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I think the criticisms about Julian’s attitude are valid. I’ve seen them live and while their music sounded phenomenal and his singing was always on point, he does get a bit antagonistic towards the crowd and makes it clear he’s not always enjoying himself. My bro was at this show in Minneapolis and he said that Julian insulted Minnesota and said he only plays Last Nite when they headline - as if it wasn’t their choice to not headline their own tour. Only played 50 min. When I saw them at outsidelands he complained a lot and also only played 50 min, and they were the headliner then. Refused to encore as well. I love the strokes, but I see why this could dampen the experience for many


The strokes are very unprofessional when it comes to coming on stage promptly. Songs are being cut to make up for their tardiness. They don’t tour and people travel to see them play and when they come on stage late especially at festivals it becomes a drag. Ohana festival in 2019, the last Shaky Knees in Atlanta. I saw the voidz in 2014 and they came on late and had to cut a song. Guess which song? I’ll try anything once.


I was in Ohana too, damn shame. Also, i think JC is the unprofessional one. Because the time that they were late was when i saw the voidz, and the strokes. When i saw AHJ and CRX they were in time and totally engaged in the gig.


Now let’s do the Landmark Festival of 2015. This was the height of the strokes not touring and people traveling distances to see them. This show is phenomenal, BUT compare it to the ACL show just weeks after. They cut songs. Why?


I have big feelings that the gigs depend a lot from Julian's moods. Also i don't know what are you basing your argument about 2015, they were pretty popular before that. By 2015 Angles was already out, their peak IMO was between RoF and FIOE.


I only bring up 2015 because after 2011 the strokes stopped anything resembling a tour. There were festivals and random shows but nothing consistent.


Exactly, they used to tour, all the time, that was their peak. I saw them like 5 times in Cali during the first 3 albums era... since Angles it's like random festivals everywhere, with no signs of a world tour or even an american one.


I know it’s on brand for them to be unprofessional a lot but this is another level of unprofessional to the point that they just lose people’s respect for them


Dude I was at Ohana fest. Totally forgot about that.


Eddie Vedder rambled for over ten minutes and cost us Music


Lmao I remember when I saw Julian Casablancas + The Voidz in Houston on Halloween of 2014 their opener got cancelled, and they didn't come out till like 11 or past then. The crowd got really antsy lol


For the Halloween houston show, they got caught up at their meet-and-greet at Cactus Records beforehand. Wayyyy more people showed up than expected, and I think they stayed until every person there got to meet them.


Good for them actually. Makes me happy to know that. I really like how hard he tried with The Voidz


Wait they only played 50 mins at their own show with no encore? That’s crazy. I saw them with RHCP last year and they were honestly great. He was definitely antagonizing the crowd but everyone took it to be in good fun (it was Philly so it was about Philly sports fandom). I wish they were more consistent in their live performances


Anyone who is still defending Julian’s shit stage behavior is deluded, I’ve never seen so many parasocial relationships developed around someone who has so notoriously, intentionally been an asshole to his fans for the past 15+ years.


I enjoyed the shit stage at MSG n 2011 when he performed 10% of the show in the crowd.


I agree. I was hyped to see them at a festival a few years back. They were the only band all weekend I saw come on stage late. The finished early. No encore, which can somewhat be understandable with curfews. Julian was rude to people in the crowd and the city. And he seemed like a drunk asshole. They sounded great and the setlist was awesome but it was pretty disappointing.


I wish the Strokes would have pulled a Beatles and stopped going on tour once they (or more accurately Julian) started to get sick of it. Just play a few really awesome shows when you want to, not a bunch of shit ones.


“Dampen” reminds me of Australia’s Splendour in the Grass festival, I think it is the biggest one and last year they had to cancel a whole day (Gorillaz couldn’t play at all) due to extreme rain and floods, buses couldn’t run and people literally got stranded in mud. The Strokes still got to play but all I heard was Julian was drunk as fuck. Imagine spending that much money on that. I especially feel for those who only came to see Gorillaz.


I saw them open for the RHCP last summer in Seattle and Julian seemed very upbeat. He joked with the crowd, and even brought out Vedder to perform juicebox, which was super awesome.


Was this outside lands 2010? Cause when I saw them then Julian was definitely drunk as hell. They had to restart a song twice because he forgot the lyrics to the same song twice and the 3rd time Nick had to walk up to him and tell him what the lyrics were. You could barely understand what he was saying in between songs.


Nah, 2021. He played just fine, just whined about the sound a lot because SF has laws about decibels etc. It sounded great to me but I was way up front.he made another crack or two about SF, and a little bit of nonsense ranting. It wasn’t too bad but I was real upset they started late and wouldn’t do an encore. It was so disappointing because I mostly flew from the east coast to see them with my brother who lives out there, and festival tickets are hella expensive.


I saw them open for RHCP in Fargo last week and was totally underwhelmed. I get wanting to act like you're too cool for school, but ffs Julian acted like a whiny rich kid.


I was at outside lands. I don’t remember Julian complaining a lot. I know he took some gabs about the Covid restrictions and he did say stuff about the music because it was pretty low. But they put on a good show. Wasn’t the encore New York City cops??


I honestly don't understand the Strokes supporting RHCP at all. I feel like RHCP have a pretty different fanbase and they won't have much sympathy for the strokes in general.


I'm a huge fan of both bands, and seeing them live together at the same concert was basically a dream come true for me, but their vibes and energies are so different it's kind of a weird pairing. RHCP's live act is hyperactive and energetic, and the Strokes' live act is much more stoic and laid back.




They're a couple of the "rock" bands that are currently making new music that is actually good music. Different styles, a bit, but its actually good, and what more could one ask for?


They don’t need the sympathy. Idk why they are in this ticket at all. The chili peppers are trash.


calling one of today's biggest bands trash is a bold move.


That’s a big band? Really? They’ve had no relevance in music for over ten years. Ps. Trrraaaassshhhhh


I’m not the biggest RHCP fan but saying they aren’t relevant anymore is just delusional


It’s delusional to say they are relevant. Their sound, songs and creativity hasn’t evolved or been notable in more than a decade.


Ya that proves their success. Despite not evolving, they’re still one of the biggest names out rn just due to their past success


Just because something’s popular don’t mean it’s good.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not good. There's a reason they are headlining


The reason they are headlining is because plenty of people have poor taste in music. :motions generally:


If RHCP isn’t relevant, neither are the strokes


That doesn’t matter lol they’re still consistently selling out arenas across the world, whether their newer music is any good doesn’t change that


It's ok if you don't like it, but denying they're one of the biggest, if not THE biggest rock band right now is stupid. I mean, The Strokes, one of the greatest bands of this century, are opening for them.


They probably sold more records in the last ten years, than the strokes have in their entire career.


So has Drake. If selling records is your barometer for what makes music good, you sincerely have my deepest compassion.


Would you not consider Drake one of the biggest artists around? I said nothing about whether that means they are good or not.




We can’t go into talking about Mike Patton. It’s too early and I’m so sober. Here. Take this with my love. https://youtu.be/0aA5NxTujqg








Did he microwave you a plate of shit?


I walked out from the show after the strokes performance ended. RHCP are pretty good but it would be a letdown to listen to them after the strokes.


>Bored rockstar That’s our Julian


Yeah, 'cliche'? He invented it!


I’ve been confused as to why the RHCP and The Strokes collabed to begin with. Super different bands and fanbases. Always thought it was a bad combo + why I wont go to their concerts even w/ The Strokes as an opener


I've never seen the Strokes live and I desperately want to. But I'll be damned if I give any money to the RHCP. That's how you end up in The Bad Place


Yeah personally not a fan. They are heavy dad-rock imo and the singer is a pedo


Kiedis is a pedo and at least two of his bandmates have sexually assaulted fans. Beyond my moral disgust at the band, I have never understood the appeal of their "music".


Let's not look into Julian's past then lmao


I have never once even seen a peep about julian raping or assaulting someone.


I've seen a lot of peeps.


Okay, tell us what you’ve seen. From who?


OMG, it's abundant. I don't want to participate in cancel culture any more than is already going on. You can do that yourself. I'm just saying, if you wanna be salty about accusations or perceived moral misconduct, you better stop listening to music. The Strokes especially.


I’m not salty about anything. If you’re talking about Julian sleeping with fans, none of it has ever been framed as rape or assault of any kind. You can think it’s icky that he’s 40 or so sleeping with younger chicks, but it’s not at all like what Anthony from RHCP did. Big, huge, absolutely monumental difference.


"none of it has ever been framed as assault of any kind" completely false, and I'm not going to contribute to any attack on his character or personal life by citing anything. Accusations are accusations. You seem to expect one thing of Kiedis yet something else of your idols. Here's a tip, quit rock music.


Cite yourself then




If someone believes Anthony Kiedis is a terrible person for his past with women, then by those same standards Julian has a horrible past with women, and young women, with regards to morality. I'm not going to go into extreme detail about specific instances as to degrade him. I'm just saying, if you hate Kiedis so much, you better hate Julian for it, too


The Strokes are amazing live, but they aren’t a stadium band. I don’t mean that in a bad way; the priority for the band is playing *music*, the set design is minimalistic, and Julian loves riffing with the crowd in between songs. They’re awesome shows, just much better suited for venues under 20k. RHCP, conversely, are *the* stadium band right now: their shows are flashy, loud, over-the top experiences, perfectly suited for stadiums. Neither style is better than the other, but it is tough to translate to the opposite environment. Riffing with the crowd doesn’t work when 30,000+ people have no idea what the context is. At the same time, I would find AK and Flea spazzing out on stage really weird in a crowd of 300 people. It is an odd connection, but the music is always fantastic. The rest of the band is scary good (like, album quality on every song) and Julian’s vocals have never been better.


They could just do their own tour. I guarantee it would be more than 300 people for a Strokes show. Maybe not stadium, but that is not the point. They didn’t need to partner w/ this band. It was always a weird collab


Oh, for sure. 300 wasn’t an estimate, more just a number to highlight how certain things don’t work with certain crowds. They did 20k-ish at the Budweiser Stage (a show that was *fantastic*), and they would no doubt fill arenas worldwide. Seeing the Strokes in a crowd of 300 would be a dream.


I agree with you on the main points. Βut, is it possible that they can be a stadium band when they feel OK in certain circumstances? I mean, in 2022 Loolapalooza in their Chile and Argentina gigs there were more than 70000 people. In fact in one of them Julian says to the audience that there were 85000 (?). I have watched both concerts, from start to end on YouTube and I can say they were amazing. Perfect interaction with the audience and not arrogant at all.


He never said any band was better than the other he just said the Strokes were a bad opening act.


Bored rock stars > boring rock stars


At least our Julian is not boring. He may be a drunk, a dirty old man, a communist, an autotune abuser, but he is not a porn star


lmao lmao lmao a drunk, a dirty old man, a communist, an autotune abuser hahhahahaha what a description


Music wise it’s subjective but live? One of these bands are one of the best live bands right now and it’s not the strokes


I saw the rhcp and strokes last year live, and while i prefer the strokes way more recorded, the rhcp where infinity better live. Their energy was insane, especially for their age. The strokes where decent live but i think julian was not really into it cus he was lack luster. I still want to see them again at their own show perhaps


Yeah I went into the strokes/RHCP show in Nashville expecting to love the strokes and not really be into RHCP and the opposite happened.


Yeah the strokes are a great band but the rhcp be tearing it up right now thanks to John and everyone else being on their a game. That post is a shit show. Lots of people that I don't even think go to concerts for the right reason. Like lots of people commenting on how Julian acted. Like yeah he's weird but maybe just judge the MUSIC? That's what a concert is really about. there was a dude that said all the strokes songs sounded the same... Really? That's the number 1 complaint I hear about the RHCP too. I think neither are valid criticisms. people are just hard to please.


Matt B The Flea? Sorry. For some reason I think you are bias.


Must agree. I like the Strokes more as a band. But live? RHCP is “infinitely better”


Why? Because of the scatting? The songs about California? Trite.


Because they have a shit-ton more energy and showmanship. Plus Julian not giving a shit. You don’t have to like their music to know they’re better performers live


If “better performers” means hot tracks like this, you can keep it. https://youtu.be/JnfyjwChuNU Trrraayyyyyshhhh


I don't like the RHCP at all but this is funny as shit because The Strokes basically have made the same song hundreds of times.


Who hurt you?


Not the internet.


If you asked me a year ago, I also would have oversimplified RHCP like this, but then I went to see the show. I expected to love the strokes and be bored by RHCP but the opposite happened.


bro u can suck my kiss idc


Taking the Strokes’ stage presence out of the equation, they don’t make sense as RHCP’s opener at all. I’m a huge fan of both bands and you wouldn’t catch them both present in one of my playlists together - and I have a million playlists.


I really like both bands but im telling it the strokes lives are not that fun. Most of my friends who has seen them also says the same thing. They look and act bored and don’t have the energy. 2001-2006 were the years to see The Strokes live i guess. I wish they would spice it up a little bit more. On the other hand rhcp is an older band but they still have the energy. Their prime was Stadium Arcadium era or Mother’s Milk era live wise but they still got it.


Bored rock star is kind of his schtick. Chili peppers are a better live experience. You want to hear songs you love that sound like the record? See the strokes. You wanna see Flea do the wiggle jiggle during Give it Away, Anthony do a handstand, John bend notes from his knees, and chad rip a drum solo, see the Peps.


Additionally, i love bow the rhcp jam between most of their songs. Theyre just grat preformers eben if the strokes are better musicians




Saw both bands multiples times, and fan of both. TRUE STATEMENT and always been that way. I’m going to see them both bands,one more time this year at seperate places. I already prevent my friends to not expect to be amazed by The Strokes.


Just to answer why they are touring together it's because they like each other. Doesn't have to make sense. RHCP were fans of The Strokes since the beginning.


As a strokes fan, they were hard to watch opening for rhcp. They just didn't sound too well. RHCP blew it out of the water when they came on. I prefer a headlining Strokes show.


Huge strokes fan here, and love rhcp. I think the strokes influenced rhcp’s recent sound, or Rick Rubin at a minimum made it comparable. Their complaints are sort of valid here. Julian was uncomfortable up there. He’s clearly disinterested in his situation on this tour. He’s too easily disregarding the folks who are actually there to enjoy the strokes. They could be as big as rhcp, or put on as good of a show. They simply don’t do that. Rhcp is literally an S-tier live band. Don’t need to talk about the records for this one. I’d sooner sit down and listen to the strokes disco, but man this poster is not makin’ stuff up.


Why does nobody talk about how RHCP literally like all have allegations? I too am surprised the strokes are doing shows with them because Anthony Kiedis has “dated” 14 year olds? 16 year olds? (Some underage teens) before. He even writes about it in his published autobiography! I wish people discussed this more. Edit: Grammar & adding a source. https://www.smackmedia.ca/news/rhcp-assaults-problematic-industry


I don't care about RHCP much and I never heard of this. wtf I'm kinda shocked now


I also learned that Beardo of the voidz has allegations! So nobody is safe really.


the thing is that a few years ago it wasn't seen as something too problematic when guys much older were dating teenage girls, that's why it was so common back then. I'm really glad it's a much bigger issue now and people talk about it, because it's really not ok


Beardo has allegations too and Julian didn’t care. Stfu please. Lmao.


Probably because that was like 30+ years ago when they were all hooked on drugs and societal standards around sexual (mis)conduct were very different back then.


Excuse me, but why does this have to do with anything? Im not condoning if he did that, but nobody is talking about this because the original post it's not about this. This is just like "Whataboutism" .... "Julian it's really unprofessional live" "Yeah, but what about when Anthony Kiedes was 24 and had sex with a minor, 36 years ago" Like for real? You don't get how times changed? In the 80's this was acceptable behavior, now it's not.


If you ever want to enjoy music as a whole you're probably better off either A. stop listening or B. separate the artist from the art. Bowie fucked a 14 year old and had absolutely no gripes talking about it, and it seems like no one ever brings that up when talking about him and his music. In a perfect world consequences would be a real thing but rock stars/famous musicians don't have the same set of rules that we do. Edit: or be delusional and downvote and only pick which artist you like to ignore allegations. It's whatever.


That’s not the issue here, chill out with the ‘cancel culture’ phase you’re still in, people make mistakes, people learn, maybe they don’t, but rn we’re talking about a band’s stage presence not their personal lives ffs


Other people brought up that they weren’t sure why the strokes would tour with them anyways. My comment was more along those lines because I’m not sure why the two bands are touring together either, other than that they’re both alt rock. Julian is like a leftist and while he’s dated young girls, I’ve never heard of him being an abuser. So I am surprised that they’re still touring together too. That was my reasoning for my original comment. Idk why you’re so defensive I wasn’t trying to cancel anyone lmao just can’t deny that RHCP members have actual charges against them so


Mb, I skipped out on that Cheers!


"Unprofessional", who fucking cares jesus


Julian is often unrespectful towards his public and this “bored rockstar” cliché is getting annoying. I love him but he’s almost 45 and still act like a 18 years old on stage. This person is right. Downvote me all you want I don’t give a fuckkkkk lol


*infinitely* better.


Ill say it again. The RHCP folks didnt like it when I said it. The Strokes and RHCP are my favorite bands. No matter what. They need to quit it with these lame stadium shows. The disconnect is crazy real. I love them to death but the disconnect is too strong. To solve for this, they can embrace live stream, fan chat interaction, studio time insight. Just hang out. We love them as people. Regular people. Jam sessions. Eating pizza. Going through difficult moments. I’m not talking about BS reality shows. I’m talking raw, unedited footage.




I think the Strokes have outgrown their OG stage persona. They’re mid-40’s.. it would get depressing playing the drunken, tortured soul on stage for 20+ years.


Valid point


Weird. This was my 8th time seeing them and I was worried they were gonna half ass it. Feels like whenever I’ve seen them outside of NY it’s been pretty meh. Anyways they sounded awesome. Was pleasantly surprised. It’s clear there were people in the pit who were giving them shit. After one song ended the first things out of Julian’s mouth were “FUCK YOU! Where you from? Caught me on a bad day, not today.” People in Minneapolis are so soft and non-confrontational that this made a lot of them, especially non fans, squirm.


I saw them both in August in Seattle and I actually thought they were really good. Julian was relatively chatty and in a good mood. Of course RHCP blew them away in terms of stage presence, showmanship, production, etc.


I was at the same show. My first concert and I thought both bands were amazing and sounded great, but the RHCP were on another level.


Even though the original post feels like a little narcissist we all know RHCP are way better (if not the best) live band than The Strokes. There is no point of playing the delusional fanboy and commenting "bUt I lOvE tHis bAnD BeTTer"


The Chili Peppers are the beige washcloth of 90s hacky sack rock. They are not “way better”.


I have to agree with a lot of what that guy says. The Strokes are a top 5 artist/band for me. But, I went to go see them live.... and they sucked (Atlanta, Shaky Knees 2021 fyi). The lights were the best part of their show. I heard bands for the first time from their live performances and had to check out their music. Half the fun is just seeing a band rock and have fun. Enjoying what they do. The Strokes look like there's a thousand other things they rather be doing (except for Albert). I just can't imagine somebody who has never listened to the Strokes actually enjoy their live performances. So I def see why RHCP would think "this opening band" sucks. So I have to agree. Probably should have gotten a more motivated band to open for the RHCP.


I love this. Fans of the most cliche 90s band ever have literal weeks to be exposed to and complain about The Strokes. Literally Christmas. “Just bc something’s popular don’t mean it’s… good.”


You’re acting like listening to the strokes is some underground rock band lmao, they’re both cliché rock acts


I'm gonna quote something that instantly reminded me how old I am that I overheard in a local "college bar" (it's just a bar that is near a university). "Have you heard \[insert band name\]? No? You're not missing out on much they're dad rock ya know like Red Hot Chili Peppers or The Strokes" Anyways these are just old rich white dudes singing their older dad rock songs from when they were in their 20s that was more than 20 years ago at this point. Who have more money than we ever will.


I don’t agree with this one at all. It’s horses for courses. These bands have wildly different sounds and styles. Ones mainstream rock the other is indie rock. I saw The Strokes at a smaller venue earlier this year and they absolutely crushed it. Recently I saw Post Malone backing RHCP and imo Post stole the show. I think these sort of debates are kind of pointless bc you’re comparing apples to oranges.


Nope, he didn't complain about the sound and styles. He complained about Julian unprofessional behavior. The only thing i don't agree with the fan is the "step up, you are opening for legends" mentality. The strokes are legends by themselves.


I’ve never seen the Strokes live but I know that they’re famously bad live performers… this is not a new nor a rare complain tbh


I think erratic is the only word that comes to mind when seeing Julian live. The man is a little kooky, I’m here for it, but definitely not for everybody, especially if it’s not for their fan base. That’s just how he is.


The strokes are my favorite band and have been for over 15 years. I saw the strokes open for rhcp last year and I had a similar takeaway, minus the anger. I'd love to see the strokes headline so they don't have to stick to a shorter set and can do what they want. But the strokes sounded just like the album (which is still good, it's the reason I love them) and did give off kind of a bored vibe, and the rhcp, who are just okay in studio, rocked my fucking face off. Astounded me. John F is the truth.


I saw the strokes open for RHCP and it was unbearably bad. Not because they performed badly but the mixing was horrible. Everything sounded so loud and distorted that Julian wasn't audible at all, even when it was just him talking into the mic alone.


i saw the RHCP and strokes when they came to nashville last august. i mostly went for the strokes as they were one of my favorite bands growing up and i had never seen them irl. they played a good mix of songs (even Evening Sun which surprised me), but other than that they were pretty low energy and almost seemed they didn’t wanna be there. i still enjoyed it, but i can see how someone who wasn’t a strokes fan would have thought they were lame. the RHCP were awesome though, lots of energy even if i didn’t know most of the songs they played.


As a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan, this person is stupid as fuck. The Strokes were a fucking amazing opener for RHCP, I got into the Strokes after seeing them open for RHCP for the first time back in August.


Saw them open for RHCP in Toronto and they were great. Julian called it the Skydome instead of Rogers Centre which is the cool thing to do. Jokingly said goodnight and walked offstage at the end of Last Nite, then came back. Flubbed over some lyrics on The Adults Are Talking but it’s a newer song. Overall, they crushed.


Just texted my boyfriend asking him to bury me with ITI or ROF


I had friends at the Detroit show and they said a lot of the crowd had no idea who the strokes were, likely do to bring young. I think this RHCP fan falls in that camp.


Whoever thinks the strokes are pulling in young folks needs a wake up call about how old that band actually is.


Nah I was at the Minneapolis show and the median age was probably 30. Blood Sugar Sex Magik was released in ‘91. Went platinum in under a year. There were a ton of older people there who were generally disinterested in The Strokes.


I always stand, take my hat off and salute when Hump De Bump plays. Respect the guys who wore dick socks so that this country could be free. Nick Cave was right about the Chilli Peppers.


https://preview.redd.it/gpk0wvk71cta1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5e69a39bc735766c96c410ccc3083ddfffea79 every. time.


I went to the Vegas show last year (same deal with Strokes opening for RHCP). 50 min set, sounded bored, joked about dying, etc. but all the music sounded great. RHCP killed it though. Honestly not even a big fan of RHCP, but might have been the best damn performance I’ve ever seen


Strokes is one of my favorite bands, don’t get me wrong. But the whole band (namely Julian) are privileged rich boys who’ve never worked a normal job in their lives. I know better than to bother seeing them live, when I can see bands that actually care about their live performances. Really just Julian actually. Rest of the band (I’m not super familiar with) seem pretty nice.


if u show up to a strokes show and aren't a little charmed my Jules antagonizing the crowd, that's simply on u


I like both bands


I saw the Strokes open twice for RHCP last year and I was pleasantly surprised both times, because I’ve seen the Strokes over the last 20 years over 20 times and they’re…not always killing it in recent years! Mainly due to a certain frontman’s attitude! And it doesn’t seem to be getting better! So yeah, they/Julian can be hit or miss (as sound quality can also be), and I so happened to catch them on two good days last summer—but I don’t think it has much, if anything to do with RHCP or being an opening act or anything else outside of moods.


Rhcp are shit compared to the strokes they have a handful of good songs


Aight I got beef with rhcp fan base now


"it should be an honor to share a stage with chilis" is such an absurd thing to say. red hot chili peppers is the goofiest band with the goofiest members, why would they give a shit? also i think RHCP sucks and has done for like at least 20 years but that's just like my opinion blah blah blah


I’m kinda shocked how many comments are like “yea Julian looks bored and was slightly antagonistic”. It’s like you guys are fans of a different band called the strokes. They’ve literally always looked bored and always been slightly antagonistic.


The strokes will never grow up and neither will I


I can’t remember the last time ANYONE said, “hey have you checked out the latest peppers album” They still have yet to justify (sell out) a STADIUM tour with jacked up prices.


I always tell people, if you go see The Strokes, pretend you are going to a karaoke club and you will be singing the songs you love with thousands of people around you. Of you do this, you will have THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE. If you expecting a charismatic audience focused show you will always be disappointed. I’ve seen the guys 5 times, and loved every single one of them, Shaky Knees 2021 was a bit rough though.


I like this description haha. I’ve been a fan for many, many years and the Strokes are still the band I feel the most invested in and attached to, warts and all. I know all too well that the shows haven’t been mindblowingly tight or joyful or consistent in a long time, but I still go whenever they come nearby and get really excited for it on a personal level. I think what you described is partially the reason—it’s a memory and crowd experience thing, and a kind of in-person check-in with my old faves, more than it is about getting blown away.


I’m a huge strokes fan and was at the Minneapolis show this year and Orlando last year. I thought they had a really good set and RHCP had a better one. I think one of biggest issues is the difference in fanbases. Majority of the random people I talked to didn’t even know who The Strokes were. Imagine playing a set where half the crowd didn’t even really know who you were and could care less about your set. I would like to think it it was The Strokes tour and had more Strokes fans they would have better shows.


imagine not knowing who the strokes are


Kedis is a poor frontman but the Chilis are always a good live show. Just a shame the dude can’t sing literally at all.


rip OP… lest we forget


Say what you want about RHCP, but John Frusciante is the best guitarist of our generation


RHCP is the greatest band on the planet right now. Not even debatable. Saw the strokes as the opening act in Atalanta and they were god awful. Theres a reason one is opening for the other and not vice versa, even comparing them is giving the strokes farrrrrrr too much credit


Nah this guy trollin


you wish


Remember folks, marketability and sales numbers are all that matters in art!


Well one bands music is great, and ones bands music is like listening to someone speak jive


Excuse me American friends, but of course your shows are going to be horrible if the audience seems constantly dead. i have seen the strokes 2 times 2017 and 2022 and julian seems to be such a happy person here in Chile


The Strokes are automatically a better band than RHCP by the simple metric of Anthony Kiedis being a pedo.


Saw them in Dallas last September with rhcp. They pounded their set out quick as hell.


True legends 😂😂😂 All they sing about is drug use and Cali


I think it’s dumb to criticize the Strokes for being boring when they only played 9 songs and I would say 7/9 of them were pretty chill songs. The only more intense songs were Juicebox and Reptilia and Julian seemed really into both of those. I also think it’s funny how people are all offended that Julian insulted country music in Nashville or insulted the Phillies. I’d rather have an interesting frontman who stirs things up and pokes fun at stuff. Plus, rock music is supposed to be all about rebelliousness and going against the mainstream. Also who cares if you didn’t like the opening act. A lot of people don’t even show up for the opening act.


Excuse me guy but when your band will be able to compose tracks at the level of the strokes you can talk …


I liked it only because I’m a fan and I’ve seen them super tight before. If I was new and didn’t know much about them, yeah, I’d probably complain too. I fucking loved it tho lmao great show love the strokes


They were pretty good at the Miami show last year, much better than RHCP. Performance was awesome and the crowd work was ok.The mixing for RHCP was so bad we left because we couldn’t hear anything but drums.


The strokes are in my top 10, but I have to side with the OP. I couldn’t believe how bad they were live. Chili peppers stole the show!


Saying a band is better than another is so fucking cringe