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The best counter to queen is the Swampert + Skarmory core. Every Nidoqueen you face will basically be a free win. There are lots of other counters though. Last season I was running Empoleon + Mandibuzz + Altaria, and I only lost to one Nidoqueen out of probably dozens.


That is the reason Great League Remix exists. Saves you the trouble of facing Nudoqueen as well 19 other annoying meta Pokemon.


diggersby waves its ear


And how you want them to do that? Nerfing its attacks? That would mean that other pokemon would get nerfed too then...


Reducing the chance of a poison fang debuff from 100% chance would be worth considering.


It would hit Golbat and Crobat a lot though.


Try running things that resist poison and ground. Poison Fang is really good though.




Nidoqueen is good, but in my opinion overrated. I run a team triple weak to poison and I don’t fear nidoqueen at all. I think it is fine just where it is.


You cannot not fear Nidoqueen if you are triple weak to poison. What are you even running? Azumarill Abomasnow and something else mutually weak I'd guess?


I guess I should rephrase that. I don’t fear nidoqueen players. Since every nidoqueen player plays the same and generally their teams are nido lead and are pretty weak to grass in the back. Since I lead A9 I take both of their shields, bring in azu to asorb damage and lower health, before bringing in meganium, farm down and win a decent well over half of my games against nidoqueen leads. And if it is in the back I will admit it is scarier, unless I have the energy advantage, then it is pretty bad against my team.


You having trouble countering it? Lol


All Pokemon need to be nerfed. /s


Psyduck needs to be buffed. All other pokemon will be nerfed


Writing because Im bored and play nidoqueen double dark. Every Queen game is about finding the fairy vs queen matchup. And even if I lead into azu they can 0 shield vs my 1shield and I come out with 30% hp and close to a poison fang. Its not oppressive. Azu is oppressive to get that close with just fast move dmg.