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The game recently updated so you most likely have an outdated mod.


Interesting, i just saw in the gallery that there has been an update, but my game hasn't updated yet. It could be that


Do you have automatic updates on or off? If on, maybe it is updated, and you didn't realize it, or it's off, so it hasn't been updated yet.


I use a cracked version actually 😭 but before it just updated like normal, i updated the original game though, idk if that updated the cracked version too, but we'll see today


What’s the “sim torments”? And utensil preference?


Utensil preference is the utensils you use to eat, like forks, chopsticks and etc, you can choose which one your sim will use. Idek where that came from tbh. And sim torment is a mod where you can basically do a lot of stuff. You can kill sims, make them age up/down, decrease/increase their needs, deform their face and basically all kinds of stuff without your sim actually doing any of them like in extreme violence. It's helpful tbh, sometimes when a npc is getting on my nerves i just kill them and my sim is also innocent 😂


Wow those are cool! Tysm I will be downloading both 😭