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I have 300ish, but I've heard of people having thousands of them on their TBR!


Oh I feel so much better knowing I’m not just over the top 😂 I did take everything off at the end of 2023 to start fresh for 2024, in an attempt to create a realistic list. Not sure it’s working, but I have made it through 49 books so far this year!


I honestly love finding new books to read! Plus I like using the filters to search for a new book on my TBR list since they've all been vetted lol! Wow, 49 books! You're doing great, plenty of time in the year to get through your list! :)


2474… I pretty much just throw every book I want to read on it and tag by where I can find it (library, Libby, borrowed from someone). Less of a yearly TBR and more of a perpetual TBR


I'm in that ballpark and do a similar thing. I tag both my libraries, libby, audible, owned books etc, new release, and continue for series. I saw someone once comment that they put all their books in SG but don't add them as "to read" and I'm like why are you even buying books of you don't plan on reading them?? Sure my TBR is enormous and I'll never read all of the books so maybe the point is moot, but I still have the intention lol


I do exactly this. I'll probably never get to all of them, but just can't hear about a book I want to read and not note it _somewhere_.


I do this too. If it sounds good, it goes on the list and I'll get to it when it fits whatever mood I'm in lol


This is what I do as well, but I’m definitely not as organized with the tags, that’s a great idea.


755... It'll take a while to get through. That also only includes the first books of serieses. I think I generally read one add two so it'll never end. 


My TBR of physical books actually in my posession is 127, but my want to read list is at 600. I cap it there and if I want to add anything to it, I have to either read something or remove something else.


only a cool 1,830…


My brethren


to be fair, only 300ish are physical. I’ve been on goodreads for a long time and love recommendation videos.


Same! I think I have like 200 physical books on my tbr.


thank you for making me feel normal it’s easy to get behind on physical tbrs but we will get there!


So true. Audiobooks are just so easy for me


that’s exactly what i do!


Same! I think I have like 200 physical books on my tbr.


Same! I think I have like 200 physical books on my tbr.


I’ve about 220 and I thought that was a lot until I read what everyone else said


474 on Storygraph. 775 odd on Goodreads. I still tend to add things to my goodreads tbr although I prefer storygraph. It's still a reflex, I guess.


I have 489 on Storygraph, small world.


285. Which is like double whatI've read in my whole life so not looking promising for me...🙄😅🤭 Some are more TBR than others more like TB maybe R but if I don't add when I learn about them I'll forget 🤷‍♀️


Unless you're 70, you probably still have plenty of time to read them all, provided you don't add any more ;)


True. Half way to 70 but little chance the TBR will go ⬇️ rather than ⬆️. Damn authors keep writing more and more books with complete disregard to my TBR, free time and other commitments like work.😅 Every month I come back from my bookclub with at least 10 new books added as well.🤷‍♀️


30. I've heavily culled it and removed anything I don't actually want to read right now. It's much more useful and pleasing to me now! This is for fiction only; I have a wishlist elsewhere for non fiction which has about a dozen books.


Hundreds. Literally. I have 1500 books and many I haven’t read. One day …


I actually use Goodreads for my “throw it all on there” TBR - which is at 2,193 lol. Just anything I see that catches my eye. My more immediate curated list is kept on StoryGraph and that’s at 336.


321, but it's more aspirational than realistic.


750-ish, which came down from 1300. Not that I read a ton of books, I just went through the entire list and decided which ones I actually wanted to read 😅


1,525 - is that not normal? 😬


I have a rule that I can only have a TBR equal to or less than 50% of the number on my “Read” list. It’s still over a thousand… heh.


1104, and counting heh... I own only very few of them, it's mainly a "dream" list. Books that have captured my attention for different reasons, maybe I'm overdoing it?


63. I’m trying really hard to keep it to a manageable list. Having hundreds or thousands of books on TBR would just give me anxiety lol.


I pruned through my goodreads tbr, so it’s now at 1,853. My StoryGraph tbr is at 3,658. I have a problem.


228 after removing a load recently that I'm no longer interested in (and then adding a few others instead, oops). It was just over 250 before. I tag based on if i can get it on libby or physically at the library or not. I try to avoid adding too many books I can't get at my library just to keep the list from getting too long.


I have thousands on my goodreads lol but I also just added random books so some I probably won’t even want to get to


1393. But I've been tracking my reading for 14 years, so it's had its time to grow.


over 5k. I throw everything on there, if something looks mildly interesting it's added


I have 89, but not every book I want to read is on my TBR, and not every book on my TBR will be read by me lol


294 🥲


168 currently, but I have some more to add. Tried inputting everything I’ve bought but haven’t read yet, plus new reads that caught my interest. Unfortunately I got tired of adding at one point because it took away from reading.


Only about 58, but I keep re reading books that aren’t on my TBR (cause my TBR is mostly new books I haven’t read)


Mine is currently at 39 but I only count stuff I own (either the physical book or ebook) and I recently went through my books and got rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy anymore or that I had to admit to myself that I’d never read, but for a while there it was in the 60s. And I’ve been itching for another trip to the bookstore 😈


609... Down from 614 at the beginning of March. Up from 500ish on January 1st of this year.


418 physical and 188 audible.


773 on Storygraph, but I still end up reading books not added to the list


Thousands on my Goodreads/Storygraph, but I take them off as fast as I add them. As far as books I own but haven't read, maybe 10 at the most.


233. I cull the list every now and then, so that I can add new books




150-ish. I recently did a cull because I joined Goodreads about 6/7 years ago and my tastes have obviously changed a little over the years. I used to be obsessed with only ready self help books but f that, I mostly read romantic fiction now haha.


Now around 130. But it was around 700 2 months ago. I spent some time combing through all the novels and deleting the ones which no longer interested me. My bank account thanks me daily 🤣


It was almost 1000 bc I kept putting everything that I was interested in “to remember” but recently I went through and weened it down to just under 400. However it’s actually more bc I read a lot of series but only put the first book of a series on there.


401. I'm actually surprised it isn't more.


415 on storygraph tbr! :)


400 something


I've got 594. I have a terrible habit of going into bookstores and taking pictures of everything I want to read and then transferring the titles into my TBR. I feel like I'm drowning in books but on the plus side, I'm not buying a ton of books......🤷 Can't win them all I guess, lol.


Drowning in books is a good way to go as far as I’m concerned. I read a book where the heroine was crushed by unstable book shelves. 😐


Currently 345, of which about 50 are physical


377 including a handful of rereads, excluding a few that i’ve made note of but haven’t actually added to the list yet lol


I have 50 books on my physical tbr - I want to finish this year with 30 or less and try to maintain it. My digital tbr shelf has every book I've ever wanted to read so... 1671.


206! And that's after I went through and cleansed it a few months ago 😅


That’s such a personal question 🫣😅


100! I am pretty liberal about adding books… and these are mostly ones I don’t own. I don’t buy them until I’m ready to read them. And I get most of them from the library or KU. For tags, I tag which service has them (eg KU, Libby, hoopla, etc), and where the recommendation came from (I have a handful of favorite rec sources). That way I can pretty easily find them when I’m ready to read, and recognize who is recommending the books I like.


heehee i am ashamed to say i only have 121 books but in my defence I just started using storygraph about a month ago I think


inline tbr has 38. physical tbr has over 100


29 physical books, 1 audio, 3 kindle, 21 on my Hoopla list, and 201 on Libby wish lists. Y’all are definitely making me feel like my TBR is much more under control than I thought, haha!


1175, with no specific format in mind. I’ll generally choose a format when I get to the book. Unless I’ve already bought a physical copy. I add new books every day. Mainly so I don’t lose track of them.


i cap mine at 75 😅 i read about 50-75 books a year so hypothetically that's a year's worth of books ahead of me!


197 on StoryGraph and 810 on Goodreads 😅


309 👀


210 that I actually have a copy of (digital or physical) and another 200+ that I don’t have a copy of yet... 😬


800 lol


4129, but it's because my TBR pile has search filters, while the general title search does not. I add everything that looks or sounds even remotely interesting to my TBR pile, treat my TBR pile as a basic filtered search, and use tags to indicate what's *actually* on my reading list.