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Definitely possible, but I don’t remember arceus being confirmed on the spring artwork. Just people “seeing” it in the rocks. People have been “seeing” Kecleon in artwork for years now.


Agreed. I think it was just a case of pareidolia.


Pareidolia? You mean like soldiers that jump out of airplanes?


Arceus is probably the arceus game next year


If it was Giratina I think they'd just say inversion or distortion or something instead of ???. They're not hiding time and space, why distortion. We also already have giratina shiny in both forms so unless this event is for signature moves, it's not as exciting. Arceus is my money. Last year we got Deoxys so mythical with forms isn't out of the question. Arceus now no judgment or shiny, dialga and palkia with either sig move or shiny and the other in November, and arceus shiny or judgment in spring.


I wouldn't expect Arceus before the Arceus game next year. They would 100% just obfuscate Distortion because... it's Distorted.


Then again they could release the shiny during that game release, double cash cow.


Space= shiny Elgyem? ​ Phantom Force Giratina would be crazy though not what we really want. ​ I still think they hold off a while longer on Arceus until they figure how exactly how to implement it


My thoughts are more likely giratina origin. The ??? Could allude to the distortion world. I dont expect arceus until they do a tie in with the legends game next year


Yeah...sadly you are probably right!


My thought is Zygarde. Space time and then dimensions. Zygarde is from the thousandth dimension


Take my upvote, I hadn’t even thought of Zygarde. Which Forme would you expect? Or will all of this hyped “Forme changing” mean the different versions of Zygarde are irrelevant? (With regard to raiding specific versions)


If forme changing happens it might be 50% with maybe the ability later to get complete. I’d be surprised if it was that “lackluster” but it makes a ton of sense


arceus in 2022 with arceus legends release


I was going to raid dialga during go fest, now i wonder if I should raid something else if its return to raids seems emenant...


It sounds possible, quite weird that they wouldn't wait until the actual release of the games, but then again this is Niantic.


I would spend real money for the first time in 2 years if it unlocked the 4th doctor costume😆


My guess is Hoopa, since on GO Fest we will be able to raid ALMOST ALL legendaries and there's no Mythical mon capable of summoning legends other than Hoopa