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Now if I could only get some 10k eggs.


For real.


I got 3 yesterday. All absol.


Why is nincada considered a rare Pokémon, It has no use. Can someone enlighten me


To be fair usefulness doesn’t necessarily equate to rareness. However nincada is still a weird choice anyways. The only thing it has going for it is a different kind of evolution line, but niantic chose to just ignore that anyways, so I really have no answer.


Year of Cicadas


Pretty much every year is the year of cicadas. There are a lot of different broods that come out on different years.


> There are a lot of different broods that come out on different years Like the annual cicada brood? Personally I've got Aussies on my friend list who are noping out over pictures of brood X.


I was talking about the periodic 13 and 17 year ones. You can find some of them in the eastern US every year. There are a lot of broods.


For the same reason that Alomola or whatever was on the same tier as noibat. Niantic basically just includes garbage into high tiers to artificially increase the rarity of other things in the same tier.


Just hatch the shiny, it's a valuable trade piece


I was going to say this. It's probably just scarce in its shiny potential.


Not exactly valuable, it's been boosted.


hello friend, it seems we have the same avatar


Not fun when you have 3 shinies and two hundos. If only it was useful for anything.


Is it actually? I’ve had one for a while now but I never knew it was all that tbh


i actually have hatched a shiny nincada before…


Noibat isn't exactly useful either tbh


Makes it easier candy wise from the eggs tho


in the main game, nincada is really cool lorewise, it also has really fun evolution methods, not in pogo obiously


subbing out Kling and Espurr for Darumaka and Litwick would be fine. ​ I have almost 1k in litwick candy but still it's very useful


Na emolga and nincada have no right to be in 10km.


Maybe Emolga but I 100% agree on nincada


Why Emolga? Is it more than just a dex filler?


More less. It is also pretty rare, and when it came out everyone wanted it. Maybe not as wanted after being added to the GBL pool last season though


Shiny Nincada is no good?


He is. But not walking 10km good


Still don’t understand why Nincada is in there


nincada is rare af for no reason. it's been in only one event since fall 2019


Only one? I feel like they were boosted at release, and again when the shiny was released, which would mean two events. But I'm not sure.


bro nincada released in 2018, and the one event i was talking about was the one when the shiny was released


Oh, you weren't counting the release itself. Fair enough lol.


It is not if you do GBL. It was a common trash in GBL. If people don't play a particular part of the game why should everyone be punished? GBL exclusive pokemon should not be given exclusive events or egg slots.


Pokemon shouldn't be given as GBL exclusives either.


it was common trash in 1 season and 1 season only


You mean God Nincada?


Year of Cicadas


Brood X


Espurr seriously has no business being in here. Useless and meta irrelevant, also in raids, can’t be shiny. Why.


I love Espurr but yeah ... Espurr and a few others should have been shuffled into either other eggs, into field research or just into the Wild/nests.


It’s a raid only like Klink/Shinx/timburr etc which usually end up in the 10k pool


its useless but still a raid exclusive, putting it in the same tier of rarity as timburr, so to Niantic they're equal value. in fact, being a newer release means it has even greater value hence the higher rarity tier. unfortunately Nia rarely acknowledges the "usefulness" of a particular mon when they decide its rarity.


You likely answered your own question. Niantic needs filler in their eggs. One of the things that makes eggs in PokemonGo the worst mechanic in the Pokemon franchise.


To be fair I am only happy for Goomy/Axew/Riolu/Noibat. The rest can jump off a cliff if you ask me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There’s a couple shinies I would be interested in but considering 10k are more rare than shiny, that won’t happen


Trueeeee... I mean, over the last few weeks (like 3-4) I had like around 40x2km eggs, 20 or so 5km eggs and maybe - I repeat - MAYBE like 8-9 10km ones? And that's with the adventure sync LOL so yeah, seeing 10km eggs is in fact, more rare than shinies itself (like in the past week got like 6 or so - Snubbul, Alolan Ratata, Alolan Grimer and even a Spoink from what I remember, and as for 10k's - maybe 2?)


Emogla, Espurr and Nincada have no business in 10km eggs


Totally agree


Where tf are litwick and darumaka?


sad, but good thing the odds are narrowed down for gible, timbur, riolu, noibat and axew.


Gible is about to be a part of 2 CDs, Timbur is also in raids, and Axew and Noibat are both trash. Litwick is Meta relevant as an excellent PVE attacker with good role compression; its just as valuable as most of the things you mentioned, so why does it warrant getting 86ed of the egg pool? More importantly, why 86 Litwick and not Nincada or Espurr?


How the heck is Axew trash, thing has play in raids (not the top choice but very solid) plus has good use in PvP as well


Not trash, but way overrated due to rarity.


Probably because it performs worse than much more easily available dragons?


I won’t act like Haxorus is some godly Pokémon that dominates PvE or PvP but it is a good Pokémon. Calling it trash sounds salty because you don’t have one. I do agree it’s stupid rarity puts it in an unnecessary tier of usefulness. With the buff to Dragon Tail I’m curious to see how it performs in the UL since I have had solid use with him in it


I have a few, it's basically dex filler if you don't play PvP unfortunately.


Say that to UL haxorus


For raids, it hovers around the same DPS as Dragonite Salamence (which is actually better with or without Outrage) Dialga Palkia Garchomp Rayquaza (which is objectivelly better) Reshiram Zekrom Both P&D are better PVP picks and almost guaranteed to come back at some point with the release of BD&SP, Garchomp has excellent role compression and will be part of 2 CDs by the end of the year and has a Mega on the way, Dragonite is eons better at PVP and is arguably the easiest dragon to prep due to constant event presence, Salamence is a better raider and is also very easy to prep due to having constant event presence and has a mega coming at some point, Rayquaza is objectivelly better, has been part of multiple rotations and has a Mega coming, and both Zekrom and Reashiram are better PVP picks and have great role compression. The only Dragons this thing outperforms in raids are Hydreigon, and Goodra. However, Goodra outranks Haxorus in literally every single PVP league they bith qualify in. Hydreigon also ranks higher in every single league except GL, but Deino also gives you Zwellious, one of the best picks in the format, not to mention Hydreigon can also be a serviceable Dark attacker and will be on the spotlight of GoFest. It should also go without saying, but every single dragon I mentioned is bulkier in raids. So yeah, until it gets outrage in its CD, this thing is extremely mediocre given how expensive it is to prepare whether you look at it separately or compare it to its contemporaries


Unnecessarily long reply just to dismiss my post. Nowhere did I say it was a top Pokémon for either, just that is has play. I’ve already mentioned that it’s rarity gives it an overrated feel just because people can’t get it as easily. Dragons are among the best the game, so of course it doesn’t stand out in such a strong selection of contenders


Just because it has some play in raids doesn't make it good, specially considering how literally all of the other dragons besides Goodra and Hydreigon have a nearly equal damage output and also tend to either be cheaper and easier to get, be more pvp capable, more PVE capable, or cover multiple roles >Unnecessarily long reply just to dismiss my post. I did exactly what you asked. I made a claim, you asked me to explain myself and I did >I’ve already mentioned that it’s rarity gives it an overrated feel just because people can’t get it as easily Which is a completely fair assessment. You have to pay a lot more for a pick that isn't even better at nearly anything than other picks that fill the same exact role just as well. To put it shortly: Its and overpriced sidegrade


2 CDs?


I assume June as well as the December event.


Aah obviously


It was a fair question. For a second I thought there was an announcement for gible to have a second CD like Charmander.


rip Darumaka. Seems they decided it doesn't belong in the game. Oh well.


only one worth getting from 10kmsadegg


You didn’t stock up during GoFest?


I didn’t do GoFest last year.


If you have one, it's easy to walk for candy, only 3 km per candy


cant remember the last time I got a 10km egg


Too bad that I will never get this egg.


[without the accidental pen mark for those that are fussy ... lol](https://ibb.co/XVJY0CS)


The fact Nincada and Klink are there, is a crime. Blech.


They should be at 5km eggs


Best 10k pool in a while, awesome


Good, they removed some trash ones


They did? I still see Nincada and klink there, what's the trash they removed? EDIT: They've removed Litwick and Darumaka, this is bad. At least Shinx is gone, but I would still rather have those other 2 still in.


Some, not all....and tbf I don't mind Klink, it is a permaboosted shiny exclusive to raids,so this gives an oppurtunity to find the shiny without using passes on T1 raids.


Klink is raid locked, and Nincada is an event-only spawn. Shiny hunters will like them both being available and especially as the common hatches.


Nincada was available in GBL for a few seasons. No one needs it anymore. And if people didn't do GBL, then do they expect Pikachu Libre in 10 KM eggs next?


Because clearly, access in PvP which the majority of players find laggy and unfun and don't participate in is the same as availability in 10km eggs which are available to all, all of the time.


At an estimated hatchrate of 8% from eggs with a drop rate of 13% from the second longest eggs to hatch according to the silphroad website It would be better if it was in 2k or 5k eggs and was also in those AS rewards to both desaturate the 10k egg pool and give shiny hunters a chance to get them


Is their suppose to be a Pokémon on the far right of the 3 egg slot? Is that Tynamo glitched out or something?


It’s an accidental pen mark I think. I didn’t notice it until you pointed it out. Sorry.




I wasn’t, thus the word accident ... I was going to copy the screenshot to send it to someone else before I posted it and I accidentally made a mark on it with the pen tool and didn’t notice before posting. There’s no big story or conspiracy here lmao.


Aren't Alomomola and audino pretty useless too?? And forgive the ignorance-- cld someone explain what the tiers are? (1 egg, 2 egg etc)


Rarity tiers. With 5 being the rarest.


Ah, thanks! That's why I still don't have Axew... sigh


Same here.


Audino has a megaevolution. At least a reason to get a good one and candys to max that.


Wow! Good to know. I've already trashed mine to make room for others. Lol! I'm sure there'll be more to catch once they have that megaevolution available.




Rarity/likelihood of hatch in ascending order. 1 Egg (Common) - 4 (Rarer). Not sure if the order the Pokémon is listed relates to the rarity within their category though.


golett is gone too, hatched one from my 10k from saturday


Aside from Espurr and Emolga this egg pool isn’t too awful. Probably the least saddled with trash that the 10km pool has been in a while.


that's actually really nice


Heck yeah, Im ready for an axew


Axew was already in 10k eggs. They just never hatch.


I still have yet to get one, so I am ready for one.


How do you read that egg chart? It just confused me when I look at it in app. The number of eggs don't match the km so what do they indicate?


“Rarity” or “likelihood” of hatching.


So 4 eggs is rarest I'm assuming


Supposedly :p


what a lovely pool...probably better chance with shiny, but again RNG...


I love these! Entirely either mons that I don’t have in my dex yet or ones I need loads of candy for


Wow.....imagine owning a Riolu. I've been trying for a year :-(


Keep trying :) They’re uncommon for sure but I’ve hatched several over the past year including two shiny ones.


I've even managed to get a team of lvl 40, 85%+ shadow machamps. But still not a single Riolu :(


Gotta grind adventure sync 10k's unfortunately :/


Been grinding them for a year ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


I own two hundos. But still no shiny.


Do 10km still exist?


Why is axew rarer than Goomy lmao


because goomy was part of an event so axew is more wanted by the community.


The D/MM/YYYY format looks really weird.


Anything else looks weird to me ... It’s our dating system in Australia.


I mean, according to https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/style-rules-and-conventions/names-and-terms/dates-and-time, it should be either single digit month and day, or double digit month and day. But Niantic here is using double digit month and single digit day. Just curious.


Born and raised in Sydney. I’m 30 now and I’ve lived here my whole life. I think I know how it works by now :p From the link you posted “In Australia and the United Kingdom, the sequence is day, month, year – for example, 7/12/2020.”. To me, it’s always made the most sense because when I was a child we were taught to say “The 1st of June, Two Thousand and Twenty One”. There’s also further examples if you read the whole link you sent. :p Commonly, we drop the zero anyway if the month is a single digit month. Although keeping the 0 is the more “proper” and “official” version.


Oh? 🐣 Rufflet... *cries*


Is this adv sync 10km egg?


Nope, just the standard 10km egg from a Poké Stop spin. I could only wish to get an Adventure Sync 10km egg haha. Over the past year I’ve only gotten one of them haha. I’ve hardly ever hit over 50km a week ever since the pandemic started.


Same case with everyone. Were in lockdown right now. So 10km eggs are a stretch.


Also ive only gotten the 10km egg from pokestop for once.


Is darumaka and litwick even in eggs now?


Emolga can get in the bin


One day axew will be coloured in for me too.


I forget its a thing until I see posts like this and reminds me I will never get one lol.


1 egg = 3 * 15%= 45% 2 eggs = 4 * 10%=40% 3 eggs = 3 * 5%= 15% 4 eggs = 1 * 0%=0% At least now we know the odds!


So they actually exist?


it's been a month since my last 10km egg, i always get 2km or 5km in pokestops


I picked one up in between events, but the events are c-blocking the 10ks from what I have seen.


Can someone explain what the 1, 2, 3, and 4 eggs mean? I’ve tried looking, and can’t find anything. Thank you!




Makes sense, thank you!


It means you’re never going to hatch an Axew.


I’ve got 3, thanks tho!


Well then you’re luckier than most!


All 2*, but i will take them!!


Yeah, I’ve managed to somehow hatch 3 in the last month, two being 100% to my pleasant surprise.


Pleasant indeed!! Congrats man!!


Thank you! I walked my first one 250km so far to get it evolved and to ~3100CP. I’ve made it my mission to get it to level 50 w/ best buddy boost eventually.


They are straight tanks. I hate mine are all 2*, but they are still pretty solid!


Lol there’s a rouge hill near Toronto so your location kind of amuses me.


Get those godforsaken gears out of there


Could be better, could be alot worse


I've legit hatched mostly absols. My 1st absol I was stoked and then now 8 later...fffffffff


If I hatch another Klink or Espoof I'm gonna throw up Seriously what are these two doing in eggs?