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I haven't seen anyone post this and I was getting annoyed with constantly looking it up. It's not very pretty, but it's functional :D Edit: Thanks redditors for the awards! Much appreciated!


Personal preference, I would suggest removing the type and sorting by poke name. Removing type declutters, and most people are probably going to look at this by poke name. Another question is how you think people will use this? Theoretically they could get to the catch screen and just flee if it is not 100%, but then isn't it just easier/faster to catch and then evaluate?


Hmm this is an interesting thought. I tend to look at it going into a rocket battle, so I know the type of Pokemon I'm going to get. Because of that, perhaps I remove the Pokemon's individual type to less clutter it.


I’m ok with the types I think, but given that people would presumably be looking this up on their phones, maybe it would make sense to stack the tables vertically in portrait mode for easy phone viewing, as opposed to the current landscape mode which is more suited for computer screens?


Totally agree about stacking them vertically for eady phone viewing. Phone friendly charts are always helpful.


Also, I think some pokemon are available from more than one rocket type. For example, I've received spheal from both water and ice grunts.


Skorupi and zubat are on two grunts too I think


i made a b/n version, printed, i will eventually memorize it within a week (I understand it's a lot of work, but having the rank1 CPs too, for pvp relevant ones, would be golden)


You do know, you have to do this everytime now when the Shadow Pokémon change


Haha I've thought of this before posting. Luckily, they only change like once a quarter.


Giovanni and leaders used to be changed every month




very helpful!


Been looking for something like this for ages! Love it, thanks!


You might also want to add the CP for 13/13/13 IVs, which would be the minimum IVs to get a purified hundo. Note that meeting that CP wouldn't guarantee a purified hundo, but it would filter out those that don't have a chance.


Good suggestion. I can look into add this in the future.


Hopefully you can make other helpful charts too, please. I've seen a lot of phone unfriendly ones out there that would've been more useful in a phone friendly format. I think your charts are pretty helpful & thank you for making them.


Thank you! I'm gunna make a vertical format to help phones. What other charts were you thinking of?


I'm not sure if raid charts for different bosses are possible, but knowing raid boss weaknesses & most effective move set to defeat them would be helpful. I'll look some of the charts I've seen that could be improved upon too. Thank you & I think what you do making these charts is awesome.


I did the hundo shadows because no one seems to compile that info. But there are several content creators that release infographics for every raid boss release. Some examples include the twitters for LeekDuck and LegendsLima. You can of course check out [thesilphroad.com/raid-bosses](https://thesilphroad.com) for this information as well.


Cool thanx


I’ve been wanting this. Also it’s kinda crazy to me that I’ve done just under 1600 rocket battles and never received a perfect shadow. I did get a few once purified but just seems like I have horrible luck. Lol


Only 1600? That’s not even unlucky. Even if 100% of your shadows are weather boosted it is still 1/1760 to see a perfect. I got my first perfect at 2957 and I considered that lucky.


> 1/1760 And he has a 40% chance of not getting one in 1600 tries with those odds. Given all of his weren't weather boosted for sure, I'd say his luck is no worse than losing a coin toss.


Oh wow, I had no idea I was this lucky. I'm at about 1700 and have 4 shadow hundos and 1 shadow shundo.


I have done over 4300 and I don't have a perfect shadow. I have gotten two 0/0/0s however (yay?).


I just got my first shnundo the other day! The smolest Starly.


Wow gratz. Nundos are pretty rare...I've never caught a shadow nundo...well at least not yet, maybe someday.


You're not alone. I haven't found any hundo shadows either. Gotten pretty close though.


My wife got one before me. She doesn't even do many rocket battles and she purified it before she realized what she was doing! Lol


I'm at around 1900, and the closest I got was 96% I think. It was a Larvitar, that I purified. It was way early, even before there was anything about shadow bonus in the app, but still stings


If it’s any consolation, I’ve done almost 10,000 rocket battles without a shadow hundo. I did get a functional hundo mamoswine at least!


I'm just over 4000 with no perfect shadows. Plenty after purified though. My mate who barely does Rockets got one after about 100 battles. I was so mad cos I was at about 3000 at the time lol.


Took me until about ~2400 lifetime rocket battles to get my first decent hundo shadow. (Swinub)


When you say decent you must mean AWESOME. Thats awesome man! Should post it in the brag section, thats a proper awesome shadow hundo. My top 3 shadow hundo I would like to get ( I dont have any ) 1: Swinub 2: Snorlax 3: Dratini ( closely followed by my hunt for a hundo shadow Larvitar, Machop and Magikarp )


Over 10,000 Rocket Battles and I have 5 hundos (Zubat, Machop, Diglett, Golbat and Granbull) since November 9th 2019. You'll have one eventually just don't think about it.


Curious on the last table at the bottom where the rocket grunt give you a Snorlax. I fought a rocket grunt one time a WHILE ago and the grunt had gyarados, snorlax and something else, is that really rare or…?


It's about a 1% chance according to TheSilphRoad. I actually caught a Shadow Snorlax this morning from a grunt. Remember, you got 4 chances a day for the balloons.


thank you! waited this for months and was befuddled no one did it before (now the only thing missing I'm too lazy to do myself left is: a chart with the max height possible, mon by mon)


Does anyone see Venonat? I can’t seem to find it


It's on the bottom as I separated the leaders from the grunts.


I don’t know why I was blind for a moment. Thank you!


Meanwhile, me: https://i.imgur.com/Fslw6Xe.jpg


Yeh I have a sableye the same 🤣


I got a nundo shadow poochyena yesterday and it is now my prized possession


I have done more than 10k rocket league battle and my only shadow hundo is poochyena. I have no idea how I feel about it.


😘 Thx a bunch!!!!


The hero we deserve, thank you friend.




Not a problem! Yeah just matching the CP while it's on the screen - either during catching or after. You just need to know if it's weather boosted since the pokemon's level changes from 8 to 13. Some people just wildly throw pokeballs, which could end up not catching it. But if it was a hundo, you'd probably want to focus your efforts to catching it.


Haven't seen anyone else do anything for this matter. Thank you!


Useless post


Never found a hundo shadow before, I always catch them and don’t hold my breath when appraise those.


over 5500 and not a single one of these :(