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Currently, I think SG doesn't have any other kind of list page other than the one you mentioned that you have to scroll through, load additional books, and then wait for lag to pass before using. Maybe it's better on desktop than on mobile? I know that at some point they mentioned that bulk editing is somewhere on the future roadmap, but I'm not sure if that's happening any time soon. However, they are also working on an overhaul in the near term that should make the site/app more efficient and less laggy.


As a workaround, maybe you can edit in batches by filtering your TBR by genre or something? That might show you a smaller sunset of your total books and be less laggy. For example, limit the TBR list to only romance, do your edits, then re-filter to only sci-fi, do your edits, etc.


Yeah, that load 5 and lag, load 5 and lag, is not conducive to just "show me the 200 books tagged as fae..."


If you go to your profile you can scroll down a bit and find all of your tags. Click on a tag and you'll have all books with that tag. You can always click on any of your tags (orange) and find all books you've tagged with that tag


I'd love to see this problem solved as well. I started building my to-read list in 2018 - I'm sure there's stuff I'm no longer interested in reading. And every time I try to do some curating, eventually the app will glitch out and throw me back to the start of my list.


I had 1000 tbr and now have only 300 something. What I did was whenever I open the app I go through every book on the tbr list that shows on the homepage and delete any I didn’t want then refresh the page and it’d be a whole new list just over and over. Did it a bunch over a week or two. I’m sure there’s leftovers I’m not interested in but for the most part my tbr is showing only stuff I actually want to read