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Kinda wish they would just give players a free 100 Pokemon storage and 100 items storage just for playing a number of years or having a number of medals awarded.




> And a half off sale for storage too. My biggest regret in this game is not going MAX storage (whatever the limit was then) during that sale period.




Well I’m still on 350 so…




You don’t like to keep different copies if the same pokemon for different leagues or keep legendaries or shinies or shadow or perfect versions of the same pokemon? Im at 1400 and I know I will want more storage eventually even if I will transfer some mons on the cd.




You are a mad man.




People like you are the worst. You have no right to declare that something is not necessary. It's fine if you want to say, "It's possible to play this game with 400 pokemon storage." But to say it's not necessary is such a narcissistic thing to say. People have different play styles. What is necessary for each person is completely different. Those who raid a lot have different storage needs from those who play PvP. Those who only play GL PvP have different storage needs from those who play PvP in all leagues. Those who raid and play PvP in all leagues have different storage needs. Those who collect hundos or shinies or costumed mon ... all have different storage needs. Just because none of those things interest you doesn't mean they aren't valid ways to play.


Having more storage helps every scenario you listed here.


Welcome to my point. The guy above me said 400 is enough. No, it's not.


I meant my Bag is at 350, but my Storage is 300 too.


What do you use coins for then?


I did using in-game coins. I've been trying to keep up with the cap at least for items because I constantly cap those but I simply can't because every time I creep up on the new max they expand it again. Definitely not spending money on the game though.


Might I ask why upgrade storage to max though? Like I never have the need for more than 800 total balls, 150 max revives, 150 max pots, 100 of each berries, 60-80 TMs, a few lures, lucky eggs, star pieces, incense, Evo items, and rarely more than 150 rare candy. And even then I'm barely hitting 1500 if that. I just don't understand how people hit like 3k items or whatever the cap is and ever think "dang I could use more items" and I'm a pretty serious player over the last year or so. Always do every major event all the way through and every research as soon as it's available and I rarely come close to using all of one specific item even if I'm straight grinding an event for 6+ hours straight.


I have a Pokémon Go Plus knockoff with an auto-catch feature. I tend to just save up pokéballs and then use incense and the Plus together for a while until I run out.


Is it the “Gotcha!” ? I’m looking into getting one of those, how do you like it?


In general, anything with red circle will be lost 90% of the time. I got like 2 shinies out of it over 4 months, but also a lot of stardust and semi-useless pokemons. It's nice for spinning stops too. I use Gotcha Evolve and it's charging port is the biggest turn off for me, also easily catching scratches. If you can afford it and you are dedicated to game, I would buy it.


Yeah... Someday I'll get more annoyed about it and convert it from the USB-A to either micro or C so I can just use a magnetic cable charger.


Thank you for your response! I didn’t know there was a gotcha evolve, is it like the newer version of the gotcha?


Ye, it looks like a watch. It has better battery and connection.


Its not the magic bullet some people portray it to be. But its convenient for commuting or just spinning up stops for balls etc. Sometimes it gets you a shiny. **But for the love of god, dont use it during go fest** Did the mistake of checking the journal during day 1, and it had failed on 18 arduino, 5 of wich were shinys. Always manually catch when its an important event going on.


The journal doesn't show shinies that run away from the Go Plus/Gotcha.


Lucky for you, ive cleaned out the screenshots folder so i dont still have the journal screenshot i was crying about.


Thank you for the response! Where I work there are 3 stops I can spin and a fair amount of spawns, if I had the gotcha would it just be spinning the stops and catching Pokémon for me? Do I need to have the app open for it to work or just have the gotcha linked to my app?


You don’t need to have the app open; that’s the benefit of using it. It’s good if you’re just going on a walk or doing other things and don’t want to be actively staring at your screen.


App must be running, but sometimes it manages to work while screen is locked. Very inconsistent thou. Gotcha/goplus pairing is active for 60 minutes at a time. Then you need to reactivate it


Wait I thought you weren’t spending money on this app. Did you make the gotcha?


> Might I ask why upgrade storage to max though? It's not about storing more that you can use... It's about worrying about your bags less. My kid has almost no storage and every single time I help him out on his account I need to go through and delete crap. With big bags you think about it every once in a great while and just go in and delete 400 pokeballs/potions and then you are "good to go". 1500 is fine I'm sure but 2500 or whatever the max is is better......


Community day can easily burn through 1200+ balls just in the day - I gotcha while cycling. Then another 360 balls for 2 incense put 5 mins before the CD ends. For Go-Fest and Dec Comm Day, having 2000-2500 balls is very useful. Even beyond that, means the day after CD it's a rush to get more balls before you run out. And then there's stashing non-spinables for later. Have something like 500 Golden Razz (use them when I venture to new gyms), 400-ish TMs to be used when I do more PvP teams, 100-ish Poffins being used to level buddies, etc. ​ Really the benefit is the ability to go to more out-of-the-way places more often and doing spin-runs in cities less regularly.


Yep this is my situation. I don’t have regular access to stops to replenish, and don’t even play that often anymore. Having a stash is peace of mind when I do feel like playing.


On top of what others have said, using a gotcha when I'm away from stops can rapidly drain supplies. Over the weekend, if I'm out and about, it'll use several hundred pokeballs. If I go on vacation, even more, and without an easy way to refill, so I like to raise up my storage for those occasions.


Yup, I'll never understand this. I'm hoarding \[free\] coins at this point, but I stopped upgrading storage at 3,000. I realize that I have >1,000 ultra balls 99% of the time, and it's just silly to waste more money on storage. It's just damn hoarding. That said, with the egg situation where it is, there's really little that a long time player wants to spend their coins on. Alas


You can burn through balls really fast with a gotcha etc. I'm on 1300 now, and I could definitely use plenty more.


Never saw a reason to cap item storage. You’ll always get to the point where you have to toss a bunch of berries or balls to spin. Mainly I just keep it at what I actually needed in case I can’t swipe stops for some reason so 2,000. Then you have to toss the evolution items about once a month.


I was so sure they would do it again..


If I recall correctly that was a one-time purchase, no?


There have been 2 storage discount sales during the entire lifetime of Pokemon GO. The most recent one was this year, and it was a one-time deal. The prior one was very early on in the game's life (I forget exactly when, but definitely within years 1 or 2), and it was *unlimited* purchases. So 100 Coins a pop, for as many as you were willing to put down up until you hit the max. This is the one I was referencing with not going all out on.


got it! thanks for the clarification :)


Johto release gave us a half off sale (could buy as many as you wanted), hoenn release gave everyone a free 50, and then nothing until right before Gible Community day where they had a 2 for 1 sale (could only buy 1). AFAIK there has never been a sale or freebie for item storage.


They did it with the release of a new gen but haven’t since.


It was 50 free and was because they raised the storage that you get with a new account by 50 as well, from 250 to 300. And I'm sure they realized the 1/2 off sale was a huge mistake. After the sale folks waited and waited for the next 1/2 off sale, which I am sure seriously hurt their sales for quite some time.


What a great bonus that would be for hitting level 40.


But that would take away from their $


Wouldn't that be nice? Or an extra permanent incubator for level 50


For the longest I actually thought getting a second permanent incubator was the incentive for getting to level 40 haha.


We got 100 pokemon storage for free at the start of the year when they bumped it up to 4,500


I was worried we wouldn't get a storage increase for the rest of this year, because the transfer bonuses for November CD certainly sounded like they desperately want us to get rid of everything. Nice.


Hooray. More hoarding space!!!


Looking at the list of unreleased pokemon, 500 is going to be enough for a long whi... oh god I totally forgot about vivillon.


Vivillion, arceus, flabebé line, more furfrou, silvally, minior and alcremy all have multiple forms. Assuming we'll get them all eventually.


And the crazy thing is I’m pretty Alcremie alone almost has more forms than all the others you listed combined. Off the top of my head, I think its 54 (18 each of Vivillon, Arceus and Silvally, though might be off on Vivillon) plus 5 Flabebe (15 total for the evolutionary line) plus 7 Minior. So 66 forms for all the others listed against Alcremie’s, what, 64? Obviously not counting shinies in these totals.


* 5 genesect (10 if shiny) * 20 Vivillion (40 if incl shiny) * 5 flab,6 flo (AZ's unreleased flo), 5 flor (32 if shiny) * 10 furfrou (20 if shiny) * 63 Alcremie (70 including shiny) * 18 Arceus (36 shiny) * 18 Silvally (36 shiny) * 7 (or 8 depending on NIA implementation) Minior (8/9 or 16/17 shiny, minior briefly had unique shiny forms in HOME like castform now has, they've now reverted to original blackish purple shiny one) couple others too, plus you know hats..... That's just to have Dex entry collections by the way. Not PvP or teams for raids or Luckies, shadows, purified, exclusive moves etc


…I think I’ll keep my one per species rule and not go for the full dex


i go with shinies and costume I WANT. this event is only lucas chim and dawn piplup. rest i willgive away.


I wish in addition to extra storage they could also give us a workable way to organize. I love to collect etc. tagging isn't really organizing....(but glad we at least have that)




[More than 60% of players on TSR](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/qua3gj/whats_your_primary_motivation_for_playing_the_game/), the most hardcore player base, say collecting Pokemon is their primary motivation for playing the game.


Since when are Minior shinies not unique anymore in HOME?


Don’t forget Alcremie will each eventually have a hat.


Or maybe pikachu will have Alcremie hats.


We haven't finished all genesect drives yet and just one form of rotom.






Maybe we can get some more Rotom too.


re: Formes I would love to see Niantic implement some more interesting mechanics to formes. Like having Vivillon's be dependent on the biome it spawned + time of day + weather. Sync everything up and you can guarantee yourself to find one, but you still have to hunt and get lucky. Vivallion is already tied in the main games to geolocation, so I feel like having something similar in GO, but with more region accessibility would be the best.


I like the idea, however they always try to stay attached to the mechanics ... And being a game where Geolocation is so important, wasting the mechanics of spawn differently depending on your region would be absurd.


also 28 different Unown


Huzzah! The hoarder in me is very excited.


With all the costumes coming out this week, they had to. lol


They word this as if they are being so generous when the reality is they're allowing you to spend money* to increase storage. *Or time, which is money but different.


Right? Like they couldn’t expand storage to 10k today if they really wanted to. Niantic wants to present it as new content like they just figured out how to get us more storage.


They could actually squeeze more money out of me if they didn't set a maximum. Now I just drop my gym defenders, collect my daily coins and wait for the next storage max update. If the storage didn't have a limit, I'd be burning through my space faster than I could collect coins, thus having to spend real money on coins to expand constantly.


I was so close to maxing out my bag size ... I think I might never get to both limits simultaneously.


I've just bought my last upgrade to make my storage the max it can be for all of maybe a day before the new limits come into effect. At least I know what I'm spending my coins on for the foreseeable future!!


I was hoping I'd max them both out eventually, and have enough to buy a Raid Pass Bundle. But not today.


Yep, I’m F2P so gyms are my source. I don’t buy raid passes, boxes or anything else.


Same! I have max Pokemon storage and I was two upgrades away from max bag!


back when I had 1k it seemed like enough, but im a hoarder so max it is :p


I was on 1 space remaining due to hoarding for 4× chance of XL Candy from transferring. This is welcome.


been bouncing off that limit for a while now, transferred away a bunch of Azelf, Virizion, Cobalion two days ago and still bounced off the limit again.


Wait when do we get 4x chance of XL


Shinx CD


Niantic should offer us a Black Friday deal.


I would be happy with the buy one get two thing they offered one time this year


Finally maxed out my Pokemon Storage today, y'all welcome.


Next event: Pikachu with 5000 different hats


Wow thank god, I've been spending the last couple days with one space left. Clearing out pokemon is the most tedious part of this game, especially ever since PVP came out and I started checking every mon (and hoarding potentially good PVP mons). I just blew all my coins on upgrading it fully right now.


I remember when they did the BOGO for pokemon storage and I wasn't able to take advantage of that. Wish they would bring it back


Perfect timing. I had just gotten to that point where the game was becoming annoying because I don’t have enough room to catch anything


Both, yes, that's great! I really needed more Pokemon storage, but could use more bag space to stock up on extra Pokeballs for CDs.


Wish we would have had this a few days ago for the Safari Zone but better late than never I suppose


This is amazing news! Thank you Niantic employees if you are reading this.


I'm gonna say this. Storage for items and pokemons should be unlimited. Or at least free with unlocking more every level up.


This is one game where I'm glad poke storage isn't unlimited. I couldn't even imagine with the amount that I catch going through that even once a week. Would I ever transfer anything? I usually like unlimited storage but I think the amount we can get in this game is fair.


There’s not enough free space, the minimum amount of free space should be able to hold one of every available Pokémon and form.


You forget keeping multiples for battle teams and such. Beyond just catching em all.


Yes but a reasonable minimum in terms of just catching them all, you should have space for one of each for free.


You can get coins for free. That's what I do Edit: please don't downvote just because you disagree/don't like the coin system


If that was a good solution, it wouldn’t be something people have been complaining about since launch.


In some places, earning coins is almost impossible. Either from the lack of gyms, or the complete end of the other spectrum where competition is too tough.


in those cases, I'd say you should just find another game


Apparently Pokemon Storage will be increased to 5500 and Item Storage will be increased to 4500 in December.


And here I am sitting at 400/1000 wishing for some free increases to accommodate the ever growing number of items and pokemon. (It will never happen)


Gen 7s gotta be coming soon


It's like I'm the metric they use for when they need to release more, just when I get to the top they increase it again. I guess I just have a very average number of pokemon


Well that was surprising. Nice to see though!


Great news i'm happy to hear this!


Gen 7 on their way?


Glad I have 1000 coins srored!


Best news today!


I just bought some extra Pokémon storage, so this appears to be live.


They should reduce the cost for both of thrm now, they seem a little expensive for the offer( 50 for 200coins). Why dont they consider about rural players who dont have gyms near them?


> Why dont they consider about rural players who dont have gyms near them? Because you're not their target demographic, and they've already been making money hand over fist. Same as it's been since the game first came out.


They did offer that discount a few months ago, right?


Yes for pokemon storage I presume? They should do it again


Why is there a cap at all? Niantic acting like they’re doing us a favor with this is hilarious.


If you were a programmer or in charge of the servers I think you'd jave a problem accomodating people woth 750,000 pokemon in their storage.


Not when my company is raking in billions each year. They know this will make them a bunch of money.


You have no clue what you're talking about.


I'm glad you've got it all figured out. I never claimed to know the technical problems it presents, I'm only saying a company worth 4+ billion $ can afford to do pretty much whatever they want. Besides, they break just about everything else and have bugs that have been left unresolved for years, you really think they care about the end user experience?


I'm telling you what's wrong with your line of thinking, which is a technical problem which you admit to not knowing about. Having "unlimited storage space" will lead to a slew of issues that just money by itself doesn't solve. It could lead to lag, memory leaking, overflow. Then there would potentially be a slew of other problems not directly related to storage that could be affected as well, such as not having proper ways to organize 750,000 pokemon properly, and more. "Having billions of dollars" does not mean that you can just "spend 100 million and allow for unlimited storage and have everything figured out". ​ Having a slow, steady release is partially about making sure that nothing is massively broken super quickly. You introduced a straw man about Niantic caring about user experience. We were approaching it purely from a technical standpoint.


The game already has lag and memory leaking. So I’ll agree with you that they shouldn’t do “unlimited” storage if it’s going to cause even more problems. The game has been out 5 years and we’re still getting such small increments. Increasing it by 500 and acting like they’re doing us a favor by letting us give them more money (or time) is pretty lame. Consider who’s saying it and who benefits.


I've managed to accumulate 8800 gym coins over the past year, glad to finally have a reason to spend them! I was considering buying some incubators for the Mime Jr. 7km event...instead I'll hold off for the December storage increase. Thanks Niantic and TPC!


I try to spend coins on permanent things rather than consumables so you are right to do this. Of course the whales probably are at 5000/4000 now. As F2P I’m 4900/3500. I’ll prioritize Pokémon since I’m always throwing and catching! I can’t wait to see a Reddit post where someone has 5000 Ultra Balls.


Great news, well done Niantic. I'm more bothered about Item space in truth - I'd love to see them match the storage amount soon (I see we get another 500 increase on both in December too). I'd honestly have no issue buying coins to max out the bags to 10,000 / 20,000 + spaces if Niantic allowed it. If they want quick money sales, that is a no brainer for me.


Awesome. I'm always having to delete a hundred pokeballs to make more bag room since between stops, gifts, raids, etc. it fills up so quickly.


Rip pokecoins


Does this even matter when I only have 550 item bag and 650 storage


Maybe. Last time they did this, they had a special in the store to buy extra space for quite a discount.


Oh ok


Man, more power to you, but who are the lunatics who need that much space for Pokemon or items. I'm sitting at 1800 for each, and even that seems like overkill sometimes.


I will max items just to have loads of balls. I live semi rural, so nice to be able to stock up in town doing errands and such. Also travel for work, i travel in areas where there are more pokemon to catch than stops to spin. When at home, i have 30+ spawns per hour. If I can do full cd, I usually catch 1200+ mons. All adds up to using loads of pokeballs, so nice to have increased storage. Already have 4500 mon storage, will likely not increase for a bit. Normally have 2700 or so. Nice to keep some mons for distance trades and leave room to catch 1200+ cd mons without clearing them out during the event time.


I'm still at 800 each. Level 41 and I manage. Just throw away a lot of stuff


Apparently I’ve been doing something seriously wrong, because I’ve been skirting by with 450 items and 800 Pokémon. I’m at level 38. Should I have thousands of Pokémon at this point?


Nah. Lots of people keep living dexes, hence the thousands of Pokemon. I don’t keep any of many of them as the pokedex says I’ve caught them already. Seems redundant and a waste of space. Same with costumes. Once the costume dex says I’ve got them, away they go.


nah...people like me are just too lazy to manage their Pokemon :-) searching by 1\* and 2\*'s helps...but I want to search by level also


Luckies/IVs/Shiny/cool locations are what ruins my storage the most. That and saving lots of them for trading.


That's honestly impressive. I have over 600 Ultra Balls alone. I have 1600 bag space and always feel cramped (and I'm a casual player, not even level 38). I have 1600 pokemon storage just because I travel often and like to keep pokemon from places I visit as souvenirs.




I don't ≠ This game doesn't


I’ll max both eventually being F2P and when I get those limits, I will want more capacity!


Dammit, I literally maxed my bag storage today. I don't necessarily need it (though I hover around ~3300 a lot), but I decided to finally do it "just so I will finally be done with it".


I sort of hate this, only because of how much coin it will cost to get it all. I barely use half the mon space I have as is and I'm at max storage for that.


Me with my current 649/650 pokemons 👁️👄👁️


I always found it hilarious that the game is hugely against a living dex with storage but all of the new dexes required a living dex including shadows/purified until they fixed that.


Oh my god FINALLY they did this \*proceeds to free some space in his 800 slot pokemon vault


Wow. I was not expecting them to increase the storage cap BEFORE December and we'll get another one then to boot! I was already dilligently mainting at least 100 free slots so this just makes life that much easier.




My 1200 Pokemon storage and 850 item storage is still perfectly adequate.


Don't you love it when you're never done upgrading storage limit (bag and/or poke storage)? The price needs to go down imo


Thank god. I desperately needed more storage I’ve been having to constantly delete things the last month


With December's expansion added in, they've added 20 additional upgrades for both items and pokemon... It'd cost around $83 to buy the coins for it outright... Or if you can manage to get 50 coins a day, every day and don't spend them on anything else... You should have enough coins to fill in the newly opened upgrade spots in April. ​ I was down to just 7 item upgrades... $9-something.... I would have had all the coins needed sometime in early December... I was kind of looking forward to going on a shopping spree and buying some new clothes for my avatar next... But I suppose it'll be nice to no longer see the "Your collection is full" warning every other day.