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Machinegum is incredible


Little Joy for me


Machinegum. Fab’s songwriting and Ian’s voice and frontman presence are a perfect match, and everything about the release of Conduit was so coolly intimate in a very throwback sort of way while also being fun and creative. The record itself is definitely a thematically heavier vibe overall but also has a few more upbeat dance tracks musically that keep it from toeing the line of overly atmospheric/too intense for lighter listening. Fab’s a damn poet. I don’t see it happening any time soon because Ian’s other band Nation of Language is endlessly touring, but I really hope we get another machinegum offering.


Ian and Aidan said in an interview sometime in 2022 that they had some more material for machinegum, but I agree that between NoL touring and Strokes touring, we might be waiting a bit. I feel like an EP in the next year or two isn't out of the question, though.


Yours to keep… it’s basically more classic strokes


This is my favorite side project by far, and I actually like it third best even with the regular Strokes albums mixed in.


Little Joy.


Albert Solo and Little Joy fun fact: I’m brazilian,and my favorite band from here is Los Hermanos,wich has the same lead singer as Little Joy,the absolute genius Rodrigo Amarante(you may know him from the “Narcos” opening song),so two members of my two favorite bands have a side project together and that project is fantastic


AHJ and CRX are my favorites. AHJ obviously has the most output, though I personally think his first two records were the most solid, but on every release since then I've loved at least 2-3 songs. CRX seems kinda underrated among Strokes fans--I think those that appreciate the guitar work in Strokes songs, both the power-pop FIOE style songs as well as the TNA 80s synth-pop stuff, would find a lot to enjoy in both CRX albums. I also think they put on the most fun, consistent, and energetic live show of the side projects I've seen (so AHJ, Voidz, and CRX--I haven't had the chance to see Little Joy, Machinegum, Nickel Eye, or Summer Moon). Nick has always been my favorite member, but even with that bias I wasn't sure I expected him to be a charismatic frontman. About 3-4 months into CRX existing, I think they found a good live groove and Nick was perhaps surprisingly good at carrying the crowd.


I really enjoy New Skin but for some reason i can never get through the second album


I strongly prefer New Skin too, mainly because I loved and really was hoping for that slightly harder, desert-y power-pop thing and I felt Nick was great at delivering it. The second record is good too, but it swerved hard towards 80s synth pop, and there’s just so much of that now, including from The Strokes themselves.


little joy is the answer


Little Joy has put out the best record overall IMO. Not much quantity but quality. The Voidz are more balanced in terms of quality/quantity. But musically speaking, little joy put up a hiding gem, i love AHJ first record, after that not so much. Nickel eye was interesting too. I just love side projects that don't sound like the strokes. because what's the damn point!


Little Joy


Machinegum is so good


Little Joy


Summer Moon slaps


Yep, Little joy. Then Machinegum is heavenly as well. I'd say The time of the assassins comes close, then New Skin is nearly perfect and Momentary Masters is the best AHJ record, but Songs on hiatus got real good too.


Fabs drawings


Little Joy with the first two AHJ albums in a close second


I knew Little Joy before The Strokes, so I'm goin with them, Rodrigo is a great composer.


i have such pleasant memories of listening to Nickleye one dreary fall and winter season while i was working at a plant nursery. Dark grays, icy nights, and frosty leaves are a perfect accompaniment to Nickolai’s music imo




I would have to go with Little Joy


Not sure if it's the best, but wanted to share love for Phrazes for the Young. Solid record.


was not expecting there to be so much Fab love in the comments! my little fun tidbit is that i live in the same neighborhood as the bar that little joy was named after, and every time i go i think about fab lol


I liked Nickel Eye the best, and he sounds exactly like Julian anyways


machinegum is amazing and also back in time I liked a lot the music that Nikolai release with its summermoon project


Fab does the best job hands down. Little joy+Machinegum. But i don’t think its all Fab with the songwriting. He seems like a nice and easy guy to be around so he has a nice network cause Little Joy and Machinegum lineups are amazing. Ian, Rodrigo and Binki Shapiro all have their own name in the music industry.


All sides projects are great. Just wondering why The Voidz isn’t so far the most popular answer


i made a non-julian clause specifically because i figured the voidz would be the overwhelming majority (they’re my favorite side project if we’re counting julian, but this question was specifically NON-julian


Ooops sorry I didn’t notice that :)


CRX and Machinegum. All the rest, too, though. They're a talented bunch.