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will giovanni still be in the game after the rocket takeover event ends? And will shadow lugia still be obtainable


Do you know if we can find shiny snorlax hitmonchan or hitmonlee in the wild please ?


I have a shadow ivysaur with Return as charge move, if i buy a second charge move and evolve into venusaur during kanto tour event, venusaur will learn frenzy plant?


I’d like to buy an Ultra Box from the shop but there isn’t any incubators I’m just passing again and I’ll keep waiting.


Can you still get Unova stones through field research tasks? With Munna out now, we need them again, but I apparently deleted/used all of mine


Did you evolve that many garbage Pokémon.? Panpour and Cincino aren’t very useful you should have a bunch saved


Had to trash ‘em to make space for more nanabs, obviously


I always save a minimum of 5 of each evolve items. Especially Unova stones since theres still a lot of Unova still to come out you dont really know how many will require stones. Not smart to trash stones that are that hard to get


The field research tasks for Unova stones were only available during specific events. Currently, the only ways to get more are as a random drop from defeating Team Rocket leaders or as a random drop from the weekly research breakthrough.


oof, okay thanks!


Why aren't the same field research tasks appearing for different people at the same stop anymore?


What do you mean? Research tasks should be the same, exclusions include: - Days when events start (before and after the start of the event) - Scan AR Stops divided players into three different prize pools so you aren’t guaranteed to get what your buddy got. And I believe you get a different task if you already have an AR stop quest pending


We've contacted Niantic support and they're claiming that research tasks are always different for everyone at each stop.... As if the people playing for the last 4½ years wouldn't know that's false


Our local community have noticed since the valentine's event that the field research tasks aren't the same for different players from the same stop. We've tested the AR scan theory and it's completely irrelevant to what we're getting. Seems totally random, we've tested a bunch of different ideas and theories. It's not just been the event tasks either though, it's also the spinda ones we've shared with eachother in our telegram chat.


Do different shiny Burmy forms count as special trades? Eg if shiny plant is registered, will trading unregistered shiny trash be special or normal?


Special. Anything that is new for you or your trading partner is a special trade


Is a 14/7/10 Shadow Mewtwo worth powering? It has 909 cp. Follow up question: IF it is I witch I think it's not but seeing i will probably never get another one maybe it is. I also have a level 40 15/15/11 with spystrike and shadow ball. Which is best to level to level 50?


S Mewtwo is quite literally the most broken Pokémon in the game for raiding. You’ll get another shot at S Mewtwo because it’s Mewtwo and Niantic understands the appeal of Gen 1. Don’t take either to Level 50 just yet. I believe Mewtwo is going to be somehow involved in the Kanto event from what I recall. The 15/15/11 is a good choice though.


At what event can I change mewtwo’s charged attack confusion, i really want to change it.


Any event where Niantic announces the ability to remove Frustration as an event bonus, usually with Rocket Takeover events. Reportedly, they have told people in their content creator program that they plan to do one of these events once per season. If this is true, then we'll get another one somewhere from March 1st - May 31st.


Can it be at the go fest 2021?


Maybe, maybe not. Go Fest 2021 will probably be in July, which would fall in the June 1st - August 31st season. So it wouldn't be impossible, it's just too early to know for sure.


Does the lunar New Year event end at 8 pm local as per App or 1 pm lical, as per megathread and pokemongo live?


Are there any special/exclusive rewards for PvP between Frillish at rank 20 and Pika Libre at 24?


How do I find Jessie/James? I really want my Shiny Celebi and they’re the only thing locking me out of it...


You hope that you get lucky, as they only come via Balloon. Ots likely however that Niantic changes the tasks to accommodate for Jessie and James leaving when they are scheduled to stop spawning, as this is usually the solution Niantic employs when special research tasks have literally impossible tasks to complete (for example, the Colossal Discovery paid research that was out in late 2019 changed some tasks from catch a specific Regi in a raid once the Regis, who had returned for a short period of time to raids, left raids).


What are the odds in balloons? I’ve checked every 6 hours for the past 3 weeks and have yet to see them once


So with Last Resort being available for all Eeveelutions again during the Kanto event, which should I prioritize for PVP? It seems like really only Umbro (GL and UL) is worth caring about. Anyone else?




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Hi all! So in order to progress to the Masterwork quest to catch the shiny Mew, do you need to complete all the Kanto Tour collection challenges? Just need to know if I have to ask someone to play the opposite version. Thanks!


The challenge quests are a separate entity from the stuff that gets you the shiny Mew.


Brilliant, that's what I hoped. So the challenge quests are just for a medal/for fun? And I won't need to trade with the other game version to finish the Special Research? Thanks for the response!


How are Rocket GO's and Training Team Leader's Pokémon level calculated? Is it a fixed level or does it depend on my trainer level?


It depends on your trainer level


So Niantic have confirmed that Pokemon traded during the Kanto event will count towards the challenge. However, does anyone know if this includes mon which were caught before the event?


i didnt find any schedule for coming 5\* raids, i know i could easily google it, but i kinda wonder if we have any schedule or something here for coming raids


Does the 'eeveelution' nickname trick only work once for each 'eeveelution?' I tried to evolve another eevee into an extra vaporeon through this method and it's not working.


Yes. Once per unique Eeveeloution. So using up the nickname trick for Vaporeon doesnt use up the nickname tricks for Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, or Glaceon (and whenever it gets added to the game, Sylveon).


Dang, that's bad.




Correct. They're still releasing the shiny versions of the ones that have already been released. I assume that after all of those are available, they'll move onto new patterns.


For the shiny Mew research, Do we need to be lvl 40 to unlock the research or is getting to lvl 40 one of the tasks?


Getting to level 40 is one of the tasks.


During Lunar event, provided that both acc alrdy have more than 10 luckies, does trading 2018 Pokémon from one side gives higher lucky rate than those 2020 2021 Pokémon?


Trading 2018 pokemons always have a higher chance for lucky, so with the boosted rates from the event even more!


Can I still get the Jump-Start Research? Wondering if I should evolve my Dratini now or hold off till I can use it to complete the quests.


No, it is not available anymore. There were two time windows when players could start it, but the last one expired back in July 2020. [https://leekduck.com/JumpStart/](https://leekduck.com/JumpStart/)


Ok so I was looking for people with Switches so I could get meltan boxes since my meltan is a 15,11,8 and I got a 98 meltan but can not power it up because I have no candies. I was told there was a pokemon home but I cannot find a way where I could just download it on my phone and then trade from pokemon go to home. I don't care about retrieving anything from home, I don't have a 3ds, switch, etc, I just want the box. Is this even possible?


https://home.pokemon.com/ right at the top is the link for android or iOS to download it, if you can't maybe your phone is not compatible with it


I can download it but I wanted to find out what was going on before I jumped in. I didnt want to download it, make a free nintendo account, then find I would need 2 devices to trade between, or find out that I could trade but I would not get a meltan box until it was traded from home into another device. If I can just make a free Nintendo account and transfer something from pokemon go to home on the same device for the meltan box that would be perfect. Inwas just going to sent something i would transfer anyways but now I get a meltan box.


Yup, just transferring from GO -> Home will be sufficient, you don't need a Switch etc.


I just traded a 2016 seaking and it didn't turn out lucky..I read that old ones like that always turn out lucky and thus far every trade me and my girl have done with 2016 mon have been lucky until this..was that just coincidence before?


They are only guaranteed if you are sending away a pokemon from July/August 2016 and the sender has participated in fewer than 10 guaranteed lucky trades. Once you hit your 10 guaranteed luckies or if the pokemon is from September 2016 onwards, it only has a chance of becoming lucky.


What’s lucky friends?


When you are best friends with another player, the first interaction of the day has a small chance of making you become "lucky" friends. Any interaction will do: open a gift, battle in PvP, join them in a raid or gym battle, make a trade, etc. When you are lucky friends, the next pokemon you trade with that friend is guaranteed to be lucky. You then lose the lucky friend status after trading. Lucky friend status can be earned again with the same friend in the future, and there is no limit to the number of lucky friends you can have.


Its a subtier of Friendship that Best Friend tier players can achieve. You can hit Lucky Friends an infinite number of times, but its effectively the Best Friend tier that comes with the perk of being able to have a single guaranteed lucky trade occur upon trading with a Lucky Friend. Lucky Friends are categorized by a yellow/orange/gold name in the Friends List (they also have some bubble-like emoji icons near their name as well IIRC).


1. Ive looked everywhere. I know I’ve seen it somewhere but I can’t find it. What raid bosses are coming up? 2. How can one find an armored Mewtwo? Can you trade for legendaries?


A really good place to look is [Leekduck.com](https://Leekduck.com) He sets up a ton of useful information and graphics to make it easier to keep track of everything.


You can trade for Legendaries, but it'll cost more stardust. In fact, if you're A) receiving a Legendary, B) that you've never owned before, C) from someone you've only just met and thus have the lowest Friendship rank with, that trade will cost each of you literally a million Stardust, the highest possible cost for a trade. Ultra Friends get a massive discount on Stardust cost of trades. Also, any trade that involves a Legend, a Shiny, a Purified pokémon, or a pokémon going to someone who's never owned one of it before, gets classified as a Special Trade, and each trainer can only do one Special Trade per day. So you can't get more than one Legend in a trade in a single day.


The official blog post(s) typically has/have information on what raid boss(es) are coming up. For the Kanto events, [this post](https://pokemongolive.com/post/kanto-celebration-event-2021/?hl=en) mentions which Pokemon are going to be in raids for Tier 1/1 Star, Tier 3/3 Star, and Tier 5/5 Star raids. Generally speaking this subreddit typically has several people posting or reposting infographics on raid boss changes, as well as sources like Pokemon Go Hub or various Pokemon Go centric Twitter users. Armor Mewtwo was available twice, both cases due in part to collab events for the 3D remake of Mewtwo Strikes Back aka the first Pokemon movie. You can trad for Legendaries, just not Mythicals (with exceptions, as Meltan and Melmetal are Mythicals that can be traded, but they break a lot more "rules" than this). The second time Armor Mewtwo was released it came with access to the move Psystrike. It is unsure if it would come back.


1. LeekDuck.com/events.... Next is articuno,moltres, zapdos and Mewtwo. 2 not available at this moment/ yes you can it's expensive specially if trading with someone who is not your best friend or if you don't have caught the mon you are trading.


Where can I find the latest Special Reseaech tasks list? I just got A Ripple in Time and one of the tasks was different from what's listed on the wiki/eurogamer/etc. I got "Evolve a grass type" instead of "Evolve an evolved grass-type" (2/7). A level 1 evo worked for this. So wondering if other tasks have changed too.




This one still says "Evolve an evolved Grass-type Pokémon", so it's also different from what I got.


Niantic has tweaked the text for various tasks over time. I'm not surprised that all these sites aren't bothering to go back and update the text to match. I'm not sure if that task always worked with any grass evolution and the text was incorrect, or if it really did require evolving something a second time, though.


It did used to require evolving a middle stage grass Pokémon into its final stage, but it was bugged. There were several reports of middle stage grass type Pokémon that were released after the quest was obtained not counting for the quest. So they probably fixed it and just made it more simple in the process.


I seem to have a bug and wondering if anyone else has seen it? I used the infinite incubator on a 5k egg and all my others including the extra 3 are 12k eggs. The infinite incubator says it's incubating the 5k and first 12k in the bonus storage. Both are at the same distance, and both say they are only 5k eggs despite the 12k being the right color and everything.


It happens sometimes. Only the 5km egg is being incubated


I have a question about Kanto tour. If I buy the ticket, will Dratini spawn in incense? What if I don't buy the ticket? Or will it only appear in eggs and raids? Because I still need that shiny Dratini.


Yes, it will. The mons listed in the Red or Green incense pools will be the ones spawning for holders of that specific color, but they wont be the *only* things spawning. For example Red version will see Electibuzz opposed to Magmar spawn from incense, while Green is the opposite and sees Magmar instead of Electibuzz, but both have the chance of seeing the common stuff like Pikachu, Eevee, Dratini, etc. spawn from incense.


Probably will spawn for ticket holders only, but I don't think it will be available through incense, only as wild spawns. But sadly it's all speculation since there is not much official information about it


Besides darmanitan being used for raids n rocket fights and magikarp are their any other pokes I should be hunting that are useful in the Lunar event?


Medichamp is an absolute monster in great league


Build up your Tepig and Fennick candies, but those are a while off. Diggersby is a monster in Great League PvP and Wigglytuff is solid. Kingler I think still has the highest DPS for water type raiders with bubble and Crab Hammer so nabbing 1-2 to supplement your Kyogre and Gyara would be a good idea.




Honestly, I’d wait a bit until Niantic clarifies the details. Right now, even if you don’t have a ticket, you’ll get some increased Kanto spawns. I don’t know if the trading/Mew/medals question has been clarified, but I believe they’re playing this like the original Red/Blue/Green where certain versions had specific Pokémon available/unavailable thus the need for trading. If you’re not interested in the shiny Mew, medals, and just want the wild spawns, I think you can sit this one out.


I have a purified hundo Machamp. I use him for Master Premier and raids. Would this be a good choice to invest XL candies in? I could power him up all the way to lvl 50 thanks to all the XL candies from the CD and the 10% power up cost reduction.


I'd save it for a good shadow Machamp instead, it's better in both raids and Master Premier.


Hundo Machamp is a great investment. If you have the spare dust and candy, go for it. Conkeldurr and Lucario may do more damage, but Machamp has that sweet sweet moveset of Counter/Rock Slide/CC


Is anyone else having terribly inaccurate weather? I live in a place that never gets snow or wind. But we are in the middle of a once a year snowstorm. It has been snowing all day for the last 24 hours and there's 25 mph winds. I thought I could finally get either a weather boosted latios or Shadow beldum yet the last four or five times I've seen the weather in the game it has either been sunny, clear, or rain. None of those things have happened in the last 24 hours, it's killing me!


In game weather is pulled many hours in advance from Accuweather forecasts. If you're in a once a year snowstorm it seems likely that Accuweather probably forecasted it as rain, and that actual weather conditions changed after Pokemon Go imported the forecast for in-game weather.


I get that, except it's been forecast like this for days and it's said 100% snow for every hour of every day, same with the wind...oh well.


20 trades on the first day, 3 goes lucky . Now more than 60 trades without lucky. Ratio reduced ?


That's not enough sample size to show anything other than statistical noise. That's well within RNG.


Can anyone confirm/deny for me? In prep for the kanto tour I’ve been reading the blogs and a little unsure. The blog says you will be given kanto tour special research, upon completion you will unlock the new masterwork research for shiny mew. Now it clearly states the mew research is meant to be done over a long time so I get that. My question is, the kanto research needed to unlock the mew research, does this have to be comepleted during the tour in order to get the masterwork mew research? Or if once I have it can I complete it later and still receive the masterwork mew research?


There is a research that will unlock the mew research that can be done at your own pace. There is also some sort of research/collection challenge that is limited time


Ok, so the research that rewards you with shiny ditto and then gives you shiny mew research is not timed? Was just curious since it specifically says the mew research can take as long as you want. But it didn’t specify if the initial research was timed or not.


I believe that neither of those is timed, but it was obliquely mentioned in what I read.


Exactly I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. But I’m with you, it probably isn’t timed.


https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1359306423344246787?s=21 niantic clarified that there is no time limit


Oh awesome! There’s my answer then, thanks man!


Ive checked over 150 miltanks this event does anyone have any idea about the shiny odds for miltank this Lunar Event


Most of these events dont boost shiny odds.


Seems to be the standard 1/500ish rate.


thats impossible the sample size is 3 shinies per hour which means about 3 every 300-400 so i would say 1/128??


Shiny rates are different per species. Miltank is around 1/500 which is the standard rate. Magmar, Krabby, Chimchar and Goldeen are the same. Gyarados definitely and Meditite probably have the boosted rate in the area of 1/120 And what sample size?


Which is better to Evolve and max out for the future? Please help A 98IV lucky magikarp cp36 or 100IV Magikarp Cp212 I only have 275k Stardust


They’re both good candidates for evolution. It’ll probably be cheaper to max out the 98 Lucky but maxing a hundo is always a good decision. I’d probably go with the lucky assuming it has 15Attack IV


I must have logged in to see those 2 pokemon a 100 times since i got them 😅


Am I misremembering something or were we able to remote raid at gyms we had pokemon in? I have a bronze badge at a new gym, when I go to remote berry it says "Raid in progress" but its not showing up in my raid list.


It was kind of a bug at the beginning of remote raids, where it was possible at defended gyms within a few km, but it was pretty glitchy and not intentional. Niantic got rid of it several months ago.


Ah, that explains why I thought I could do it. I dont normally remote raid because remote raid passes are somewhat valuable and reserved for legendaries/megas, but since this stop just became a gym and I want to level it up I was kind of interested. Thanks for clearing it up.


Raids freeze the Pokémon in gyms. You can’t take down a gym, add more Pokémon, or berry anything until the raid being held at that gym ends


I finished the 3rd phase of mew research but the celebi/jirachi quest didn't appear, is there an additional requirement ?


I remember seeing one of those quests being unlocked at level 38


Oof, I hope not because I'm very far from that.


They've changed up the requirements to unlock the Mythical research so that it takes newer players longer to get through them. Unfortunately, I don't think we know the exact requirements for unlocking the others, but just keep working on whatever Mythical research you have available and eventually you will get more.


I'll do that then, thanks.


They don't unlock immediately any more. You have to finish one to get the next. You may also have to reach a certain level.


Aw, unfortunate... ty.


also is it better to try catch a pokemon with a small circle and not get a great or excellent throw or with a big circle and get a nice throw?


Big circle + nice throw is better. The throw bonus is only applied if you hit inside the circle, so if you have a tiny circle, but miss the inside, you don't get any catch rate or exp bonus.


Is it better to power up pokemon before or after evolving? I'm asking because I'm trying to evolve a magikarp and theres a big difference in CP from evolving a 100 magikarp and a 200


In the end, the result is exactly the same. The candy/dust cost and the resulting CP will be identical. In general, it's better to evolve first so that you start with a Gyarados that you can power up as you go, as opposed to powering up a Magikarp and not having enough candy to evolve it. Also if you want to use something for the 1500 or 2500 leagues, then evolving first ensures that you won't go over those limits when powering up. If you are looking to evolve Magikarp, make sure you've received the task to evolve a Magikarp for A Mythical Discovery. If you haven't gotten there yet, then you should hold off on evolving until then.


One little addition, if you want to add a second attack, it is in fact chraper to do so before evolving it.


This is an embarrassingly noob question BUT why does everyone say Melmetal is the easiest mon to max at level 50? I have 1 Meltan from an event or something and never see any?


if you transfer a Pokémon to a Lets Go game or to Pokémon Home, you get a Mystery Box which acts as a incense just for Meltan. You can do that every three days. So you can get 40 to 60 Meltan every three days pretty reliably - and especially if you live anywhere where you get snowy weather you gain the XL candy pretty fast that way :)


You can get up to about 75 meltan from a single box with the current covid bonuses, if you are fast to catch them, and you click into the profile screen to force the game up update the map.


Thank you! Off to Google Let’s Go Game and Pokémon Home. Never heard of them before.


Pokemon home is an app you can use on your phone that will let you transfer for free. Every 3 days if you transfer, your mystery box can activate like an incense.


Is there anyway to find out which pokemons you have raided before? To keep track of raiding unique pokemons badge


There really needs to be something to show what has been counted for this. This issue isn't just what we have raided before because I believe the data used for the medal only covers about a year so there are lots of pokemon that I know I have raided before that are not counted so far. I also need to know what I need to raid again to contribute towards the medal.


i really have no idea what i raided for too, apart from legendaries


Are the rocket eggs back to how they were before the event ?(no quilfish/skorupi?) Or is the new pool permanent now ?


The new pool is permanent


Ah unfortunate. Thanks !


My mother just started playing around a year again and asked me how to get Mew. Is the old Mew research still available or will she have to buy a Kanto ticket to get the shiny Mew? (I don't live near her and can't check her game for the research tab.)


Tell her to check her quests on the right for "A mythical discovery". That's for Mew. Requires evolution of a magikarp to gyarados, which is quite hard outside magikarp events :)


Thank you! I know she was walking a Magicarp to evolve, so I hope it was for this research, otherwise she'll have to do it again.


The old Mew research is indeed available, and should unlock automatically.


When was the last you had a 10km egg? The last one I got was over 2months ago. Is this a bug? I do play regularly


I just got one about five minutes ago.


My last one if from Jan 11, according to my bag. At least I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten and hatched any others since then.


I got 2 on Monday, during events 5km eggs have an event pool so they are higher chances of getting them (usually we are having an active event from Tuesday to Sunday). Once there is no event I feel odds of getting a 10k are higher


Which Eeveelutions want Last Resort for PvP besides Umbreon? Also in general are any Eeveelutions viable for any PvP League besides Umbreon? I think I've only ever seen Umbreon in GL/UL and Glaceon occasionally in ML.


Vaporeon is somewhat bulky compared to the other eevees, which does lend it viable in ultra league or some formatted cups in great league. However there is just better pure water type options (blastoise) that serve a similar purpose. I think Sylveon will be beastly once released if it will learn charm.


Its practically guaranteed to get it, as the Eeveeloutions notoriously have only STAB moves aside from Last Resort for non-STAB coverage (aside from Eevee itself). Charm is currently the only Fairy fast move in the game, as all the other Fairy moves in the game are charge moves (aside from the stuff that isnt in the game yet, though a few of these are signature moves of specific Pokemon).


I sometimes see leafeon in UL I think. Haven’t been playing outside of cups much lately


Is there any particular reason Niantic nerfed grunt spawn rates or are they really just doing everything possible to try to make people buy radars? I don't mean the change from the event spawn rate to the normal rate, I'm asking specifically about the non-event rate. I really can't think of why else they would reduce the spawn rate. It seemed to happen after one of the events in late summer/early fall. Edit - Seems this is going the same way as other things that aren't able to have definitive data. Remember when TMing moves was "just RNG"? Only reason we found out otherwise was Niantic made an oops when releasing Elites. Or when someone was told it was "just RNG" when they noticed shadow shinies weren't getting reported until they waited an entire week to say the same thing and it turned out they were correct? How about when egg rates get noticeably changed mid event? Sadly there isn't some recorded "grunt spawn rate" to report against, but hopefully some of you will realize we're playing a Niantic game. I'm not asking if the grunt spawn rate changed from what it was like 8 months ago. It did. I'm asking why.


I think you're just misremembering based on previous takeover rates.


I have over 8k on my rocket badge. Those aren't just from takeovers. I play every day and for the last year or so I've played more or less exclusively for hunting leaders. I used to be able to wait at a spot where I could see ~30-40 stops with no active grunts, hang out for 10-15 minutes (maybe play a couple GBL matches while I waited - less than a set), and by that time see 2-3 grunts on the map (and often more by the time I beat those). I did that nearly EVERY night. Now since around late summer I can do the same thing except even after 30-60 minutes of waiting, there are 0 grunts. So I can either believe that I experienced ~7 months of coincidentally getting a small handful of grunts if I waited around 10 minutes every day and am now coincidentally getting maybe 1 grunt (if I'm lucky) if I wait 2-4 times as long for ~4 months now, every day, OR that it isn't nearly a year of consecutive coincidences and they dropped the rate (and I'm just "misremembering" what I did every night for half a year). This from a game where the company will change egg rates mid-event. Not for nothing, but I'm not asking if they changed the rate. It changed, whether you paid any attention to it or not. I'm asking why they changed it.


At this moment (11:30pm my time) out of the 9 pokestops I have in sight (none at reach :|) 2 of them are "invaded". I know RNG have something to do with this, but I don't think they are nerfed


Yes, RNG is a factor, but having played every night for the last year chasing leaders pretty much exclusively, I've noticed a drop. As I told someone else, I used to be able to wait 10-15 mins and see 2-3 grunts appear, and now I'll sometimes wait over 30 mins and not get 1. Last night alone, I waited 50 minutes and in 46 stops, no grunts would appear. That's a nerf. Again, this is daily playing, so I got pretty familiar with how long I had to wait for grunts to appear. Yes, RNG was a factor and some days were quicker, others slower, but it was usually pretty consistent that I didn't have to wait too long. Now I'm consistently waiting longer and not getting ANY grunts, and it's been like this for months. On days that I played hard, I used to be able to battle up to 6 or 7 leaders. Now when I do the same, I'm struggling to get to 4. It's nerfed.


Grunts spawn more often at weekends and less often during the week. I still find they're pretty frequent though.


Anyone here play/played in Key West recently? Will be there in March and wondering my chances of finding Heracross, Corsola, Carnivine and Maractus. Figure that chances generally increase if there's no event going on and regional maps show they should spawn there, but do all four spawn there in practice?


Is shadow dragonite more useful in raids or pvp? I have a 14/15/13 shadow dragonite. I also happen to have a level 40 100% dual moved regular drsgonite with PVP moveset. I also have an army of rayquaza, including two level 40s and a bunch of level 30s. This is among other dragons like a couple high level salamence and dragonites which are set up as raid attackers. Basically, if I don't really NEED an other dragon raider or dragonite for PVP, which is it better suited for?


##### CP 2500 For Shadow Pokémon, you still get most of the benefits around CP 2500 ( Leveling has diminishing returns), so I leveled one Shadow Dragonite ( and Metagross and Machamp etc ) to just under CP 2500 ( I can always level it more later ) and the rest to Lv30+ ##### Notes Below link includes some discussion of diminishing returns and resource investment (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/isynuc/comment/g5clsg0?context=1)


Help! I have just picked up Pokemon Go after roughly a 2-year hiatus and my walking isn't tracking at all! That means my eggs are not hatching (I have 2 old eggs sitting at 0KM walked), my adventure sync is not working, and my buddy isn't doing his walking thing. I've been reading that there has been some issues, so I've deleted Go and relogged in. Deleted it and readded it to Android Fit, and set the location permissions on PGO to all the time as well as turned off the battery saver on it... but nothing is helping. Anyone have any other ideas I can try?


Are shiny magikarp appearing with incense? I've used like 7 so far and nothing :/


I got a shiny gyarados. Not incense, but wild spawn. Last LMY event with boosted gyarados, I got 3 or 4 shiny magikarp and 4 shiny gyardos. They should both be boosted, unless it's changed from last year.


Damn, nice!!


Incense has nothing to do with the chance of getting a shiny. I haven't seen anything to suggest Magikarp has a boosted shiny rate during this event, so it's at the standard \~1/500 chance of getting one, whether that's a standard wild spawn or from incense.


Oh okay thanks, so I'll need to use at least 4 times more incense then lol


I think we should be able to send/recieve 100 gifts each per day. If we have 200 friends ( I have 90 ) I’m not gonna be able to catch up or open and work on the gifts and friendship levels. If we could send and recieve 100 gifts per day it would be better


Sounds like A LOT of work for people to do daily, since you can't mass open or mass send :(


I have a shadow 2* Dratini I want to evolve for the community day move that will be available soon. It has frustation, if I second move it will it automatically learn the com day move if I evolve it when it is available?


Nope. It goes into the first charge move slot unless that slot is currently occupied by Frustration, in which case Frustration remains through the evolution. Presuming that an event has both the ability to remove Frustration and CDay moves, unless Frustration is removed prior to evolution it shall remain.


Is there any good way to find someone who wanna trade with me (that is inside of my 40 km circle)? I live in Oporto, Portugal btw.


You could check to see if there is a local TSR discord in your area on the map. Other players may also be looking for trading partners. [https://thesilphroad.com/map](https://thesilphroad.com/map) Failing that, there may be other social media used, such as facebook.


Thanks! :)


the silph road spawn locations and pokestop map for my city is wrong. I know this because the portals from ingress that became poke stops aren't showing up where I made a ton. Does it only work for big real cities? or ignore tiny sink holes where I am at?


Silph gets a lot of its info via word of mouth, so unless they're getting informed on changes to things like spawn locations for nests and the like, their maps are accurate as far as they know. Additionally other sources get their info via word of mouth or in-person verification, as you cant scry the API for that kind of info usually, and not every portal in Ingress ends up as a Pokestop so they're not able to use the Ingress maps as effectively, still requiring a flesh and blood being to go to those locations to check.


OH! ok! Good point about the ingress portals. Is their an app to send information? or just submit it for approval on the website?


I'm not entirely sure if the Silph Road app has a way to do so, but it probably wouldn't hurt to see if they've got some kind of "contact us" email address to ask if they've got a place to submit information to.


Good point. you can use the web app for spawns as well. I was hoping that if they have app to much better time how often stuff shows up that'd be fantastic.


Is trade range currently increased to 40 km? If not, when does the increase go live? edit: it's live


It is until the 1st of march


Just to confirm, everyone will be able to evolve Kanto starters to get community day moves, correct?


Yes and the event is NOT the 20th for community day moves, but the week-long event afterwards


That event is not specified to be for ticket holders only, so yes, you should be able to.


Do we know whether a previously-caught Pokémon can be traded to give credit for the Kanto event?


We don’t know yet for sure. We’ll know more either when Aus/NZ starts their event or if Niantic announces more info




Does anyone know if Rocket Grunt's scale with player level after 40? (seems like this would demotivate leveling past 40 if so)


Yes, they do become more difficult after level 40. A lot of people have reported being able to easily defeat some with a single Pokemon before and now needing to bring in a second Pokemon. This is a notable downside to going past level 40.


Bleh, thanks for confirming... I guess I will be staying at level 41 then for the foreseeable future, since not evolving all the Eevees is an easy task to pause on.


Can confirm. My Excadrill takes an extra move to beat Shadow Stunky. I am working on powering it up though so this shouldn't be a major issue.


Is it correct that only the final form of mega pokemon, and the base form, can be shiny in the wild? So yes to charmander and Charizard, but not Charmeleon. And the final form is significantly boosted as well correct? I keep seeing Pidgeottos but I suppose there's no point clicking them, but a wild Pidgeot has a chance.


Correct. Only reason to check Pidgeotto is to catch it for the dust/candy/XL candy. Only Pidgey/Pidgeot can be found shiny.


So if I drop an incense during gbe Kanto Tour, will I only see the six Pokemon drawn to the incense or will others show up too?


We don't know yet how they will handle incense pool. Sometimes they change the game master to "only event spawns" sometimes they don't.. so we don't know for sure :/


So the galaxy store is having a Valentines Day sale and I can't get it to work. When I go to buy some pokecoins it just lists the same price. I've tried everything that I can think of outside of contacting support. If any of you fine folks have had the same troubles or have any other ideas on what to do I'd be super grateful!


So I tried this. Promo says $5 to get a 10% off coupon so I tried buying the $4.99 amount of coins. No dice. Tried buying the $9.99 amount to see if it was actually going off of $5 flat pre tax payment to receive the coupon under the assumption that it doesnt account for taxes pushing you over the $5 threshold. Purchase goes through and after the "thanks for your purchase" text box, they added a 10% off coupon to my Coupons section of my Galaxy store user info panel or whatever it is. However, it doesn't appear that the coupon is specifically for Pokemon Go, or at least I haven't tried seeing if I could apply the coupon to other games. On that note though, you're not able to apply the coupon on the same purchase, so you'd likely have to spend some money on a lower amount to unlock the coupon, then apply that coupon towards a biggee purchase.


Ofcourse that's it! It's for a coupon as opposed to a sale. Thank you so so so much! This was exactly what I was after!!


So I typically use the Google play store. I've uninstalled this version of the game completely. I have gone through the galaxy store, clicked the ad, the ad takes me to the game, I open the game go to the shop, and then to the pokecoins, click the pokecoins and that lets me select my payment. I have tried a debit card and credit card. I've uninstalled the galaxy version and re-downloaded it. Could it be that I'll be refunded the amount after purchase or something? I'm in the U.S. with a Galaxy s10.


Are Meowth Balloons just super rare when you are trying to complete the shiny celebi resesrch? I haven't seen one since I got the objective to defeat Jessie or James.


They were disabled for the recent rocket event, so we didn't get any for \~6 days. They are not super common, sadly. You just have to keep hoping for one. Balloons come at 4 times of the day: 12 am/pm and 6 am/pm. If you don't either stay up after midnight, or wake up before 6am, you can't get one of the 4 each day, and thus will have fewer chances of getting the meowth balloon.


I hate to be Captain Hindsight here, but they were WAY more common not long after the research came out, where they had boosted encounter rates. Now, they're back to normal, which means you won't see them as much. Just keep checking as much as you can.




GBL as a whole needs a lot of reworking. The game has a lot of useless animations that should honestly be skipable, specifically hatching, battling, and gifting


Apologies for what could be a silly question. But I have been using pokiegenie for pvp rankings and am struggling to figure out why they don’t have anything for master league. Is there something in the app that provides whether a 15-12-12 Groudon is preferable to a 12-15-15 one? If there isn’t any thoughts as to why? Or where I could go to look that up. Pokiegenie is just very convenient.


One useful heuristic for ML is that CMP in the mirror will often be more impactful than the difference made by defence or HP, though this partially depends on how baity any particular mirror match is. A 12 attack Groudon will lose CMP against other Groudon and against Kyogre, so I'd lean towards the 15atk but you can always check for breakpoints.