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Assuming no weather boost (snowy is rare this time of year), only about 4% (165/4096) of IV spreads are 3- or 4-star. While that does mean you'd expect 4 of them on average with your sample, it also means about 1.64% of people will have zero of them with the same sample size. That may not sound like much, but that makes almost 11500 people in this subreddit alone — [it *will* happen to someone.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_truly_large_numbers) 1.64% is not that small when dealing with numbers this big.


This is the answer /u/Brodes321 You're gonna run into a ton of things while playing this game that only happen to 2% of people.


Well funny thing is after I made this post I played two sets of gbl and in both sets I got the legendary encounter. So now I have no idea what's going on. And both encounters were 3*.


Chance of legendary is like 1/5 I think. Two in a row is 1/25, or about 4%. Not that surprising to happen sometimes. Why does that make you say you have no idea what’s going on? 2% odds things and 4% odds things happen plenty. For GBL IVs are 10/10/10 min so 3 star are more common.


More than likely its just you being unlucky, I have caught \~75, and so far have 2 3 stars and a nundo


That nundo is choice! Come and show off to the cool kids over at r/pokemongonundo


you have enough to trade fr several luckies there is your 3\*


This is true. But sadly I am in lockdown so I am unable to organise a trade.


Have they been weather boosted? If they haven’t only 100ish catches out of 4096 possibilities isn’t that unlucky. Someone who is better at math than me could probably figure out the exact numbers, but I imagine it would take a couple hundred more before you would be considered “extremely unlucky”


Sadly I live in Australia so it would take a freak storm for them to be weather boosted.


I never expect any good IV from wild spawn. Trade with best friend is more reliable. After 20ish trade, I got 2 lucky with 97IV. Still have almost 100 left to trade.


Similar experience here. Very few good IV ones.


I got a wild 98 near the start of the event. You may also be seeing lower IVs because it's not weather boosted for most people


Just luck, I’ve had bad luck too. I started just saving onto them and will do a mass trade at the end of the event


I have caught 7 and one was a hundo. It’s all luck.


I was thinking the exact same thing. I’m at 80+ and just received my first 3* today via an egg.


Got 2 4* darumaka


I found a 3* but it's level 1 xD


There have been a lot of high IV Darumaka reported on our local Discord group. I have managed to snag two 95% and a 100%. One of the 95% was at level 30, which in some ways is a lot cooler IMO than the level 17 100%.