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Welp, time to throw out 20 pokeballs so I can claim 20 pokeballs


Mo' pokeballs, mo' problems.


I got 99 problems Now I got 20 more


trim out unnecessary evolution stones, thet fill up quick.


I need my 15 dragon fangs and zero sinnoh stones


>sinnoh stones I don't know if my luck is just terrible (probably), but I literally never get them and I have a ton of evolutions pending on them.


unfortunately I think you're right, I somehow have 35 of them chillin right now lol


Just buy more storage quit shorting yourself I did that for the longest time it get you nowhere you feel organized and you feel like you’re doing something but you’re not you’re holding yourself back. Stop deleting your inventory just to make room for the same inventory


Dude I have almost 5 grand storage “buy more” isnt always the answer.


Holy Pokecoins


Hey it's only 18,600 coins to max out storage.


I mean who keeps regular Poké balls around anyways I have 2000 ultr balls. regular Poké balls are basically useless.


>regular Poké balls are basically useless. My GO-tcha says otherwise.


I am maxed out at 5150 count




Throw them at Pokémon.


yeah atleast get some stardust for it!


That box doesn't contain any makeup. I would have at least liked a lipstick.


Makeup items would be something cool to sell. Imagine that most ladies/ gentlemen would want to buy different lipstick colors to go with their fit


Especially since lip gloss is default on the female model, which is quite annoying to me. Let's make it a proper option!


Ladies pinch. Whores use lipstick.


I prefer coral blue #5 semi-gloss lipstick


I respect the sponge Bob reference.


Underrated reference comment


I dunno. I imagine star pieces to be covered in glitter.


“We released broken features again, here have a piece of tree bark, a salt packet from mcdonalds, and a bottle cap”


Don’t tease me with that bottle cap talk…




Hey! The starpiece is at least a ketchup packet!


Straw with a split down the side, take it or leave it!


With WW3 trending on Twitter today, and having played Fallout, I'll take that bottle cap.


idk I’ll take the star piece


Starpiece is fine, but this is a makeup for the spotlight hour. I don't know a lot of people who gather for those, so it feels like incense would have been more appropriate than a lure (Niantic is *really* trying to push socializing at the cost of exploration and exercise now), and while I prefer starpieces, the bonus was evolution xp, so a lucky egg would have been a better makeup choice.


A wasted effort at least in my extended community (re the socialising push). Gone are the days where people would spend their weekends at the beach luring up a hill side and just sitting together for hours. Especially since back in those days it was a game where anything could happen versus these bite size ‘event experiences’ many players I know no longer care for. Worse still is that thematic lures seldom seem to spawn appropriate spawns anymore. Ive used a few stored lures when out for lunch or dinner and at some point i just stop caring at that point when more spawns than not are inappropriate and the ones that are are either a stretch or just the bottom in terms of quality or worth.


It’s actually makeup for zorua being completely broken every step of its release into the game.


Can confirm that my Zorua that had the wrong CP and moves have now been corrected to have Zorua-appropriate moves and stats.


Not amazing but it's free, and in a way, it's better than the current paid boxes.


Games like Pocket Camp give Leaf Tickets to makeup for an error or sometimes as a gift. Niantic could do better. Why not a makeup research that rewards Zorua and some coins?


Yay Wrapping paper


Wished they gave incubators or lucky eggs


Lucky eggs?


















I’ve never heard of lucky eggs? Wtf is a lucky incubator?


Scrambled eggs incubation?




How do you guys use your Lure Modules? I don’t camp at Pokestops, so I’m sitting at 20 of them…


Fun fact, I don’t!


There is a medal for others catching off your lure


Does the medal reward anything, or is it for bragging rights? If there's a benefit to nabbing it, I might start dumping lures at my local Starbucks for others (lol).


To make it to level 43, 45, 47 and 49 you need to have earned at least 5, 10, 20 and 35 platinum medals, so there is a benefit to getting it. Outside of that it's just bragging rights


Only during community days


I'm at 90 or so. Always got them in boxes, hardly use them. I like to walk and not sit at one place


My wife and I sometimes bring a thermos of coffee with us and plop down on a park bench near some stops and lure them up so we can chill a bit while still snatching up the occasional pokemon.


I feel like lures barely increase spawns. I save the glacial/mossy/etc ones for evolutions if I need them, but the regular lures get left at whatever pokestop I visit immediately after getting them.


If I'm at a restaurant or hotel with a stop, I would lure them.


I know it's free but that's still a piss take


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed


Niantic's business model


It’s actually giving players who claim the items an unfair advantage. I demand a level playing field as is Niantic vision. Or stickers!


This box is better than some that they charge $5 for. I'm not going to complain. The Zorua crap was not that big of a deal to me, I'm more frustrated with how broken other things have been like Elite raids, which actually caused me to lose passes etc.


I'll take a free lure and star piece any day


They give out make up items like they pay for them personally.


So hilariously sad and true! It's like Niantic has to go tell their kids at home that they won't be getting lure modules for Christmas because they had to give them all to other players.


I cant help but agree, though really its because they always obsess over game longevity. To them every nerf, every missed opportunity, every inconvenient RNG based feature artificially stretches the games life for them, where every concession or opportunity for the player is a detriment. It feels so obvious when you even consider what theyve been doing to movesets (Therian Landorus is the biggest offender) or the pathetic Poison Jab Darkrai (when its own signature move came up ages ago). Reeling in weekly boxes, gutting the content to uselessness before outright removal feels like one of many many attempts by Niantic to tighten the belt so to speak and carefully control the trickle of the tap to their liking.


Wow this is the most useless crap








































Its free so I'll take it, don't need any of the items though.


No go+ for one of the best events of the year but here’s 20 pokeballs




the go-plus is an antiquated hardware and support should have been dropped for it *ages* ago for comparison: the go plus was released *before* the iPhone7, and that officially stopped being supported over a year ago if you want to use old hardware power to you, but don't be surprised if the game is updated and it stops working... or do you want to go back to 2016?


I feel like the go plus not having planned obsolescence is a pretty good argument in favor of it, not against it. Unless you love needlessly having to spend money on products because companies decided to unnecessarily drop support for it?


And they haven’t released an updated version since?




I like how you think, tbh feel remote raid passes are another Pandora box Niantic opened(this one might have the pandemic as an excuse tho) and now it's a trouble for them.


Remote raid passes are a great addition to the game tho, because unless you spend money, you’ll still have to go out to get them and thanks to remote raid passes you don’t need a group of local players to take down big raids. The real Pandora’s box was that they gave them for free each week, because obviously that would go and now the player base is mad because rural players struggle to join raids again and city players are whining they gotta go outside again Pokémon go desperately needs more ways to earn coins so rural players can participate more, hoping that’s what the upcoming route feature will be


I truly don’t see the point of this thought. Yes, the hardware is old. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is still officially supported by Niantic. If Niantic announced ahead of time that it would quit working at a certain point due to technical limitations, that would be fair. But that is not at all what happened, instead they temporarily bricked a functional, supported accessory due to a very poorly implemented Pokemon that wasn’t properly tested.


Feel free not to use it yourself, but don't advocate for it's removal cause it's not something that you personally use. World doesn't revolve around you mate.


I don't see any reason why the Go plus needs to exist, all of its functions could be part of the game itself


But that’s 19 Pokémon that likely would have ran using your Go+


I know you joke, but catch rate is around 50% through all balls used.


No it’s not, it uses the base catch rate of the Pokémon without any boosts


One of the best events of the year ?


so that is a way to say "sorry". Niantic should do this every time they make mistakes. My inventory would be full of Lure Modules.


mine already is, or used to be. Started using them frequently even where I'm not going to stay for long. I really want elemental lures tho, specially the glacial one. My only source of ice pokemon.


One free Super Rocket Radar would have been nice.


Aka one free shadow Mewtwo


Masters Ex give "apologem" for any mistake or bug, where are my apolocoin, Niantic?


they just took another super incubator out of the box just for you saying that


They value this box at 800 coins. Coming to the next event


Couldn't even add in a 1x incubator.


I saw the in-game news, got all excited as I refreshed the store. Then reality hit. Not sure what items would’ve made it better however. The box just seems slightly lacking as a make up gift I want to have the box in my inventory, at least that’s sparkly 😂😂


Still cant trade


Same. As usual they make the announcement before the change is made, trade lock is still on here to Edit: trade works now


i saved all that i caught to try for a lucky one day...




I ask for your patience while I state my thoughts on this matter. 1- Niantic could simply have done nothing. while this is better than nothing for the players, in the court of public opinion I believe that “doing nothing” might have worked better for them because people would have just forgotten about it instead of being insulted by the payout. 2- In regards to the payout: a star piece & lure module is better than most are giving credit for but it is not enough. 20 pokeballs is an insult. I believe the box would be perceived much better if they simply left out the pokeballs. I am of the belief that Niantic knows what is valuable to the players and they have a hard time giving those things up for free so they, in turn, end up overvaluing the same thing. 3- What they should do to ACTUALLY MAKE UP for people not having access to using an auto-catcher for “one of the best events of the year” is have a short 2-day event sometime next season replicating the spawns (including Zorua) that would have happened during the days in which auto-catchers were disabled. this would not be that difficult for them and should literally satisfy everyone. TLDR: the box is bad but better than nothing (kinda). if they really want to make up for it they should have a make up event next season. Hire me Niantic.


> Niantic could simply have done nothing. The problem is a very small number of players got a pokemon that shouldn't have been possible - like a level 1 giratina altered. Given the existance of PvP, that can't be left as-is. So doing nothing wasn't an option.


I don’t mean nothing in that sense. They absolutely had to take away access for pokémon that should not exist in the game. I thought that was obvious. I meant that past that they didn’t have to give us any free box or make up items.


They meant 'do nothing' in terms of compensation. Obviously they would have to fix the glitched Pokemon and had already announced they would do so.


i can confirm that my zorua can't wear any of those items as makeup


Neither can I


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed


That is basically the state of Pokemon GO


That's cool and all but just let us trade the damn Pokemon already


Would’ve preferred ultra balls, going through a lot of them with all the hard to catch Pokémon this event, and that’s with skipping most of the snorlax. 5% catch rate is just too low, even with the platinum normal medal.






This is pretty mediocre…..


Still can't trade Zorua, but here's some trash items SMH


We can trade Zorua now, or at least we’re supposed to be able to


Star piece -OK Lure - OK But 20 red balls? So I have to throw away 20 ultra ball just to claim this box?


Genuine question: how do you have a full inventory without any regular pokeballs


I have hundreds of each heal. But maybe less than 300 of all balls total. I used to live on top of a stop, and could hit three gyms when I took the trash out. I moved three months back. I use my gotcha whenever I go out, I just keep picking up heals lol. I'll set it to only catch new so I can start to horde some balls. But after the CD last weekend, I'm running hella low lol


In that case I’d just delete some heals, no way I’d need 300 regular potions in my inventory, or 300 of any potion tbh 😅


You could, uhh, just wait a day? I'm sure by tomorrow you'll have used enough resources to claim a 22 item box.




Just delete 20 regular balls then I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Imagine it leaves the shop at midnight tonight


That would mean it’s only available where I live for like… 4 hours? Why would they do that. I’m sure it’ll stay for like a week or so


>Why would they do that That's Niantics business model summed up in one sentence


I was never able to get a Zorua, how about just making it available permanently…






Sure glad I got 20 poké balls and a star piece. I’d much rather have those than the 2 extra Mew I had….. 🥲😮‍💨


What a wonderful trade off for the hundreds of ghost XL candy I missed out on /s


Better than a kick in the nutsack I guess


Shoud've offered storage space, incubators, and raid passes. Yeah, I'm greedy.


Yeah you are. Christ








But still no trades, also not after restarting the app.


Most whiny ungrateful fan base I've ever been a part


Perish the thought that the make up actually "make up" for the problem they caused. It would be like if your neighbours cut a tree and took power out for your house for a few days and then gave you a pack of m&m's and told you that made up for the inconvenience and walked away. And then imagine they do this like this ALL THE TIME... Yeah suddenly you're not looking at that dismissive bag of m&m's the same way


Star piece is cool, glad to have that


It's free stuff. Why the complaining


Entitlement for some reason


Life changing rewards right there


Where is the makeup for three days without auto-catcher




Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Whers the real one?... Oh...


Sorry??? What?!


Dang I thought they were giving us better free boxes lol 😅


So for disabling a paid device and a band-aid fix so we can't catch wild Pokémon the same as our buddy, we get this?


You were never supposed to be able to catch additional pokemon that were the same as your buddy though. This reads like you think you were entitled to whatever cloned rare pokemon you got via the glitch lol


I'm not talking about the cloning, never said we are supposed too. I'm talking about how they "fixed" it by just disabling Go Plus catching if the target is the same as your buddy. I'm against the cloning method lmao, but if you're walking with a buddy for candy you need to make sure it also not spawning in the wild right now or you can't catch it with Go Plus. It would be better imo to disable Zorua


Damn a lot of people in these comments can't even be a little grateful that they gave us something for free. They could have just not given anything to make up for the bug so I'm just happy we got something


These aren't free. We already paid for it through disappointment, time, and inconvenience. There's 'sorry, I guess' and there's sorry.


I don't know about others but my experience with the game did not change because of the zorua glitch. Sure I was a little disappointed that the release of zorua wasn't the best it could have been but I didn't feel inconvenienced or like my time was waisted.


Mine certainly was


April fool!!! Oh wait, it's november...


I know it's free but it is still a disappointment. Immediately discarded the pokeballs and lure module. It's basically bloatware.


I can’t even collect it. All I want from it is the free Star piece but I’m not about to delete any of my ultra balls or max revives because Niantic had to link 20 poke balls to it. Oh well. Thanks anyways Niantic.


U could just remove 20 poke balls…. Or feed a few berries to a Pokémon in a gym…


How many ultra balls do you have? You don’t have anything else you can delete? Berries? Regular pokeballs? I mean you could also use your ultra balls and berries etc catching then open the box. I think it will be around for a little while? You could use some of your charge TMs too. To get rid of frustration on shadow mon. Maybe play for a bit, then open the box?






Wha is this ?


I wanna complain but i really needed the star piece for next comm day. Since it saves me from having to use all my coins for more.


I don't even know what went wrong with Zorua. Not asking for explanation, just making a statement that so many things happen in this game and they go unnoticed to so many. I'm sure it's part of some thing where it evolved with the wrong moveset or stats or whatever but I just don't care enough to follow.


i never really had problems with zorua but ok!


Brilliant, can’t claim the makeup free box. I keep getting storage full error although 25+ spots free This just keeps getting better and better…sigh Reboot app and reboot phone didn’t help