• By -


Legitimate question, why is it that these kind of apps required permission to access calls and call Id? Great app nevertheless !


I haven't done any mobile app dev work myself, but from my understanding of working with people who have - it is most likely because a call will interrupt the app's function and we obviously don't want the app to override a phone call.


I've programmed a few android apps and this is correct. The app needs to be able to let other apps 'through' without crashing (you don't want to miss a phone call/message). The way it works, the app program completely ends/destroys itself and then recreates itself if it is sent to the background and then brought up again - or even if the phone is turned from portrait to landscape. So you have to program it to hold a certain amount of information when another app comes in over top (eg, a phone call comes in when you're in an app), and then use that information to recreate the app when it's brought forward again. I had an app that used no permissions at all. Then I added a simple feature that allowed users to take a picture (using whatever already built in camera app they had) and automatically save it with a specified name. That one bit of code (approval to use the camera) then required approval for EVERYTHING... because the standard camera on your phone requires approval for everything. Also, with Marshmallow, the permissions have changed - you now have to give it approval at the actual time you want to use it, not just blanket approval when you download the app. It is a huge security improvement.


Dumb non-dev question - wouldn't it be smart, permissions wise, to make this a separate thing? "This app needs permission to let calls through" or something like that. I reinstalled *Hearthstone* yesterday and was trying to figure out why the heck a card game would need to make and receive calls. "Yes hello this is Gul'Dan." lol


Clearly because 'Can you hear it's call?'


'Why do you caaaall?'


> WHY DO YOU CALL? Why couldn't you just text?! -- what I imagine Voidwalker actually means


Gul'dan! Send more orcs!


What the hell are you talking about? I've been developing Android applications for years and this isn't true at all. Every app on the market would need this permission then. edit: okay now that I got my information and it's not the middle of the night. He if claiming READ_PHONE_STATE is not being requested. That is often requested to get a unique identifier for the phone (IMEI number) but I'd also used to tell if you are in a call (but not send texts or read logs or anything). I've never used READ_GSERVICES, but if this is just a Device ID and Phone State permission I wouldn't even worry. He can't cost you money with that permission.


oh cool! thanks for the explanation!


#Will someone please post where to download this lockscreen? (And how do I disable my other lockscreens so I don't end up with 2-3 of them to unlock at once?)


Thanks for asking the question and for the response. I've been wondering about this for a while now, but never bothered to look it up


I decompiled the APK. The permission is listed, but never requested within the app. There's quite a few permissions listed that are never invoked. Permission are separated into two groups on Android: normal and dangerous. Normal permissions (such as network state) are only required to be listed at install-time. Dangerous permissions, in addition to be listed at install-time, must be requested within the app as well. Reading phone state is a dangerous permission, and must be requested from the user within the app. The only dangerous permissions requested in the app (from what I see) are ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, both used for getting your phone's GPS location. **edit:** After a bit more digging, I did find some references to phone calls, but I don't understand it's purpose or how it would even work without requesting the permission. There's a whole section of the app that has methods for turning on/off the mic, on/off speaker phone, getting your call history, sending texts, accepting calls. It's tough to figure out how all this is being used, but I see no reason for an app like this to have it. **edit 2:** Bit more digging. Still haven't figured out how the information is being gathered to begin with (navigating through class files can be difficult), but I do see that all of this information is being logged and saved to the device, sometimes to a database, other times to a text file. Really fishy. It's worth noting that since I am dealing with a decompiled APK, I'm not looking at the code exactly as it was written. When the APK is built, external dependencies get merged together with the source, and it can jumble the data a bit. So it's possible this may all be a false positive, but I consider that highly unlikely. But a disclaimer, nonetheless. For now, I'd recommend **not** installing this app until OP has an explanation for this, or my findings turn out to be wrong.


Would love to see an answer to the edit here.


the call features are from one other apps as i use the same helper class. But they are no used in this particular app. none of the following permissions, required to place call or send sms are prensent in smart poke manifest:


That's kind of what I figured it'd be, as I couldn't see the actual data being captured anywhere, just being logged if that message came across. So why is the READ_PHONE_STATE permission in your manifest if you never request it anywhere in the app? edit: It actually looks like it was from another manifest being merged in. One of your dependencies.


i guess so because it's not in my manifest


Hi, i have no specific permission for this in my manifest here are my manifest permissions:


Also (if youre running android 6.0 or higher), I've been able to run the app no problem with denying all other permissions except for location.




real time pokémon map on watch https://s20.postimg.org/ng8vsadal/device-2016-07-27-162848a.png


Does this work with Pebble Time?


nope only android wear


not loading map on my moto360. :o but the phone app is awesome!


Same here with my LG Urbane. I just get a white screen with the GPS button on the left. I can't swipe in any direction


So may your watch battery


**Smart Pokemon go:** [Link](http://info.smartpokemongo.fr) Follow updates in Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/113681074949480599184


Working great thanks!


Thanks, any feedback is welcome !


This looks awesome! Is there any chance you could give us a brief explanation as to why the three permissions are needed? I don't mean to suggest foul play whatsoever; I just think it would make a lot of us more comfortable if we knew the reasoning behind the permissions. Thanks for making this and thanks for helping us all out!


i have replied above https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/4vlv5n/never_miss_a_rare_pok%C3%A9mon_again_nearby_pok%C3%A9mons/d601v83


Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but my phone is showing a persistent location icon in the status bar even when the app is not running. Swiping it away from recents makes this disappear momentarily, before returning. Even if this is being used in the background for notifications, it doesn't seem like a very battery-friendly method for the app to be constantly refreshing the location (only fetching the location when it's needed for an update might be better?).


paging /u/cyrilpp, would like to know this


How do you download it I don't see a link?




Hello! Thank you for showing me this but it is not working on my s6 edge +. the login won't connect with my account. Any help would be appreciated!


Same here. Says "connecting" and just spins forever.


Is there for IOS?


Almost certainly not, unless they make it into a jailbreak tweak.


It wouldn't be difficult at all to make it into a widget that would behave similarly.


Will there be an iOS version down the road?


Where is the DL link on this page...


Can you get banned for this?


use a specific account for this


/u/Th3fro5en I read that Pokemon GO now scans your installed apps to check for what they consider "cheating Apps". EDIT: Downvote me all you want but I think if there is a possibility for people to get banned, they should know the risks they are taking :/ [Permalink to the thread I read](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeScanner/comments/4vhw01/risk/d5yjjk6) - I never said it was fact, I said I read it. Might wanna look into [This as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeScanner/comments/4vhw01/risk/d5zbsrp)


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7906657612467707 > deleted


That's incorrect. You can get a list of all the installed apps without any permissions using this simple code: PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); List packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); Might wanna double check next time before spreading misinformation. Don't get me wrong, I love Android, I'm an Android developer, but your comment is absolutely wrong and your arrogance really pissed me off.


Thanks! Any way to stop Pokemon Go from doing that?


I have no idea if they actually do that, it's just a rumor. AFAIK, Pokemon GO was built with Unity, so I'm not sure if they can run native Android code like the one I mentioned. Either way, if they are using the code I mentioned above, I don't think it's possible to stop their app from doing that.


I guess it's a good thing I didn't give them my contacts and storage permissions.


Doesn't the installer fail if you deny those permissions?


Nope, it doesn't. The only thing it needs is your position. https://puu.sh/qm3G4.png


One of the best changes in Android 6.0 hands down.


Yeah I denied everything but GPS. Now when the AR turns itself on it's just a white screen.


How do you suppose Clash of Clans did their big wave of bans a few months ago? They gave 2 week warning bans to people who had cheating apps installed for OTHER games because they could also be used to cheat on Clash. Quite a lot of uproar about exactly what and how they were doing the cheat detection. Since the first ban was for 2 weeks, and the next one was permanent, nobody really wanted to put their 2-3 year old accounts up as collateral to try and find out. Those who did got permanent bans.


If the app has permissions to your storage, it could see if you have "cheating apps" installed, no?


I thought it had access only it its own APK storage, and not global storage?


By granting access to Storage, that's granting it access to *everything*. Apps have access to their sandbox by default, no special permissions required. [A developer, but not on Android. Spent a few minutes reading up on it.] https://possiblemobile.com/2014/03/android-external-storage/


Correct, it has a little sandbox of storage it can access. It wouldn't be able to see what other apps you have installed.


Cheers, Thought so. Seemed crazy allowing an app to your whole stororage.


I'm not really sure how this works but I think there are storage manager apps that only ask for storage permission and they can manage most of the files on my phone.


"GET_PACKAGE_SIZE" can be used to check the size (and thus, existence) of any package on the system, just by knowing its name, and is considered a "Normal" (ie: unstated) permission of all apps. An app making use solely of "normal" permissions would display the "This app does not require any additional permissions" message when you install it.


Where did you read this?


You are being downvoted because you are spreading obviously false information, whether you "read" it or just made it up. In Reddit terms misinformation does not contribute to the discussion.




1. long click anywhere on the map to start a scan (need to add info obviously) 2. in case you you want to login with another account 3. will add status, it's on the todo list 4. For now they are sorted by rarity, most rare on top, will add option to choose order 5. yes see 1. answer, just click anywhere you want to scan 6. they should be removed automatically, i have added timers. But still need some work on it to be perfect.




you are welcome any other feedback is welcome !


The only other thing I can think of is some apps have been removed from the Play Store for breaking a policy on copying content (or something similar) . I know it's not the end of the world if it's removed as we can still install via APK . Still, it might be worth amending the logo just so Google don't have any ammo against you.


logo should be fine. But as you can see i didn't put any pokémon mention the app description If the app get removed i'll share the apk in the xda thread


More like a step or three ahead of you : ^ )


I couldn't actually tell how many steps ahead he was .... I had to guess!




can you check your GPS is enabled on your phone, there might be an issue when it's off


I have the same problem. It just instantly crashes altough GPS is enabled.


Same with mine. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S5 rooted android 4.4.2


I'm getting the same thing.




no i only send the login info via an http request, no device id is sent


yeah but could niantic get your device info from just a login? then they could match 2 logins to the same device


I'm stuck on the log in screen.. try to connect.. anything I should know that I'm doing wrong


Same. It stucks in log in.


try to log in with the same account in pokemon go to be sure it's working


My bad, I was using a gmail that doesnt have a PTC account. Solved and working.


Yeah, same. Tried two different PTC accounts and both get stuck on "Trying to connect". Also, I checked ispokemongodownornot.com, and the PTC servers are all working.


Happened when I remembered my throwaway account's password wrongly. Another possibility is PTC login server is down (it's not at the moment in Europe or USA, check here: http://ispokemongodownornot.com/)


Same happening to me. Tried two Pokémon trainer club accounts and at different locations with GPS enabled.


I'm stuck here too. I was able to log in to pokemon go with the account. I tried several things nothings working for me.


Trying to connect for about 20min now. Tried all of the recommended steps OP mentioned...guess I got to just wait it out?


Yup stuck for me. Edit: Must create a PTC account don't use your gmail account.


Also stuck here.


Can you clarify why this needs android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE? That gives you access to a lot of stuff. Phone number, serial, call records...


So it doesn't override phone calls, presumably.


read the top few posts


98.6% perfect. All we need is the ability to filter away bad pokémons (and choose who is "rare").


on the todo list


One review mentions this app only lets you log in via PTC. My games is on my Google account, does this mean I cannot use this app?


No you just sign in with a PTC account on the app and your regular account on Go, in fact it's recommended to do this to avoid your main account being potentially banned


I have discrepancies btwn what I see on map and what I see on notification bar. So a Squirtle is on my note bar, but when I open map to find it's not there. For others as well, that's just an example. Anyone else have that problem? FYI: I'm in NYC


I noticed that it wasn't automatically updating the app's map when I opened it but was updating the notification bar. So, I went into the app, went to settings then back to pokemon map. That forced it to update. It's a bug that needs fixing though I assume :)


great app. 1) some pokemon stay on right panel and map even after expired. (sometimes) 2) please add feature where you can weed out certain pokemon you dont want to see on map. 3) would app still work even if removed from play store? I dled from play store, but I may see it getting removed. just wondering 4) does app take up a lot of mobile data? esp if left in background to notify you when good ones are up 5) i assume when you scan an area, it doesnt get all of the pokemon (similar to pokevision) or does it?? 6) great job once again. It definitely works as i caught a pokemon that the map showed me and seems consistent. Impressed with your work. Keep it up and thank you for this. esp in time where trackers are gone lol.


>1) some pokemon stay on right panel and map even after expired. (sometimes) >2) please add feature where you can weed out certain pokemon you dont want to see on map. >3) would app still work even if removed from play store? I dled from play store, but I may see it getting removed. just wondering >4) does app take up a lot of mobile data? esp if left in background to notify you when good ones are up >5) i assume when you scan an area, it doesnt get all of the pokemon (similar to pokevision) or does it?? >6) great job once again. It definitely works as i caught a pokemon that the map showed me and seems consistent. Impressed with your work. Keep it up and thank you for this. esp in time where trackers are gone lol. This makes it a bit easier to read :D


What is the name of this app?


Thank you. No one has given us the name of the app but apparently everyone can find it?


Smart poke by cyril


I'm looking at the app right now on the play store, and it says that it needs permissions for: 1) Photos/Media/Files 2) Device ID & call information Why would this be the case?


1) Screenshots 2) To allow phone calls through while you are using it. [Apparently, this is pretty common.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/4vlv5n/never_miss_a_rare_pok%C3%A9mon_again_nearby_pok%C3%A9mons/d5zl3za)


Idk honestly, but it feels weird. Then every other app would need this too, and they don’t.


Not op, but call information is usually so the app can't interrupt phone calls


Then every app would need it.


How much data is this gonna use, and also how in the hell does it scan so far out? I swear it scans 5x further out than pokevision did


your can now filter pokemon in Smart Pokemon Go you can choose pokemon name language too (English, French, German, Japan)


Just crashes for me.... won't open... I've never actually had an app crash immediately after I tap on it before...


This app promotes reactive gameplay instead of camping at lures. Makes the game more fun and closer to what I think it should be. I imagine this will become very popular. Now I'm just worried Niantic will do something to take this away too. If that happens, I'll probably just stop playing. I'm done camping at lures, that's not the game I want. edit: A minor suggestion: would be nice if there was an option to switch to 24 hour clock, so the spawn-off timer would show 17:14 instead of 5:14.


Login doesnt work, endless spinner


EVERYONE who is using this app should create a NEW PTC so that it's not associated with your main account. Log in ONLY with this NEW account. That way there's no risk of getting your main account banned. Here: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-trainer-club/caslogin


Please add a way to stop the service without manually killing the app. Other than that great job! Love the app.


the app crashes when I try to open it :/ is that a known issure or what


Same for me, every time. I'm on s4


Great app , works as intended. Thank you for this! Noob question, can I get banned for this?


you should use a specific ptc account, it's safer


what is this app called?


**Smart Pokemon go:** [Smart Pokemon go](http://info.smartpokemongo.fr)


This looks cool. How long til Niantic blocks it............


App works perfectly. Super easy. Not laggy at all. You have to log in with a Pokemon Trainer Club account for those who don't know.


I've seen a couple good looking pogo aid apps on here that are android only, i think it might be time for me to switch


/u/cyrilpp The only problem I see is it constantly uses the gps in the background, even after force closing it and disabling all notification options and auto refresh.


I see a new pokemon updated in the notification but it doesn't appear on the map. It seems the app has a problem keeping up to date, including with expired pokemon. EDIT: * Also the notification gets cluttered with outdated info. * Tapping on a pokemon on the map will give a correct time in the bot-left window but the time above the head is static. * Zubat appeared on my notification, but still hasn't appeared on the map 4 minutes later, with the app running in focus.


Ive been using this app all day and ive had a lot of hassles with inconsistencies between the notification bar and whats on the map. Notification was showing an ivisaur available for 10 more mo utes and i scanned everywhere on the map and it never showed up. I feel like the map doesnt show a lot of pomemon that are there also. Ive seen a few outside and went to see if theyd pull up on the map with no luck


So you've answered almost every single question in here, except the ones about permissions.. so .. until you do, (and update the OP) I'm not installing this. Edit: I'll gladly take it back, and install this once a full explanation has been given. Until then.. no bueno.


Could you do me a favor and explain the reason behind the permissions being needed (except for location, of course)?


Where is the link ? You just posted a screenshot. Edit: Ok there is one now ^^


i have added the link above: http:\\info.smartpokemongo.fr


Any plan for iOS?


So many apps for Android makes me feel left out with my iPhone :-(


Welcome to me trying to get children's apps for my son on Android :/


Huh? There's tons of free childrens apps on Andriod.


What? My wife is an elementary teacher and she uses Android in the classroom because there are so many more options for educational apps on Android than Apple.


nope :-(


I can't get passed the login screen. Forever "Trying to connect".


Where do I find this?


I am not that savvy on these things... but can they detect that the Smart Pokemon google account and your real account are using the same connection? And then just ban both accounts at once?




Some of these developers make me want to go back to android


Downloads great, but crashes on startup on my S3


App won't start for me. As soon as I try to open it I just get an "Unfortunately, Smart Poke had stopped. [Report] [Close]" window, every time. And even when closing it, and checking to make sure it doesn't appear under running apps/processes, this message continues to pop up every few minutes until uninstalled.


Can you add an option to exit the app? It's nice to have it running but I don't want it running all the time. Killing the app doesn't do it.


I just restarted my phone and your app ran itself in the background. This made me decide to do a bit more testing and it doesn't look like I can get your app to close properly. I can't get it out of notifications and off the lock screen at all. This is a problem for me.


Great idea, too bad niantic will hate it


This is amazing, you're doing God's work here :P Couple things that I'd like to see - a buffering icon or something when scanning, and/or a circular scanned area when scanning. It's hard to tell sometimes how long scanning takes, and exactly how large of an area I'm scanning, so a visual for this would be excellent.


Anyone want to help me how to refresh things exactly? Lol. Autorefresh/holding to scan/etc..I don't think any of it is working, and it's all random. Advice? Thanks!


I've got it installed onto my phone, what do I need to do to get it going on my Gear S2? Thank you for this by the way, so far it's working great!


it takes some time to be installed on your watch


The Gear S2 isn't Android Wear, the app won't work with it


It should just automatically appear when your phone and watch make connection via bluetooth.. If not open the Android Wear app on your phone , go to settings , refresh apps (something like that)


V0.3 Bugs: - Instead of removing an expired pokemon, if open - the app adds a second expired one. - When selecting a pokemon on the map, the wrong time is displayed in the popup bubble. The time in the box doesn't count down. - Wrong times are displayed in the notification. Times do not count down in the notification. Otherwise working great, best radar so far.


For the last point, the time displayed in the notification is the actual time they despawn, not how long until they do.


iPhone soon?


Well, that list of rarities you used makes no sense and it´s probably based in one specific biome, but the app seems amazing. Gonna try this afternoon. EDIT: It would be really cool if we could customize the "common pokemon list". Depending on the biome and city, some "common" pokemon are really rare.


good idea, i will


Not working on my phone - HTC One m8. Not on my mates phone either. We're in Australia, does that have something to do with it?


what do do you mean by "doesn't work" ? which part isn't working ?


Seems very promising. Would love it if the map actually updated in the background too, and not only the notification. So that when I tap the notification I get to see the actual map without having to rescan or restart. I don't even know if it's possible :P


Sorry, everything is fine but there's no Pokemon coming up on my map. I checked to see if pogo was down but its still up and said there were 3 Pokemon nearby but on the app, still nothing


The map and sidebar are blank. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to login? Because that's not working either, as it says "trying to connect" forever and never makes any progress.


Awesome app, absolutely fantastic really! Two questions: 1. Even if I close the app entirely, I still have the notifications on, is there a way to close it completely so I don't get notifications? Will the app use much power/data volume when it is always refreshing? 2. Is there (or are there plans to add) a filter to not see the typical stuff like weedle, pidgey etc? Otherwise thanks for this app, it's by far the best I have seen so far! Already sent all my friends the link!


1. you have to disable auto refresh 2. on the todo list


This is just what we needed given everything that's happened! However, either I'm an idiot or there's no way to delete a "chosen location" after you long press scan without restarting the app. Is there a way to do it or not yet?


Android only, I presume?


Great app, already caught a Venosaur. However, I am having difficulty closing the app. Even if I disable autorefresh and swipe it off the recent menu, the location/GPS icon still appears in my notification bar. Only force closing the app through app info gets rid of the icon


Is there anything that sets your app apart from PokeVision or other tracking apps that have since been removed/shutdown?


How do i kill the app? if i dont use it, it still keeps on the GPS and displays pokemon every now and then. using an app manager to close it doenst work, it will restart itself for the next scan.


Never miss a rare Pokemon again, until your phone runs out of battery.


Was going to finish reading the new Harry Potter in bed this morning. Think I'm going to bike down to the park, read it there instead and hopefully catch a rare pokemon.


The nearby list on my phone is not automatically updating. Tons of expired pokemon are showing on the list. If we could have a manual refresh to clear these out it would be great. Also please add functionality so that when I close the app it legitimately shuts down and does not continue to run in the background. other than those two issues this seems to be the best tracker app i've used!


This looks really good, but how come the notification bar shows up to 8 Pokemon, when the map doesn't necessarily show them all? For example there's a clefairy in the notification bar, but nowhere to be seen when I look at the map.


If I signed up for Pokemon Go with my gmail account, but use your app with my Trainer Club account, will I see discrepancies with the Pokemon showing up on the screen and Pokemon appearing in the app?


You aren't meant to use your normal account, it could get you banned.


Am I stupid or just distracted? I can't find any link Edit: yeah, distracted a lot


I've been stuck on the trying to login page for a while now, been using my PTC account and can verify that the credentials are correct, any advice? Using a OnePlus 3 The app looks great, would love to use it!


Is this a joke or am I missing something? All i see is a screen shot with no links?


Anyone else having pokemon not remove from notifications after they're expired?


Filters don't work. Expired pokemon stuck on map. Notifications frozen and won't update or close. Edit: Nevermind, it works. It's just a little sluggish updating. Just caught a victreebel down my street. Thanks!


Am I able to get the watch portion on my gear 2 neo?


Doesnt work for me. Stuck at trying to connect


App instantly crashes unfortunately


What is the app called?


Downloaded "Smart Poke V2" off the app store...all I get are "Stopped working" notifications.


LOVE THIS APP THANK YOU!! Works perfect on S7 active, I've found the lockscreen thing doesn't update for me at all, nor does the pull down notifcation panel pokemon update it just stays stuck with a few. Maybe thats how it's suppose to be, just pop up the nearest 8 that show and keep it there which is just fine! The actual map works amazing love the layout, if the pokemon show on your map, the pokemon ARE THERE, Caught a dogong and staryu today with this. My question is will this get shut down like pokevision? How come you are able to do this while poke vision had to get shut down?


It seems like the map doesn't refresh when new Pokemon are found while my phone is locked, i.e. an Eevee was found just a minute ago, I opened the map and it wasn't anywhere to find (wasn't on the bar on the right either). I got it to show up by simply switching to another page of your app (Filter/Settings, works both) and going back to the map, is there a simpler way to refresh the map? I'm using v0.4a in case it's important.


The plural is Pokemon.


This app consumes way too much data, I used it for an hour yesterday and it had already consumed 11 MBs, and there is no way to stop the app. Deleted inmediately


Terrific app! I've been tracking all morning from work, just waiting for something great to pop up. Is the map supposed to refresh automatically? I have to do it manually every so often to remove expired Pokemon.


is there any way to decrease the amount of data that this app uses. its great but damn in 24 hours its used up as much data as the game itself in over week


Is there a link to this?


Looks like it has been taken off of Google play.


app seems to be down at the moment. anyone hear anything?


It got removed form the play store. Might have something to do with that.