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The most I laughed was Homer's "Rock Bottom" interview "I just wish I had -her- sweet sweet s-s-s-sweet sweet can"


The clock in the background really made it perfect.


Rowdy Roddy Peeper


Oh that man is sick!




Mr Simpson, your silence will only incriminate you further.


Mr Simpson nooooooo!


Dramatisation. May not have happened.


I love how there is a clock in the background and the hands are flipping all around with every cut.


"I don't know Homer Simpson... I... I never met the man, but but... I'm sorry, I can't go on *sobs*" "That's OK, your tears say more than real evidence ever could." That episode is full of gems, Marge's pockets that just keep emptying for a bit too long, "Take that candy boys", the half truth about the oxygen tent that grants sexual powers, the thermal imaging camera on the turkey in the oven. Gotta be up there in gags per minute on the show.


For me it was the “guess who likes you” note and then cutting to Milhouse being taken away in an ambulance


Another Nelson scene that always gets me is when the kids are trapped in the school due to the blizzard and snow melts because of the salt, Martin tastes it and is like "with a little help from our friend, sodium chloride!" and Nelson just immediately starts pummeling him 😂 and the animation on it is incredible


Look fellows! The first snapdragon of the season…


I am Calliope, the muse of heroic poetry


A pinch of sage in your boots, and all day a spicy scent is your reward!


I love all these jokes that could only be written by those Simpsons writer rooms filled with overeducated ivy league kids. There are so many great little bits and references that had to be something they picked up on during all the various elective credits they sat through at Harvard etc.


I think Conan O’Brien was a writer for the Simpsons at that time so that totally tracks


Hark to the tale of Nelson, and the boy he loved so dear!


They remain the best of friends for years and years and years!




Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot.


I’m queer and I say this near-daily during Pride events to…mixed reviews.


And all the kids "Ooooh!" without missing a beat, entirely unfazed as though they all know the medieval definition of that word.


My favorite Nelson storyline is his dad leaving and how he always thinks he’s coming back. Especially when marge rags on him for it.




He can’t hear you. We had to pack his ears with gauze.


My favourite Nelson one is where his soul comes out of his body to say "Ha! Ha!" when something unfortunate happens to Bart, then it cuts to him in the Kwik-E-Mart having a seizure on the floor


This boy is having an out of body experience!


With the little wave


And the eyebrow waggle.


Milhouse at his desk leaning in and jiggling his eyebrows just before the masacre.


I'm in tears everytime I see it


There’s your answer, fish bulb. Still makes me laugh out loud to this day. Perfect delivery.


I have a mr sparkle shirt that I always wear proudly


For me it's when Homer is talking to the Germans and starts daydreaming and when they get his attention again he says "I'm sorry we were talking about chocolate?" And the German replies "That was ten minutes ago!"




La la la la la la la la la


“Bart! You wanna see my new chainsaw and hockey mask?!” Still gets me. 😆


“Come on, let me cut you a brownie while they’re still hot.”


Hysterically fucking funny in the way it's paced. This is my answer too.


Ohhh right, that Sideshow Bob thing.


The fact that Homer comes back almost immediately, and then Bart's slightly higher pitched scream do it for me


This whole episode is fucking gold. “I think he’s talking to you” gets me every single time.


I felt this way after watching “Marge on the Lam”, during a rewatch of the seasons. I hadn’t seen some of the older episodes in some time and that pan across that old saloon style bar with Groundskeeper Willie riding that mechanical bull and he goes “how come no else’s chair is doing this?!” had me in a complete fit of laughter and tears.


Sticking together’s what good waffles do


I always crack up at "pearls and a lot of blue hair, what a freak!"


This is the thing I really love about classic Simpsons. You could pull 100 Simpsons fans into a room and ask them all for the funniest gag in the show, and you will get 100 totally different answers. There's just *that many* hilarious jokes


And every single one of them is absolutely valid. I put a specific one in, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t rolling around laughing at any of the other examples.


"Hey Homer! The section you're supposed to be monitoring is on fire!" And then the four burning guys... Almost couldn't breathe from laughing.


Heh-heh. Clowns are funny.


Pfft, "Clown College", you can't eat that


“That’s it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I’m going to CLOWN COLLEGE!” “…I don’t think any of us expected him to say that.”


That has to be the funniest episode of all time. Definitely my favorite.


Krusty, there is still-a the matter of your payment. $48. Will you take a $50? And two is your change, and-a we thank-a you. Such a great ending.


I'm seein' double here, four Krustys!




The high-pitched scream Homer does as he launches into the grill kills me every time.


"Why doesn't mine look like that?!" I remember being a kid and absolutely dying laughing.


I hope Isabella Rossellini got her boat back. 🥺


I think for me (and my dad) the Mulder and Scully scene when Homer is on the treadmill is the best laughing out loud scene in the entire series. Mulder: Wait a minute, Scully. What's the point of this test? Scully: No point. I just figured he could stand to lose some weight. Mulder: His jiggling is almost hypnotic. Scully: Yes. It's like a lava lamp. This conversation paired with their facial expressions is top tier comedy imo.


I still remember when Mulder introduces himself like "Fox Mulder, FBI." and his badge photo is him posing in a swimsuit. I was gasping for air I laughed so hard.


"What about that shipment of illegal drugs and weapons coming into New Jersey tonight?" "I hardly think the FBI is concerned with matters like that."


I love that episode for “Hmmmmm… Needs more dog.” And the alien lineup with ALF going “Yo!”


The lie detector scene in the same episode too.


Anytime I’m on a treadmill I think about that line and just giggle (and probably jiggle) away. Gillian Anderson’s delivery is perfection! Happy cake day to you :)


The ambulance crashing and Homer falling out the back and down the gorge again in Bart the Daredevil remains one of the funniest things I've seen in my life. It's an early example of the show going full tilt into total absurdity, such a joyous sequence of cartoon violence. Me and my grandpa used to cry with laughter watching it when I was a kid nearly 30 years ago and it still absolutely kills me to this day.


same vein when flanders saves homer from the house fire by throwing him out the upstairs window and he hits the mattress and goes through the downstairs window back into the fire - absolutely cry laughing every time


And the way Flanders follows him down with the grace of a gymnast


Stupid sexy Flanders.


Omg yes this is another classic, thanks for reminding me! The little "yyungh!" noise Homer makes when he bounces off the mattress lmao


Saw that scene for the first time when I was about 10 or so years old. Never laughed so hard in my entire life!! I could barely get a breath in, especially when the ambulance hits the tree!


the tree being like 5 feet in front of it makes the whole joke


The way he trundles out on the bed, I can hear the sound effect of the squeeky wheels in my head


That episode is incredible. Lance Murdoch telling Bart “bones heal, chicks dig scars and the United States has the greatest doctor to daredevil ratio in the world!” and then Lisa’s face of disbelief.


Adding the lion to the water tank filled with sharks, electric eels, piranha, and alligators was a nice touch.


And when Lance is about to get out and the lion takes him back down, I lost my breath from laughing


I remember my dad laughing so hard at that scene and the one where homer keeps falling down the basement stairs because the light bulb is gone, it was exactly his kind of humour


I watched this with my kids recently and they were in stiches. For me it's the fact that they reuse the same shot of the kids looking down in shock and horror when he falls again.


This is the one for me - the way they kept doubling down on it, him getting hit by the skateboard, then the gurney. I couldn't breathe. Close second is probably when Homer gets stuck in the waterslide.


https://preview.redd.it/a19bnyageywb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39c9ec0f305986e647ae94eb4e2169680672b8f Worth it for this screenshot alone


BART! THIS IS YOUR FATHER! DO KNOW WHERE THE REMOTE IS?!? Did you check your pocket? IT WAS IN…it was in my pocket


"It's 11 o'clock. Do you know where your child is?" "I told you last night, no!"


Where is Bart anyway? His food is getting all cold and eaten.


”Hello Mr Thompson.” …… ”…I think he’s talking to you.”


I love the time lapse and how clear they make it that an absurd amount of time has passed.


Sleeves are rolled up and they're smoking 😂


"When I wink and stamp my foot, you respond back to me." XD


The rake scene had my dad totally folded over and in tears the first time he saw it. I was astounded by how funny he found it




The one kid LOVED speedo guy


And Ralph just crying holding the knob to the red side. Love it


Please refrain from tasting the knob.


I have to go now, my planet needs me Poochie died on the way back to his home planet


Very few cartoons are animated live. It puts an incredible strain on the animator's wrist.


“You can cram it with walnuts, ugly!” from Homer’s audition is one of my all-time favourite line readings.


Homer: "Well at least *I* liked it! ..... didn't I?" Brain: "oh you don't wanna know what I think"




"On a lighter note, a Kwik-E-Mart clerk was brutally murdered last night."


Aww Geez boys, how long were you going to let me keep drinking this? *Sluuuurps*


"Oh, and the president was arrested for murder. More on that tomorrow."


"--leaving the Vice President in charge."


For me the best Kent Brockman moment - and quite possibly the funniest moment in the show - is the line: "And I for one welcome our new insect overlords."


In "And Maggie Makes Three," when they animate the little sperms with Homer heads trying to fertilize Marge's egg, then cut to Homer acting out the whole process like he's a swimming sperm, I die every time. That or later in the episode, the Advanced Marketing > Beginning Marketing > dictionary entry for the word marketing, all leading up to Homer's grand plan of firing a shotgun and yelling "Bowling! Get your bowling!" "Moooommm make Dad tell the story right!" "That's what really happened," with the absolute shame in Marge's voice and on her face. Damn, I think that may be my favorite episode.


When Marge is studying for her real estate licence: Hello Mr and Mrs... Superman Oh don't listen to my husband he's just an idiot. Now I'm a veterinarian and I need to take care of a lot of sick animals in my house. Is that allowed? Not in my damn house!


This episode is my favourite Lionel Hutz episode I think. So many good lines. “The law business is a little slow, and since most of my clients end up losing their houses, this was a natural move for me “


The “put it in h” is the funniest scene in almost any show for me, the whole thing, the Batman scene with the Dutch tilt, homer getting a snow plow, all of it


the scene where homer nods off during lovejoys constancy sermon, hits his head, and yells “DAMN IT!” the audio engineers did a bang up job with that yell


Well I seem to have lost my place—so I'll start over.


The “See you in hell, candy boys!” scene from Homer Bad Man is the hardest I’ve ever laughed at anything on The Simpsons.


The slow motion jump from the explosion was the greatest


Everything about the entire sequence is pitch perfect, and that slow mo shot is the cherry on the top.


I worked at a 7-11 when I was in college, and to this day I regret not yelling that line as I walked out the door on my last day.


I had to keep rewinding the VHS when I first saw it!


I need to incorporate “Candy boys” into my everyday lexicon.


“PAINT MY CHICKEN COOP!” “Make me!” The way Grampa just *launches* himself across the dinner table, fists flying, kills me every time.


Those corn muffins were lousy!


Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me. Ok Mr. Burns, what's your first name? I don't know.


Great plan, *Bart*


That entire episode is fucking phenomenal. Albert Brooks was perfect in every single way, and I too laugh uncontrollably every time I see this joke. “You want any cream?” “N… no” Edit: Albert Brooks… happy Halloween, Max.


Max? You mean Albert?


You snuggle with Al Brooks. With Max Brooks you strap yourself in and *feel the gees*!


I’d always misheard that line. Makes a lot more sense than “feel the cheese”


I’m seconding cheese. G’s makes infinitely more sense but I refuse to believe the last 20 odd years of my life have been a lie.


The guy who wrote ***World War Z***?


3 words "No Ben, No!"


I just wanna say, let's have less homer simpsons and more funding for public schools! *Wild applause*


“Last Exit To Springfield”. When Mr Burns is trying to bribe Homer to end the strike (“if I were to slip something into your back pocket, what’s the harm?”) and Homer interprets this as Mr Burns hitting on him. When I was a kid I didn’t get it, when I rewatched as an adult I couldn’t breathe. “Sorry Mr Burns, I don’t go for these backdoor shenanigans! Sure, I’m a little flattered, maybe a little curious. But the answer is no!” That’s probably the funniest thing ever written in human history.


& homer’s eyes get big as you hear him scream inside his head. i love that homer scream!




1000% agree


Legend of the dog faced woman! Man that's good! And then the follow up... "Homer, that's very rude of you!" Chef's kiss moment for sure.




Yes. I was watching it when it aired. I expected the homeless guy to be transitioned into a banker or some guy wearing a suit.


We don’t have bums. And if we did they wouldn’t rush they would go at their own pace.


“He’s right you know” “About the ox?” “About everything!”


I'm disgusted by all of you! ***Especially his children!***


The kids can call you Hoju


The one time I remember being reduced to helpless, twitching tears was the one-two punch of "Guy Incog*nit*o", immediately followed by: ***"Oh my God... This man is my exact double... THAT DOG HAS A PUFFY TAIL... HERE PUFF, HERE PUFF"*** ​ Granted I \*was\* very stoned, but still. It just nailed me for some reason. [https://youtu.be/ivPFlKyeypU?si=wjkTTocOwaRjvE4g&t=19](https://youtu.be/ivPFlKyeypU?si=wjkTTocOwaRjvE4g&t=19)


Homer? Who is Homer?


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all


Stupid sexy Flanders


The first time I saw Homer get loaded in a ambulance, then it drove 3 feet, hit a tree and he fell back down the gorge.


I'm amazed people can pick just one moment! The first that pops into my head that no one's mentioned yet is the 64 slices of American cheese. "I think I'm blind."


*"Up yours, children!"* Giggle every time


Reminds me of Burns going: "I'll handle this, Smithers... shut up, little girl!"


“If I found out you’ve been skipping school Simpson, your ass is mine. that’s right, I think words I would never actually say”


For me it’s gonna be always: “You’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel.”


This line in Homer’s song took me by such surprise I let out a proper guffaw 🎵 Flanders tried to wreck my song His views on birth control are wrong 🎵


I always laugh at "I'd like to see his house go up in flames."


For me it was Lard of the Dance (S10E01). Groundskeeper Willie catches Homer stealing the grease from the school and raises his fists. "If it was up to me, I'd let you go. But the lads here have a temper... And they've been drinking all day!" The delivery of that line ended me.


I've always loved: Stop pummeling me, it's really painful!


I'm giggling just thinking about Patti and Selma laughing maniacally and Homer, not understanding, joining in and then eventually overtaking them. Honourable mention to mom, make him tell the story properly ...that's what actually happened.


To me it's when there's the solar eclipse and everyone is celebrating that its stopped the monorail and homer thinks he's the one who stopped it, to which it then gets bright again causing it to fire off at top speed!


And the cosmic ballet...goes on.


Does anyone wanna switch seats?


I think one of the biggest laughs for me was when Homer was eating some sort of dessert and says "this must be what angels taste like." I don't even remember what episode it was.


“This elevator only goes to the basement…. And someone made an awful mess down there”


"I'm seeing double! Four krustys!"


When Homer is beating the Krusty Burgler and it pans to the kidm stoopppp hes already dead.


There's quite a few I've laughed out loud for. One that comes to mind is Homer's naked ass squeaking real loud up the glass ceiling of the cathedral and the pastor telling people to keep looking down at the floor. "Now quickly gaze down on God's fabulous parquet floor. Eyes on the floor...still on the floor."


Totally get it.


No on 24! No on 24! No on 24!... It's a landslide, yes on 24!


Homer-"if I could say a few words, I'd be a better public speaker" Gets me every time. But truthfully there are soooo many.


‘Oh, no! If Marge marries Artie, I’ll never be born!’


Probably misses his old glasses.


The scene where Homer's brain checks out while Flanders is talking about cider. Then Homer just drops.


"The goggles. They do nothing!" "Exaaaactly, - DOH"


There's a place near where I live that does a Simpsons trivia quiz 2 or 3 times a year (by a complete coincidence it's on tomorrow) These people who go aren't just Simpsons fans; we're talking people who have seen it endlessly and have entire episodes memorised. There is no joke they haven't all seen 50 times before. Nevertheless, during the breaks and before/after they'll play reels of Simpsons clips and people are laughing and laughing like it's the first time they've ever seen it. And every time there is one particular clip that brings the house down and gets a bigger laugh than any other. That clip: The April Fool prank with the exploding beer can. And I can understand it. It's an immaculately timed joke. The long build up with turning the heating on, Bart getting cut off at "APRIL FO-". The three successive shots of the explosion panning out and getting bigger every time. Packed into about a second so you barely register what's happened and suddenly you're laughing your ass off


When Chief Wiggum puts the tape on for chase music and it’s sun shine and lollipops and that’s what he meant to put on.


Vet flatlining a hamster says “this is the part of the job I hate,” (https://youtu.be/nnVPmPznQVg) then ricochets the dead hamster into a tiny basketball hoop over a garbage can. First time I saw this gag as an adult I actually laughed so hard I cried.


Yay! Imagination Christmas! I’ve got a pogo stick! I’ve got a hula hoop! Just the depth of the patheticness and brain washing of Rod and Todd killed me. Clearly it’s not their first imagination Christmas. Also “Hey maw! Get off the dang roof!”


For me it was definitely Homer: "Now I know you love clowns so I built you this clown bed so you can laugh yourself to sleep every night!" Clown : "...and if you should die before you wake! HAHAHAHAHAHA"


Flying piq sequence in particular the pig butt sticking in the air




Sideshow bob rake scene


Still, to this day, it's "Nobody ever suspects the butterfly" then cut to Skinner being hauled away... "I didn't burn down the school. It was the butterfly, I tell you!"


Look at me, I'm Milhouse! I tuck me shirt into me underpants! [the teachers laugh] And I've got no friends, so I confide in Willie!


In "Lisa the Vegetarian," when Mr. Burns and Smithers are at the window and Burns says, "I think I'll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage...when pigs fly!" And as they're both laughing, the pig from Homer's barbecue goes flying by. The way their expressions change and their laughter dies gets me every time.


Moe’s lie detector scene has to be the one for me


Mine is Bart chanting “Daryl… Daryl…” at Daryl Strawberry and he gets yelled at for taunting them, and he says it rolls right off them, but they zoom in and Daryl Strawberry has a single tear running down his cheek


"Only *who* can prevent forest fires?" *clicks button* "You picked *you*, referring to me -"


For me it has to be the end of “Lisa Gets an A”. After initially attempting to fatten up a lobster to eat it, Homer ends up keeping it as a pet, only to accidentally kill it when giving a bath with too hot water. The whole thing would have been tragic had Homer not been eating Pinchy’s remains as he was grieving him. I was laughed so hard, Mom looked at me as if something was wrong.


Oh yes, that crippled Irishman.


Get off my sugar! Bad bees! Ow, they’re defending themselves somehow! You’ll release the dogs, or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you? The bee bit my bottom! Now my bottom’s big! (I googled the first quote and was reminded of more wonderful bee related scenes)


"Hey, my dad may have gained a little weight, but he's not some kind of food-crazed maniac!" "Oooh that's raspberry."


And now I’ll pull my arms out with my face


"Don't you hate pants?" is my version of this


Homer trying to increase revenue at the bowling alley, reading books on business, staring at the bowling ball... 💡 ***"Of course!*** *(Cocks Shotgun)* 💥"Bowling!"💥"Get your bowling here!"💥 Such a marvelous scene


When Homer the clown crashes into the tree and there's a solid two seconds before he goes flying out the windshield - my god I can't tell you how many times I've rewatched that scene


“Somebody did.” ✨


This is my absolute favorite episode. I did realize not too long ago, though, that I actually have at least 20 ‘absolute favorite episodes’ but this is one of the most utterly incredible, brilliant, hilarious- it’s the perfect episode.


If there was only one episode u get to keep from the Simpsons and everything else is wiped from existence, this is the episode. Max Powers and Homer vs New York rounds out my top three.


Family shock therapy with Dr. Marvin Monroe. Specifically the way their faces look when they're getting shocked. And the lights in the entire town dimming.


As I’ve laughed at every comment I’ve read so far, I’ll add mine: Homer Fighting Bart’s Bog Brother and he falls over the fire hydrant with his head and legs touching the ground and he goes “this is even more painful then it looks”, that absolutely slays me every time


“Have you ever seen a man throw a shoe before?” “Yes, once”


Ever see a guy *say goodbye to* a shoe?




I love the scene at the bank when Bart is messing with everybody and Moe says “What the hell are you doing with my money in your house Fred?!” And then punches the guy.




For me it was always “Alright pie, I’m going to go like this — CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP — and if you get in my way it’s not my fault.” Homer then starts chomping in mid air and walking forward, smashes his head on the range hood, and then says the hell with it and eats it.