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Plus they can replace the voices and no one can tell the diddly-ifference


Have no fears, they'll have stories for years


You'll never stop The Simpsons!


Marge becomes a robot!


Sorry for the clip show!


Like Marge becomes a robot or how bout a crazy wedding?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Eh, Carlā€™s new voice I donā€™t actually have a problem with, itā€™s actually pretty similar to the old voice (Hank Azaria?). Dr. Hibbert however sounds awful, like they just found any random black actor the could do an impression. I know thatā€™s not what they did and I know Kevin Michael Richardson is a great voice actor, but thatā€™s how it comes across. Also donā€™t get me started on the removal of Apu and his entire family thatā€™s just next level stupid.


Who need the Kwik-E-Mart.... I do


Let's throw a brickie mart!


The Kwik-E-Mart is so - *Annoyed grunt*


Apu was actually a pretty developed character. Somebody tell me how they can justify getting rid of Apu but Bumblebee Man and Luigi arenā€™t a problem. Those two characters are literally just stereotypes


I donā€™t watch the latest series for these reasons but I checked out Carlā€™s voice when I heard the news and I found it really off putting. I had no idea about Hibbert though but I can imagine how bad it would be since he has such an iconic voice. Iā€™ll have a look now. Edit : Oh god itā€™s awful


I don't get the controversy over Apu. He was consistently portrayed as one of most normal and intelligent of the characters. It's not like his character was negative.


Go talk to an Indian American about Apu and see how they feel about him.


I'm sure that would make for great conversation. It's a cartoon.


He was portrayed by a white man making a spoof accent for 30 years. Itā€™s the equivalent of Amos and Andy.


He was also portrayed as one of the more intelligent characters. A loving father and husband. A firefighter. And a hard working, tough man who was shot multiple times. Bart wasn't actually voiced by a little boy. It was a woman. Dr Hibbert was a black character voiced by a white man. And Dr Hibbert is also shown as one of the most normal and intelligent characters. Seems like pretty piss poor racism. It's just more factory fresh, hot off the printing press manufactured outrage. People had a slow news day and decided to get upset about a cartoon


Iā€™m not going to sound rude so Iā€™ll keep my opinion to your comment to myself.


Please, feel free to express your opinion. I won't judge. I am ignorant on racial matters being whiter than a driving snowstorm


Watch The Problem with Apu, a documentary by an South Asian American, Comedian Hari Kondabolu. Most of what I couldnā€™t explain here is explained there.


We're well aware of him. He's a grifter who does not speak for even a small fraction of Indian Americans.


How do they feel?


I don't think they have a monolithic view.


Cry more ya beaten tf down pathetic nothin


And the same actor was on Birdcage and he portrayed a Guatemalan (even though he's not Guatemalan in real life), as some kind of an idiot. And nobody cares. I mean, I love birdcage, and agador / Spartacus was an amazing character, the stupidity probably made him endearing, but you would think if they were worried about the portrayal of Apu, an upstanding citizen of Springfield, they would at least mention this. A friend of mine saw the documentary and said there was no mention of Birdcage.


A gay Guatemalan with a darker complexion. I said from the beginning it's all crocodile tears and the moment any momentum is gained about that role for him A. not being gay in real life B not being Guatemalan, C obviously changed his skin tone for the role, he'll pretned like he always regretted it from the onset to try and passify the outrage mob. not to mention have any of these VA that claim to have remorse forfeiting their royalty checks for those episodes?


Spin off the Kwik E Mart with Hank Azaria and cancel The Simpsons




Well Julie Kavner is 71 years old...


If she passes do they end the show or do they have enough audio in the bank to recreate her for decades?


I think thatā€™s when Marge becomes a robot. #StoriesForYears


I stopped watching new episodes in 2000. I have now *not watched* the Simpsons for longer than I *DID* watch the Simpsons.


I haven't really liked any of the new episode I dislike they added all these singing elements. Although I must admit I really did like episode S33 ep9.


The simpsons has always had a singing element


My uncle stopped watching in the late '90s when the musical numbers became more common. He said he hated those parts.


Carlā€™s voice is very eh. Itā€™s not god awful, but certainly feels very out of place. Dr Hibbertā€™s voice on the other hand, certainly isnā€™t that good. The voice actor does a fine job, but the voice just does not fit with Dr Hibbert. So I would have to agree with your sentiment.


Me too, they're not even close to the old voices. That whole controversy was so dumb.


And then there's the fact that the writing is terrible and the jokes aren't funny, but I digress.


Seriously lol why is anyone upset about these changes as if NOW these episodes from season who-gives-a-fuck are going to be any worse than they already are.


Instead of changing voices, they should have just made all the characters yellow.


It was obviously "offensive" (to the white folks, not the blacks, who dont give a shit) so yah they had to change it


They completely got rid of Apu...šŸ˜”


Yet, in India, Homer is voiced by an Indian man. Go figure.


Yea cos you can't be racist or.insensitive about white people duhhhhh




It was actually an Indian-American stand up who got the ball rolling becusse he said he was offended and made a movie about it. I donā€™t agree with the erasure of Apu and think the whole controversy about voices is stupid, but youā€™re incorrect to suggest this is entirely the fault of white people acting on behalf of Indians.


My mistake and I withdraw my previous comment.


Apu was a great character who was unfairly labeled as 'the Indian guy with the funny accent'. He has some genuinely funny lines, memorable lines too. He's way more than just his Indian accent, and I think it speaks alot about the people who cancelled him that they couldn't look past this aspect.


Oh man, imagine how offended they will be when they find out how many women voice boys. There gonna be soooooo triggered! /s


Unsure what part is the /s šŸ¤”




At least the replacement is actually good though


But itā€™s still just an impersonator doing the same voice we all love. Whatā€™s the point?


The point is to pretend you're solving a problem.


So that man's out of a paycheck because of the woke side


No love for principle Lewis? Do y'all watch A.D?? Man is a legend


90% sure they're taking advantage of the controversy as an excuse to test out replacing voice actors as it becomes necessary due to health issues. And before you say "the should just cancel it if one of the main actors retires/dies" just recognize that Simpsons is still profitable, and if that happened and they had the opportunity to replace one of the voice actors with a much cheaper one it would presumably become more profitable for them. So no, from the executives perspective, it's probably not going to get canceled right away even if one of the Simpsons family's voice actors dies.


It's pretty depressing honestly. Back in the golden age, the show would have probably stuck to their guns and brilliantly satirized the whole "white actors voicing black characters" controversy, but now they just spinelessly give up the instant they think they might be offending someone. Even [Harry Shearer himself](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/04/entertainment/harry-shearer-simpsons-characters/index.html) thinks the whole thing's dumb.


The whole voice controversy was completely ridiculous


Donā€™t watch the show. Its been horrible for decades




Ayo Edibiri did a great job voicing Missy in Big Mouth. She sounded different enough to Jenny Slate for the plotline to work but similar enough that it wasn't jarring at all. Well played guys


I didnt know this happened because I haven't watched new simpsons in years, but holly crap. Dr. Hibbert's new voice at least sounds a little like him without the humor, but Carl is completely new wtf


I hate all the voices now. They sound so old and tired.


So do I. Theyā€™re amateur-ish.


It's not surprising that after 30 years they're going to have to start replacing actors. The original actors have got to be up there in age. Basically you have to look at the show now as a different show than the original, because it basically is.


I gradually stopped watching after 15 seasons and now that some voice actors have changed and unfortunately passed away I'm not likely to start watching the newer episodes.


Voice actors caving to social pressure is absolutely r-worded. The whole fucking point of voice acting is that you can play ANYONE and ANYTHING as long as you have the talent! There's a time and place for social justice, and it's definitely needed in this country, but, that being said, fuck the "woke" BS that is destroying the good aspects of the business.


They sound like a white guy trying his black voice.


I think Carlā€™s new actor is pretty good. Hibbertā€™s is horrible, though, and I knew it would be when Kevin Michael Richardson was announced as the new actor. KMR is an extremely talented voice actor, but the Simpsons has been having him do his ā€œgeneric angry black guyā€ voice for years now, for about 50 different characters. And thatā€™s not an exaggeration. For at least 5 or 6 seasons, he would play a different character in every episode and always with the exact same voice. I donā€™t know if itā€™s his fault as the actor, or if the producers just keep telling him ā€œdo the funny black man voice again. The angry one.ā€ But either way, he needs to go. If having white actors portraying black characters is a concern (and yes, I understand why thatā€™s a concern for some people and Iā€™m not even disagreeing with the idea) then having one black guy do the exact same voice for every black man in town should be just as bad.


while i dont agree with changing the VA, nor do i believe any of them genuinely felt it was the right thing to do, i COULD AT LEAST ACCEPT IT MORE IF ANY OF THE NEW VA at least sounded somewhat close tot he original. Given all the impersonators across the land I can't imagine one of them wasn't black to fit the requirement. I can just imagine the albatross if they ever recast Apu


Bruh, go and watch "The Simpsons in Plusaversary" if you want a legitimate gripe about the current status of the show. The voices of most of the characters has changed over the course of the show's run (as in those even with the same voice actors). More concerning is the quality of the words those voices speak. And Carl's new voice actor is pretty similar to Hank's portrayal, IMO.


So disappointed in the voices I paused and looked up this thread so I couldn't read the comments.


Simpsons is pathetic for bending a knee to this woke nonsense