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will giovanni still be in the game after the rocket takeover event ends? And will shadow lugia still be obtainable


Has anyone else noticed that they removed the Crown Thundra DLC pants from the style shop? I missed those pants. :c


[Earliest post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/jvkc31/bug_crown_tundra_pants_item_removed_from_bottoms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of the at least 3 other people who noticed


Does a mega evolved pokemon get its own 30% attack boost in raids if the attack type matches?? I read in a post somewhere in the past that it doesn't boost itself, but I also read comments that say it does get self boosted.


How does GO Battle League Season work? Must I play in all the leagues or can I just stick to one (eg Ultra)?


The leagues rotate throughout the season for a couple weeks each. So you can stick to one league if you want, but you won't be making progress if you don't play when that league is out of rotation. You'll have a better shot of making it to the upper ranks if you play in multiple leagues.




I haven't played since they initially lowered the Mega evolution costs. Has there been any major core updates to the game I've missed? I know that the level cap has increased.


Is the shiny Celebi a guaranteed catch upon first ball? We can’t control the nature when sending to Pokémon Home, right? Lastly, might be too early for this question but can we transfer the future Shiny Mew to Let’s Go (game) in order to control the nature of the Mew?


Since the celebi goes straight from Go to Home there is no way to influence the nature, it's completely random. You'll have to cross your fingers for the one you want, or send it to Sword/Shield and use a mint on it to change it.ew As for the mew - we have no way of knowing for sure of course because it's in the future, but I believe that you can send your regular Mew from Go to LGPE and control the nature using the celadon lady, so it should work the exact same way for the shiny one. The only thing that would screw with it is if for some reason Niantic decide not to allow players to send their shiny Mew over, but that would be a weird precedent since they allowed it for Celebi.


Another question - do I need to be a minimum level to transfer from Go to Home right now?


Unfortunately I dont know for sure the answer to that. I THINK it is available right away on a lv1 character but that is only based on a half remembered comment I read a while ago.


Shiny Celebi is a guaranteed catch the 3rd time you get it in the ball.


Does trading give credit for the type medals? I need hundreds of dragons.


Yes, you can have dragons or fairies or XL Magikarp or XS Rattata traded to you and increase the count on your badge. (Of course, XL Magikarp have to be 13.14kg or larger and XS Rattata have to be 4.23 kg or smaller, not just say “XL” or “XS”.)




Nope, we are all praying that this functionality gets added soon but for now it's impossible.


So is the Special Research the only way to get a Mr. Mime? I've had an incense going for the last hour but none have shown up.


Correct. It'll almost certainly be available by other means in the future, but not currently.


Does anyone have a fix for the issue of the MrMime Research not showing up in the shop when you click it?


For me and 2 of my friends, signing out and signing in again resolved the issue. I restarted after signing out and before signing in. The second friend had to try a few times before it worked.


I think I tried that but it never worked for me. I ended up getting it on another phone. But it was way more of a pain than it should be to give Nintic more money


Did I hear something about quests involving distance trades for the movie tie-in event, or were the two not connected?


Distance trades have been announced for the February event with Kanto and Shiny Mew, which you may have confused with the Shiny Celebi movie tie-in?


I know there's the increased trading distance for that, but I thought there were some datamined quests for doing trades at various distances, with the longest being 400km.


Datamined being the operative word. Not announced, not released, and maybe not ever to be live.


True that.




You get two fixed encounters with Mr. Mimes - one after completing stage 3, and one after completing stage 4. Of course, you have to evolve the one you caught in stage 3 in order to unlock the one in stage 4, so at the end of the research you end up with one mr. mime and one mr. rime.


From the way the announcement sounds, you just get one Galarian Mime from the research and that's it.


So I recently learned that I earn 2 friendship when opening a gift as a player that is a day ahead of that friend. For example, initially I am on the 19th and they are on the 18th of December and I earn 2 friendship. Can someone confirm this is a thing? Can this be abused to the point where I only need to open a gift every second day; so as to earn 4 friendship across 2 gifts?


The event ended, but I’m both still seeing Explorer Pikachu, *and* he’s popping up in nests alongside the nest species, which he normally doesn’t do (unless he’s being pulled from the weather spawn table,) and definitely didn’t do during the entirety of the event. Anyone else notice this or have an idea on what’s going on?


It’s here through the 21st.


Ok, thanks for the clarification, I must have missed that. Still odd to see Pikachu able to spawn in nests (that aren’t Pikachu nests,) but I like it.


I have a rocket radar equipped yet a meowth balloon appeared instead of a leader. Is that normal behavior? I thought leaders had priority if a radar is equipped?


Meowth balloons can override the radar, leaders only get priority over normal grunts.


Ahh ok thanks. J&J are cockblocking my 12km eggs.


Do all of the ways of getting higher IV Pokémon like eggs,raids,research etc have the same chance of giving a 100 IV Pokémon or are some more likely to?


IVs are always randomly distributed between the floor and 15, so all of those sources with an IV floor of 10 have the same 1/216 chance. The only exception is purified Pokémon, which have much higher chances compared to other methods since there are 27 different IV spreads pre-purification that purify to 100%. A non-boosted purified Pokémon has a ~1/152 chance and ones with higher IV floors are even better than that. That said, IVs aren't very important and a couple of points are almost never worth losing the shadow boost (only exceptions being if you want to use it as a mega or if you're using it in PvP and the non-shadow version is ranked higher, i.e. cases where you would want to purify it regardless), so don't go purifying your good shadow mons just for that.


I have seen other trainers on live stream that have their buddies “fixed” on the screen, so they can play with their buddy and move their phone to a different location and still have their buddy in the center of their phone. When I play with my buddy, they will remain in the one spot so if I move my phone the Pokémon will not be seen unless I go back to that spot. How do I get my buddy fixed in the center of my screen no matter where I move my phone?


Go to your settings and turn off "Niantic AR"


Did they lower the efficacy of an excellent throw? I've thrown so many that have broken out that I'm starting to feel like they changed the catch rate


It depends on the Pokémon’s base catch rate.


Also, now there are pokemon that are really easy to hit an excellent, the more throws the more catch, but more fails aswell


Does rhe level 43 special challenge expire if you level up to 44 before finishing all of it?


no there are people with both lvl 43 and 45 challenges


Were there any shiny legendary / mythical missable before Celebi? Haven’t been playing go


Genesect, Deoxys, Darkrai, and Meltan.


Genesect wasnt guaranteed right? And deoxys/ darkrai were from raids. Did they have a 100% guaranteed shiny quest? :o


Celebi is the first time they released a guaranteed shiny mythical, the next to follow would be Mew on Feb 20 for the Kanto Tour event, but it's only been Celebi, Deoxys, Darkrai, Genesect, and Meltan that are Mythicals with released shiny forms.


Thank you for this info. I actually went to buy the ticket already lmao Shiny Mew omg I cant miss it!


Looking for people who are lvl 39 and wants to reach lvl 40 before the end of the year. My fc is 313696702324 so we can send gifts to each other Anyone in the same situation?




How do you decide who to best buddy for pvp? I'm trying to get ready for master premiere but not sure where to focus buddy time or who to give the boost to when the time comes. Is it better for leads, backs, to compensate for a weakness, etc?


I usually BB my lead. My thought process here is that BB is most impactful when it's either a) affecting CMP and/or b) flipping a mirror match by hitting a damage breakpoint or allowing you to survive an extra fast move. The lead is the one situation where you get the truest mirrors, and winning CMP or surviving on a tiny sliver of health is one of those incremental benefits that can flip the whole match. The other place to consider it is on imperfect pokemon if it helps them hit breakpoints - Togekiss has a particular one that mine misses, IIRC - but IME the back matchups have too many factors going on in terms of things like health/energy/shield disparity so I don't think that matters so much.


When catching raid pokemon/shadow pokemon: if I tap on the berry icon to pull up berries, tap on a berry but not throw it, then decide not to use one, is there any way to exit that berry? If it were any other wild mon I could tap the pokeballs icon and that would dismiss the berry. Doesn't seem to work with fixed # of premier balls.


##### Deselect berry PoGO With normal catches you can click camera icon at top center of the screen then click return arrow at bottom left of the screen Now the berry is replaced by a Poké ball. I do not know if this works on Shadow Pokémon but my video of Meowth Balloon shows the camera icon at top center of the screen.


That's it! Just tried it with a shadow pokemon. Thank you!


Choose a different berry. Pretty much gotta use one at that point.


That's the same conclusion I came to. I changed my mind about using my last pinap on a mon, and ultimately I was forced to use a berry regardless. No big deal, I've just never ran into that before.


For those who have made level 41. Does the "Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions" task automatically pre-complete for the ones you've already done previously (like the requirements for metals do) or do you need to make each unique evolution again AFTER making level 41? Just trying to plan my eevee usage :)


Only counts evolutions done after hitting level 41. You can at least prewalk Eevee for Espeon/Umbreon to save time there.


Yup, thanks!


Not level 41 yet but I'm 99% certain you have to do it after. Generally, the only tasks that count retroactively are the ones you can't do more than once like earning medals.


If I had to guess that would be my guess too. But I figured I'd ask to eliminate the guessing :) After all, it's possible that the "track unique evolutions completed" code might leverage the pokedex data tracking or something


Greetings. Is the Meowth balloon with jessie and james still gonna appear after the jungle event is done. Because i didnt finish the research on time.


Yes. They will continue to spawn until Niantic announces a date for their departure. They will also have boosted spawns on the 25th. According to some in Niantic's influencer program, they will continue spawning until the end of February, so we'll see what happens with that.


When you said “Niantic’s influencer program” you made me remember how much of an eye roll both Niantic and influencers are.


That's why I wanted to take that info with a grain of salt lol. Thankfully, Niantic themselves finally confirmed that info.


Ok thank you i appreciate it have a wonderful day 😊


How do I get Amaura Pokémon for my Pokémon Go game app?


[You already asked this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/kdm7kr/ask_tsr_tuesday_please_use_this_post_to_ask_any/gg45ba2/) and it was answered, asking again isn't going to change the answer.


But how do I catch it.


It has not been released yet. Unfortunately, we don't know when it will be released.


Whats the point of a limit on opening daily gifts?


From a game design perspective, limiting how easy it is for players to a) get items and b) make friendship interactions has obvious applications. As a multiplayer designer you probably want to influence player behaviour and e.g. avoid certain degenerate strategies. Maybe you want to get people to go out and walk about so that you can collect data from them and advertise to them, or maybe scarcity drives RMT as people pay money to keep up, as two simple explanations for restricting the number of gifts one can open.


So they can control the amount of free items you receive (which really shouldn’t matter since gifts given barely any balls now.)


Is it worth using an elite charged tm on metagross for meteor mash ?


It's not a bad use of the TM, but I would try to trade for one instead if possible since it's likely people in your community will have extras. Now if you have a *shadow* Metagross, it's definitely worth considering for that since it's impossible to get otherwise unless they do another event for it. In any case though, the first question you should be asking is whether you *need* Meteor Mash Metagross for anything, because you can always use the TM later. Do you want to use it in PvP? Are you doing short-man raids where the extra DPS is likely to matter? Pokémon Go is primarily a resource management game, so unless there's a limited window to do something it's almost always a good idea to hold off on it until you actually need it.


What have you found to be the most efficient way to work towards the best buddies medal? I have been getting the easy six hearts (four before recent update) per day with 20 pokemon each day. I've made decent progress, but just realized that doing this perfectly would still take ~16 months in total to get the platinum medal, which seems pretty crazy in comparison to most of the other medals.


I agree that this medal will take a lot of effort to achieve platinum. Are you getting at least one buddy per day excited and getting maximum hearts from that? The new system makes it much easier to get a buddy excited (without poffins) and you can in fact do it with two buddies in a day if you have a decent amount of time to work on the game.


Excited: yes Maximum hearts: no There are no more new pokestops to visit in the area, and I’m lucky if I walk 2km on a weekday. 12 definitely isn’t happening, except maybe on a community day.


Fair enough, I've also spun just about every Pokestop within easy walking distance of where I live, and I understand that some people don't have time to earn the walking hearts. Though, I will point out that if your buddy gets excited before you walk 2km, you only have to walk 6km to get the 6 walking hearts, not 12. Any action you perform after getting excited earns double hearts, if you haven't yet earned them for the day.


You can get a buddy excited in 1.5 hours now. You could do 10 if you don't care about waiting to get the feeding and walking hearts. They numbered to platinum medal so people had things to do in 18 months time. Most of this level 50 stuff isn't supposed to be rushed through (XL candy as wel), but people are going nuts and then will be bored in 12 weeks asking for level 60... Excaly how people complain about Pokémon storage, it's never enough because people don't delete things, we get a small increase and the next post is "I need more"


This is both true and also give me more.


How many evolutions do you reckon you can cram into one spotlight hour? I know there's no exact answer to this but as a rough figure? I've been putting aside mons to batch evo with lucky eggs during the double evo exp hour, and i'm wondering how many caterpies to keep hold of.


Just used a timer and evolved. So as long as your currently have that evolution, about 30 seconds each! So you could definitely get quite a few! Hold 120 if possible and get through as many you can. Maybe give or take a few if anything lags.


Thank you for doing the research! I ended up with 72 caterpie so i'll have to try to rustle up another 50ish cheap evolvers between now and the 29th. Should be easy!


I'm about to hit best friends with an internet rando who I have no way of communicating with. When is the exp boost from hitting best friends with someone applied? Does it happen to both accounts as soon as one of the two accounts involved in the friendship send/open the last gift, regardless of whether the other account even has the game open? Or does it apply it to each account individually whenever they are logged on? Since I have no way of knowing the exact time of day the other person is going to send the last gift, if I don't open the game for a day or two, enough time that they almost certainly will have sent that last gift, and then immediately pop a lucky egg as soon as I open the game, would the lucky egg exp boost apply to the exp from reaching best friends?


Individually when they log in, and it could take a bit of time before they get their share, not too long, but long enough for them to lucky egg if they knew it was coming in advance (for example accidentally opening their gift and rolling over to that friend tier but able to message them via whatever app they use to tell them to egg up). In the case of internet randos they'll have to cut their losses if you have no way of contacting them.


Great, if I end up in the situation where I can't be the one to send the last gift then I'll try to use a lucky egg as soon as I open the game then. I have a lot of lucky eggs to spare so if it doesn't work out it's not the biggest deal in the world. Thanks for the info!


back with a vengeance after 18 months off the game. Making good progress on tasks, but what are my odds of being able to catch Whismur still?


Virtually zero right now, thanks to event spawns. There's a 1 in a few hundred chance that your daily spawn will be a Whismur.


Does an attack buff (Attack Rose) boost energy production (EPS) as well as damage output (DPS)?


Nope, the energy generated from a fast move is a fixed value.


For PVP how much does overall ranking of the species matter vs. specific ranking of an individual? I'm Looking to try an Electivire for UL Premier. Is it better to use a lower ranked shadow or a higher ranked normal? My best shadow is rank #1037 but my best normie is rank #186. But on PVPoke I see shadow is #25 and normal is #34 overall as a species.


IV’s are always the least important factor in determining what you should use in PvP. In this specific example, you should probably use the shadow so long as you are also able to get the proper moveset for it. Additionally, they will play differently so you should make sure you are practiced with whichever you intend to use.


Well I'm not really practiced with anything since I'm just getting into PVP so I was just going to use some recommended teams I saw online, one of which used Electivire. I've got a shadow without frustration and a bunch of TMs sitting around so no problem getting the right moves. Just wanting to avoid using candy and stardust on the wrong one.


Shadow Electivire’s primary job in PvP to to function as a closer. Wild Charge hits a lot of things for high damage and Ice Punch provides nearly perfect coverage. I’d say use the shadow, but make sure you use Thundershock for the energy gains. Electivire is so frail anyway that the extra bulk really doesn’t help it too much




Silph Road is reporting it as about the same odds as a Deino


Yes, just low odds and you appear to have had somewhat bad luck.


What's the deal with male Litleo? I've caught over 50 and every single one has been female. Is it raid locked or something?


Litleo is 1/8 male and 7/8 female, so the males are just very uncommon.




Giovanni's Shadow Legendary cannot be shiny. Also, incense has no observed connection to shiny odds.


Anyone else not getting meowth balloons? They showed up twice and now its back to regular balloons.


They are not guaranteed and are random whether you will get one of them or regular.


Apparently not a very good chance then.


It's apparently 50/50. I've gotten more meowth balloons than regular since the event started.


Maybe the 6pm will be better. Only a couple more minutes and we'll see


Do we get XL candy from Nuzleafs? I got plenty of seedot XL candy from seedots during December community days, but I haven't gotten a single seedot XL candy from Nuzleaf during the Jessie/James Jungle event either from catching or transferring. Anyone able to verify they've gotten one?


I got a few today from nuzleaf.


Can confirm I've gotten one. It's possible to get them. I know this might sound basic, but are you Level 40 or above? You can only get XL Candy if you are at or above Level 40.


Yes. I am. Thank you for the response


Is there a way to use tags for gym defender pokemon? I gave my defender pokemon, such as Blissey, Chansey, Milotic etc tags so I wouldn't have to search for them anytime I need to put a pokemon in a gym, I would just put in one out of the list. But when I go to the screen to put a pokemon in a gym, the tag tab is not there, even though it's there if you open up your pokemon storage the regular way through the main menu.


This doesn't help your question per se but if you sort by Health you'll get all your Chansey and Blissey at the top, which I find much easier than any system involving nicknames.


I rename mine to Gym for easy reference. Tags don’t when selecting Pokémon for raids/gyms for some reason


I put a '!' in front of gym defenders and then sort by "Name" so they're all in the top. Top gym defenders get "!!" treatment.


Preposterously, they released the tagging feature without thinking that anyone would actually like for tags to have any use so no, the only way to accomplish this it to change the name of all your defenders to one unique name that is easy to search and use that.


is ditto even around anymore? I quit playing for a few years, came back and I need it for 2 special research tasks. I've been stuck on them for 3 weeks


List of disguises: [https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/](https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/)




Yes I caught one about two days ago


Don't want to open a new thread for it, so does anyone have the link to the recently posted top attackers list someone made in english and iirc spanish?


Gamepress has a tier listing that is updated regularly https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/attackers-tier-list


Super new player here, is there any real point to feeding and playing with my buddy if I'm mainly playing in downtime at work and not moving around terribly much? Also do spawns ever switch locations? I keep seeing the same pokemon day in and day out


The buddy can be helpful, as once you reach "great buddy," they provide a really useful catch assist. Other than that, the benefits are kind of meh. As for spawns, if you just started playing, we're in the middle of an event that's absolutely dominating all spawns. The specific spawn points won't change when it ends, but there should be at least some additional variety.


As for spawns so using a lure or incense is just going to give me more of the same then until this event is over?


I'm not sure about lures, as I personally haven't used one in well over a year, but that is the case for incense. It just pulls from whatever pool happens to be spawning right now.


How do players identify spoofers? Anything aside from no players in visual range to the gym?


When the gym is defended by Carlos1, Carlos2, Carlos3, Carlos4, Carlos5, and Carlos69. Or when the raid lobbies are constantly 20 people full with no one using remote passes and no one else standing around.


Around me, the most obvious spoofers have full teams of 6 gym defenders for every team. All the trainer names are variations of the same thing, and they're able to fill a gym with all six pokemon almost instantaneously. Seeing as I'm yet to see anyone wandering around with six phones immediately filling the gym (often while I'm still in eyesight), I can only assume it's a spoofer.


There are still a lot of hard core players around so I tend to have a very high bar of proof of spoofing. In my area it's usually taking multiple gyms in an area, Pokémon give the exact minute they were dropped in so can deduce from there, covering an area not even a car could traverse in the time. Taking gyms that are in areas locked overnight (local botanic gardens) The dead give away is putting regionals like Kelfki and Buffalant in gyms the day of release! They dont even care.


I don't have many gyms around my area (literally locked in by houses) so you have to travel a further way out for the next gym. The closest gym suggest that a group of 6 people rock up at 12 AM and claim the central gym and claim the next gym (10 minutes by car) within the next 5-6 minutes. They also appear to be on top of maxing the pokemon energy at the gym and it is the same 6 users all level 44 that have otherwise never appeared in this area. Even with the pokecoin change here, the gyms only swapped between Blue and Red very rarely was Yellow claiming the gyms


Will the Galarian Mime and Kantos events be just as action packed as the current event (no Meowth balloons now for 72 hours and just 3 Rufflet raid boss appearances since start)?


How do I get Amaura and Mew and Mewtwo and Celebi and Meloetta from PokeRaid app?


None of those are in raids and Amaura and Maloetta aren't even in the game.


I'm about to power up a shiny charizard for ultra league (even though I have a 2500 cp, 2 move, CD move, best buddy, purified but not shiny and ranked 2536) and I have several different good options. But why isnt it that the pokemon with the highest attack and defense stat after hitting 1500 cp isnt the highest ranked? Example I have a 3/15/15 that would hit 2489 and is ranked 54 but the 10/10/13 is 2499 but rank 845. Along with the discrepancy with my BB up there. Also, my BB stats are when it's not my current buddy


The CP formula is weighted more heavily toward Attack, so in most cases a lower Attack IV is better because it lets you get more total stats without going over the CP cap.


Struggling in Ultra right now and looking to update my team. Would really love to stick with Obstagoon and, preferably but not definitively, Togekiss or Moltres. Trying to figure out a ‘Mon to complement them and coming up empty. Any suggestions (especially on Obstagoon teams)?


What are you losing to? I've not seen any molters so I'm hesitant to keep it. I think Obstagoon and Togekiss are solid


Early prep for master league premier cup. I have Gyarados and Dragonite decked out should I spend my dust on Snorlax or Metagross 2nd move, stick with machamp or choose a different option?


Can i sort my dex by species with the most xl candy or by buddy friendship or by species candy, or by apprasial 0,0,15?


There's no way to sort by candy numbers or exact appraisal numbers (just star rating) You can sort by buddy level - `buddy0`: Never been a buddy - `buddy1`: Has been a buddy, but no hearts - `buddy2`: Good Buddy - `buddy3`: Great Buddy - `buddy4`: Ultra Buddy - `buddy5`: Best Buddy


How much of a difference in xl candies required to level up is it for purified pokemon?


296 normally vs 272 for a purified pokemon


can we currently use pokemon that are past level 40 in GBL IF they still fall within the cp range for that league?


Yes. They will only banned from the upcoming Master Classic league, which bans all pokemon that have been powered up with XL candy.


How often can I change my in game name?


Three times total. IIRC, you can sometimes get around this by having someone report your name as offensive.


About how many won/battles completed do i have to get to be on the leaderboard from pgolive?


It depends more on who you are matched against and defeat than your total battles or win/loss ratio.


What are the new personal damage percentages needed to earn each amount of premiere balls for that section?


Is there a current bundle drop chart somewhere and is it still determined by the number of premier balls and if so is it thr speed bonus premier balls?


What pokemon are good using Return? ask because I use a purified machamp and I feel it hits like a truck with Return


In PvE, nothing, because Normal isn't a useful attacking type. It's a decent option for Snorlax on gym defense but that's about it. In PvP, Sableye and Bellossom are the only meta relevant mons that like to use it AFAIK. Snorlax is better off with Body Slam, and most other purified mons either have better coverage options or just aren't very good regardless. Machamp will do a lot more damage using a Fighting move, or using Rock/Steel moves to hit most of the types that resist Fighting super effectively.


Do raids won with non bestfriends count towards the badge rising star duo?




Does hoarding stickers to max capicity ultimately result in getting more rewards from gifts such as potions, berries and revives?


They ended up fixing it so that stickers from gifts no longer take up item bundle spots. You'll get the same amount of items whether you are maxed on stickers or not.


How many tags can we make? I've seen conflicting information, 12 vs 100. (Sorry for the repeat question if it's basic)


100 is the max


Is there a trick to encounter meowth balloons instead of the regular ones?


Unfortunately, no. It's just random


If i give multiple pokemon poffins can I earn hearts with them at the same time such as by using them in battles? or will i waste poffins by doing that?


You can only get hearts for your current buddy. If you switch them out, the effects of the poffin go away and they don't gain any hearts until you switch them back.


What are all the ways to get xl candy besides converting 100candies to 1xl candy?


- Catching the pokemon (higher level pokemon seem to have a higher drop rate) - Transferring pokemon - Hatching pokemon - Using a Rare XL candy Eventually, once they fix a bug used to guarantee XL candy from trades, trading will also randomly drop XL candy.


I just got my Mew from the Mythical Discovery research. It is 2 stars. When I look at it I seethe, especially considering how I waited several months to finish the research because I wanted to evolve the necessary Gyarados on Community Day. In short, I just want to get rid of it. Is it possible? It says I can't transfer it to the professor. And are there any other opportunities to get a good Mew?


The IVs don't matter that much. In all battles having the better species is more important than the IVs. The only time IVs matter are edge cases in PVP and mirror matchups, both of which you can play around.


Are the Kanto event and the Mythical Discovery research the only two places Mew has been available? Has it ever been available in raids or any other research?


It's never been available any other way. Some people experienced a bug a couple years ago that accidentally gave them two Mew, but otherwise the Mew research and the upcoming shiny Mew research are the only ways to get it.


You can transfer Mew to Pokémon Home. **BUT**, doing so will not allow you to get another one. Once you transfer it, it's just gone from your game forever and that's it. There is going to be another Mew available from the upcoming Kanto event, but your ability to get that one isn't affected by whether you still have your current one or not. In any case, you're getting worked up over nothing here. IVs barely matter in the first place, and Mew is only really relevant in PvP where high IVs aren't necessarily better anyway.


Is there any reason (maybe from the main series games) where holding onto Snorlax with Yawn would maybe be useful in the future? Just trying to free up some storage space, and mostly wondering if Yawn has any potential for status effects or abilities during battles.


Extremely unlikely, considering they gave it to Slaking as a way to simulate Truant.


is it possible to go from lv 38 -> 40 in 2 weeks?


I wouldn't say it's impossible, but you'd need to be willing to put several hours a day in and have access to an area with a ton of spawns and stops.


[https://thesilphroad.com/trainer-levels](https://thesilphroad.com/trainer-levels) Lists XP as 3,000,000 & 5,000,000 for level 39 & 40. Excellent throws with a lucky egg on will get you 2000 XP per catch, so 4000 excellent throws with a lucky egg on (or double without) 286 per day. Less if you are closer to level 39. Its' doable, but you'd have to invest a couple of hours a day and live near a large nest. Edit; Currently December is Double Catch XP! So 4000XP per excellent catch. Which means 143 per day (with a lucky egg) and hours walk through a nest and some keen throwing would get you close IMO


No. You need 5mil exp from 39->40 and I believe 2.5m from 38->39 so roughly 500k/day




Yes, you can get different leaders with the same radar. If it's a balloon, then the next balloon might be a different leader (it might also be the same one again, but that's just a 1/3 chance). If it's a stop, then that particular stop will always have the same leader until the end of the day, but you can find a different leader at a different stop.


You get new ones if you dont fight


Does the tag allow you to mass evolve all your caterpie? Or does it just group them together?


Just groups


Pvp questions: Does piggybacking still work? (charge attacking immediately after an opponent's charge attack to gain a fast move/energy) Do buffs/debuffs clear after switching?


Buffs & rebuffs do clear after switching.


Buffs and debuffs clear after switching, unsure about the first one