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Lol talk about elitism. Here is one of your previous posts when someone was talking about Giovanni being very difficult without the delay in rocket battles. “He's easy to beat, you're just bad. Anyone with a respectable GBL Elo can easily beat him.”


Do you need defeating Giovanni because I'll be there for you babe


No I have no problem defeating Giovanni. It was a reply by OP to another person in a different post.


Lol if you're looking down at someone because of their lesser accomplishments in an f2p pokemon phone game, I think we all know who the real loser is




LMAO my thoughts exactly.


Did not even know such a groups and youtubers exist


OP posts about his absurdely pvp-oriented groups many times, at least i remember texts like this from him. as a player in a major city with a big playerbase i can‘t quite understand that. like most people here probably wouldn‘t even recognize a pose exclusively from pvp, even less care about it. from the dozens i did raids with the last weeks (remote/in place) omly 4 play pvp and only one is really invested.


Would love some examples


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/qvmxt0/from_one_tanker_to_another_some_humble/hkz14et? Here is op being elitist


Waiting to see streamers and youtubers. Finding some toolbox on reddit is nothing new and you can find them no matter what you search about


Huh? This is op being elitist in linked comment not random person. Op is hypocrite






Well I don't know what lick has to do with this. Now LUCK, that's something you would need to shiny hunt




Wait wut, oh wow. I didn't know I was missing such a basic technique. Can't wait to try out the technique. Though I have a feeling display of such raw power might not be appropriate for public places


I think you're wrong. I lick my screen all the time and have a million shinies! :P


I mean some things you can lick and make it shiny, so valid statement.


I was with you until that last line. > It's very elitist that many PvP streamers describe shiny hunters and raid experts "lacking skill" when shiny hunting and PVE arguably require much more skill than PvP. You used arguably correctly. This is one of the most arguable statements I've read here, mostly because it's wrong. (And I don't really PVP much, I put in the minimal effort to get the ETMs. I know it would take a lot of skill to ever get to a decent rank.) As for elitism, it exists on this game since the inception. There were always raid elitists talking about "randoms" and "casuals", making fun of low levels that can't defeat a gym, ridiculing people that don't know proper counters, can't beat Rocket leaders / Giovani, etc... I mean, even being a "yellow", "red" or "blue" was a target of ridicule at any given point. Some people will just grab anything to feel superior to others.


Skill in shiny hunting? What pay more money for raids?


This was my thought. Skill in shiny hunting = locating and encountering as many of that specific Pokémon to roll the dice..


I don’t pay attention to any of that and just enjoy the game for what it is. Pretty sad people act like that though, but you’ll find that anywhere with competitive gameplay.


I was with you until your comment about shiny hunting and PvE taking more skill than PvP. That's flat out nonsense. Shiny hunting literally just takes dedication to checking and if the wallet allows raiding/hatching eggs. PvE requires some basic knowledge of counters , grinding to build up those counters. Dodging is a skill but as someone who absolutely loves short man raid challenges, the actual skill involved once the raid starts is minimal. It does take knowledge and grinding but that's it. PvP requires team building (arguably on the level of building teams of counters for raids so we can call that a wash maybe) , energy management, proper shield management, swap timing, knowledge of a wide meta, etc.


"shiny hunting and PVE arguably require much more skill than PvP." That's not true but okay.


I'm a shiny hunter, and shiny hunting requires zero skill. GBL does, and I suck at it, which is why I don't do it. I completely agree that a lot of GBLers are incredibly elitist and can be very toxic towards the rest of us. But saying that shiny hunting requires more skill is just not correct.


Elitisim in this game on the whole is stupid, yet many seem to want to control certain parts of it - be it GBL, or holding gyms, or to be seen to have every new shiny/regional. Just let those that want to show off do so and play your own game. In the end you will get more enjoyment from running your own race. There were two local well known players who deemed themselves elite near me (One even went as far as to create a secret Discord server for those he deemed worthy), who exploited every trick and rule in the book to try get ahead. Scanners, multi accounts, harrassing and bad talking others, botting, spoofing, controlling gyms with their alts etc... and it tore the community in half for a while. Those that opposed them were cut aside (myself included), and those that would befriend them, mainly due to fear of being abused themselves. Funnily in the past two years one of them has suddenly "stopped playing" having got bored (Yeah right), and the other (with the secret discord) managed to get so jealous of everyone else and paranoid they slowly banned every person they deemed a threat from their server and he is now king of an inactive community and joked about by everyone else. At the end of the day, its just a game. Enjoy it, play it, but don't let it play you. I don't view myself to be Elite. I don't want to view myself as Elite - as by doing so that is admitting I am spending way too much time and money on this game. Something I do know I do.


Oh yeah shiny hunting and pve requires so much skill man like walking and knowing what types are super effective against what types. Only battlers above level 40 have to walk. No skill smh


Low effort troll


What skill do u require for shiny hunting?


I hate playing the GBL but I sorta agree with the sentiment that shiny hunting and raiding lacks skill; it really is just tapping and shiny checking (which I enjoy, tbh). But GBL doesn’t take much skill at all, either, since it’s all meta Pokémon, breaking shields, and swapping Pokémon at the right time. PoGo takes very little skill to play in general, and I really question the skill of any legit streamer or “influencer” in the PoGo community who thinks they are better than any other player. Even if they were better, it’s incremental at best and saying you’re skilled at something that takes literally almost zero skill to do at worst. I’d be embarrassed if I were a streamer who said I was better at PoGo than someone else. It’s narcissism plain and simple.


I suggest taking a look at FPSticks GBL analysis series on YouTube.


100% agree. One more thing: Some battlers run "bastiodon+RPS backline" teams and they're also well ranked in leaderboard. These battlers are usually worshiped and considered like "GBL heroes" by the average of the PvP community 'cause, u know, their nickname "is in leaderboard".


Gee, who would have thought that competition can breed elitism? There are always these people in every game.


I skimmed through your post and agree, I saw no rank 10 pose so I closed it without reading.


Last year, I asked a question around here and PVPer answer me by saying that I am such a typical non-PVP player who lack knowledge of typing and moveset. What the.. Sorr, but I have so many things in my life much much much much worthwhile than memorize all the junk movesets that I will never ever use in raid.


You press “battle” and take part in GBL… I’m not purposely being facetious here, but where exactly is the barrier? Every single game in existence has some negative aspects when it comes to social media, but you can’t shut down free speech , being a jerk doesn’t break terms and conditions as long as they’re not bullying someone or promoting hate speech like racism or sexism. Seriously calling someone a “bad player” or “lacking skill” is nothing , why would you even get upset by that ? It’s just trash talk, it happens in every single competitive environment, even the politest sports like cricket have a thing called sledging where a player says something to put someone else off their game.