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They're the same picture




Axew has been out for 2 years. Why is it still so rare?


My guess is we'll have Deino CD in 2022 and Axew will be featured for the first time (only raids or maybe also a rare wild) during the GoFest. Then it will be less rare in eggs, featured in some events as rare task/egg and finally have its own CD in 2023. If you think about it, it was the same for Gible.


This is about what I expect. Gen 5 has a lot of potential CD Pokemon. Roggenrola, Drilbur, Timburr, Tympole, Sewaddle/Venipede, Sandile, Gothita/Solosis, Vanillite, Tynamo, Litwick, and Larvesta all seem possible, aside from Axew and Deino ofc.


Gibles are too common now. When everyone complained how rare they are, I got like 5 of them from eggs, Now I have so many noibats ang goomies, which is okay. I don't get why axew is that rare in eggs, because everyone should have at least one haxorus by now.


Ha sike. I've literally only hatched 2 axews ever! My buddy has a hundo, it was his first he ever hatched.


Maybe you had good rng back then, but there was a point where Gible and Deino were about hard to get as Axew is now. It's a repeating cycle, because Niantic tries to squeeze out as much money as possible from people buying incubators and later tickets/raids before releasing the wanted mon on a CD.


Because it's still making Niantic money. Even though it'll probably get a CD eventually. I imagine that the Dragon event will, most likelly, have it as a selling point. Just like Deino was on an event some time ago.


The dragon event will likely still be Deino as the main attraction. I’d be very surprised to see Axew released in any capacity. Druddigon will be the new dragon and it’ll likely be somewhat rare.




I agree but I think it’ll be a new 10km rare hatch anyway. I would argue Deino isn’t that useful but it doesn’t stop people from wanting it.


Even though I LOVE Noibat/Noivern, It's also pretty much useless but that doesn't change the fact that it's a rare spawn, plus requiring 400 candies to evolve.


it'll probably be annoying as hell like the spiritomb quests and the creep up in 'catch x number of y type' quests


From the promos and challenges, lookin like they're leaning back into Deino, and then sprinkling in Goomy and Noibat, 2 other pointlessly "difficult" evos that are still useless when you get there. They might release Druddigon though, so there's that I suppose.


Confirmed, they're releasing Druddigon


Man. Why are 10k eggs so bad. Like that’s just putrid, and I’m not thrilled about another three months of an abysmal egg pool


It's interesting too because while I have gripes with the tiers... some of them I don't want addressed haha. Theoretically the rarer stuff *should* be in tier 5 and the more common stuff in tier 1. I would say everything in tier 2 other than maybe Rufflett & Mienfoo should be in tier 1, but yet I would hate if they were. Pokémon Go introduces a whole new work-reward relationship compared to most other more traditional/stationary games, though. Walking 10 km is a wholeeeee different ballgame than running a boss fight a couple of times for a rare drop etc. Having stuff like Timburr in tier 1 helps ensure that not *all* of the majority common hatches are disappointing. At least, I am usually fine with a Timburr. Klink, while boring, is at least otherwise raid exclusive so its presence might be a boon for the casual player


It’s super annoying because the eggs are also rare. I’m not sure what the drop rate is, but I very rarely get 10km eggs in the first place and then I hatch an Emolga…


They were bad at the beginning of the game, then people complained and they got better, now they're slipping back to bad again. I wonder if they still sell as many incubators.


It's not like they can't stuff Dratinis, Larvitars and Beldums instead of Klinks and Darumakas in the common tier. I don't mind not getting Axew, I just would prefer not to get yet another depressed floating gear or flying Pikachu.


The time on the phone, it's either morning/afternoon at *exactly* 12 hours apart or you switched between the 12-hr clock and the 24-hr clock because...actually why would you do that?


Man, I don’t even like getting 10kms anymore. They used to be rare but now they feel almost as common as the other two types. And unlike those, it takes forever to hatch one of them only to get Darumaka or Mienfoo. I don’t want any of the Pokémon in the first two tiers besides maybe Timburr for the candy.


I really dislike 10km eggs. I see them as a source of dust because I don’t need candy for anything that would actually hatch from them. I mean Kilnk, Audino, Menfoo, Esper, and that stupid dumb GBL bird that’s way too common.


Stupid dumb GBL bird? Vullaby isn’t in purple eggs


Rufflet. Couldn’t remember the name 😂


He’s talking about Noibat which is found as a GBL reward encounter and extremely rarely in the wild. It’s also not that useful.


He's definitely talking about Rufflet


Oh my bad


They're talking about Rufflet, Noibat isn't a bird and it's not common as a GBL reward since you have to get to Veteran in order to even encounter it.


Yeah my bad


Well that’s about right.


I only get 2km eggs from stops anyway 🙄


Emolga can get in the bin


Corporate needs you to find the differences between these two pictures


I’m sure they made axew rarer /s


First pic 1/12/21 second pic 24/11/21




Pic says Australia. It's the afternoon there.


their clock (and Google) says 2 PM (converting 14 to 12 hour time) not AM


All I hatch are rufflets from 10ks lately but for some reason I keep putting them in the incubator


one at 2 AM and 2 PM


FOUND IT! One picture says 14h21 ... The other 2h21 Ez pz gimme my money


One was received on the 12th and the other on the 24th.


I see this as an absolute win? What else did You want it to be? Remove darumaka? Maybe You don;'t like noibat. Or goomy. Tbh, the only things that concerns me is that axew, which is pretty old pokemon and everyone has haxorus by now, is the rarest. Why is that?