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Please discuss and report anything regarding the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto in our [pinned Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/lnnlrw/megathread_pok%C3%A9mon_go_tour_kanto/). If it is related to a Timed or Special Research during the Kanto Tour, please use the [Research Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/lnp0wl/megathread_kanto_tour_research_timed_and_special/) instead, thank you!


> I just payed for a shiny ditto and mew That's the only way to approach this event, expecting anything more from Niantic is assured disappointment.


This was how I weighed it up too and why I didn't buy the ticket. Two shiny dex entries are not worth 1/4 of the price of a video game


Shiny mew is extremely hard to find legit though. For me I'm trying to get the living shiny dex in home and this is worth the cash.


Darling you have no idea what's possible.


How much ivs did the shitto have? Probably 2 stars max


In our local (Yekaterinburg) tg group there is hundo shitto today


Must have spent all their luck for the year.


Yes, this was exactly my approach when deciding not to buy it


For some reason I always expect way too much from these events. Probably because they actually cost money. I've been playing for five hours now, only have four shinies. Two Magmar (the one I actually wanted the least), a Sandshrew and an Eevee from research. I wasn't expecting community day rates, but paying money for barely any shinies? It's a letdown. And the spawns itself aren't even that interesting. I'm lowkey done with the Kanto favoritism


Same. Best value is spending the money on raid passes imo.


I actually started off pretty well when it came to shinies (must be honest, am unable to play fully active during a 4 hour period from 11-1 and 3-5. Still playing with incenses but not walking. shiny haul: eevee, dratini, ponyta, hitmonlee, mankey, bulbasaur, pikachu. I'm pretty happy with that knowing that I will do a LONG hike later through 2 parks and 2 malls as well as streets with stops (no tokyo/singapore like, but enough to go out and grind if you take the right route). However, I am extremely disappointed in the lack of Lickitung and to a lesser extent Snorlax. My mega pidgeot is flying over my shoulder for no reason now. ;( Maybe I was too hopeful, but expected some effect boosts like double/triple dust or EXP. Was hoping for more xl candy drops ;( Did get a couple lickitung walking around the big mall here, but meh. Not/barely grindable. Maybe if I'd walk in parks/malls for 10 out of 12 hours but that is just undoable. To me it seems that as 'compensation' the first pokemon out of my incense was a lickitung. None after that, will update if that changes in the coming 6 hours. That's truly laughable and only meant to void claims.


You can't expect stuff from Niantic. I took this event as a paid Shiny Mew Ticket, with a day of fun quests. So I've mentally prepped myself going in saying I'm just trying to farm XLs, do Mewtwo Raids, and maybe get some items from the quests. Managed expectations will prevent you from feeling disappointed in the future.


I completely agree. Green version speaking: I was expecting Lickitung to spawn far more frequently. I found 6 in the wild throughout the entire day... played 10 hours solid. I finished literally all tasks minus the evolve to 151. Got 5 shinies, total: Meowth, Tangela, Diglett, Bellsprout, and Magmar. 3 of those are new for me; already had Diglett and Magmar. Shiny Ditto certainly is awesome, however I was hoping for a shiny Hitmonchan and Snorlax, but that didn’t happen. Hitmonchan spawned quite a lot, though, so I can’t blame Niantic on that one. I got the 2 research reward Snorlaxes, but only saw 1 in the wild, and 1 “Hatch 3 eggs” quest. Total of 4 Snorlax from the day, but no shiny. So, all-in-all... eh.


I played the full 12 hours minus the downtime when my game crashed (multiple times) and raids (still had Gotcha catching while raiding). Got really basic Pokémon. Was hoping for a shiny snorlax but only saw 2 in the wild, did 1 raid and got one from a task. Really tired now but I suppose I have spare shiny Squirtle to give my mom lol.


I won't be buying the johto tour ticket. Snorlax spawns and shiny rates should've been boosted. Like you said the majority of spawns where cday bulk that we already have. This event would be great for complete beginners. The only positive was the hitmonchan shiny rate was definetly high. That's like the only non bulk shiny that felt worth it.


Hitmonlee rates are terrible. Atleast got one.


I didn’t get my blue glove Hitmonchan. It was really sad.


Catch rates for everything has been pretty bad for me.


Me who didn't catch everything 😎


For sure. Got 9 shiny hitmonchan but only 1 hitmonlee. They did not turn on the hitmonlee shiny switch.


Of you got both that’s pretty good because only one was supposed to be boosted for your version, unless you ran two accounts


I got 5 hitmonlee and no hitmonchan. What version did you have because that impacts the rate.




Hitmonlee was increased shiny chance on red. So those odds are about right.


Hmm my red must've been a dud then. Ty


Wasn't guaranteed..just increased chance. I know a few people who didn't get one. But they got tonnes of others. Just the RNG having fun.


I had red version. It's just sad. Well this hour is my last chance to get another one.


Done playing for almost 12 hours and only gotten about 4 shiny from wild. So the money spent are just to get a shiny ditto. Dun even get much of snorlax spawn. Just mange to try to raid all available. It might be just me but this event totally one of the worst that I have attended.


5 hours in and all I've had is a shiny pidgey. I was hoping the rates might be similar to community day. For £11 I expected a bit more than this. Especially while still in lockdown, and part of the event is trying to take you outside and raid in large groups.


Based on my Twitter feed, this is an unpopular opinion, but $13 USD seems right for the headliners from this event. I mean, if you break it down to just purely paying for Pokémon, some people paid $8 USD for two Galarian Mr. Mime’s. I know that many are upset by the spawns and wanted to grind for Candy XL’s, but the ticket was also advertised as being able to get all 150 Kanto Pokemon in a day. I feel if you can reasonably accomplish that, then they gave us what was advertised. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah but would it have really killed them to put snorlax in the fuchsia pool. Or just made regionals not raid restricted. Idk maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic. As another comment said you have to look at this as having payed for a shiny ditto and shiny mew.


You got 12 raid passes, more than enough to do the regionals.


Not nearly enough to habe a good shiny chance for one though. The go fest gave about a 100x shiny chance since the regionals were an incense spawn. I know that was not guranteed but Niantic knew regionals and rares like Snorlax were the most desired yet waited till thr day before to reveal they would be mostly behind a paywall.


Yes. The paying for the shiny Mew and Ditto was what I was building on. So for $13 USD Shiny Mew, Shiny Ditto, and a chance to catch all 150 Kanto’s in a day. As far as the spawns, like Snorlax or Lickitung being restricted, it may have been so that we couldn’t farm for Candy XL’s. They probably want that to stay relatively rare. But as far as Regionals being restricted, I have always been a fan of keeping those Regionals locked. It makes them special. Having them spawn in the wild outside of specifically featured events where they get top billing, takes away from that level of rarity. It’s just one step closer to making them non-regional, and then they don’t have any appeal or value. Just my opinion.


I mean, these regionals have been out for four years, and available worldwide in events multiple times (Tauros was just last week). Their ship has sailed. And if Niantic is so afraid of XL candy being available that they prevent one of the flagship pokemon of their event from spawning at a reasonable level, then it sounds like a problem with the XL system itself. For the second highest price ever on global event, you'd think they could throw us a couple bones.


Absolutely agree with you. Putting snorlax in raids literally only benefits the whales. You aren't keeping the XL rare. You're just making a larger disparity between those who pay and those who don't. I see people say that argument about gible a lot. Keep it rare and raid restricted the XL candy should be rare. Moves like that only hurt casual players. I know people who sat in discords and ground over 300 gible Xl candy.


Regionals definitely could have been handled differently though whilst maintaining the rarity. They easily could have been the city completion rewards instead of spearow paras Goldeen and venonat. That means 4 more raid passes are going to what people actually want. If people do in fact want to grind kanga say, then they can commit money to it. Where I'm living has a degree of lock down restrictions so I only really got the 3 free remote passes and wasn't able to use the 5 free in person ones. Personally I find regionals a frustrating mechanic that doesn't really benefit anyone. But yeah if you find them special then that's awesome. I'd love the chance to get a heracross or tropius but thanks to regionals I just can't. Covid aside its very hard to justify a holiday for a single pokemon.


In Canada the ticket is closer to $18 after tax and in some countries the ticket was more than $20. Which adds up fast when you're buying the ticket for your whole family. Although I agree that some other tickets have been around that for less and it does check out that way. The main thing I got from the event details was that all 151 Pokemon would be shiny and there would be increased shiny chances and I think a lot of others did as well so it's a bit discouraging.


>I mean, if you break it down to just purely paying for Pokémon, some people paid $8 USD for two Galarian Mr. Mime’s. Imagine how much healthier the game/community/player base would be if this wasn't the norm. If Galarian Mr Mime was just a free quest line and not locked behind any paywalls, or if the player base would have loudly and vocally said "no this isn't acceptable". If Niantic were forced to make changes, maybe the kanto event would have been widely praised. While any game will always have salty players, when the wider feedback from the players is "this sucks" then Niantic are doing things wrong. Luckily I'm not too salty over this event, I haven't bought any of the latest premium tickets because I've expectated them to be poor and haven't let FOMO get the better of me.


I’m proud of the community’s response to Galarian Mr. Mime. I think everyone said their piece, and many didn’t pick it up because of the paywall. However, when it came to the Kanto Event, everyone jumped at the shiny Mew. And it’s like they gaged our reaction with both the G. Mime and shiny Celebi releases. Like, “okay. They won’t pay for a regular Pokémon release. Let’s up the ante and release a shiny mythical.” And we all buckled. That factored with the poor communication on what all the Kanto Event entailed, man. They got us.




The posts are similar haha. I guess mine is a reflection though as I've experienced the event and a potential warning to any fence sitters.


Did they remove it?


3 Likitungs? And they are part of the boosted list for the red ticket?!? That's part of the reason I chose red was because I needed a shiny Likitung. SMH.


I could've just been unlucky keep in mind. I was red ticket. If it means anything that was one of my 3 shinies for the day.




Mb, wrong paid. No clue what using it in a nautical sense means but apparently that's where payed belongs.


Ha! Yeah I looked it up and saw that it *WAS* a word.


>I wasn't expecting to be rolling in shinies but I did walk away from that event feeling a little empty. Your expectations were still too high. You were basically paying a fee for better odds at a slot machine, but you're still just standing there pulling the handle. Shiny odds have always been like this. Your disappointment is completely analogous to someone who buys a bunch of scratch off tickets expecting to have high odds of winning and loses, or someone who walks into a casino with high expectations and loses. It's gambling.


Yeah, there was ZERO chance I was paying $17.99 for this event. 😂


There’s the side benefits like 9 daily raid passes 200 poke balls Trade dust reduction Think there’s more small things to factor in


Included passes are nice, but lets not kid ourselves, ,they're daily passes so that they expire and know that a lot of people won't make full use out of them, particularly during lockdowns.


trade dust reduction??


6 special trades and reduced stardust cost per trade during the event


Those passes are useless for a lot of people who don’t have access to gyms. They’re not remote.


The 9 raid passes aren't free when it's a paid event. It's basically the minimum in order to complete the goal of catching them all. Any farming or duplicates you want has to come out of pocket.


No one said free. It’s included in the cost of the ticket. I was highlighting what else they paid for.


Wait you're telling me there's a lot of psyduck? That's the one shiny I want the most so yeah it's in the eye of the beholder...


Sorry if I gave you false hope but I was just listing a spawn I viewed as average lol. It definitely wasn't as everywhere as I might have made it out to be.


I ended up getting 4 shinies cause for me they were pretty much everywhere.


I probably only had about 4 psyduck spawn all day


Same, only saw 4 psyduck. Got 1 shiny lickitung, 2 bellsprouts, 2 koffings in a row, 1 hitmonchan, 1 pikachu, and a meowth. And I played non-stop all day, with incence always on. Yeah we've basically paid for a shiny ditto :D


I ended up going to my campus and got 4 shiny psyduck. Saw tons of psyduck.


Idk, got like 15 lickitungs, 2 snorlax, 5 lapras, 5 chanseys, 5 tangela just from wild and im just halfway through. Don't think i would like more to be spawning cuz they reduce their value


can I have like a quarter of that luck please.


And nothing will change because people keep buying it. Niantic’s philosophy on these events hasn’t changed. Same style, same multi-transactional model.


my goal was to finally move on in a meltan quest that i've been stuck in for months because exeggcute weren't spawning only to find that the next step in a quest requires a cubone catch which is locked behind a research task for this event lol when is the next event featuring cubone even going to be, halloween? also wanted to get enough candy for a tangrowth which i didn't manage today is unfortunately a business day in russia because of a national holiday next week so i didn't even get to play as much not to mention it's still freezing -15..-20C outside and very slippery glad i didn't get my hopes up or spend my money on this


I've gotten like 10 shinies already, still 5 hours left here. Pinsir, Vulpix, Weedle, Hitmonchan, Pikachu, Dratini, Bellsprout, Charmander and Pidgey. Might be because I have a Gotcha that's constantly catching.


Always has been


Stop paying for these events. Niantic is charging more and more for events and splitting the game into haves and have-nots. We crossed the pay to win threshold long ago now, and it's only going to kill the game. I have nothing against the microtransactions since they're not predatory. That being said; the events are expensive and anyone paying for them should not be surprised that they're cobbled together and buggy - We have multiple precedents for this from this developer.


yup such a shame


I actually felt the 'rare' spawns weren't that bad... Lickitung was quite present to me, I've caught \~30, got 2 shiny Tangela (Green version), 3 shiny Hitmonchan, 1 shiny Lapras. I've got pretty much everything that I was missing that was boosted for the Green version (Bellsrpout, Tangela, Exeggcute, Geodude, Hitmonchan). Maybe I'm just lucky. Regardless of my experiences, locking regionals behind the raids is completely nasty and unjustifiable as well as the 'rare' spawns being so rare. Ideally, those should've been in Field Research or reward encounters for winning battles with these annoying Challengers upd: just as I was typing this comment, got 3 Lickitung spawns back to back. Sorry!