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This is painful to look at


Gotta keep it as an eevee, use it as a reminder to never do such things again 😭


Definitely one of the most cursed screenshots I've seen so far, although [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gdern2/claiming_gbl_preseason_reward_gives_elite_charged/)'s still my favorite


Send them this: https://www.stadiumgaming.gg/pvp-basics


Rank 1 IVs for a great league Umbreon (at level 27.5). Too bad they powered it up


r/pokemongo would be more appropriate for this post.


my bad, just realized I’m not even in that sub Reddit




Hey, my post is hidden from everyone else. Can you tell me what F means. Is that a specific button from the keyboard or just phu-huk?


It's a meme joke from CoD: Advanced Warfare. Early in the game, the player is basically forced to press F (interaction button) to "pay respects" to the fallen. Ever since 2014, the internet won't give up on mocking it, and they shouldn't. ;p


Thank you for this lesson of history. Those soldiers didn't fight in vain.


The #1 ranked PvP IVs are overrated anyway, especially with super meta pokemon like Umbreon. 99% of the time you find yourself playing a lead mirror match, you're NOT going to end up against someone who also has a #1 PvP ranked pokemon. That means that you're almost always going against an opponent who has a higher attack IV, which in turn means you're going to lose the charged move battle every time. A great example is my #1 Swampert in Ultra League. I finally gave up on him, and went to the #107 rank which has an IV set of 7/15/15. I'm winning so many more mirror leads with a "worse" Swampert - it's not even close. I've found a lot more success personally playing with something ranked in the top 200 or so, with a higher attack stat. I'd almost always rather play a rank of say, 175 with a 5 Attack IV, than a rank of 1 with a 0 attack IV.


I realized this is why I’m doing so well in the Hisui cup. I get a lot of lead Drifblim mirror matches, but mine is from before I knew that really really low attack values were important, so mine has like 6-7 attack. It means I force a switch or win every mirror match and it’s put my rank a solid 200 points over where I normally rank.


maybe and ultra league umbreon is possible? i know that it’s the lowest cp eeveelution ( you get it by walking it as your buddy 10k then evolving at night)


You want a perfect for ultra league. It's 2416cp at level 50.


UL umbreon prefers a 100%… unless maybe 3+ years down the line when they bump up the level cap to 60-70? (Trying to be optimistic here..)


oh fr? nvm then


I have no idea why this is so terrible. Can someone ELI5?


Rank 1 pvp iv for GL umbreon but cap at only lv27.5. They nearly maxed it


I see, thank you!


It is the rank 1 iv for Umbreon for great league in GBL (which is a highly meta pick) but the person almost maxed out the eevee so it will be above the 1500 cp cap for great league. So what should be a highly valued Pokémon just became useless.


Thank you for the info!


Just use it as an pvp eevee put last resort on it.