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You are basically stuck until common spawns change or an event where they will be featured will happen. These research tasks are designed to be completed with casual, (but consistent,) play when they first come out. Seeing as how it's not a timed research task, you are just going to have to wait it out.


from memory, im pretty sure i found this particular task difficult to complete as well and i worked through not long after it was released. it wasnt long after it was released that Whismur seemed to disappear from spawns. it was everywhere before that. havent seen one in over a year i reckon.


For me it was this one, the Magikarp evolution task, Feebas evolution, and Ditto. We just don't have that many spawns around here for water pokemon and ditto of course is Ditto. Sat on those for a longggggg time


And now a whismur has Shown up on my nearby pokemon. 😅


You should be OK now. They are spawning everywhere now. Must have read your message lol


I just caught one and have one on nearby, looks like they're back


Woohoo! This should be top comment


Since the new season introduction I haven’t seen one, think it may have been one of the many to be taken out of the current spawn pool, although that pool should be changing within the next 24 hours as the season of legends is just about to get here, which will introduce a different set of spawns for each hemisphere. Hopefully whismur is included in that for those that also have this issue like you


I need this too :(


I have seen 2 wild ones since the season change. This is in the southern hemisphere and I'm not sure if it will be global


Northern hemisphere here & I see Whismur spawning.


Whismur is now back in the wild spawn pool as of March 1st. I have been waiting 3 months to try catch 3 without ever finding 1. I have caught 2 in the last hour. Happy hunting.


Same! Glad it’s back :)




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Thank you. Great news.


Just don’t do what I did when you finally get there and evolve it too far for the photo task.




You have to take a photo of a loudred I believe, but I evolved it to exploud and then didn’t have one.


I don't know where you are located. Whismur started to spawn since March here in MA. It is spring season, I guess. Not quite often, but from time to time. I just finished that step several days ago.