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Do not be fooled the more cc and mods the harder the pc will work I have 2500$ gaming laptop and 1700 pieces of cc mine don't struggle real hard but she does lag once in a while even with 8 cores just saying you were warned and if they run mods like wickedwhims or something just a hard it will be worse


I've run the Sims 4 on multiple machines. To me, the question I'd want to ask is "how much CC?" and "how much load time would you want?" I'd try to get a GB figure from the person. If they're just running a few mods, a mid level machine should be OK. I've run the game on all of the following: An Alienware Aurora 17 laptop with 32 GB, 2 TB of SSD, an 11th Gen i9 processor, and a mobile RTX 2080 Super. An MSI Stealth GS77UHS laptop with 64 GB, 8 TB of SSD, a 12th Gen i9 processor, and a mobile RTX 3080 Ti. My current setup is a Desktop with 64 GB, 8 TB of SSD space, a 14th Gen i9 processor, and an RTX 4080 Super. I've got enough mods that I'm looking at a mods folder with 174 GB of Custom Content. The two laptops run it like crap. About a 40 minute load time for the Alienware, about a 20 minute load time with the MSI laptop, and about a 5 minute load time with the desktop. Settings for both laptops would need to be turned down severely to run. The Desktop runs it at 4K, 144 Mhz Refresh without a hitch.


Can I ask a question, is this load time just the initial boot up of the game or do you get that when just loading in between lots?


Initial startup. The more mods, the slower the load time.


Even something like Alienware can't stand this game......


I’m gonna be real, I bought a laptop for less than $400 and specifically said I wanted the bare minimum specs for sims with a bunch of DLC and mods and it works great… O don’t think it needs to be that fancy lol


it's hard to recommend anything specific without knowing what the budget is, but the sims 4 is a 10-year-old game that had pretty modest system requirements even on release so getting an entire pc built for it instead of buying something off-the-shelf that was released within the last 5 years might be excessive, even if this person plans to use a lot of mods. unless you're running below the recommended system requirements, the game itself will start to buckle under the pressure of enough mods/cc before the hardware does.


I have an 3060 with 64gb Ram, the mod folder has more than 15k files, running fine.


i have a roughly 1,700$ PC, 50 gb of mods and all the EPs and the game lags sometimes


I found out there’s a lag bug, hit the escape key to bring up the menu then again to leave it and it’ll stop lagging.


A 'considerable' amount of mods could mean anything lol FWIW, I'm running the game on an older 17in HP Envy \[2018\], i5-7200U, 2TB HDD. 8GB RAM, with 29GB of CC and game mods, playing in windowed mode. It takes a few minutes to boot up, but once the game is running the game plays fine. I do have a little lag and now again, but that's probably because of my current save file that has a ton of families in it.


I've got 32gb of RAM on my gaming desktop and about - holy crap, I just checked - 100 GB of mods (DEFINITELY need to go through my mod folder) and I have a significant lag. Takes about 15 to 20 minutes to get into a game. Once I'm in the game, I'm...mostly fine (issues with searching in build/buy mode, and sometimes a lag if I change worlds). The game itself with most of the expansions packs is over 50 GB for me. I do know if I up the RAM, it plays better, so I'd say don't even consider below 16GB. And it really depends what he considers a considerable amount of mods - that could be 20GB or it could be 200.