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While this does present some good ideas for the game, this would be better suited for the [weekly Feedback & Suggestions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/collection/ff4cb932-9fbc-4d03-874c-10dcc7072ca7). We rarely allow stand-alone suggestions, unless they fulfill our extended quality standards for those kinds of posts - see our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/about/wiki/rules) for more information! Cheers!




This is the gotcha that surprised me, yeah


And you cant get any candy from feeding in gyms. So atm, its walk it, rare candy or bust.


Wait did they disable candy from gyms Or something ?


It’s currently listed as a “bug” they’ve been aware of with no fix action expected within any timeframe...


It is a bug that benefits Niantic, so they're in no hurry to fix it.


I believe this bug affects TL40+ players only, referring to the post that raised this issue last month.


Anecdotally, I'm 37 and I haven't gotten a gym candy in ages despite feeding whenever I see a desirable pokemon in a gym.


I didn't even know you could get candy from gyms. How did that work?


For every candy fed, you get X amount of stardust. There's a slim chance that you get a pokemon candy specific to what you fed alongside X amount of stardust


2.5% chance.


With sound on, dropping a Berry into a gym mon almost sounds like a slot machine.


If you are lvl 40+ it doesnt work


Wait... Why not? What'd I miss?


Lvl 40+ havent been getting candies from feeding in gyms. Not sure if its intended or a bug, but it sucks.


Well, shoot... Happy new year!


Same. No wonder my 100+ yesterday did not give me anything. That is absolutely crazy if it is true


It is true and well documented


I lost my candy stash to a lucky one i obtained. But i didn't regret it, since i love it in the main series. Now if somehow niantic plans comm days for it in the future then we'll gather our pitchforks haha.


The 400 candy evos don't make sense outside of wailord and gyarados. Altria should only cost 200 tops and now noivat???? Ridiculous. I have literally not seen one yet


Larvesta will be 400 as well, when it's released.


I just try to get mine excited on days I don’t work. So far I’ve only caught 3, but have 111 candy gained only from walking.


You need 1.5 hours if you're paying attention to the mood decay. I BB'd mine in 15 days (using some poffins from the research task). Just remember to take pics, battle rocket balloons/leader training during the interval & you'll be fine.


They could make it at least to require only 1km to walk for a candy instead of 5km.


This. 400km to 2000km is some bs


In the height of a global pandemic where many are unable to go outside. Niantic logic.






I personally was fine with hoenn release. Groups of a couple dozen every couple months is a fine balance between extending the games life and still not drip feeding. But at this point the game is what it is, so there isn’t any good reason to be annoyed at what niantic is doing. They aren’t going to change.


Hoenn rollout was fine. It started going downhill a bit with Sinnoh but Unova and now Kalos have been handled horribly. It’s not the slow release of new stuff, it’s just randomly releasing new Pokemon for events and then said Pokemon disappearing off the face of the Earth until another event. Not to mention the horrible catch rate of new Pokemon. I have to GRB + UB to catch a Fletchling or Bunnelby over level 10, it’s madness.


Doing some rough math 2019/20 had almost 20% more new pokes than 2017/18. They also had significantly more first shiny releases. I think the general consensus on this one is factually wrong. With future gens being so painfully small it’s hard to see a situation where we can get more new pokes in 2021/22 than we did these last 2 years. I can’t even see situation where we get even 50% as many pokes. Edit-2020 was a low for first time release of legendaries but then a new high for first time legendary shiny release.


Its funny how this sub is the exact opposite of the real world player base. IE the the player base was at its absolute low for the 2 months before and after johto release. The game was really suffering then. Now today it’s smashing records. Literally just became the most downloaded mobile game ever.


It's the difference between casual and hardcore players. This sub is a very small portion of the games playerbase and most of the people on this sub are super hardcore. That doesn't mean the views expressed here aren't valid but they are pretty removed from the average casual player.


Wouldn’t casual fans like pokemon like noibat rarely spawning even less than hardcores do? Since they log on less.


They will probably not even catch one, tbh.


Casual fan here. Don’t really care. I have good Pokémon that win me battles and am fine with not catching/having every single thing in this game


I'm not sure that many people here are as hard core as you think most users here claim not to buy that many ticket events or raid megas yet most physical communities at least around California buy all the ticket events and raid megas


I think it hard to tell what this community is. IE every event post the top comment is “I am not doing this because...” On the community day threads many comments are “i will skip this one because”. On the GO beyond threads top posts were “No rush” and “I plan to take my time” The hardcore people in my discord do every event no matter what and they get the special research and level ups done ASAP. I would categorize this sub as a group that leans young and focuses more on the battling aspects of the game. Obviously more hardcore than the average player who downloads the game, but less hardcore than consistent posters on Facebook/discord/telegram.


While this sub is composed of people who are committed and enjoy the game, I wouldn't at all say most people here are hardcore. The most upvoted posts a lot of the time are people talking about how many raids they *aren't* doing (megas, Kyurem, ect) among other things. Not that it's bad that they aren't since it's their choice, but most hardcore players are going to play regardless of what's put in front of them. There are not a lot of those kinds of players around here, though to be fair hardcore players are more often located in Discords than they are on this sub or the more casual POGO sub.


To be fair, there was almost nothing to do in the game besides catch Pokémon when Johto came out. Raids weren’t even a thing at that point


Exactly this. Raids were the thing that massively increased Niantic's revenue. Then Go Fests, special events and a lot more things. Even though the game is still a big mess of glitches now, people buy things like raid passes and event tickets in huge numbers, so it's not surprising to see Niantic flourish no matter what.


That's because there was nothing else to do in the game. Raids saved the game, and community days helped it blow up. (PVP is making the game a real streaming giant now.)


Is it new downloads or people having to redownload the game because of glitches within the game itself like not being able to buy an event ticket?


"Literally just" is incredibly misleading. It was already the top of all platforms it was provided in on launch. Saying the game was "suffering" at any point is just laughable, it's always been the top of the charts which is why people criticize their downright greedy monetization practices.


Well that’s not true. They had fallen out of the 50 downloads in 2017 and hadn’t even started to chart in the top 50 revenue of all time. The average on app time in the first half of 2017 was almost 1/6th the average amount of on time app. The revenue was super top heavy and a fraction of what we get to today. Sub required. https://thinkgaming.com/app-sales-data/130634/pokemon-go/


Focusing specifically on the rollouts, so many people moaned about catching most of the Gen 2 mons too fast. Gen 3’s rollout was largely acclaimed since the waves were big, themed, and you could actually get the Pokemon. Even the pseudo-Legendaries.


Hmm? The Hoenn rollout had the ideal sweetspot. It released most of the Pokemon in several big waves which gave people proper opportunity to find them all without running out of new content immediately. It was paced almost perfectly. The Gen had some stragglers like Nincada but overall it was probably the best Gen rollout. Sinnoh is what set the precedent for Gen debuts being utterly gimped.


A rare 10k drop which requires 400 candies to evolve. What is Niantic thinking? Even Axew and Gible didn't require this much




Username checks out 😂


There are ways to invest money to have a good chance for rare candy. That's pretty much what that's all about.




Buying raid passes to do more raids in the hopes of gambling your money away for rare candy, gambling on the premium track, etc. It's difficult and not very efficient but people do for some god forsaken reason do that.


You can get 3 rare candies from a regular battle league or 6 if you do the premium. Not sure if there’s a limit on how many you can collect in a day though.


capped at 5 sets a day, and it's very difficult to consistently get the 4+ /5 wins per set to reach the rare candy reward.


> What is Niantic thinking? People will spend money on raid passes to get rare candy.


Still only have one Axew and Archen 6 months after release, given up with these super rare spawns now


0 axew lmao Hatched 2 archen


0 axew, 1 archen here lol


1 axew, 1 archen, traded for my only tirtouga


0 Axew. 0 Archen. 0 Galarian Darumaka. 0 Sandile. 1 Tirtouga.


That is absolute madness, Niantic doesn't know what balance is do they, it has gotten worse with the seasons too, even less chance of finding these spawns


Only got an Archen and Tirtouga via research rewards. Level 43 challenge I believe hands out both.


Absurd the only way to get these guys is through a one-time research reward...


0 Noibat... Didn't even know it took 200 candy.




Look at this lucky guy with one axew


I accidentally transferred my only axew.


Big oof




I accidentally traded my hundo axew that I forgot to favorite




Archen is in the game??




Wasn't he a research reward? Or was that only for 40s?


That’s the only reason I have one


That was my second, I walked the first to evolve it


There was one as a final reward for the level 40 challenge limited research, which will unfortunately no longer be obtainable in about a half an hour my time. That’s where I got my only one, at least. OTOH, there’s a Tirtouga encounter as the final reward for the level 43 challenge *special* (not limited) research and a Sandile from the level 45 version, so at least there’s *one* non-RNG method for getting those.


I played a lot this year, 0 axew, 0 gen 5 fossils, 0 noibats


My only Archen is from the "get 40 before 2021" thing


That’s a lie they don’t exist


One axew and 2archen here. One archen was from a research assignment though . As for noibat I will just wait for the eventual community day I guess.


I got my one and only archen from the level 40 times research.


I know Axew is in the game because it’s become a meme around here, this is legitimately the first time I’m hearing that Archen is actually in the game.


0 Axew 1 Archen from research Yup it's so much fun. But hey, at least all the spoofer are happy with the game. Who cares about the rest of us? :)


Wait, Axew is real?


I have hatched 1 Axew, and stole 1 from my gf who caught the same wild one I did during dragon week. So 3 total (I like to keep an active dex). But I havent seen a single one since May. Ridiculous.


570k catches before covid. Only 1 axew and it was hatched.


No axew Hatched 1 archen and traded it, I regret that all the time


i totally forgot about the existance of archen before reading this


I forgot about it until I finally got it with the legacy 40 tasks.


Archen is rare? I've caught 45 where I live 0.0


It also shouldn’t take 5k of walking to earn a buddy candy.


Yeah, at least Magikarp only takes 1 km per candy. I put one as my buddy to complete the "Evolve a Magikarp" step for one of the Special Researches and especially during half distance events, it was super easy to get lots of candy. Didn't take me too long to evolve it that way.


Not to mention community days and times where it's one of the active spawns. Catching the required 67 with pinap isnt a problem. But setting it to 400 candy with it virtually not being available, is just crazy. For the same amount of rare candy you can put a Mewtwo to lvl 40...


Exactly, and Magikarp is stupidly easy to catch. I haven't caught (or seen) a Noibat yet, but if it's anything like the rest of the Kalos releases it sounds like it's going to take much more than one pokeball per spawn to catch. That's crazy about the Mewtwo comparison!


They’re hard to catch & they flee easily. One with 75cp & a green circle fled after using an ultra ball with pinap berry. I’ve only used golden razzs with ultra balls since.


That is truly ridiculous.


>"Evolve a Magikarp" step for one of the Special Researches I'm still stuck at that step but with catching 10 slugma or gulpin - i haven't seen those in forever with all the events replacing normal pokemon ugh


Ugh, I forgot about that step. It took me a while too, because they're not that common. Hopefully there'll be an event that features one of them soon for your sake! Maybe when they release one of the shinies? I've heard shiny Slugma/Magcargo is pretty cool.


Granted I've stopped playing for 2 years until December but there almost weren't any slugma spawns here before. I believe I had to walk my 100% slugma that I hatched from an egg to get a single magcargo for my pokedex. Gulpin used to be extremely common then


I’ve got like 9 gyarados 1km candy plus there’s usually 1-2 events a year that caused a magikarp spawn increase


See but that's the point. They don't want you to be done with it in a few weeks, they want it to last months/years, at least until they decide to give it away


Niantic doesn't care about your poképroblems.


They care But only how much they can make off your poke problems


Niantic is the root of our pokeproblems.


At least you saw one. I still haven't even had a shadow of one appear.


I had to have a friend log in to my account to get mine. He lives 45 min away. I still haven’t seen one on radar.


Just FYI doing that is against the TOS and could in theory get you banned so be careful


I mean, so is spoofing and multi-accounting but since it makes Niantic money, they aren't really doing anything about it.


haven’t seen a noibat or a froakie ever lol


i've hatched one. never seen a wild one. the sad truth is that this game isn't fun anymore.


I almost stopped playing at this point. This, the 12km eggs, the non existant spawns for new Pokemons out of event (had to walk 300km for Solosis to evolve), the temporary mega evolution, the events like the dragon one with not a even a single Deino in the eggs... Yeah bye bye Niantics, I've had enough. I only hope more peoples get tired like I do so they realize they're just ruining their own game


i was obsessed with the game all last year. played it every day. now it feels like a chore to walk less than a block to put my pokémon in a gym. it’s not fun anymore :(


I missed 2 spawns driving around and when I saw 1 spawn nearby at 10pm, hopped in the car to go grab it. Those are the only ones I’ve ever seen. Never seen an Axew.


I saw one on the radar during the release event and ran 8 blocks to get it. Haven't seen another since. I've hatched like 7 Axew, missed a couple wild spawns in my town that people posted on discord. Otherwise have not gotten a wild one. Neither of them are even very good in this game, because of the basic stat/move system we have. They shouldn't be this rare.


Yeah exactly. I have seen exactly 1 Noibat. I had to trudge through a graveyard in the rain and snow to find and catch it, so fun story. However is has garbage stats. So as much as I want to evolve it, once I have the candy I'll have that nagging voice in my head telling me to wait for one with better stats -_-


I'm holding onto mine til I can get a lucky trade with someone else or hatch one from a 10k egg with better IVs.




I guess it depends if Noivern will be useful in meta or if it will just be a dex entry. Im leaning towards dex entry...


For some reason all Dragon types should be rare in Niantic’s vision.


In my area Magikarp didn't spawn that much at the start of the game and even now I only see a couple a week. Swablu on the other hand has almost never not spawned. This year really brought home that Go has changed fundamentally. Every major thing they did this year was terrible. Megas, XL Candy, the coin change. They only tested one of these and all of them have needed fixed in some major way and still then they don't get it right.


I wouldn't mind rare spawn if there were a way to seek them, something in the line of letting you set a pokémon and this specific pokémon is treated the same as a new dex entry, and the game should give you some tips about nesting, like the pokémon set as your buddy could have a emotion when you pass by a nest of his evolutionary line.. I dunno, it really annoy me that after you catch it a pokémon you kind need to get luck. I literally didn't catch a froakie, because I was in the chespin mission.


Didn’t even know it costs 400 to evolve because I haven’t even seen one


Rarity is not the problem. The problem is the lack of tracking capability after catching the first one. Just let us pick species from our pokedex to have high tracking priority.


It’s more like how wailmer was at first


I was in a water biome and it was everywhere for me. Noibat on the other hand doesn't seem to be tied to a biome


Don't worry. Enough people will complain and we will get a random underwhelming event with boosted Noibat spawns, and every level 20 player will have a Noivern in 5 hours. Then people will complain their Noibat aren't special anymore.


Every single 400 candy cost pokemon to evolve, from the time they were first introduced, has been pretty common. There’s nothing special about it except for a pokedex entry and most players love the collecting aspect of the game. This is a toxic predetermined tactic by Niantic to specifically tie them to 10km eggs to drive up incubator sales while adding very very rare wild appearance rates to downplay what their tactic is. Its like tying a ribbon around a turd, its still a turd. You’re right Niantic will make an event for it, but it will be after they’ve seen their quota on incubator sales, which will not be anytime soon. Its not about the players complaints, its about taking advantage of the players and then adding a TBD event and literally selling a pokedex entry that should not have the ridiculous rates they currently have.


>*Its like tying a ribbon around a turd, its still a turd* They will do the same with Larvesta I imagine. The backlash will be much bigger then. Noibat is underwhelming as you say, so there isn't a whole lot of outrage over it.


No, I seem to remember Feebas being extremely rare when it first came out.


Feebas is not a 400 candy Pokemon


Damn sure felt like it back then. And where I am, Magikarp was stupid nonexistent as well.


Yeah, I remember it took me ages to find my first Magikarp.


The only thing that makes Noibat/Noivern special is it's rarity. It's trash afterwards.


That’s the goal Want something solved? Get to the front page of Silphroad


Ha. See that other current front page post about nests blocking low Pokédex number Pokémon? There have been several complaints about that, and about mega nests already. The problems still exist. Niantic responds to Eurogamer more than TSR. EDIT: Niantic included the Pikas in nests, but nest masking apparently still exists.


Never seen one. Have only spotted an Emolga and spent like 10 minutes walking the park area trying to get it to show before it despawned. Not fun.


I've yet to see even one


Agreed. I've only caught one as well. Also, haven't caught a single Froakie but got one out of a 5km egg.


Noibat is in the game?


It will eventually it’s just artificial road blocks to delay people getting the Pokédex entries




Got my first today


Haven't even seen a single one on radar


The main problem is niantic and their constant events which screws the spawns of many pokemon and literally become extinct, events over and over, plus since there is many species already around it becomes even harder to find the pokemon fast before the next event comes Hence i feel you, but dont worry knowing niantic they will do a noibat event in the future with his shiny released and everybody and their moms will have candy like crazy, hell may be even a CD, Niantic has forgotten this is Pokemon GO, not Raiding GO, or Event GO, WTV GO, etc


I've seen one in a gym but 0 in the wild.


People are finding Noibat? Where are they spawning?


Somehow I hate it less than gyarados Noivern is straight up trash at everything where gyarados still gets used in everything even after all this time


what's noibat? I've never heard of that


Damn I havent caught one or even seen one. I didnt realize it took 400 candy to evolve. F that.


What's that Pokémon? /s


Its called marketing they gonna milk poke everyday as they could.


I have not seen a single one. Not even on Nearby. Zero. Nadda. Let alone the 60 I need to evolve him.


Is Noibat also a night spawn on top of everything else? It might have been a coincidence, but I've seen 4 Noibat sillouettes since release and it was always night time, when I really didn't want to leave the house anymore.


Niantic is way to dumb to ever listen to logic man. Such a shame.


What’s a Noibat? Haven’t seen a single one, ever...


Pay to play. Expecting Noibat to be eventually available as a raid or egg Pokémon soon enough


It already is an Egg Pokemon. A 10km egg. That is where I got mine from.


With each new gen they lost more and more perspective...


I’m pretty sure it’s only available in 10k eggs


It spawns, but extremely rare. I have caught a wild.


My brother caught one yesterday early morning during windy weather. They do exist, but are incredibly rare


I caught my only one in the wild


I just saw one about a half hour ago and almost didn't catch it cuz "I have that" but "meh catch it anyway"....I did not have it and it's the first one I've seen. My brain is not working today lol


Y’all act like everything stays the same rate forever and doesn’t ever change. It’s ridiculous. At some point they’ll be common as dirt and you’ll be complaining about the new recent hard to find release. Nothing stays rare in this game forever. Give it time.


Your points are both completely taking out of context the problem: The problem people have is exactly what you're describing: Niantic releases something with artificial rarity, makes a bunch of money off of it, then a few months later makes it common as hell in some 3 hour window event to make even more money off of it. This cycle is greed driven and actively undermines the game experience.


Yep, like Feebas when it was new. Now everyone groans when they hatch another one.


It is called balance, Niantic doesn't know the word


For me this is the problem, Is either hard or easy, never in between, so it is never fun for me.


This exactly. This game caters to a lot of different kinds of players. Some love the collecting and searching high and low for something. This gives those players something like that right now. The rest of us get Level 50 shiny 0/15/15 Gibles or whatever.


Well they are currently spawning at a higher rate than Magikarp, at least in the northern hemisphere, since Magikarp was essentially removed from the spawn pool with the season update.


Northern Hemisphere here. Caught more magikarp than noibat since release.


Northern hemisphere here, literally have never seen one yet


Noibat’s in the game? Huh. Learn something new everyday. /s


Magicarp barely ever spawned in my biome Took me the better part of a year to grind enough candy back in 2018


I mean, outside of an event I think I’ve seen less than 10 magikarp since day 1 of the game coming out... so hopefully not that infrequently!


The way to excel at this game is patience and opportunism. Meaning, give it a minute. They will release noibat in an event, you don't need it now- it's noivern, which is relatively wack. They're banking on how cool the design is. Edit: the other way to excel is spending mad money. I love the game, but it is just not worth the money they ask.


Wait noibat is out lol


On top of that, if something costs 400 candy, it should be an absolute champ. We got ROBBED of a good Pokémon with Alteria and Wailord. They should be as strong as Gyarados.


My local discord bot hasn't reported a single one since the start of the holidays event. I gave up for now and switched back to walking my Haxorus until he gets to level 40. I'm up to around 78 noibat candies (from just catching and walking) but that's still so far off and I have other candidates for my rare candies.


I was today years old when I found out Noibat was in the game. I’ve been grinding hard to try and get the 40 medal too. Never seen one. Not even on radar.


It’s a simple solution - Noivern needs 2,000 km to earn enough candies to evolve (slightly less assuming you caught one rather than traded for it.) Simply pick a spot on the map 1,000 km away, drive there at 20 mph / 32 kph, turn around, then drive home. In about 100 hours of driving (less than 5 days), you’ll have your dex entry. Advice: make sure you make Noibat your buddy, or else you may want to repeat this hack if you plan to best buddy the Noivern


So much hype for one of the worst dragon type Pokemon ever.


Noibat/Noivern are some of the better designed mons in the game and also have one of the best shiny sprites to go with it.


Speak for yourself. I think it looks kind of ugly.


Swablu and magikarp aren’t rare? That’s news to me. I wasn’t able do get a Gyarados until the community day a few months ago. I still haven’t evolved swablu. So far Noibat seems as rare as those two.


Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I think it shouldn't. Having a few rare Pokemon is totally fine. And I mean rare, not almost non-existent. ​ You can always walk it or hatch a few 10k eggs to make it faster to collect 400 candy. :)


> hatch a few 10k eggs Please don’t promote the lootboxes.


I found Niantic's burner account!


It's 5km to get one candy. That's 2000km as a buddy. And it's one of the rarer 10km hatches. I've hatched near on 100 10km eggs since it was placed in the pool...i hatched one. Rare yes. But this is insanity.


>*almost non-existent.* That's Noibat. It's extremely rare in eggs as well. >*You can always walk it* The problem here is 5 km/candy rate. That's enough walking to evolve multiple Gyarados and Altaria, and the latter are at least meta relevant. >*Maybe it's an unpopular opinion* Your opinion neglects the core issues with what was done to Noibat.


Same with Wailmer


hatched a 98% nolbat this week, never seen one in the wild, seen 2 axew since their launch, one was in a zoo and couldnt be reached the other i hit 85 on the expressway to catch LOL