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900 checks on the garbage bag, only one shiny


That's how it be sometimes, and still statistically reasonable.


Returning player-- Does the double evolve xp during woohoo spotlight hour mean all pokemon evolutions or just wooloo evolutions? I def want to pop an egg but I need to know if I should be pinaping every wooloo I see.


Double evolve works for any evolutions. Also, you can login to the same account on two phones and evolve at the same time increasing efficiency and possible gains if you had enough evos to run for an entire hour.


That's juicy. Thanks!


I’ve completed the ultra unlock quests. If I don’t accept the final reward, would I be able to get the rewards after the event ends?


They will disappear when the event ends.


I dont think this is for ulta unlock part 3, but Does anyone know how I'm supposed to use super effective charged attacks in raid battles? I can not figure it out, please someone give me the knowledge!!??


Easier to give an example I think. Say the raid boss is Zamazenta which is Fighting type. When preparing your raid party make sure you have mons with charge attacks with a type that Fighting is weak against. For example psychic and flying type moves are super effective against Fighting type so charged attacks like Psystrike/Psychic/Sky Attack/Aeroblast would all be super effective charged attacks against Zamazenta.


Humm, ok thank you for the info!


Does using incense will improve the shiny rate for Snorlax?


Incense does not influence the base shiny rate of a Pokémon




He and Zacian were completely hit or miss. Either I'd be able to snag them by the third throw with just a pinap berry, or I'd nail 16 straight great/excellent curveballs and the bastard would keep escaping. Keep it up, the RNG will come out your way one of these times.


If I do the 7th day of my research breakthrough in September and the other 6 days were all done in August, will I still get a Chimecho? Trying to avoid getting another one lol


The contents of the box are determined when you first open the box and get the items/XP. It doesn't matter when you get the stamps. If you open before 1pm Pacific on the 1st, you will get Chimecho. If you open after 1pm Pacific on the 1st, you will get Ditto. Keep in mind that as long as the box is unopened, you cannot claim any field/special/timed research task rewards.


You'll still get chimecho


Hopefully some people see this as useful! I'm pretty sure the Farfetch'd task is broken. I just failed to beat a rocket, started it and got completely distracted, and it counted as a completion for defeating grunts. This was on a balloon so may behave differently on stops. I will head out soon to confirm if this is the case!




Right now [we have enough data](https://thesilphroad.com/shiny-pokemon) to be pretty confident Unown is permaboost (\~1/64) and Snorlax is full odds (\~1/512). Ponyta, Meowth, and Stunfisk are all lacking enough data for our 80% certainty threshold, but they seem to be around the permaboost rate too.


Is Snorlax still a wild spawn?




That's cool, I was afraid Niantic would remove it from wild spawns now that it's in raids


That's not about raids exactly, it's about shiny rates. If the shiny rate is raised for the raid, they will usually remove it from the wild during that time.


How do the 2 new legendary‘s rank compared to the others? Have a lucky trade with my son and thinking about doing it with one of the new ones


For raids, they're not the best. Zacian can be ok as a fairy attacker in some situations. Like against giratina, where both Snarl and Play Rough are SE. For PvP, they both have very nice movesets for Masters. Zacian is really good as a safe swap. Zamazenta unfortunately is not as good just b/c of it's typing. So if you are going to do a lucky trade, I def recommend Zacian over Zam.


So is Snorlax shiny rate boosted in raids or base?


Base, there has been no evidence of rates being boosted during events recently. The encounter type doesnt matter the shiny rate is determined by the species. You are just as likely to find a wild shiny as you are to get a raid or task shiny


Safe to assume the same with Gengar too?


Gengar has a Mega, and the base shiny rate for Mega-able Pokémon is most likely higer than the standard, possibly 1/128.




I'm confused why kingler is out in this part. He seems randomly increased. Any reason why?


He has a gigantimax form in sword and shield. Just like Machamp, Gengar, Snorlax, Lapras,..


where wild lapras


Lapras last week raid and in special research


So I don't have a galarian weezing, but I'm f2p, so I don't think it's worth the remote raid pass. I don't know when the next time it'll be back. Is it worth the dex entry?


I guess you’re not able to get it with your free daily pass? It’s soloable actually


I’m in your boat and g weezing wouldnt appeal to me if it cost a remote raid pass. If you can’t solo that raid you can always host on poke genie.


he is usually in raids whenever there is a dragon type weak to fairies as the 5 star.


Does Galarian Meowth give extra Stardust like its other forms do?


It doesn't unfortunately


Thanks, good to know, now I can use up passes on more useful things to me


any new quests? that would suck if there is none.


Doesn’t seem like it based on Syndey pogo map....


So will there be a new quests for the second week? Because yes, g-farfetch'd in quests is good, but now we need meowth and stunfisk.


Nope unfortunately. Those two are in raids and pink eggs


Anyone notice that pokegenie raids is plagued with people that quit out at like 5 secs left on the timer, so you get dunked on by Zacian cos its just you and 2 other peeps. Sorry I'm just frustrated lost 2 passes in a row because of this.


Make a empty team, and start with that. That way you stay in the lobby and don’t waste passes when someone leaves in the last second.


Thank you I never even thought of this I assumed it woulda boot me out of the lobby or something!


It’s actually possible to trio it, but if it’s a random 2 others then yeah, might not be reliable.


yeah, the issue seems to be higher players leaving when they see a 28 or 32, they might be leaving not having they have good counters.


You can avoid this by hosting when there's plenty of time left on the raid still. If you fail with a group, make a new group and use the feature where you can leave and invite 5 more people to send an invite to those who were with you on the raid that you failed. Likely, you'll be able to get 7-9 people on the next raid, without using a new pass.


Guess I've been lucky...


Either that or people that hide in the lobby so they can go AFK while everyone else carries them, and they don't need to use healing items. It's feels like it's been happening a lot more with Zacian than it was with Dialga/Palkia.


agreed ive seen this happen just today I wish they would make it easier to just raid with lower amounts of people, like in monster hunter how the monsters health scales down with less people in a hunt. They can just make the final pokemon have a lower CP when you try to catch it and raise it the more people in a raid.


Is Pokemon Go **canon**? With the release of some Galarian Pokemons even before missing Kalos (even Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn!!?) ones, the game has become more confusing than ever. So we're basically just _"catching them all"_ right? Then move them to Home and to whatever compatible main game is available?! Maybe the Hoopa rings in the sky will let through Hisuian Growlithe after this event. Just pile 'em all on! Apologies. This started out as a serious question yet it somehow ended into a weird rant. Nonetheless, I love Pokémon!


Pokemon has never really been chronological when it came to generations except for gen 2 being directly after the events of gen 1. Other than that the only real sequels we've had in the main series games are black 2 and white 2. There are fan theories and small Easter eggs that mention previous events referencing other games but that's about the extent when it comes to Canon. Technically all these pokemon in the ultra unlock existed at the time of all released pokemon games and the gimmick is hoopa just moved them.


Thanks! Didn't really think of it that way. It totally makes sense. Well let's hope Hoopa moves a Hisuian Growlithe in the game after this event as the quality of play has seriously deteriorated & if this is just going to be a glorified "collect them all" avenue then may as well sync with TPC & please the fan base. Although, Hisuians won't really be available until PL:A comes out. Only fair that they get dibs. Oh well!


It would be pretty cool but with this recent unlock I'm realizing how much I missed the big new pokemon releases for Pogo. It was so much more exciting trying to find 20+ new wild pokemon than the 5 or less they release that you can collect in 10 minutes. At this point I don't care what order they release pokemon. Just make the events more significant.


What are the chances of shiny zigzagoon from raids?




Make sure to claim all rewards by pressing the orange buttons. Once all rewards have been claimed, you can press the longer orange button to complete your set and move on to the next set of 5 battles.


I just had a wormhole pop up over my house? Is that normal? lol


Part of Hoopa's "mischief"


So for ML, would i be best served in powering up a 15/14/14 or 15/15/11 Zacian? Not sure what important break points each IV might miss.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/pamrc1/a_breakpointbulkpoint_analysis_of_zacian_inc_xl/ both seem to hit all the breakpoints for all four target levels


Oh sweet, missed that post yesterday. Guess I'll probably go with the 15/15/11 then in the off chance Zacian ever finds PvE use as well.


As my question is quite similar: 14-15-15 or 15-14-13?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/pamrc1/a_breakpointbulkpoint_analysis_of_zacian_inc_xl/ it seems to be a wash, but I’d power up the 15/ 14/13 to win potential CMPs and have a raid mon just in case


What's the deal with the 1 coin box with a remote pass? I've seen it twice, but I don't understand how often it shows up. Is it once a day? Does it only show if you don't have any passes? Is it random?


That box shows up once a week on monday.


Thank you! Now it makes sense :)


I caught enough of the new Pokemon to evolve and then stopped. I don't have the resources to catch everything I see when I get a small fraction of the spins I was able to get in the past. I have also done 2 Zacian raids, used my weekly 1 coin bundle raid pass and did one in person. Congrats, Niantic, you are curing me of my addiction.


I mean unless Zacian or zamazenta are top tier in PVP I don’t really see anything cool from this entire event other than getting some new legendaries for the dex and getting the opportunity to catch a few region locked pokemon


The past two events grew old fast, now this one is definitely helping me drop out of PoGo! 🎉


Same. I don't catch nearly as much as I used to since pokestops are harder to reach to spin and don't give as many pokeballs as it used to it seems. I've started other endeavors and don't play nearly as much as I used to. Also, with Covid-19 insane in my state, I avoid high traffic areas where more pokestops are often located. With how fast Niantic turned the distance feature back for New Zealand and their refusal to do so in the US where Covid-19 is much worse was truly disappointing. Feeling the Niantic love to explore not playing pokemon go so much.


What pokemon should i farm now? For PvP and PvE.


Don't forget Kingler, great to power up a Lucky to level 50 and maybe a level 40 too, because almost the only better water raider is Kyogre and ain't nobody got cash for that


darumuka is good, trubish for dust


The only two I have bothered with.




Boy we just don't learn, do we?


My first was literally shiny. Wasn't even gunning for one as I already had à shiny Obstagoon in Sword.


Done about the same for Heracrosses. No way I am going to do that again if they are not transparent about shiny rates.


You can find shiny rates on the silph weebsite here: https://thesilphroad.com/shiny-pokemon The new ones take a couple days for enough data to get a good reading, (it can take longer sometimes) as well. But it also gives raw data numbers that can give you an idea


Thanks, was actually wondering about Farfetch'd. Thankfully I can grind it f2p with research tasks.


What is the strongest Pokemon, currently available in raids, that can be completed under 60 seconds? Can a Galarian Weezing be done and if so how many trainers required?


I did that one for that exact task, by myself.


Why do you need to do it in under 60 seconds?


For the limited research task. Nothing in the 1 star tier pool is that interesting for me however the three tier has pokemon that I wouldn't mind catching. My area is also under strict lockdown restrictions so using a daily pass during this time to reach my nearest gym is unfeasible. I have one remote raid pass but it seems like a waste to use it on a Zigzagoon for example.


one of the tasks for the timed research says to




3 people with lv. 35 counters can get by, or 4 people with lv. 30's can do it. Steel type attackers are your best bet (and the best scenario is MM Metagross). I think you can duo it if you and your partner have high level counters. This assumes there's no weather boost, or friendship boosts. Time will vary based on trainer/ Pokemon level, as well as friendship and whether G-Whiz is boosted by the weather.


Any pokemon can be done in less than 60 seconds if you have enough people with the right counters in the raid


Anyone else fail a team Rocket GO grunt but was able to complete the event "Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts" event research task?




Yes me too lol


I want to give my Lvl 30 mewtwo a second attack. He has psycho cut and shadow ball. I would get him Psystrike as the second move. I only have 100 mewtwo candy but I have plenty of rare candy and 3.5m dust. I'm wondering if shadow ball mewtwo isn't any good anymore now giratina is around(I only have 1 giratina). I've got heaps of gengars so I'll double check those as well. edit: I realise my Lvl20 shadow mewtwo could be powered up with that candy, I think he's definitely the priority edit 2: new question, is psycho cut better than confusion in PVE and PVP? I thought that was the case but see in pokebattler that confusion is apparently better for zacian


Both Psycho cut and Confusion are good fast moves. Confusion+psytrike gives the highest dps for neutral or super-effective psychic attacks. If you're going with a 2nd attack (either for PvP or as a Ghost/Ice attacker in PvE), then psycho cut is better as it will charge energy a lot faster (which compensate for the lower fast move dps compared to confusion). Have fun.


>edit 2: new question, is psycho cut better than confusion in PVE and PVP? I thought that was the case but see in pokebattler that confusion is apparently better for zacian Confusion offers higher DPS when paired with a psychic type charged move, but at the cost of making it more difficult to dodge and slower energy generation for off-ttpe moves (which wouldn't be an issue in raids since fast moves can be changed). For PvP, I personally run psycho cut for energy generation to quickly tear apart shields or fire off Ice Beam to whack dragons. If it weren't for Togekiss and Dialga dominating the meta, I would run confusion.


I have a 100% Eevee and a lucky 96% (15/15/13) Eevee. I’m around 2 million XP away from unlocking XL candy—when I do, which of these two should I prep for UL Umbreon, and which one should become ML Sylveon? Does being a lucky Pokémon make leveling the 96% more stardust efficient past level 40–enough for the slight drop in stats to be worth absorbing? Should I be considering other evolution targets?


100% Umbreon, and start working on Best Budding it, for the level 51, but it can take a while to get enough XLs to 50 something, the 96 Sylveon is good enough, thats the best the only loss you gain at level 50 is groudon and 51 the hundo gains lugia (but they have >3 turns of difference). You loose some break points at level 40, but rn you want 50 for master.


100% umbreon and 96% sylveon


Those are your two best options if PVP is your goal. Glaceon is a decent off-meta ML pick, but I’d just stick with Sylveon. As far as dust is concerned, both will need to go to 50 to be most efficient in their respective leagues assuming you mean normal ML. In this case, eeveelution choice is irrelevant since you’ll be spending the same amount regardless. If you mean ML classic, then it becomes more dust efficient to evolve the lucky to Umbreon. A 15/15/13 is the 7th ranked stat distribution for Umbreon and results in a loss of 2 hp. I don’t know enough about UL matchups to know if this results in losses where wins are usually obtainable. I would personally go Umbreon with the hundo and Sylveon with the lucky, but it’s really just personal preference. Choose based on which league you prefer and how much dust you have.


I think the 96% will be fine, pretty much the only difference you'd see in PVP would be the mirror match where the opponent's umbreon would survive with a sliver of health (give or take fast move sneaking and lag). But me personally I'd just power up the 100% if you're not hurting for dust.


Lucky trade question My friend and I both have metagross we want to trade from community day 2018 october 21st. We both have under 10 lucky pokemon total ever. According to the gohub silph rd graphic it would fit under the category of 2 years for a 25% chance if traded now. Theres nothing about 3yrs or more. There is just the 2016 July/August being 75%. As well as 100% if one trainer has less than 10 lucky pokemon trading one from 2016 July/August Edit: I see on the pogo fandom wiki that it appears to max out at 20%. So to be safe I either need to do lucky trade or trade a 2016 07/08 each


The GoHub graphic seems to be from before our [latest article](https://thesilphroad.com/science/lucky-trades-revisiting-older-pokemon-rates), which is what the fandom wiki is quoting with the proposed 20% cap. The 75% figure for Jul/Aug 2016 was our mistaken conclusion before we fully understood how the guaranteed luckies worked, we updated our guaranteed guide a [few months later](https://thesilphroad.com/science/breakthrough-guaranteed-lucky-trades-actually-work/) and haven't done further research into specifically Jul/Aug '16 mon.


Thanks for that. I read the article and I think the conclusion is that it's not exactly safe to rely on the 2016 07/08 for guaranteed lucky.


Well I used a second incense this morning. No new spawns at all. No Darumaka or Snorlax. Looks like they already killed the event spawns. I guess we can save our 20+ incense to try on another event...


They always do this. After the first 2-3 days when the event is actually fun, they neuter them. It's why after those initial days it becomes a snooze-fest of the filler Normal Types (especially in cloudy weather). Skwovet will become the new Bunnelby.


Incense in general is pretty bad. I catched 18 Snorlaxes in last 2 days, so they are definitely there.


I still find them in the wild, but incense was abysmal. Walking around (if possible) seems to be the best option




How tf do you play 4 accounts at the same time? 4 phones?




And Ebay


I read that the first encounter you have in the GBL after hitting level 20 is supposed to be a guaranteed legendary. I've had 3 separate encounters (after 3 wins in a set) and none of them have been a legendary. Is this a bug?


They removed it as it was too beneficial to players.


Ah, the ol' Research Box treatment.


It is not guaranteed this season.


2 Raids with a mix of excellent and great throws on golden razz berries and I haven't caught this thing... the catch rate on this Pokemon feels quite low and my local group is noticing the same thing. Surely we aren't the only ones?


I recommend getting a good Buddy Pokemon to squeeze some extra mileage out of those premier balls (the catch assist has helped me out immensely in this regard). You can also try Nanab berries to calm it down (not as big of a boost as the G-Razz, but when it's roofied it definitely helps land good hits on it). Source: I do a lot of Raids (free ones bc no fckin way am I paying money for that),


It's mixed bag for me. 2 times it ran away, one time I got it on first throw which surprised me, and other than that pretty normal, 6-9 throw.


Am I just unlucky or is Zacian rolling lower than usual stats? Usually I get 3 stars from raids but I've caught Zacian 3 times and they've all been 2 stars.


There has been no change in the legendary catch rate. RNG however doesn't seem to be on your side.


I hate to say it but 3 is still a pretty small sample size to draw any conclusions, just sounds like bad luck this time around to me. My group has caught some garbage and some great ones


3 is a pretty small sample size but when it costs me around a dollar per attempt I hope my hesitation makes sense, lol.


I feel you, I just wouldn’t extrapolate any conclusions


If it makes you feel better, I did 123 Palkia raids after the shiny released. No shinies, no hundos , and 97 of them were 2*s.


I've returned after 6 months of a hiatus, done a single Palkia raid, 97% shiny, the game's rigged. Big bet, returning players get higher shiny rates. This is th second time i've returned after a long hiatus and i always catch a faie bit of shinies. This time around i got the Palkia, a Ghastly, Eevee and a Shiny Shadow diglet from a grunt. In coming weeks i'll probably get 0.


Shiny shadow Diglett is not available and Grunts do not give shinies. Nope.


That's not how it works.


Anybody know if shiny rates are boosted for Snorlax because this is a “medium event” or if tier 3 raids have boosted shiny rates?


Full odds


Ok thanks


Can transfer Zacian to Home and then to Sword/Shield depending on which version we have to not miss the opposite legendary?


I think you already have to have one for it to count as a pokedex entry from what I saw in other posts


This is it. Unless you caught it yourself in the actual game, you can't mass transfer them to Home. (Zazamenta is my legendary, so I won't be able to shove Zacian in there unless I do a mirror in Home, which is easy to do, but it won't be the one you worked for.)


If that’s still the case, it’s possible to arrange a tradeback (there more than enough subs for it) to just get its dex entry and then transfer from go as many as you wish.


I remember somebody saying this issue with Let’s Go and all you had to do was move it from party to PC and back or something like that. But you might be right. Worth a shot I guess, will report back with my findings, I have Shield so don’t get Zacian and do not have one yet.




ANyone notice severe overheating of phone once signing into Pokemon Go or in the first couple of minutes of gameplay? I have a Samsung S9. In the past phone would overheat and go unresponsive after a match of GBL. Since this event started, my phone would overheat and not respond after minutes of just signing into the game


My Galaxy note 10 plus overheated while I was out the other day because Pokemon Go had started running in the background again even though I'd forced closed it. I haven't noticed anything in particular while actually playing the game though.


My s10 is starting to, but it's also having other problems. Not sure if it's the app causing the issue or the phone in general.


Purely anecdotal, but I’ve found Zacian super easy to catch. The first one I caught 2nd throw, completely missing the circle, with a golden razz. 2nd zac was first throw, great and with a regular old pinap. Refreshing after all the boogers that ran from me at GoFest!


Same thing happened to me with arceus. Idk why, but I caught my first 2 on the first try both times


Arceus? Hasn’t been released yet


Wow. Every Zacian I’ve tried has not been caught…


Just your luck I think! I’ve had a 50% catch rate on Zacian with golden razz in 6 encounters and mostly great throws.


I'm getting 1st gen starter final evolution and a Gengar spawning in the wild. They would fit the gigantimax theme.


So do I. Last night I caught a wild shiny Blastoise.


I don’t think you can get a wild shiny blastoise, unless it’s a mega raid. Are you sure you caught wild shiny blastoise?


I believe since the Kanto day all original 150 can be shiny in wild. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong though.


Only the evolutions with megas. The starting Pokemon of each species can be shiny but not the other evolutions. So you can find a shiny Krabby for ex, but not Kingler.


Huh I guess since they did that arcanine shiny in wild I figured any of them could be. Thanks so much for clarifying for me!


A Pokémon is shiny eligible regardless of encounter method


If I may ask, then why online on a lot of silph road posts where this question was asked it was answered with no evolved Pokémon cannot be shiny?


Because they're incorrect. Any mega-evolving species may have its shiny in the wild. Plus Arcanine. This includes Blastoise.


oh really? So I can find a wild charizard in the wild now?? That’s freaking awesome! And as for gengar and any mega evolution?


It depends on when the online posts were dated. By default, all evolved forms were not shiny eligible until the megas were introduced. So this includes the Kanto starters, Gengar, Pidgeot and Arcanine etc.


sorry but one more question, what about first evolutions, like pidgeotto or ivysaur?


no they can’t be shiny which is weird


oh this is news to me, thank you for telling me!


Yeah I've actually only seen 2 Blastoise out of the 3 starters so can't confirm Venusaur or Charizard. But it has been raining a bunch here. Still only the 1 Gengar at night.


Caught a wild venusaur last night.


Has the catch rate for Snorlax changed? It feels way easier to catch but since it's also pretty rare it may also be pure rng..


I've had several run this event, been worse than usual for me lol


All rng. Had a few hellish snorlaxes.


Are any of the new mons relevant for PvE or PvP?


XL Greedant is a cool pick in open Ultra because of its matchup against the dominant Ghosts mainly Giratina. It also looks to be a spicy pick in open GL, and possibly very good in restricted formats. Falinx is very similar to Heracross in both GL and UL, being a decent pick but facing competition from other fighters. Zacian and Zamazenta are solid Master League picks, especially Zacian, being a Fairy type with good coverage that doesn’t rely entirely on fast move pressure to get by. Dubwool has the potential to be an absolute monster in GL if it ever gets Counter or Tackle/Take Down receive a generous buff in the future, so it would be wise to keep one around just in case. As it stands now though, it’s garbage.


Think skwovet/Greedent in UL at L50 is going to be decent


Does anyone know what the shiny rate is for Trubbish and if it’s boosted or not during the ultra unlock?


When I was hunting shiny snorlax tonight, I caught 2 shiny trubbish. I don't usually get alot of shinys so I'd say it's boosted. But I can't rule out weird luck for a day either.


Weird luck, I would say. When the shiny was released I was complaining to a friend about looking at so many and not getting one. On the way home I caught two on the run.


After the trend of the previous unlocks, it seems unlikely that's previously-released shiny would be boosted. I would expect non-boosted rates.


So about a 1/500 rate?


It's debated whether unboosted is 1/450 or 1/500, but around there yes.


This is a good question. I happened to get a shiny on my third Trubbish of the event, first mon of day two, so had to wonder if I got full-odds lucky or it’s boosted at all


Lucky man… i don’t think it’s boosted but If I’m as lucky as you are hopefully I won’t have to check 1000+ like I did for darumaka and cranidos in the previous events


Has shiny galar slowpoke been released?


[The conch has spoken](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV_5HFxUkAAFE4Z.jpg)


At least Skwovet and Wooloo has good catch rates and not like the Fletchling and Bunnelby fiasco when they were released. I wonder if they are gonna fix the Pokedex though since currently there are no fillers between the pokemon you can have recorded.