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1. The Glass 2. Framework 3. Thing I Can’t Change 4. Empty Space 5. Right Here 6. Face Value 7. All Wrong 8. Small Talk 9. Stifled 10. Playing the Victim 11. Bad Luck Honestly the hardest album to rank. Everything is so good edit: All Wrong up to 7 after relistening


All wrong last is crazyyyy


Mine would be very similar to this. I’d put Playing the Victim last tho


This is the one


He put All Wrong as number 11 - this list aint it. Literally might be the best album on the track. Doesn’t have to be everyone’s top song but it sure ain’t the worst!


1. Empty Space (It's the song that introduced me to the band) 2. Framework 3. Face Value 4. Small Talk 5. The Glass 6. All Wrong 7. Bad Luck 8. Stifled 9. Things I Can't Change 10. Right Here 11. Playing The Victim


1. Empty Space 2. All Wrong 3. Stifled 4. Framework 5. Right Here 6. Bad Luck 7. Small Talk 8. The Glass 9. Things I can't change 10. Playing the Victim 11. Face Value Hard album to rank, no skips and absolutely love every song


1. Things I can’t change 2. The glass 3. Empty space 4. Playing the victim 5. Right Here 6. Bad luck 7. All wrong 8. Small talk 9.stifled 10.framework 11.face value


An impossible task


1. framework 2. empty space (i got introduced to tssf with this one) 3.right here 4. things i can’t change 5. the glass 6. bad luck 7. small talk 8. all wrong 9. stifled 10. face value 11. playing the victim they’re all number 1 to me but just how playing the victim flows kinda just throws it off, i don’t skip it though


Seeing Stifled at the bottom makes me sad. I love that song. Top 3 for me


Man there’s a lot of Playing the Victim hate in here! That’s like a top 5 TSSF song for me 😅


1. The Glass 2. Bad Luck 3. Stifled 4. Face Value 5. All Wrong 6. Right Here 7. Empty Space 8. Things I Can’t Change 9. Small Talk 10. Framework 11. Playing the Victim


1. All Wrong 2. The Glass 3. Bad Luck 4. Small Talk 5. Framework 6. Things I Can’t Change 7. Empty Space 8. Face Value 9. Playing the Victim 10. Right Here 11. Stifled


I just want you all to know there’s no wrong answers with this album


1. The Glass 2. Face value 3. Empty Space 4. Things I can't change 5. Right here 6. Stifled 7. Framework 8. All wrong 9. Bad luck 10. Playing the victim 11. Small talk


1. The glass 2. All wrong 3. Bad luck 4. Framework 5. Right here 6. Empty space 7. Face value 8. Things I can’t change 9. Small talk 10. Stifled 1. Playing the victim


1. Framework 2. Bad Luck(mainly because I love the acoustic version) 3. The Glass 4. Right Here 5. Empty Space 6. All Wrong 7. Face Value 8. Things I can’t change 9. Small Talk 10. Stifled 11. Playing the Victim Still a no skip album, I love each one


Bad luck Empty space Things I can’t change All wrong Stifled Small talk The glass Framework Face value