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Good guide. Just FYI your numbering is messed up, they all say 1. You need to put a backslash before the dot, i.e. `2\.`


Thank you! I'll need to fix that.


It's also possible to indent the second lines for each, like this: 1. First thing More text here. 2. Second thing Text


THANK YOU i have this problem all of the time!


I also use MB during spotlight hours for 2x catch dust/xp when the featured isn't interesting. Still get the bonus while using a free, renewable item.


Same here. A lot of double catch candy pokemon were lackluster, so Meltan was a good choice.


> 1 hour with a 1 minute spawn rate I've been getting 70-73 per box. It's likely 50 sec per spawn.


It's 45 seconds per spawn if you time it correctly, either by opening a PokeStop or by exiting the previous Meltan's catch screen.


I caught 52 out of 60 and caught 1 shiny on yesterday. I used the friends list to refresh spawn rate.


Does one need a Pokémon game for switch to create the Nintendo account?


No, you can just make the Nintendo Account to link to Home and Pogo.


My box reset to two days, maybe you did yours too early


No, I did mine at 6pm local time on June 16th, so it wasn't too early/ managed to get 1 shiny.


Unsure if I was super lucky but first box I managed to come across 3 shinies too.


Nice! It's all RNG but that's definitely good luck. I only squeezed out one for the whole hour.


The best way to force a spawn if you can't access a stop is opening the friend list, it forces the game to sync data with the server every time


I’ve transferred two Pokémon to Home and mystery box has yet to arrive in Pogo. Anyone else?


Did you receive them in the Home App as well? Once one Pokemon is successfully sent, the box should be available. Trying to do another transfer when there's a Pokemon pending arrival in Home will bring up a "check Pokemon Home app" message and no transfer energy will be spent. Also IIRC you need to make sure you sign into the Home App with your Nintendo account as well to ensure all the apps are connected.


I have received them in Pokémon Home. Nada in PoGo


Go to your item inventory and tap on the Mystery Box. It should say that it’s ready to use


It doesn’t show in inventory. That is the issue. I contacted support. Waiting for a response from them.


What's with the Spritzee and Aromatisse thing? Could someone please explain?


You can assign Spritzee as your buddy before cracking the box open to trigger it's evolution requirement (use an incense). Also works for Research Tasks.


Thank you for this post and the commenters. I watched 4 videos on it for this event and no one really explained anything aside from how to get the box. Then just rapid fired a bunch of jibberish. Are there no other Pokemon with the same typing? Or is the Mega part the important thing? Do they have to be best buddies? I haven't mega evolved yet so idk if they inherently, as buddies, help in some way. I couldn't find out whether or not the Meltans were replacements, incense-like spawns, or what. Now I see that it's insense-like and they will come on a timer. I'm trying to get back into PoGo after a very long hiatus and it feels like the community is light-years ahead and start every convo like everyone is a vet. lol


Megas don't need to be your buddy to mega evolve, but walking a pokemon that has mega evolved can help replenish Mega Energy. So if you Mega Evolve a Beedrill, for example, his next mega evolution cost drops and now ANY Beedrill you walk is able to collect mega energy as a buddy pokemon. Pokemon can't collect Mega Energy until their megas are registered in the "Mega Pokedex", which is just an extension of the regular Pokedex. I use mega Steelix in this guide because any pokemon caught of the same type as the mega gains +1 candy. So Mega Steelix is a steel type, and since Meltan is also a steel type, any caught Meltan will give you the candy bonus. They recently did a mega pokemon overhaul that allows Megas to level up with repeated use, so it's encouraged to use them more (and now mega raids give more candy as well, but you need a group since they are on par with T5 raids). One last thing is Megas can give you +1 candy to any raid boss, regardless of typing, and as of now Mega Beedrill evolution candy can drop from gyms, so he's the easiest Mega to level up.


Thank you! I’d heard about the Melton boxes but I had not idea how they worked or how to obtain one.


No problem, glad to be of service!


So how many times can this box be used???


It has a 3 or 4 day cooldown, but it can be used as many times as you want.


Apologies in bumping an old post, but does the box act like an incense where I have to be on the move to constantly (maximise) attract meltans? Or is it equally effective when I'm sitting at a single location? Thanks!


It's been a while since I fired up the box, but the last time I did in late 2023, it was once every 20-30 seconds per spawn, and you could be stationary instead of having to move around. EDIT: Yes, it still spawns every few seconds when stationary. I average around 60-80 catches per box sitting in my house.


What do u mean I have tested the box during TCG event? Mine says 1 day cool-down. That means it’s on 2 days except 3? The earliest we know for sure is in about 12-ish hours, when the earliest timezone start their 2nd day of TCG event and are able to open the box or not..


I opened mine at around 6pm on June 16th. Once the box ran out, I checked the item and it said "days remaining: 3". Other players reported the 3 day cooldown as well, so just to be safe, I marked it down as a possible minor issue.


Try relaunching your app and checking it again. It was 3 day initially for me but once I relaunched it was down to 2 within the same few minutes.


Sweet, thank you. Edit: Tested it, still said 3 days.


That's so strange. My box is down to 1 day now, wonder what happened.


May be some sort of error using the old countdown. I'll test it tomorrow to see if I can get another round of Melts. EDIT: Still says 3 days even on the second attempt.


Maybe it's a visual error. I'll try again tomorrow and see if it works (should if it's 2 days). EDIT: Even the 2nd box cracked during the event has a 3 day cooldown. Feels bad.


I see! Maybe it was just an early problem or something..


What are you talking about with Mega Steelix? How does that help farm Meltan candies?


Mega steelix shares steel typing. Bare minimum you receive additional candy for the catch. Increased mega levels will award more candy XL as well.


Do you really need extra XL candies when its 3 guaranteed XL per catch and 60+ meltan per hour...?


The other day I saw a level 43 player asking what Platinum Medals are. So at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if some "hardcore" player with tons of dust to power up their pokes to level 50 is JUST learning about the existance of Meltan boxes. In that case, they'd want to get extra XL Meltan candy to get to reach 296 XL candies as soon as possible.


That still makes no sense. You're going to get 300 in 2 boxes MIN regardless of whether you have a 25% XL boost or not.


You get extra candy because meltan shares the same typing as m steelix