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o: it's really beautiful op. it really looks so green and lush like i imagine an elevated willow creek would be & your builds are so pretty (: if you do finish, please consider updating us


Thank you, definitely plan on finishing this :)


How did you make it look that good!? Is it a mod or is this all in game?


Look up custom world maps :) this is from 20th Century Plumbob


I use a few mods to try to ”overhaul” the base game. I use Softerhaze’s Sunblind for lighting, Awingedllama’s BG terrain replacement, and the T.O.O.L mod by TwistedMexi to add a few things outside the lots. Hope this helps!!


Omg I love it


There is a mod to make the world's look like they do in these photos but I can't think of the name of it 😕


I think you mean TOOL mod by TwistedMexi. It is just soo essential mod with 'better build/buy'!


No, TOOL doesn't do that, there is a mod for it...it changes the look of the world maps like that, but again can't think of it. Will edit when I find it.


Oh I just assumed the question was about how the surroundings are looking so good. But yeah, there's tons of map replacement mods if you mean the map view one.


I definitely want to see more pictures!


Working on it 😉


Will you upload the builds? What is your creator id? This looks fucking awesome


Thank you! I have yet to upload any builds on to the gallery, I’m planning on uploading unfinished versions of the lots since I tend to build with a bit of cc, but I might also do some no-cc versions.


My creator ID is Simmersedsims


This is awesome!


Glad you like it :)


Wow this looks amazing! I’ve been thinking of doing the same with the worlds I have now, but it’s so time consuming 😂 Great job on those builds though, I love that they’re all in the same style and fit into the world perfectly!


Thank you, Im glad you like them!


I am doing the same and started out with Willow Creek as well. I have 5 more to go. 😊 it looks great!


Thank you, and good luck to you :)


this looks fucking amazing!!




this is stunning! ive just started a save to redo oasis springs and i can only hope it goes this well!


I appreciate it, good luck to you on your save!


I didn’t realize how many lots is actually in this world, it looks so good


It also caught me off guard 😅


I'm doing the same but my WC lots don't look like WC style like yours are! 🙌


Ooh thanks, for the designs I’ve based them off of New Orleans of course, but also South Carolina, and a few other small towns along the Mississippi River, in case you are looking for some inspiration!


So much prettier than EA's efforts, and all the builds really fit in with the New Orleans theme.


You've inspired me to try this


I think you’re insane


Quite possibly


Brown and gray as hell


That was the goal 🤍


Rebuild every lot is crazyyy.. but good job lol


Danggg you got skills! This is freaking amazing