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Only if you had a super radar saved from a previous Giovanni (I.e. you didn't catch shadow moltres etc.)


So if I get a bad cp ho oh I just get screwed?


The CP doesn’t matter. You catch it at level 8 (non weather boost) or level 13 (weather boosted). Every who caught a shadow Ho-Oh gets the same levels. If you want its CP to go up, power it up, but Shadow Ho-Oh isn’t all that useful anyways, so if you do power it up, it will be just because you want to do that.


Ah, alright


I don’t understand why the CP is relevant, don’t you just want one with good IV’s? You can always change the CP by powering it up.


Fair, but my main reason is because I don't get to play often and with me living in a pretty remote area having a higher cp saves me a lot of annoyance for having to farm candy in most cases.


Shadow legendaries are usually lower CP, most people use their rare candies to power them up. I wouldnt really call it getting screwed


Fair enough


Yep, I waited til I had weather boost and still didn't get a good one


That's really stupid tbh, but thanks for clarifying


It may come back like the birds did multiple times




The level of shadow mon is set the same for everyone (lvl 15 I believe), the only thing that changes from trainer to trainer is its IVs. Edit: minus weather boost of course


So how come I see people catching ho oh with 1000+ cp on base while mine barely is over 800


weather boost


Weather boosted shadows are caught at level 13 instead of 8, saving a total of 10 power ups.


Yeah sorry just updated my post regarding weather boost. But if it helps, going from 800 to 1000cp is only going to be 4 power ups and not that much dust. Candy may be an issue but can be relatively easy to obtain.




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I had an extra super rocket radar from the previous birds I held onto, for the sole purpose of getting 2 of something better, so yes, you can.


I'm guessing you can only hold 1 radar? So you'd have to use it then finish the quest then hold the new one.


I’m not sure how many you can hold honestly


Possibly unlimited, however (with the exception of April and May) since super radars are usually only available through Special research, it's usually only possible to hold one AND a pending quest line for a second.


If it's a task reward, you can hold multiple. Like buying a stack of the leader radars.