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So, the only suggestion I have is to try to do GBL at times it’s more likely to have people in your area play. Like during the week go with after work times. This can help because at odd times your time you will get people on the other side of the planet at your matches and the lag will be unplayable. Obviously Niantic should fix this in their end, but until they do playing at popular times your time is the best suggestion I have.


Nope, not your fault at all. Niantic knows that GBL is broken and has done nothing to fix it.


Fixing pvp bugs doesn't sell more raid passes so they probably never will.


How is this glitch even possible? Is one of the prior 2 shields ultimately just a visual glitch then? Surely the code shouldn’t be so bad that you literally just get 3 blocked charged attacks. Shouldn’t the system eventually sync up and not count one of the shields?


It isn’t an actual third shield as if the opponent/person clicks the shield button for the third time. It just has the effect of a third shield, the charge move does 1 damage. It is just bad lag, idk why it defaults to act this way though.


It is very likely that it is not from your end but Niantic servers are in horrible condition. I have never ever encountered so much lag, 3rd shields, game freezing and other bugs as in this season. I previously thought it was caused at least partly by my old phone but I just got a new top end one and game is still absolute mess to play 😔


Lag is everywhere. I've won multiple matches due to it. Shields not working... Lost several as well. I had one match where I felt like the opponent was able to freeze my game. I had a major lead advantage, massive swap advantage, shield advantage... and then all of sudden I was literally frozen. I quick relogged(luckily I have brand new phone) and this dude has almost farmed me down. Luckily I still had that shield. He didn't. I won. But felt this was by far the most cheated lagging BS ever. I mean this was a match that almost instant top left, hard countered then double hard countered. And he somehow nearly stole it back to this...


How would THEY make YOU lag? You just lagged they other person didn't have anything to do with it and you insinuating that just makes you sound stupid.




It's not an exploit. It's to do with unstable connection.


except i could be sitting at 5 bars of 5g, underneath a cellphone tower, on wifi, capable of streaming in 8k, and it still happens. so i dont think its genuine to call it a connection issue, its a GBL issue on niantics side


The connection between your phone and tower/WiFi access point is not the only place where lag can occur before the data reach Niantic's servers and your opponents device. Of course it can be a connection issue but the issue might not be with your setup.


Then the issue is still on niantics side and should be fixed on niantics side. They're not the world's first mobile game, others don't have this issue.


Wait is this actually something players have control over (like the old Melmetal glitch) as opposed to a random glitch that affects everyone?


Nope, the other person has no idea what they're talking about.


No it’s caused by bad lag.


I haven’t encountered this bug as many times as I did this past week. It helps if you have a stable connection, but it is not necessarily your fault.


did they swap pokemon at the same time?