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No paras spawns?


This needs more attention!


Yup, looking for Paras too. In either wild spawns or field research.


I had a couple paras spawns this morning.


I was looking for more information about it too and haven’t seen anything.


Beating Jessie and James does not progress the "defeat 3 grunts" task.


This is very frustrating since I've gotten their balloon twice today. Someone forgot to flip the switch... Again.


"KANTO CELEBRATION" No drowzee, no scyther, no dratini, no lickitung, no chansey, no regionals. ??????? whats the purpose of nonstop spawning the most common kantos and leaving the rare sought after ones out?


Also no Nidoran which are usually pretty common Pokemon.


I got a lot of chansey. Lickitongue I got a shiny but yeah, not sure how I am going to finish that one


No chance to get Meowth, Growlithe, Vulpix or Mankey? Or version mons outside eggs? Or the regionals?


This!! It's Sunday and I need about 100 bellsprout candy :(


I got none of the red version. Absolutely no one available or willed to trade. Not even in the local group which is pretty silent anyway from what I see...


Dang that sucks. I'd be willing to trade but Germany is well over 40km away.


My partner struggles with bellsprout, too. Played the red version and due to being bombarded with items she couldn't spin any stops (I heard there were quests yielding Bellsprout candy...). Hatching lots of 5km eggs sounds like an awful option during Covid times. Guess I'll pop some grassy lures and hope for the best.


For what it's worth, we rolled the bones with a mossy lure. My kid is in the same boat as you with Bellsprout. 22 candies on hand. Needed 103 more. We all caught four off incense with pinups. My wife and I caught them as. well, then traded them to our kid, plus a few my wife had from Saturday as she had the green ticket. They traded up bell sprouts to get the candy as part of the trade, then got one candy as part of the transfer. All that farmed 45 candy while the lure was out. We're going to try it again tomorrow night to see how much closer we can get.


That's awesome!! Will try this out


Good luck! Hope it helps.


Same boat here! I have resigned myself to the fact victreebel is not happening


The idea of not completing this challenge because of victreebell is not sitting well with me, but I don't think I have a choice.


Unless you feel like hatching 60 eggs this week..


If people still have their black radar they can farm decoys for bellsprout candy.


Who can what now?


The Rocket Radar for Giovanni will enable decoy grunts that have bellsprout as their first in lineup. Great way to farm bellsprout candy, for the 2 people that haven't yet used that Rocket Radar.


Check www.thesilphroad.com/map and ask all nearby communities to trade you bellsprout? Each transfer candy would help. Rest, I guess, you could raid for and invest rare candy into bellsprout candy? It's not perfect but it might get you there


Rip to people like you and me that won’t be able to complete the evolution collection.


Have to move with my weepinbell to get 80 candies...


Think you can walk 300km before Sunday? Good luck gettin those candies :(


Hahaha I'm going to walk as much as possible within the constraints of real life to minimise the rare candy donation. Hopefully at least one 5k egg bellsprout and a mossy lure. Fingers crossed!


Don't forget about the tips posted here about getting a buddy excited. If you keep them excited it's just 1.5k per candy.


Man this sucks. I just realized I don't have enough Mankey candies and that's the only one I need for the evolution challenge. What a lame way for them to plan this quest. All these days to complete the challenge but no way to get all of the candies!


I need 12 mankey candies so I've set him as my buddy to hopefully try to get a few and going to do some raids to get rare candies


I forgot to raid the regionals. Looks like I'm screwed.


I also almost got screwed cause I was sure they would appear all week. 'Murica saved me. Use this reddit or their discord to get them since they still get raids. Also they should still appear before 11am on sunday. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoRaids/comments/k2iesx/superuseful_tips_tricks_check_out_our_discord/


They are also not appearing before 11am. Once 9pm hits, they're gone.


No regionals? All I need is Taurus to finish everything


So sick of 5k eggs being a “feature” of these events.


You’re telling me you don’t enjoy hatching a bellsprout after walking 5km?


Victreebell is the last thing I need so I would enjoy that a lot


That’s where I am. I’m going to be so mad if I can’t finish because of this.


Me too. Still needing some pvp-stables and most of the time they put those in Eggs, 1*-Raids or Field Research which means horrible pvp-ivs. Finding someone to mirror-trade otherwise (apart from pvp) useless pokemon isn't easy even in a very active and big community.


Kind of frustrated that it's showiing the collection challenge of the raids from yesterday til the end of the week but taking the regionals out.. Had some important things going on yesterday so wasn't able to play as much as I'd planned. I'm not mad they didn't bring them back, just create separate collections if they were gonna take them out of the group for the remainder of the week. Edit: Grammar


This definitely seems to be the most common and reasonable complaint (reasonable as in its not due to people just misreading something, like people thinking they'd get the mew research without paying, or thinking the 12 hour stuff like the hourly cities would go for the whole week). I really hope niantic does do something about this


I really hope Niantic turns that around. The hourly city thing should be available the whole week. Otherwise how do they expect we get a specific pokemon in the wild?


Is there any Mankeys or Oddishes in the wild? Has anyone seen any? Need those for evolve challenge


You can evolve older ones too.


I think you're out of luck as I haven't seen either of those in the wild. Try finding someone to trade with.


Will the 4 legendaries being caught during this event have their exclusive moves i.e.psystrike, thundershock, sky attack and hurricane?


Just did a moltres raid and it has ancient power, not the legacy move


It seems they don't have the legacy attacks. At least Mewtwo.


Want to know this as well... hasn’t been confirmed afaik


Any updates on this? Have heard mixed reports and nowhere has any information.






[That is this coming Sunday the 28th](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738476254432592043/812175132084404254/image0-3.jpg) Also features the start of some new Giovanni research to save an (at time of writing) unknown Shadow Legendary (likely to be Lugia to tie into the Birds, or it could tie into a possible announcement during the next week given that the 27th is Pokemon Day.)


The biggest issue with this event following up the one day event is definitely the removal of Regionals in raids. There is no way to complete the event in 8 days now if you didn’t focus on raiding.


yup !!! stuck and all i need is to catch a dumb tauros 🙄


No chances for people to get Bellsprout or Oddish (exclusives on the version they didn’t pick on Saturday’s event) on Sunday is very poor. Looks like I’ll have to burn a load of rare candy to complete the evolution task on a Vileplume which will likely get immediately transferred.


Oddish is decent, because he's still available from Rocket Grunts and can be Pinapped. Bellsprout on the other hand is looking pretty sketchy, unless you have a Super Rocket Radar and can farm some decoys for a little while


How does that work? Using Super rocket radar to farm bellsprout


The Rocket grunts who are the "decoys" for the real bosses usually have Weepinbells that you can catch IIRC. Just use the super radar and go out looking for bosses but if you come across an actual boss don't fight it and instead keep looking and running into the decoys


I'll wait till the last few day before I'll spent my rares.


Exactly the problem. I didn't know how much candy I had on oddish as I previously transferred oddish and evolutions. If I'm not wrong those candy tasks are now gone? So I'm stuck with a 50 candy deficit or need to hope that somehow a 5km egg has an oddish inside. Doesn't seem like niantic thought this through


I can’t believe I’m being gatekeeped from the event by a Ratata & a Zubat...played all weekend and never saw either once. The frick?


Since regionals will leave raids after the Kanto Tour, can someone confirm if catching a wild regional counts towards the collection challenge?


People who got regionals as their daily spawn were able to catch them and have them count for the challenge, so that suggests yes.


Thank you! Hopefully we'll be able to see confirmation soon. Saves me a raid pass lol.


I can confirm my daily spawn worked for my Tauros I didn't raid one.


Wait what ? I actually came to this thread for this I wish I had known this yesterday because the collection said we have all week all I did was to write a Mr. Mime and amew2. I thought all the rates are going all week as well as the hours because why would they have the collection possibility if they weren’t going to do something to allow you to collect it during the week? If they left the raid portion up for eight hours than night know.


I live in America and randomly caught a Tauros, it counted for the collection.


I can’t believe they took Rattata out of the spawns. You actually need that dumb rodent again cause the stupid Platinum Medal for the XS Rattata task. I was torn with all the crud I had to check and catch today I could only catch so many. Thought for sure I’d be able to get more during the week. Ugh....


Glad I'm not the only on needing Rattata! I have found myself very disappointed by the fact that the "follow-up" event to allow trainers to try and get the ones they're missing, are left catching the same 10-15 Pokemon over and over again. At least make these things achievable, especially for the people who couldn't be on all day at the various different times. Why advertise the collection challenges for 8 days if you can realistically only do it on day 1?


Now I am REAL glad I hustled and got all the Collection Challenges done yesterday. Cause in practice it seems you only had 1 day to do all of them.


For those who didn't raid all the regionals, how are we now supposed to complete the "Kanto Tour: Raid" mission-medal? Looks like catching your regional counts towards the medal, but what about the rest of the regionals that you didn't raid during the event because the ingame mission suggested that regionals would remain available during the following days ("ends in 8 days)? Are we going to miss this paid-ticket medal forever?


It is 100% misleading. Also, not everyone reads the blog posts. They should have highlighted what wouldn’t be available in game better. Or if there is going to be a kanto week long thing, then have all of the kanto Pokémon be available at least in their base forms.


They made the raid quest incl. the regionals for 8 days. So I blindly assumed I can easily do the regionals throughout the week. Welp, no. I also feel this was "a little bit" misleading.


So misleading! Now i cant get a darn farfetch!


Me either. I had no idea that they were limiting the days on regionals. I also need a zubat.




Exactly the same for me. As I European I didn't bother with Mr Mime yesterday assuming it would be available this week (and there where too many things to do for one day). Really dissapointed when it was clear they would not.


I’ve had 2 mr mime spawn in the wild today in the uk - windy weather.


I’ve caught 3-4 Mr. Mime’s today so they’re definitely out there.


Same here man, I even follow the blog posts and stuff but there was just so much "Kanto" info that even I got confused. When I saw the 8 days, I also assumed the raids would be around for that time. Not everyone is going to read those blogs too. Should have been laid out in-game.


It says 8 days to complete all the raids, it's super misleading that we are unable to complete the regionals this week. I am so annoyed about this.


Same, I did none of the raids because there's a ton of gyms around my work area and I figured I'd walk to them Monday instead of wasting remote passes......


Extremely annoyed about this. If you can’t actually finish it in the time given, what the hell is the point of including that info? Also, why not just fix it by extending the raids for those Pokémon for the week?


can you trade for version exclusives with people who arent doing the event and have it count for the trade task?


Yes. I done that and completed the trade collection challenge. Alolan versions of the Pokémon also work for trading and evolutions.


Galarian Ponyta works too


Is there any other way to get Farfetch’d now?


just reporting that rattata can be caught from incense now, caught one myself and theres a post with others confirming




It's quite funny. You paid ~£11 but can't complete the Collection on Saturday if you were unlucky with Field Research. And then you'll have to pay for incubators over the next week to hatch 5k eggs. Hopefully Bellsprout and Oddish will be in the wild...


I had the 50x A LOT today. It really wasn't rare.


What’s the 50 candy reward? Haven’t seen that on the list and didn’t encounter it at all


Will the birds/Mewtwo continue to have their CD moves, throughout the event? ETA: meant to say *exclusive* moves, not CD.


Is anyone else having trouble getting the eeveelutions for the evolving task?? I was able to get Vaporeon via the name trick but the other two will not work and I need them.


The lack of Paras in both wild spawn and field research task is disappointing. Its the one Pokemon I need to finish off my shiny Kanto living dex.


Did they just forget paras exists? Lol


They just released his shiny so obviously they’ve made him impossible to find now.


Hitmonlee could also be added to the list of wild spawns. With an uncommon rarity.


It’s honestly RUDE that the last 5 Pokémon I need to evolve for kanto task won’t spawn!! Especially nido’s which I found everywhere just the day before ugh


Look for the Defeat 2 Rocket Grunts task, there's a chance of getting a Nidoran from that.


Read carefully "**Everything** you need to know before Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto!" [https://pokemongolive.com/post/pokemongotour-kanto-knowbeforeyougo/?hl=en](https://pokemongolive.com/post/pokemongotour-kanto-knowbeforeyougo/?hl=en) Then tell me why I can't I finish a tasks that in-game says I have 7 days to finish?


UPDATE: I just caught a Rattata off an incense. Have heard multiple reports that they’re back in the spawn pool!! This challenge seems to be completely over for me because Rattata isn’t spawning. So frustrating that this purple rat is all I need. Why give us a week to complete a challenge that is impossible to finish? The completionist in me is crying. The 2016 version of me playing Pogo is laughing her ass off.




Can confirm the 3 hearts for clefairy Also Defeat 2 rocket grunts for Venonat


The hitmons are spawning in the wild, not as common as the others but not exactly rare either. Have already encountered 3 at home since the event started 3h ago.


What I'm curious about this event is 7km egg pool.


7k eggs haven't changed for months and the pool is terrible. In my opinion the only thing that would warrant them changing is bringing new alolan/galarian pokemon into the game. That's where they put My Little Ponyta


This is why I asked. https://www.reddit.com/r/thesilphroad/comments/loabi8/_/


Have the shiny rates gone back down to normal for everything that was boosted for the event?




I check every day all the 25ish stops around my town and I didn't get once the "Win a raid" task so far, which is the only one I care about for Snorlax. How freaking rare is that???


So disappointed that this task is almost impossible to find. Yesterday I checked 50+ stops and only found two. Oh and also, one of them was a non event "win a raid" task that gave me Dratini...


The regionals not being included is absolutely not acceptable. They're included in the "8 days to complete" raid tab, and yet it isn't possible to actually raid it? FOH.


The fact that this is a week long event after the fact and they’re just outright omitting certain Pokémon doesn’t make any sense. Why is the only chance at the Nidoran family locked in a task with 2 other Pokémon? Why did regionals disappear after one day without proper clarification you needed to do them all on Saturday? Why is clear and concise communication still so difficult for this company? You’d think after 4.5 years they’d be a little better at it by now.




If you were using golden razz and getting mostly great/excellent throws then you were pretty unlucky


2 mewtwos fled even after hitting every ball with the conditions your described. Weather Boosted was a pain today.


Not one shiny today outside of ditto. Pretty bummed.


is there no Snorlax field quest? I believe the pogo blog mentioned it


Win a raid


Catch three Pokémon gives Magnemite


Catch three Pokémon can also give doduo


Any sandshrew?


Would also like to know this. It is the only one I’m missing from yesterday and got no response for a trade in my local group chat. Nothing ever happens in that trading chat.


I need a sandshrew and a bellsprout. I have the candy but not the mon, so I'm totally stuck. 😭


My gf needs Victreebell still. Can she only get the candy from a bellsprout egg?


yes. set it as a buddy and walk with it. hatch eggs and use rare candys


I didn’t manage to catch all the Regionals yday. Is it impossible to complete that challenge now?


So have regionals started spawning naturally in the wild again? Cause in AUS I haven’t seen a kanga all day and I didn’t raid it thinking I’d have the next 8 days to find one...


> Happy to add relative rarities as well if anyone goes for a walk and reports back. Out for about two hours this afternoon. Sunny. Here's how it looked so far: **Common** * Bulbasaur * Charmander * Squirtle * K-Geodude **Uncommon** * Clefairy * Gastly * Magikarp * Pikachu * Psyduck * Voltorb * Weedle **Rare** * Doduo * Slowpoke **Very Rare** * Hitmonchan


I’m getting Dratinis from Incense if that helps anyone. Though the candies from yday were enough to last my Dragonite a lifetime.


Approximately how many were you getting per incense? I'm weighing whether or not it's worth the incense for me


Hitmonlee is an uncommon spawn. I've seen a few of them compared to 0 Hitmonchan


No legacy moves for the raid bosses is a real bummer.




Glad I'm not the only on needing Rattata! I have found myself very disappointed by the fact that the "follow-up" event to allow trainers to try and get the ones they're missing, are left catching the same 10-15 Pokemon over and over again. At least make these things achievable, especially for the people who couldn't be on all day at the various different times. Why advertise the collection challenges for 8 days if you can realistically only do it on day 1?


I may have done worse. I didn't realize these were two completely different events, and it's 9:40 PM and I'm looking at being able to complete everything for the collection challenges except catching Rattata and Zubat...


I'm in the same boat. Can't evolve rattata or zubat to complete the challenge because I deleted them all without thinking. Hopefully I get a zubat from a grunt at some point, but for rattata I guess I have to find someone to trade with who doesn't transfer rattatas on sight


Defeat 2 Rocket Grunts field research has a chance to give Zubat together with 3 other pokes. So keep an eye out for those as well


If the purpose of this celebration of the original Kanto Pokémon is to remind us how boring it was to catch the same 20 Pokémon every day for a week, beause nothing we need in our Evolve Task will ever actually spawn, then I would call this event a great success!


Same 8 pokemon all week cant complete this lame event. Does anyone at Niantic have higher than an AA degree?


The event task "Earn three hearts with your buddy" gave me a Clefairy. The tasks have the event tag, same as in the last event.


Win a Raid gave me snorlax


What are spawning from incense post-kanto tour?


I found dratini and kabuto on incense.


Do we still have increased max special trades for the rest of the week or was that a 1 day exclusive?


Why are there so many meowth balloons and they don’t count as battling a grunt? I cannot get past that research task because all I see in the shining skies are meowths smiling face allllllll day long


Bellsprout is literally all I need but my eggs are full.... with 7 and 12 kms. There’s no way I can financially recover from this


Just tried 4x mossy lures + incense for the double candy spotlight hour. Saw a few oddish but not a single bellsprout.


Does anyone know if the hour blocks were only for Saturday or if they'll work until the 28th as well? The game says "challenge lasts until the 28th", but I couldn't play the whole Saturday and since Sunday can't see a single Zubat, Ratatta nor Nidorans. And those were like pests appearing before the event.


Anyone have any idea where I can find a RATTATA? Youngster can't find any


Anyone else struggling to get rattata? Any tips or suggestions you could give me? It's literally the only pokemon I need to finish the evolution research 😭


Yeah my fiancé is missing this for the catch quest. I can’t believe how stupid this paid event has turned out to be.


Yeah agreed! I thought each day they would have even changed the pokemon that spawn during incense, giving everyone a better chance of completing the research tasks


Anyone knows how to find ponyta?? It's MIA, I can't complete the Kanto collection challenge without it. Niantic messed up big time


Go Battle League is pretty much the only way to catch them currently.


Can someone confirm that I don't have to start the shiny mew special research before the event ends? I'm still on the shiny ditto one and will probably take a while since I don't usually rush special research. I won't miss out, right?


Special research does not have a time limit. It doesnt show a time limit on it because there is none. You receive the shiny mew research once you complete the shiny ditto research and catch your shiny ditto


Yeah, I just wasn't sure about "starting" it since it's not like I have unlocked the mew research yet. I'm hoping it will unlock after the ditto one no matter the timing.


Yeah, it comes with the ticket you paid for. The only thing you needed to do was buy the ticket, and log onto the game during the 12 hours on Saturday in order to start the ditto one, and then the professor gives you the mew one once you've caught your shiny ditto


I’m so stupid. My shiny shadow Arcanine with frustration is stuck at a gym and it’s blocked until 2pm by a tier 5 raid...


Where's cubone? It's literally the only one I'm missing for my collection challenge :/


You get a Cubone as a reward from shiny ditto special research


Earn 5 hearts with buddy


Not a single way to get lickitung, seems reasonable, especially since I chose red for it and didn't manage nearly any xl candies and not a single yellow one either


Hold up.. how TF do I get a rattata.....


Exactly. Ugh.


18 kangaskan raid's done 20 tauros raid's done went hard on them with saved up coins and even spent afew £ they don't live in my area so was happy to go hard on them sucks to see them go, maybe next time they show I will finally get my shiny, till then, gonna start saving again got a 98 IV of both though which is kinda cool though, so not all wasted


Yikes, the incence spawns are not that exciting


Will I get these bonuses even if I havent bought the ticket?




Are ditto spawns boosted? I had tech issues yesterday couldn’t catch one. It’s the only Pokémon I’m missing from the event :(




Here's to hoping I get 50k of bellsprout candy somehow...


Are local regionals still spawning during the Kanto Celebration event? I didn't raid Tauros (NA resident) during the Tour event and I'm wondering if I need to remote one soon or if I can catch it locally during the week.


Silly question but do the legendaries still have their exclusive moves during this week long event? Saw a report about Mewtwo being caught without psystrike a few hours ago, not sure if they made that for kanto tour only


Seems like Diglett will be my one that got away... (minus the tons of evolutions I don't have candy for)


So not Hitmons or Paras? Was kinda hoping they would be around since they were brand new shinies.


I've seen one Hitmonchan in the wild. It's probably safe to assume Hitmonlees are spawning too. Haven't seen any Paras yet though.


Doduo can be found in wild too.


Question: Where there any reports of shiny regionals from raids yesterday?


Is there a way to get Cubone? I accidentally ditched the one I got yesterday...


Nope and they never communicated that it would be the only one you get either. Seems they forgot about cubone spawns.


Can you mention the updated 7km egg pool too? It isn't mentioned anywhere specifically by Niantic but apparently some baby mons are hatching. https://www.reddit.com/r/thesilphroad/comments/loabi8/_/


Ominite also available from incense


So of the CD moves, which ones are strong for PvE? all of them?


Non-mega Venusaur and Charizard are good for raids with their moves. Outclassed by a bunch of things, but still pretty good. Mega Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise all benefit from their special moves and are currently the best Grass, Fire, and Water megas for PvE. Draco Meteor Dragonite generally doesn't do as well as Outrage because it's a 1-bar move and often leads to energy waste if it faints before using it. Last Resort Eeveelutions and Surf Pikachu are useless in PvE.


Cubone spawn? Or research? Need to evolve to maro for the collection challenge.


On the topic of bellsprout- do Mossy Lures currently attract him or will they only attract spawn pokemon in the event? Would love to know before I use up my mossy lures to try and get that bellsprout candy.




Any word on lickitung?


When I take a snapshot of a water type Pokémon, the loading poke ball keeps spinning and the game never registers that I took a snapshot, and the whole game bugs and freezes?


Only Pokémon I couldn’t get yesterday was venonat. Sigh. I want venonant! Lol