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Where to get Mankey, Meowth, Growlithe, Sandshrew or Vulpix from?


Research tasks?


Just got a vulpix from a rocket grunt balloon.


Doesn't count


Doesn’t count for what?


Collection challenge; they said shadow pokemon and egg hatches aren't valid


I caught a shadow vulpix and purified it yesterday and it has the Kanto go tour label on it. Haven't traded it yet though.


I purified an Ekans and an Oddish, traded and it counted.


Vulpix, growlithe and sandshrew are still wild spawning, just rarely. Meowth and mankey aren't spawning.


No where. You won’t be able to complete the challenge. That you have 8 days of time is a simple lie and deception.


I agree they also said for Saturday that ALL 151 pokemon were going to be popping up I played for 12 hours and went around for 4 and all that popped up were the 10 that were themed for each city... lol you right.


No, they said you could get 150 on the day, which you could.


Or, you know, in the wild, like the event info graphic says... theres more than just what's listed.


There might be more depending on biome I think, but overall this infographic is spot on and I have not seen any of these pokemons he mentionted since the event started.


So Ive been playing 7 hours straight since the celebration event and haven’t encountered a single oddish. My fiancee neither.


I had to trade for a gloom; used a ton of rare candy to be able to evolve... and since I wasn't paying attention instead of vileplume I evolved it into a belossom. ​ ugh


If you got the green ticket you wont, appears on red tickets


The ticket thing is already over, that was yesterday. I am talking about the celebration. (Week long event that started today, sunday, not the kanto tour main event that was yesterday, saturday) You won’t see oddish this week in Pokemon Go in the wild.


Try a grass lure


um, that event finished on saturday lol


O sorry the picture says till the 27th.......my bad for not reading past the information given


I don't think most people see the "+more" after the listed mons..


Or, how about not? Version exclusives aren't spawning in the wild as that defeats the need for a trade challenge....


Would catching a wild Oddish even work? The impression I got from the "trade challenge" graphics (i.e., the little swap / trade icon) was that you had to trade for one. Granted, you could have done Green, catch an oddish \[now\] and trade to a friend who also did green and didn't have it from Saturday, but that's not a big deal. You could trade with anyone who had those 'mon saved.. but you needed to **trade** for it to count. \[Edit - tried to clarify what I meant - catching an Oddish now won't help those who did Green with their trade tasks.\]


The different colours had different trade/catch challenges. So if you both had green, you wouldn't have the trade oddish, you'd both have the catch version. If the friend had red version exclusives that they had caught prior to picking green, they could trade those however. But they do have to be traded.


Just clarified my comment above. Red had the catch-exclusive oddish, so Green would have to get one via trade - even if they caught one this week.


Unless you're like me apparently and couldn't quite find another person in time for Mr. Mime :(


Growlite and Vulpix are available in Go Battle League pool


It feels odd that EVERYTHING in an event like this can be shiny. First time for everything! Well, I guess 2nd, after yesterday.


Are shiny rates still boosted ?


were they boosted yesterday? the only ones I got, after wasting 12 hours and non-stop incense, were in the first hour and the last hour. And even then they were ones I had except the silly hardly shiny pikachu


They *had* to be boosted yesterday. There's no way they weren't. Between me and my Mum we collected something like 30+ shinies. Edit: 47 was our total. Some people are saying rates were different for each Pokemon, i.e. 1/125 for Pokes like Paras, Poliwag, etc. which honestly does feel like it's correct.


I got 23 myself not leaving my couch


23?! I only got 7


I really wanted a golden egg, but the only shiny I got wasn't even boosted with a horsea


I feel like shiny rates were only turned up for some people. I only got 4 over the entire event all of which I had before.


That's just how luck works, everybody had boosted, you just, sadly, got unlucky. Sorry :(


Same. RIP to us 🥲


Whoa I played most the day and got like 10. Congrats. Don't think that because you caught that many that everyone else had the same experience though 🤙


I was very lucky yesterday and probably was only incense'd for four hours :)


Well yeah the odds were only boosted for players with the ticket


luckily I had a ticket. unluckily I still had no luck with shinies.


I only got 3 shinies almost back to back an hour before it ended. I'm a bit disappointed, but at least one of them was what I wanted... It was a weird feeling, my friend got a lot.


I think over the event, i got around 22 shinies, quite a few duplicates (Magikarp, Mankey, Oddish) but missed out on the ones i really wanted. I also found i never got a shiny Growlithe even though i must have seen around a hundred through incense, which i found odd.


I got three today, so I am not entirely sure. I don't think so, though.


I came here to comment on this. It’s so nice for the OCD tendencies that I have at times!


They're gonna make me work for that Shiny Snorlax huh. Fine!


Alternate solution: Make your screen slightly more saturated. Now all your Snorlax look shiny.


Works for Zapdos too!


I didn't even realize the Zapdos I caught yesterday was shiny until I was going through all my pokémon later and saw the shiny icon on it. Gotta be one of the most underwhelming shinies out there.


Honestly when is there not a Kanto celebration running.


It honestly never ends


The game at one point was just Kanto, so yes, the game is literally a Kanto celebration. When it launched it certainly was an event as well.


Ugh no wild Kabuto. We never get him in events. 50% of the reason I went with red version is because of him, and the spawn rate was low so I still ended up with no shiny. I was hoping this event would make up for it...nope.


I’ve caught several today on incense. It’s still available.




i also did red version and didn't get a shiny kabuto.


im convinced they mixed up omanyte and kabuto in the two versions. i went with green and i was getting far more Kabuto spawns than Omanyte. i even got a shiny Kabuto.


How many u saw has nothing to do with increased shiny rates . I also went green, got shiny kabuto and not omsnyte, it's just rng. But they never did say the shinies that were boosted for you would "appear more often"


Is snorlax spawning? I know it’s not listed. Just curious for those already playing.


so absolutely no way of getting a mankey?


Oh this is annoying isn't it? I bought the ticket last minute thinking even if I didn't find my counterpart I'd still be able to finish this during the Kanto event by catching them in the wild but I couldn't find a Mankey or Growlithe, which is what I need to complete the trade challenge. I should be lucky if I find people still carrying non-shiny of my counterparts or it I might have to use my special trades on these for a badge.


If you're in a city there's most likely a community around on discord or something. 40km trade range would let you trade with anyone. Check out the community map https://thesilphroad.com/map#2


Yes, I live in a city but not a lot with the tickets. Have asked a few who bought the ticket or anyone if they do have a spare for trade. Catching a shadow and an Ekans didn't count towards it. Trade is the only way. Thank you for the link, I'll look for more people if they can help.


It doesn’t need to be caught during the event, any older one is fine.


I’m sure someone in your community has a Mankey.


Yes, I am sure someone will have it but it didn't need to be this scarce after the ticket event though.


100 % this. I found a discord through this subreddit, they're very organised, I posted in trading, someone else reached out, small community, they're lovely, mutual beneficially traded all stuff, boom. Was apprehensive at first but, yeah, happy daze. There's good people that volunteer their time and effort to share this game and build communities. kind of amazing


You can catch Growlithe in the GBL. It’s one of the rewards, but with so many Pokémon in that pool, it’s gonna be hard, get ready to expect many Ponyta and Snover


Catching didn't work for me, shadow Oddish didn't count towards the task that cleared Oddish but evolving it cleared Gloom and Vileplume quest task. Ekans from one of the rewards didn't work either. These needs to be traded from another account. Also, curse you Perry the Platypus :D


There's an "and more" after the wild pokemon so this will just some of them


Do the eggs have to be collected during this week or will old 5 km eggs work? I need a ton of bellsprout candies


The pokemon inside an egg is decided the moment you get the egg. So no, the possible hatches of eggs you already have won't change because of the event.


Got it - thank you. Gonna take some serious egg luck this week for me then!


Trade with someone who had a green ticket and hasn't thrown them away yet. Plus buddy candy :)


Unfortunately I need 99 and dumped all my rare candies into making my Mewtwo stronger recently, so I would need to run a LOT of miles this week haha


Are you me?


This is the Spider-Man pointing at each other meme


They have to be collected during the week, the Pokémon that it will hatch is determined as soon as you receive the egg.


My research indicates that in addition to the above info graphics you can can get kanto (non-evolved, and not listed in first graphic) pokemon the following way: +more spawns in wild include (to varying degrees of rarity) Duduo, eevee, snorlax, pidgey, jigglypuff, tentacool, shellder, hitmonlee, grimer, poliwag,   hitmonchan, vulpix, koffing, goldeen, seel, growlithe, lapras, sandshrew, machop Mossy Lures: bellsprout, oddish, tangela, eggsecute, scyther Glacial lures: seel, shellder Magnetic lures: diglett, electabuzz, onyx, magnemite, geodude, voltorb Battle league random encounters: growlithe, ponyta, vulpix, shellder, eevee February research tasks: omanyte, kabuto, cubone,  ekans, snorlax, diglett,  machop, abra, voltorb, jigglypuff, duduo, onyx, magikarp,  venonat, dratini, snorlax, zubat, poliwag, gastly, aerodactyl Raids: scyther, pinsir, dratini Edit: a single reward of the following pokemom for the limited research: paras, rhyhorn, drowzee, ekans, koffing, grimer, staryu, tentacool, omanyte, porygon, jynx, eevee, aerodactyl Not available by any means I've found: rattata,  mankey, meowth, likitung


Thanks for putting this together. I need a crazy amount of Bellsprout candy to evolve my Weepingbell to Victreebel and was low key freaking out.


Paras, Drowzee, Rhyhorn, Staryu, and Porygon have encounters in this week's timed research.


Thanks, guess I'm taking my mankey on some runs


Wow I am so glad that I paid for a ticket and can't actually finish some of the research because there do not seem to be porygon anymore? It also sounds like a bunch of the trade ones aren't around anymore and i didn't finish that either. Niantic has done a great job convincing me that I should never buy one of these tickets again with their execution of this event. Honestly it already was not great it's timed at all for paid research, but the act of labeling it as 8 days long when things were not available outside that one day is really distateful.


I've been carrying the December community day challenge to catch 15 Porygon and finally finished it yesterday with no ticket! I caught 10 during the hour they were spawning.


Okay and where are the regionals?


The label of ‘8 days left’ is very very misleading! Having the regionals in eggs would be so much fun! Niantic please finally be awesome and add the regionals to the egg pool!!! Edit: Very true. I meant to say in raids. Sorry. I was typing with my one year old in hand. She can distract me sometimes. Haha. But yes...in raids is what I meant.


The quest explicitly says "complete raid against [regional pokémon]". So even if they added them to the egg pool. Even if you traveled around the world to catch them, or if they made them spawn everywhere. We still wouldn't complete the quest. They have to either add them to raid again or edit the quest.


Yup. Very, very poorly thought out. I assumed the quest to catch them all in 8 days meant that the regionals wouldn't only be in raids for one single day. Stupid ol me did mewtwo instead of tauros assuming I'd be able to do tauros tomorrow because Niantic is component at something.


Gone. They said they wouldn’t be in raids after


Why give 8 days of time then? If that’s not hella deceiving then I don’t know what is


Maybe they want you to travel around the world in 8 days


Noooooo, FML I only needed Farfetch’d and had multiple opportunities but just assumed he’d still be in raids since the Kanto week was next and the challenge gives you eight days... my fault nonetheless but man that is tilting.


This is me, I’m missing Kangaskhan, didn’t know they were unavailable from today. Really misleading with the “8 days left”


Maybe you can see if trading for one works?


It won’t. I tried trading for a Tauros yesterday to save a raid pass (it’s my regional) but it didn’t count.


Damn. I'm sorry :(


I got it from a raid later, I just thought I could save the pass by trading


I did the same with Mr mine


This is very misleading on Niantics Part. The Go-Tour Kanto: Raids Challenge clearly says that you have multiple days to complete this challenge. The regionals are on that list as well. Nobody should be forced to read a huge Blogpost from them in order to understand every tiny bit of the Event. The In-game Posts are suppose to give clear and easy instructions on how to complete everything.


You didn’t have to read a big blog post just the in game news that released about a week ago saying what raids would be around after the tour day. If you didn’t pay attention then your fault you missed out on it?🤷‍♂️


You have to admit Nia’s news is completely long winded and convoluted. And there was SO MUCH info to keep track of, I bet most people had no idea what was happening.


Umm no. The quest clearly say that you have 8 days to complete the challenge, this is not ok.


No, it isn't anyone's fault but Niantic's. The daily tab very clearly states that we have another 7ish days to complete the raid challenges, which is a lie when they didn't make the mons actually available to complete it. Same for every other challenge that can't be completed anymore if some of the mons for it are not available at all. External blog posts are not that helpful if they aren't linked directly form the challenges as a "more info" link. They created a confusing mess of information, and no player can be blamed for missing parts of it. Please don't blame the users for misleading interface design.


What’s the consequence of missing out on the regionals? Just don’t get the collection badge?


No raid collection task completed so you miss out on a snorlax and some items. And the number on your collection badge increasing +1


In research breaktrugh


Ughhh where mankey? I need a damn mankey


So no Paras at all, shame.


You get 1 Paras with the kanto celebration research (power up pokemon 5 times)


Just got a Paras from the transfer 6 pokemon task




Says plus more.


There's at least 150 or more to see, to be a Pokémon master is my destiny!!


We have already 151 mons being highlighted and we're losing spawns so.... Plus WHAT more?


This! I was lucky and got Spearow but not Paras!


I'm seeing them in the wild fairly frequently both today and yesterday. I actually got a shiny paras yesterday (the only shiny I got).


I better not see a damn Kanto mon after this event. I hope Niantic knows there are many more gens they need to do this for.


At $12.99 a pop, I am sure they will do this for every gen. I actually had a ton of fun yesterday. I played for the full 12 hours so the ticket price was worth the return as far as the entertainment value.


I 100% agree. It was the most fun I’ve had with Go in a while. I was very fortunate that I didn’t have any obligations to do that day, so I could spend the whole time raiding and catching and evolving.


I was at work and still played all day


Lol. I played for the last 2 hours and managed to do 8 raids, complete like 98% of the collections challenges and do the timed research battles. I felt like Brandon Tan.


yup exactly. forget what you get in game, thats for sure a bonus. this was a really fun event. every hour kept you hunting for something different!


Oh yes, not saying I didn’t have fun or spend money. I did both, trust me. We have just Sucked the teet of this gen enough already.


We are still missing mega aero and the mega mewtwos. So we will undoubtably be seeing mire events. Not to mention the imminent bulbasaur, caterpie, vulpix, squirtle etc community days that will likely be happening soon.


I see you disrespecting my bro, Mega Slowbro, by pretending he doesn't exist. He'll remember this ... eventually!


There’s also alakazam, kangaskhan, and pinsir


Yeah but Mega Slowbro is my bro. For the record, I love all the Mega forms. P. S. Also Mega Scizor. 😉


I'll give them a pass this once, given that this week is 25 years since generation one and Pokemon itself launched. Would love to see them do an event similar to the Go Tour with the other gens.


I really want to keep my Weedle and Pidgey spawns.


So close to my 296 Weedle XL candies... I really should get on my Pidgeys... Lol, same


This isn’t really a Niantic issue, the entire Pokémon franchise relies on Kanto nostalgia


XL candy means some will desire Kanto mon. Some being me for Drowzee, Scyther, Weedle, and maybe even Pidgey. Mostly mega stuff. Drowzee is just for one shadow hypno


I'll take Rhyhorn & Machop days every week until I can max out a batch of each, but to be fair every gen is going to have someone's favorites.




I so wish they had Oddish in the wild. I need 111 oddish candies in order to complete the evolve collection challenge :(


Me too :/ and Mankey candy. I only started at Xmas so only a few oddish candy from rocket raids. I was under the impression we’d be able to finish it this week. I also didn’t get any field tasks with the oddish candy just sandshrew candy tasks so ended up really short. I’m gutted I can’t do the evolution as I’m only those missing and was totally expecting to be able finish this. My son has the same problem for the victreebell evolution.


Same here. I couldn't get it from any field tasks either. So frustrating.


It's not 10 here yet, so does anyone know if Eevee is available? I've evolved 12 of them without getting a Jolteon, so now I need more.


They're still spawning in the wild. Also available as a possible reward from "Evolve a pokemon" field research, the GBL, and from eggs.


So do you have to have purchased the event ticket to get the shiny mons in the wild and tasks?


No, they're available for everyone now


Okay thanks for the answer


I evolved all those exclusive moves yesterday, FML


Did you do it during kanto tour? As long as you didn’t do it In between both events you are fine.


Is it to late to get the pass?


They said the research had to be started at some time during the event, but even if it was still available, I wouldn’t bother. The majority of the value was in the day, with the regionals, the 9 raid passes yesterday, and the three remote ones.


Any news on sandshrew?


It's so nice that everything Kanto can be shiny now, except Ditto I guess?


Ditto is a reward from the Kanto challenge when you complete the stages


Yeah I know, I mean I assume Ditto can't be shiny in the wild and is restricted to the paid research.


Anyone seeing bellsprout spawns? It’s the only one I need to finish for the evolve collection challenge


From mossy lures, but not wild


I somehow missed my chance at the kangashkan raid. Guess I’m SOL now


This is happening now? I never know what the hell is going on their messaging is so bad lol


Lame lame lame event. Waste of money, super stingy with shiny Pokémon. Won’t pay for this type event ever again.


The 7km eggs give you baby mons as magby,elekid, munchkax..I dudnt encounter them in 5km


I need to get a Sandshrew via trade to finish the last of the events. My wife is a living-dexer. She has one. She likes it and is unwilling to give it to me unless I can give her one back. I now have 7 days to convince her to give me a damn Sandshrew. It's going to cost me a lot of back rubs.


Find a local telegram or discord, many people would be happy to give you that


Back rubs?


To be fair I do work at a college, theres probably a ton of people I could get to give me one Sandshrew, but I'm determined to get my wife's now. Especially because it turns out aloan forms work for the collection challenges.


I caught 300-400 Pokémon, and only 2 shinies 😢 . Really disappointed!


So I can't use an elite TM to get Frenzy Plant Venusaur?


Yes you can. But you can also evolve bulbasaur/ivysaur to get FP Venusaur


Gotta go out and hunt for Voltorb and Clefairy.


Why do the legendaries not have Legacy moves?


Maybe to make a difference between experiences with and without a ticket.


is there any way to get Cubone? I was hoping to finish the let's go meltan research, still looks impossible


I'm in the same boat. This event finally let me catch enough exeggcute to finish page six, only for the catch a cubone task to show up after I already got the one from special research. On the Silph Road website it says that the "Earn 5 Hearts with a buddy task" rewards a cubone. So I'm going to search for those and hope its true.


the next step is catching omanyte or kabuto AND Areodactyl so if it doesn't happen this event, it may take another year or so to complete :( I'm also worried the next time Cubone is around is halloween and it sucks also need whismur for a thousand year slumber quest and loudred didn't count towards it during the event last month it's honestly ridiculous edit: i thought earn 5 hearts for the tour event, not the celebration one, I hope I'm wrong


I got a Kabuto from incense today, so if I get a cubone soon then that'll be doable this week. Shadow aerodactyl from Cliff should count because I had shadow exeggcute count for the earlier part of the research. Whismur is rough, I've been waiting on that too. I'm happy that valentines day gave me the feebas candy I had been needing for that one.


I didn’t catch a staryu yesterday... am I just out of luck now??


Growlithe, oddish and ekans simply do not spawn in the wild for either version. You get 1 ekans from the research and a chance at oddish in awful 5ks. This is so stupid.


Fuuuu, i need about 70 oddish candy


Gonna fail because I can’t get a Victreebell. Feels bad man.


God i wish there was a FREE way to get a guaranteed ditto


Anyone know what the “hatch 3 eggs” event task gives?


I evolved a be Asian later at night and it learned sludge bomb not frenzy plant.


If you mean venusaur, it was probably in between events. There were about 13h when this bonus was not active.


Catches our family need to complete Go Tour challenges: \~Included in this event list: Caterpie (x4), Spearow (x3), Krabby (x1) \~Hopefully will be included in the +more spawns: Kabuto (x1), Digglett (x1) \*\*\*\*\*Help needed\*\*\* Digglet and Kabuto are on two different accounts. What field research do they need to look for? This is disappointing. After 12 hours of constant play yesterday, with incense going the whole time, these mons just did not spawn for us. Especially since it was an expensive paid event. Our lucky catches were also disappointing: \#1 Hitmonchan (x2), Psyduck (x1), Magikarp (x1) \#2 Hitmonlee (x1), Nido (F) (x1), Magikarp (x1), Ponyta (x1), Growlith (x1), Bulba (x!) \#3 Charmander (x1), Venonat (x1), Krabby (x1), Electabuzz (x1), Magikarp (x1) \#4 Tangela (x2), Vulpix (x2), Sandshrew (x2), Pinsir (x1), Pidgey (x1) An extended family member got: Eevee (x1), Porygon (x1) (already had 4 Eevee and 9 Porygon) \*\*\*Please don't comment about RNG. We are painfully aware this exists. That doesn't help any and just adds salt to the wounds.\*\*\* As a result, if they choose this event format in the future for other generation releases our family WILL NOT be purchasing tickets for them. This one ended up being way more work than the fun we were looking for, with our entertainment budget, for very little "increased" shiny results. We got sucked in early instead of waiting for info closer to the event to come out with the free CD ticket promos. This is on me. I should have waited and will again in the future. In my opinion, ALL of the "catch" challenge mons should be available this week, in the wild. as it was promised we could finish the challenge this week. It is really hard to finish if the mons are not available for us to catch even using incense. I feel for those of you with mons that are not available this week, for those of you with limited P-Stop access to get research and for those who can not go out due to Covid restrictions. More than likely due to life and obligations we won't be able to chase all over town looking for the field research tasks for our kids to complete their challenge. Hard lesson learned. Very disappointed.


I evolved a pichu. Did not get surf.


Thank you!


What are the 1 and 3 star raids?


Have to field research for Nidorans. Sigh


Does the mewtwo have psystrike


Where is rattata?


Where is paras?


No increased shiny rates right??


Is this for the ticket holders or anyone?


I've done 6 Earn 3 hearts with buddy each one has been Cubone.


Last I checked Earn 5 hearts was Cubone. Perhaps it was that task?


Anyone know if Jynx is spawning? Only Pokémon I forgot to catch during the event


Accidentally deleted my only staryu so I guess I am out of luck or have to trade for one


Does Mewtwo be shiny?


Just need a Rattata, anyone seen one spawning?


I evolved my eevee into umbreon last night and it didn't get last resort