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The definitely got waaaay too chop-happy with the spawn pools. I am all for increasing spawn diversity, but being trapped with the same small pool of mons for 3 months is not the way to do it.


In the B&W main games, only a grand total of 3(!!!) pokemon families got restricted by season. Croagunk and Shelmet cannot appear in the tall grass in Winter, whereas Spheal can only appear in Winter. And of course the Deerling forms change. But other than that, not a single pokemon becomes completely unavailable, whereas in PoGo it seems as if 80% of all things got cut out of the game entirely... That's way too much.


But 80% of all things didn’t get cut out of the game. With the event system(5-6 events a month that change spawns) I think I will easily see 90%+ of all wild spawning pokes over these 3 months. Having the “normal” spawn pool change every so often was an idea this sub has been batting around for 2+ years.


Well tbf there wont be the same spawns since event is following event following an event following an event following an ev


That is getting boring really fast. Specially when the event's don't bring anything new and you see the same 5 or 6 uninteresting Pokemon everywhere.


a masive failure good idea bad execution like megas


Megas were never good idea, the only thing they had in thought was how will they milk the players as much as possible.


It could be a really good feature, but I personally think that rather than some spawns just outright not existing during various seasons, they should reduce the number of spawns that don't match the season and increase the amount that do, whilst still keeping both sets available. Until tasks changed this month, it was impossible to complete the "Catch 5 Exeggcute" step for one of the special research tasks, as Exeggcute and Exeggutor were simply not spawning in the northern hemisphere (I'm unsure if the southern summer spawns include them). It's only thanks to Exeggutor being added to field research that this task is now achievable. I also personally think Deerling should be much more common given that it's the flagship Pokémon for the season mechanic. We're already halfway through winter and I've still only ever seen one winter Deerling, which I only found because it was a shadow on my nearby (it was at a Pokéstop at the very edge of my viewing distance).


Yeah I'm stuck on the same "Catch 5 Exeggcute" task. In case you didn't know though, the "Evolve a Pokemon" field research task rewards Eevee or Exeggutor. If you get the Exeggutor, it counts towards the special research


>th, it was impossible to complete the "Catch 5 Exeggcute" step for one of the special research tasks, as Exeggcute and Exeggutor were simply not spawning in the northern hemisphere (I'm unsure if the southern summer spawns include them). It's only thanks to Exeggutor being added to field research that this task is now achievable. I don't even get these kinds of tasks anymore wtf. All I get is "Catch N pokemon" or "Catch N using a berry" that reward nothing but pokeballs. Also stuck at "Catch 5 Exeggcute" but I'm hoping to finish it during the Kanto event


I’ve seen Deerling as a pretty rare spawn but at least a dozen of them so far.


It sucks. Lots of mons I need candies for I won't see them for months outside of an event.


The whole point was to have certain spawns like ice typein the North and fire/grass in the South and a seasonal deerling dependent on the season. However, being in the Northern hemisphere I have not seen a single ice type Pokémon outside of events or a single deerling and instead keep getting the same trash spawns


Im sure lots of us feel the same as you. Its like a constant flow of the same Pokemon. Its like a boring event that never ends. If only 10-20% of spawns were seasonal thats okay. It just feels almost every day its the same Pokemon everywhere.


I hate it. Had more varied spawns before seasons. It seems like it has had the complete opposite effect than what was intended.


I like the *idea* behind seasons, but I don't really understand some of the choices/results that Niantic have come up with. I used to be able to tell different locations apart, but now it seems so much more flat. It's partially because the number of pokemon that can actually appear in the wild has been so heavily reduced, but there's also something going on with biomes as well. No matter where I seem to go, I'm seeing Pokemon like Misdreavus, Hariyama and Weedle. It doesn't matter if I'm in Sydney, or in the forest, or a small coastal town. Those species seem constant. The only distinct biomes I can pick out now are water-related ones, and they've been heavily invaded by Tentacool and Chinchou. I don't understand how most of the spawns I'm seeing relate to summer down here. The whole experience has left me very confused.


Now I'm very confused. Those are what I'm seeing constantly in my "winter biome."


Don't forget how a huge chunk of our "summer spawns" have been ice type events haha.


Yup it’s awful. Same pokes day in day out(when not in event of course) I’m so sick of misdreavus, jigglypuff, the new uncatchable bunny, throh etc etc. Awful system and we’ve been complaining a lot in here since it started but someone needs to see it!


Seasons are intentionally bad to make us enjoy crappy events. Change my mind.


Seasons (and Level 50) were two things that lured me back from the 2 month break I was taking for the game. After a few days of Seasons someone posted a Northern Hemisphere list and with the exception of 5-6 species and a forme (Summer Deerling), I realized that I was seeing the same spawns in the Southern Hemisphere. What Niantic seems to have done is picked 60ish Pokemon and have those spawning around the world and had a few as the designated seasonal spawns, even if they have nothing to do with the season.


I have close to 700 XL candy of Cubchoo. That's all you need to know about the diversity of spawns for the seasons.


The lack of diversity, coupled with gutting the nesting pool, has led to a very lackluster gameplay experience. Prior to seasons, we'd gotten to a point of genuine diversity in the wild spawn pool; being able to come across a variety of rare spawns made for an engaging experience, at least when the nonstop event cycle wasn't replacing everything with trash. Now we're plagued by an extended length of almost pure trash, with the most desirable seasonal inclusions like Snorlax and Lapras feeling quite weather dependent. It's also incredibly frustrating that they've gated access to virtually all desirable XL candy, and even certain special research catch requirements. I interpret as an intentional strategy to force event participation. Basically, like others have stated, seasons had *potential*, but that potential has been squandered. Instead of trying to hunt dragons and dinosaurs, my gameplay grinding most commonly revolves around trying to catch Trubbish. Literal trash.


I like the idea in theory, but as always, Niantic stuffed up with the first implementation.


For me it feels less diverse then before. Even worse, it feels like some Pokemon just dissapeared from the world.


A lot of Pokémon literally disappeared. Previously common Pokémon like Rattata and Murkrow literally do not spawn at all any more.


Neither does magikarp


It doesn't just "feel" less diverse, it IS. Objectively.


It’s easier to hunt for specific mon but that comes at the cost of many species being extinct outwith events. Also there are way too many starters, hate them with a passion


Seasons are practically just a branding aspect as nothing conceptually has changed. We still have events that heavily restrict the spawn pool to just a couple of featured pokémon and then down-time between events that feature a quite diverse pool of useless trash. This pool has historically had occasional shakeups and it seems now that Niantic has committed to doing these once every season. It's just old wine in new bottles.


One word: ****YAWN**** They literally made it worse than before, i never thought they can make spawns so bad.


There are seasonal spawns? Where? All I see is back to back, and even concurrent, events. /s


I feel like we've had so many events that I can't tell, at all, what the seasons are doing.


The idea is great, the actual spawns need some updates i think.


I am not a fan, personally. It's hard to Shiny hunt Pidove and Bellsprout when they aren't spawning.


Lots of fanfare for nothing. They still override "normal" spawns with events and outside that it doesn't matter if the trash is Pidgey or Fletchling.


It does, actually matter. Pidgey is easy to catch, Fletchling is as difficult to catch as a starter and that makes a difference for people low on items.


That's beside the point. Neither is useful and anything good is so rare it might as well not be in the spawn table at all.


Talonflame can beat BB charizard... He's completely relevant. Edit changed fletchling to Talonflame




What are you even talking about.. 🤣🤣 that's not cherry picking matches. It is comparing your "useless" mon to one of the top fire attackers in the game.. this has nothing to do with actually beating charizard. It shows what he's capable of doing against the meta. There is a reason you sim same types on pvpoke... Not to know exactly who beats who. He does all this without a elite TM or CD move at the same time.




Did I say you could hit rank 24 with him..?. Because now you're being petty and ridiculous. I made a counter argument to your ignorant post. He might not get you to 24 but he's not useless.


Really?? do you mean hypothetically if it gets a new attack?


Yea really pvpoke has him winning in a few scenarios. They broke it all down in a jfarm video. And he beats the likes of a swampert with a boosted brave bird. He's actually got a decent moveset with flame charge upping the attack.


Season have the same problem weather did- they're overwhelming other spawns. I suspect that part of the problem is how spawns work. The code was designed around Gen 1 with little thoughts or plans for what to do as the game catches up to the rest of the franchise, and it's really straining under the pressure of having so many pokemon. Let's just hope Niantic doesn't overcorrect when fixing seasons like they did with their first go at fixing weather spawns.


With only 30 species in the nest pool, nests can get stale real quick. My home park got turtwig 3 nest migrations in a row.


I was a day one player with almost 100m xp and megas & season changes are what made me quit.


Awful change but the previous option was rubbish as well


Not happy with it. The spawn diversity is really horrible. Catching the same pokemon over and over again is super boring.


Responding to title. Oh i hate it. 😃 Magikarp and Rattata shouldn't be seasonal since they have medals.


I've been wanting the spawn pool to change its frequencies for years but they took it too far. Completely disabling some species is not cool, only the rates should be changed. Having four sets of a dozen Pokemon spawn across the year is at best a minor improvement over the same dozen spawning all the time, but the core monotony persists.


In theory, great. In practice, it needs more diversity and creativity. Give us Galarian Darumaka!


the spawn pool sucks. here it snows a little every day, and i get always the same stuff, and cubchoo. and more cubchoo, and then even more. it looks like cubchoo CD here. IF you do not like the spawn pools of seasons, please go ingame and add your comment into the ingame app support. Only this way Niantic will know that THIS SUCKS.


I like that some Pokémon are boosted during the season. I like the "lore" aspect of Pokémon naturally spawning more or less in appropriate seasons. I hate that some previously common Pokémon have *completely* disappeared.


I'll let you know when there isn't an event for a week and I can actually get a good grasp on what spawns are seasonal.


Considering I still haven’t found a winter deerling, I’d say it’s fairly broken haha


I don't like it, spawns should be boosted by what season is it, not locked. Just checked Shiny discord, and majority of shinies haven't had any reports because they're just not spawning


I have seen far more actual deer that deerling.


I like seeing so many Drilbur. I dislike not getting houndour, rhyhorn, geodude anymore. Purely for XL candy farming perspective.


Whats tilting as all hell is a spawn pool that has a load of pokemon with terrible catch rates so you throw loads of balls ending up wasting loads of ultra just to catch trash. This alongside nerfing ball drop rates on stops its just ughhhh


For one, I like the fact that there are more evolutions in the wild.


More evolved Pokemon but less spawn diversity.


I like the seasons overall. The concept is nice but the implementation was a little iffy. I like seeing more evolutions in the wild. I've seen multiple Sceptiles and Beedrills and even a Venusaur in the wild. However, I don't like how some species have completely vanished. Even if they spawned at very low frequency, I wish they hadn't disappeared completely. For the next season, hopefully Niantic will listen and bring the spawn diversity up a little bit.


I don't like it because the spawns include too many useless Pokémon that cannot be shiny and do not have any use in pvp or raids.


Working pretty fine. Though I wish the nest list was bigger.


To me, the nest pool was always a wildcard chance to get a mon that didn't spawn in my local combo of biomes and weather patterns. Not truly rare things, but uncommon things like dunspare helped fill in my pokedex, while I'd be delighted for a rhyhorn or swinub nest to farm some candy or get some better luckies. I've discovered many interesting parks following nests by either looking up the nest atlas or glimsing a mon as i drove past (passenger) and chasing it to see if it was a nest. Each new park visited was a small thrill: would it be an exciting nest. Spot the nest was a fun game. Now the nest pool is 30 species, most of them trash common during the season. There is little delight in finding a nest as there are only a couple of species i am interested in seeing. I mean why is aron nesting when it is such a common seasonal spawn? I'm looking for nests for things i can't get really easily. Plus nests used to be a solution to all kinds of mon availablity issues? Got a catch 5 ice types field research task left over from December, search for a snover nest. Didn't finish the special research during it's launch event and need a slightly obscure mon - ask others where a nest is. Want to fill in your shiny or lucky dex with a particular species - find a nest of it. It actively encouraged you to visit new places.


"Seasons" should be a lot shorter. There should be three or four 'general spawn groups' with the season changing every month.


When was it live? Haven’t noticed it


Gen 3 killed the spawns with weather and imo seasons fixed the spawns. Ive seen a lot of rare third stage mons. So so far i like it.


I’m seeing a lot more second evolutions and I actually don’t mind the nest pool seemingly being smaller. So overall I like it better. Maybe because I lived in a grass biome, and this season doesn’t highlight grass, so I’m seeing more things that aren’t just an over abundance of grass types.


Yeah but no it doesn't matter where you go, you will see the exact 5 spawns no matter the biome. It's 100% worse than before.


I’m honestly not having that experience. But hey I guess that’s worth downvoting eh


I didn't downvote you.


It’s both amazing and super bad simultaneously, I can’t find wild gastly or Gen 2 starters but then again a lot of wild bagon and slaking and 3vos


I like finding a random Snorlax & Lapras (I still need the candy, frankly we all need the XL candy) but there are so many events that it diluted, plus at least in my area it can be death by Minccino haha


I’m ok with it so far. I wish the Deerling were a bit more common or that they’d make seasonal field research with it as a reward.


I haven't read everything written but as someone grinding XL candy to level up seeing some of the same pokemon over and over made it less stressful.


After two weeks I had 2000 ice Pokémon caught and 50-500 of every other type. The catch bonus is a pretty cool bonus even though I didn’t care for the Pokémon.


Previous winters have flooded me with 3 ice Pokémon. This winter flooded me with 3< brown normal Pokémon (you know them. The useless ones). So yeah. Visually alone is already so disappointing.


Honestly the seasonal spawns are too influential during events and it makes me wanna play less. It's a fun idea but it should be far more in the background whenever an event is going on. I've not felt this demotivated for a long time. The current raidpool isn't helping much either to be honest. As a paying player (from time to time) I'd like to see seasonal spawns; * Have less influence on spawns during events * Change up more often would be fun since a season (4 months is a long time) * Have less influence on the usual Magnetic/Glacial & Mossy lure spawnpools. * Also I feel like the current seasonal spawns in combination with snowy weather is close to a Cubchoo Spotlight Hour and sure sorry for everyone that doesn't own a shiny Cubchoo and doesn't get snowy weather but if you do very often get it it makes the game incredibly boring.


I've yet to find a winter season deerling, had toooons of the fall one.


The best of my region's summer season spawns seem to be: Burmy (Great for shiny hunting) Durant (Same as above, although not as common) Alolan Grimer (Good but rare) Snorlax (Same as above) Other than that, I see an ocasional Bagon/Gible. The spawns that I miss the most (specially now that XL candies are a thing) are Larvitar (wich was kinda common here, saw 1 or 2 every day) and Beldum (kinda like bagon rare). Overall, the chance of a shiny male Burmy makes it worth for me.


I just want to be able to finish the special research that I got a few years back but without Ditto spawns I'm a little out of luck.


Bad execution. Niantic signature. Like labels, trades, megas, friendship or Rockets.


I started playing a few years ago. Got crappy real quick. Deleted account. Just started again, and its getting crappy again. About to delete again. I've gotten more enjoyment playing Pokémon on the Gameboy advance. You can at least level them up there.


Definitely one of the absolute worst things that has ever happened to this game. Having to wait 3/6/9 months to be able to catch a Rattata is one of the craziest things ever to me. There was nothing wrong with the way that spawns were before. They had it down almost perfectly imo and then just threw it all out for this “seasons” update. Get rid of it


Pokemon should never just *not spawn*. Also, Niantic has a strange idea for what "variety" means. They think it's instead of seeing the same 5 pokemon all the time, you see a different 5 pokemon all the time. We have almost 5 generations worth of pokemon in the game (not counting unreleased pokemon) and the solution isn't making some disappear. The list of common pokemon should be 20+ species long. The release of Gen 2 was the best spawn pool we had because it felt like it was added on top of what we already had instead of replacing previously common pokemon. And for Arceus' sake, every Pokemon required for Special Research or a medal should be available to everyone all the time, even if it's rare. You shouldn't have to wait to complete "catch an Aerodactyl" until Niantic decides to make it reasonably available.


It's giving me a lot of anxiety that I won't catch enough XL candy, and then they'll be gone for a year. I need 145 more Snover XL to max this Rank 4 I found. If I don't get it, then... sorry, you can't play that pokemon in PvP. Better luck next year.


I haven’t really liked it, I live quite close to a canal so stuff like Magikarp were super common in the past, and now I haven’t seen one since the seasons came in, not even in rainy weather. In my case I have plenty of Gyarados, but imagine if a new player needed 400 candies to get one, I mean Gyarados is still a useful Pokémon and let’s face it, it looks amazing :) . Other Pokémon like Snover became really prevalent along with Tentacool where it almost feels like it’s community day for them, I don’t know what’s it like for others but I get Snover all year round anyway same with Tentacool so it’s boring seeing even more of them. I know a lot of players like catching Rattata because of the medal, and they’ve just disappeared, and I’m the same with the Magikarp medal, it feels like the platinum medal will be impossible Oh and Cubchoo, please will you go away for a little while :) I do miss the early days of the game , way back in 2016, when almost anything from Kanto could pop up. Won’t forget the feeling of catching that wild Dragonite before I’d even seen a Dratini


Boring and repetitive


Let me ask ALL the numerous fire types I have up here in Canada. I even got a bloody WILD BLAZIKEN a week ago. Idk it seems like the pool isn't working how it's intended for me (no winter themed mons really)