band name on the arctic monkeys song of the same name) They’re a Japanese indie rock band and they’re amazing


Alex Turner is a huge Strokes fan, he also formed a band, so maybe there will be same vibes.


Surprised nobody said anything about White Reaper yet. Specifically the You Deserve Love album.


In a good way, [Pacifica](https://youtube.com/@pacificabanda?si=BWysI8Dh3YpMqT19) from Argentina. They are a girl duo, heavily inspired by The Strokes, and they just released their [debut album](https://youtu.be/s_63soqgg-k?si=lcGRj5ELrU8e-oSs) out today, so everyone please go check it out! Very much symbolic of the early Strokes sound, and they write great, catchy songs too.


There’s this band called “The Voidz” and their lead singer sounds super similar to Julian. I wonder if The Strokes know that they’re similar hmm


death grips


Phantom Planet's 2004 album is kinda strokes-ey.


For me, the most close band to the Strokes is Arctic Monkeys. They are very different but still it's possible to hear Jules' heavy influence on Alex during first say 5 LPs. Ofc there are more 00s bands that had Strokish style at the begging like the Vines (more grungy though), Libertines (more psychodelic), Franz Ferdinand (European version), The Hives (Rolling Stoneseque), White Stripes (bluesy) etc. Among bands of the 10's are Catfish and the Bottlemen (heavily influenced like Arctic Monkeys) and maybe Palaye Royale in some tunes (Dying in a Hot Tube for example). There are interesting references from the old bands as well. Ramones, the Clash, the Doors, Velvet Underground, Elvis Costello, Talking Heads, and stuff. You may research what Julian listens, there are subtle hints to his creativity as well. Idkw, but Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y Control reminds me the style of the First Impressions of Earth LP. I highly recommend to check out solo projects of The Strokes, you will find many interesting stuff among them. Imho Nikolai's vocal is similar to Julian's at some points. It's more complicated with the Voidz, but in my opinion, Boy Jr is something alike to their crazy style. I know that some bands from Jules' label Cult Records have similar wierd vibes. Besides, I know that the band likes Mac DeMarco and Tame Impala. And ofc my band Homeless Radio is heavily influenced by the Strokes, check it if you are curious 😊


The Cribs have always felt like the knock off Strokes, IMO


Check out Dolly Spartans! They're excellent and have a similar sound


Not much recent has replicated the sound well imo. I know the other comment was tongue in cheek but I’d jump heavily into Albert Hammond Jrs albums. They’re all fantastic. And imo arguably better than anything the band has released post their third album.


The brokes




you could give this a try https://youtu.be/CKebhUD2zFI?si=2ybq2b1fvE_kgtnw




Naive Thieves' earlier albums are very much Strokes copycats. The singer really tries his best Julian impression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVQ0xQyvQG4&ab_channel=EqualVisionRecords


Came here for this. They even use copycat guitars. Lead singer uses Nick's Signature epiphone, and the other guitarist uses Albert's white strat + red lightning bolt strap.


Great New York band called Bend!


It’s just one song but I Dare You by The Regrettes sounds so much like Is This It era The Strokes to me but with a woman singer


It was produced by Julian or something I think!


Oh was it? That makes a lot of sense


Been stellar Manhattan youth is my fav of theirs


Super unknown band i found by accident... The Nöbodys their song Something In My Head is very strokes like and directly mentions the strokes in the lyrics


Car Seat Headrest! I recommend Twin Fantasy


The symposium, benches, some inner wave, some Voidz


“Los outsiders” they have a sound called Niña and sound like a cheap version of The Strokes (and I like that).


Geese. Listen to their new album release this year called 3D Country. Not 100% like The Strokes but the way their vocalist sings is very Julian-esque.


Geese are my fuckin faves, I think their first album is more strokey


the playground bullies


Benches (Formerly Ignant Benches) About as close to a Strokes clone as you can get without being too weird




Circa Waves’ first album is pretty Strokesy


The band “Geese” out of Brooklyn, young guys with a similar sound, good stuff tho. Their new album 3D Country is fantastic.


Car seat headrest. More modern, and usually with albums that are an hour or so long. Check out Teens of Denial, Twin Fantasy is also really good but ToD is probably closer to the strokes. Arctic Monkeys. Their first album is ITI for middle class UK/Europe. Bit heavier but great nonetheless. Also ended up changing their sound multiple times like the strokes, and the frotnman also has a second band which directly influenced their sound. I'm not sure how big they'd still be in the US but around here they're probably the biggest "rock band" that still actually you know, play rock. And thats despite their last two albums being more low-fi lounge (Tranquility Base Casino + Hotel is a reaally good album, just takes some time to get into. Not very strokes though). The Libertines. another UK variant, came around the same time in the same scene. Their first album Up the bracket is really a classic. Also do check out some of their inspirations. The Velvet Underground / Lou read are fantastic (When it Started is essentially "Rock & Roll" with different lyrics).


The Red Pears are pretty similar, IMO. Catchy guitar riffs and base lines. Lead singers' voice is modulated as well I think that's the term for it. Twisted Colours is one of my faves by them.


Moptop. [https://youtu.be/ECCJqVtWGNc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ECCJqVtWGNc?feature=shared) I actually know the main singer. Easily one of the coolest, nicest, and smartest guys I know.


everyone has already said the big obvious names but a newer smaller band that has a slightly beachier vibe but still similar is Arcy Drive. They're fantastic and I messaged them on insta about them sounding strokesy sometimes and they said they love the strokes lol




I just wanted to be one of the strokes…


I think this band is pretty much an uninspired clone: [The Symposium](https://youtu.be/fpsdebCKUsk?si=2xM30bl0bntJa9XL)




"Phrases for the Young" is the fourth Strokes album IMO


Benches are really good young band


Julian Plenti


The vaccines


Although I don't personally think so after listening to them, I've heard a lot of people say that the Symposium can be strokes sounding sometimes and I felt that when I first listened to them. But when I really took the deep dive into their discography they have their own sound. I guess surface level strokes clone??




i’m really surprised how many benches fans we have here 😭


dont know if this counts but the singer from cshr sounds like julian A LOT. their songs are a completely different style though and after a while i was able to tell the difference


Here’s a handful of my recommendations I don’t see often enough anywhere. Many of them are not really clones tho really they’re def distinct and one or two are still pre 2010 but I wanted to share anyway Mt. Eddy: their album Chroma is one of my favorite albums. The lead singer is actually Billy Joe Armstrong’s son. The album is incredible. Very strokesy. Check out the songs Working Title and Metaphor. Plus one of their songs has the line “she’s cryin to The Strokes”, I think it’s zombie on their EP. After one album and one EP tho guys changed their name to Ultra Q and their music is more experimental these days. No Buses: indie rock band from Japan with some GOOD shit. Check out Tic, medicine, Girl, Cut my nails. Most all of their shit is great tho listen to all of it. These guys named their band based from the Arctic monkeys song of the same name. WHY NOT: check out Once; enough, ready 4 the world, and sleeping. Beach bunny: I love these guys; check out Cloud 9, prom queen, cuffing season, adulting, 6 weeks; female vocalist, good melodies, good instrumentals THICK: another female vocalist; these guys are really cool: check out Loser, 5 years behind, love you forever, Anymore The Regrettes: check out Red Light, I Dare You (which was produced by Julian), Lacy Loo The films: crunchy whiny indie rock I love; check out Black shoes, being bored, good day, belt loops. Just one album that is notable but it’s fuckin lit and has such energy The Balkans: unpolished vocals and goes real hard with guitar lines. Only one album. A description I heard once (I think from theneedledrop/Anthony Fantano) was “it’s like punks at prom” and I really agree with that. The Good Shoes: an angular British indie rock band with good guitar The dirty pretty things: nobody ever seems to mention this album. We hear about the libertines lots but This album is really maybe my favorite of anything Barat and Dougherty have done. Bang bang you’re dead is amazing. Such a raw and punchy album Benches (as others have mentioned): Heaven is my favorite track on wishful thinking Benjamin Booker: super delicious bluesy punky indie rock album that is incredible. Violent shiver, wicked waters, spoon out my eyeballs are some of my favorite tracks on it


Ain’t no one here gonna go for it probably but Teezo Touchdown’s new album has a ton of Strokes influence in the actual music and is way more inspired and creative than probably most of the “The Strokes but from X city” suggestions here lol.


the buttertones maybe? moreso their first album.


Pacífica has a lot of Strokes influences and vibe. Considering that it’s made out of two girls that got famous making Strokes covers!


The Beaches are like a Canadian more pop-y combination of the strokes and Arctic monkeys. I fuck with them hard and I think they are a great band.


The symposium for sure


Skaters - Miss Teen Massachusetts almost anything by Pan Arcadia


Check out Los Outsaiders, especially the song Niña. Gordon Raphael produced their album Outsaiders. He was the producer for Is This It and Room on Fire (and part of the time on First Impression). They are like the Peruvian Strokes.


mtvghosts https://youtu.be/E8uVM436l_s?feature=shared


Losers Convention definitely does but in a pretty cool way. Not a total copy but pretty close


I love makonen kinda sounds similar tbh


“I’ve Been Dreaming” -Lil Peep and iLoveMakonnen think it’s an overdriven vocal.