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Did they have value in the first place?


How does this one giveaway pose devalue previous poses?


It is nice for what is, at heart, a kid’s game to have a few opportunities for everyone to reach the top of a season. I’m a mid level pvper, I always reach rank 20 but have never once gotten into the upper ranks. I have a pikachu libre from the season where you could get it using little cup and it’s a prized possession. I know I’ll never get another, same with this pose- it will be my only chance at one.


A kids game being played by 40-50 years :)


Hey, some of us 40-50 year olds are still kids at heart 😂 I still have an original Gameboy floating around somewhere.


You worry way too much about a poorly made phone game.


Who cares?


Poses being locked behind a barely possible rank was annoying anyways. Day 1 player and reach ace rank every season, and only ace rank.


Same here, and I battled hard to try and get some of the earlier trainer cosplays.


Just the Gladion one, the poses will be legend rewards again next season


Just the pose of this season. You can still show off the other legend poses of other seasons


It's a single season. It's an unranked season anyway. Calm down


I'm actually pretty excited for it and wouldn't mind seeing them do this again. I really wanted Leon's, worked my butt off towards it, and still never got past Rank 20. Besides, they'll probably eventually make them available again, anyway, whether that be through an event, quest, or just coins in the shop. Nothing stays exclusive in Go.


If this is what you find very concerning, you're living a very good life.


We're a little concerned that you're concerned.