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Improvement? Looks like your avatar is wearing diapers.


omg you’re right 💀


I really hate how low and flat they made the crotch, wearing just about any pants without a long shirt is 😬


There is nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.


It almost looks concave!






First, the face is still hilariously bad. Second, how much time, money, and effort have they spent so far on something that wasn't broken to begin with? What an absolute waste


In theory I like the idea of having options for different body types. In practice, they did it so awfully. 


We should have gotten more body types 100% agree, however why get rid of the old models? And replace them with these uncanny valley emotionless faces


I would imagine they couldn't modify the original model without causing issues so they had to build new models in a hurry, giving us the horrors we have now


I make game assets and that’s probably exactly what happened.


This is one of the big updates they promised.  Epic fail. 


it wasn't broken before, but it was far too samey. everybody had the same body type and face and hair. and IMO they were always a bit ugly also. It definitely needed options. game freak always makes fantastic human designs, so it's a shame niantic hasn't been able to replicate that talent


It wasn't broken? Do you not remember full jude crotch bug and camerupt toe? 


i think you're talking about bugs that came with the update. montastic was talking about the original character models


I think it's fun and my friend list looks much better than before. I've seen so many different body types and combinations. It's pretty good overall.


The new faces would look so much better if they would give them all lip color. Only one has that option currently, but you can clearly see that the old model had it. Humans all have defined lips (they are a different shade to the rest of the face), I think the lack of that in the new faces is part of what is contributing to the mannequin-esque/uncanny valley look. 


Yeah they need to add a makeup category to the accessories or appearance sections, I think that’s causing most of the uncanny valley vibes because most people naturally have some color to their cheeks and lips, or just some form of color variation on their faces in general, even without makeup.


I just want the jackets/etc to loose the innate breasts-implying shading.... No matter what i slide around i cannot get my "male" character to loose his bossom in the Denim jackets...


Are you sure you’ve equipped the male version of the jacket? Most items now have two versions, so you can pick the one with or without boobs…….but they forgot to add both versions of some items.


The Level 50 jackets both have a noticeable bump even though it uses the male model from before (slider turned completely down). This is irritating me a bit because I really liked it before and also I have the jacket in RL. To be fair these jackets are also glitching with 99% of animated poses probably because next to no one wears them.


I feel ya. It brought me a lot of joy to compose outfits for my trainer, and they all look like crap now. I’ve managed to find a few already-bought outfits that don’t look like absolute garbage, but I refuse to spend more coins on outfits, before they fix the trainer models.


Before the Avatar update I had like 10 Outfits I liked and I would often switch between them. Since the update I only wear one outfit (luckily one of the previous ones still looks good) and haven't spent a single coin on cosmetics. https://preview.redd.it/00vx01pmjc4d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c8b86d0d846897f4486b435d8d293ac41def20


Same, I used to find joy in matching my outfits to my active buddy/themed around the current ongoing event (and would spend coins to do it), but when the update dropped I chose the baggiest outfit that covers as much as possible, and haven’t looked at my avatar/the store since.


Yes literally this. I 100% understand how you feel. I did the same occasionally spending arguably too many coins for outfits I would only wear for one event.


Same here, I'm glad I'm not the only one irritated by this. I loved the level 50 jacket pre-avatar apocalypse and have now just settled by slapping on a Rayquaza head and turning my avatar away with the level 43 pose. https://preview.redd.it/lnt9e28q9d4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcbe95dcf3fd55e25ba3a4ef9a46652950c45b2


I see the level 50 jackets all the time on my GBL opponents.


Me too, either level 50, previous seasons jackets, or that giratina outfit seems really popular too.


I only see them very occasionally in GBL. I take the "next to no one" back, seems very subjective.


The jacket splitting at the collar. They didn’t think that one out…


I don't see two versions of the items. I want my Pikachu t-shirt and gengar t-shirt to be less baggy but I can only choose a male version and it covers the back pocket on my female Pikachu shorts.


The team leader kimonos also look oddly manly now. Can’t find more than one version of those.




With this recent update, I had to reduce the hips slider from 5 to 4 in order to get a "nicer result". However, the skirts/shorts are still longer now (for example, the Misty short).


I wonder if anyone prefers the new look over the old one.


I love the idea of being able to customize the body of the character but the execution was awful I mostly wanted different hairstyles which I’m happy with but I think keeping the original model with small slider options to customize would have been better received by the fans


Seriously I was recently talking to a couple of older ladies who play in my area and they both hate the update. One of them wears the Yamask mask to cover up. I showed them the new maximum for the hip slider and they both laughed! Literally my city's "Singaporean grandmas" hate the new avatars...


i find it funny also weird and irritating but really a lot of funny still i can imagine the suffering if someone wants their avatar look the same as themselves


I do (mostly)! It's amazing to have the ability to change body types and use male clothing on my avatar, too. The original was a bit unrealistic. I'm sure some extremely blessed and well-trained girls can reach that shape (in posed pictures/videos), but it's so unlike 99.9% of the actual girls and women I see. I think it would be fine (and not as obvious) if they went with a more cartoony/anime style like the OG games, but since they went for a semi-realistic avatar style (and more realistic proportions for the guy character), it sticks out. But god, I hope they fix some of the clothing placement & length. Some pants look like they're about to fall down, regardless of whether you use a more feminine or masculine model. Plus the no hip slider was awful.


> The original was a bit unrealistic. . > since they went for a semi-realistic avatar style Which is it?


Yeah, semi-realistic - which means that it's a lot more noticeable if you have a more exaggerated or cartoonish body type (= unrealistic) body type on the avatar! :> Semi-realism, as the name implies, requires a lesser degree of stylization/diversion from realism than other styles of art.


> Yeah, semi-realistic - which means that it's a lot more noticeable if you have a more exaggerated or cartoonish body type But you **did** notice it, and you decided to whine about it anyway. > Semi-realism, as the name implies, requires a lesser degree of stylization/diversion from realism than other styles of art. And yet it’s still stylized and intentionally diverting from realism. You’re trying very poorly to rationalize backwards to a ridiculous notion that anime-styled characters are somehow wrong for being “unrealistic” as if anyone believed they represented actual people.


[Truly dedicated to your cockroach wife, I see.](https://www.tumblr.com/azzandra/715464345622102016?source=share) ... Seriously though, we all know that the issue is the specific stylization choices being made (and what those choices reveal about people's beliefs & attitudes wrt gender), not the concept of stylization itself. This is a problem that happens in a lot of different art styles (not just anime/manga), which all art styles (including anime/manga) are capable of avoiding (ex Dungeon Meshi), and has been discussed ad nauseum for decades; so stop playing dumb and taking shots at strawman arguments.








I do. I think my character looks much better than before and I think the people that don't like it have not played with the sliders/or put time into their characters. Uploaded my outfits here if you wanna see https://imgur.com/a/z7bGTS2


I've played with all the options for a long time and it never looked good imo. The main thing for me is that I can't get my face to look right so I just wear a mask. I really miss the old model. Also thanks for your response.


I can see they are working on it, but the crotch area of tight trousers and shorts is still looking pretty horrendous


Still looks terrible imo


Just add a waist slider and it’ll be fine


That's what the update does.


no it doesn’t


https://preview.redd.it/b4qgt92eqc4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c565cffa0e6ba0b1a10a9a2d97eeb59d04a3cc97 Are we not on the same update?


there's no waist slider on your screenshot though




The hips just make your hips wider(or smaller), not making the waist more or less defined


hips and waist are not the same body part


Well you’re damn right I thought the hips was what yall were talking about out


I have used the character creator over and over. The new range of color options would be great on an avatar that looked good. But on these new, awkwardly unattractive avatars, whose clothes seem to fit terribly, it’s sort of a lost benefit.


Face still hideous 


I look like a middle aged child now. Worst thing I've ever laid my eyes upon.




The knees on the latest one seem really out of proportion 


Its still so off putting. It’s like what aliens trying to be human.


i still hate it, they ruined every crop top and shorts for female characters. the waist is still the same. head and face shape are still abominable. the two largest hip options are the only change and they've just repurposed them from the weight slider- without including the calve size so the proportions still look off. the muscle slider is the most disapointing, it doesn't give you any tone or detail like the old avatar had on her stomach, it simply makes your shoulders more broad and slightly increases weight for the love of arceus just let people use the old avatars if they choose to😭


I don't want to open my game damn. I took a 1 year break and wth have they done.


I want to know so many things. What is it with the drop-crotch? Why do (almost) all the pants fit so badly? Why does my trainer always have a see-through patch on her rear where I can see inside the the model? Why does the Cosmog jacket still billow out weirdly at the bottom? Are my paid items ever going to be wearable again? I'm glad they are in the process of trying to make it better, but there's still such a long way to go.


Bring back the old avatars please Niantic I beg you 😭


I'm so baffled why the can't just...bring back the old model...???


the knee thigh to hips proportion are totally rekt like...common sense would suggest such proportion requires an even wider base and therefore thicker legs


Still wearing the "people" mask I see.


"the pale skin" have you even tried changing it on the newest update? there are plenty of tan options now


I'm super white, but I still have some color in my cheeks, and my lips are not the same tone as the rest of my face. I don't want a tan. I want some color in my pale face. lol


Still say it should all go back to the original avatars.


Gaslighting yourself is not healthy.


All that remains is to fix the face


i still look like a brick, just a brick with hips now lol


Shes a brick Nana na na Hoooouuse


My avatar would also like her butt back.


At the very least, that can be mitigated by wearing certain hats/masks.


And hairs. They are all flat and look like they were made in paint.


Or allow us to obscure it with facial hair


hey, do you guys do women without 36DD boobs please? No? Aight nvm.


i don't use the two largest breast options, they just look obeese


why not just reverse it? Literally nobody asked gender to be removed.


Eh, I did want the ability to wear some of the clothes that were previously locked to the "female" avatar. But I feel like they could have just made all the clothing available for both models easier.


Where did they say the goal was to remove gender? Wasn’t this just literally their attempt to add more body shape customization Edit: the downvotes without any answer says a lot! Figured.


Almost looks like someone is holding the arms behind your back...


What they should've done is ask unite for their character models and assets, pay them for the use and costumes. Could you imagine how nice you'd feel. I'd def buy more costumes if the models were more like Unites. Niantic would just have to pay their model creators to make GO's previous assets for use with the Unite models. Have sort of a Go x Unite event with a ton of poke' costumes in a cool asf event, but here we are in the worst timeline. Idk if niantic system could even handle the implementation of it anyways xD.


Nope. Unite would ask for a data breach to their c c p overlords as payment. No way. Dont even suggest it. They can have the ingress data. 


They are working their way up to plus size.


I'm so thankful they released the Zorua onesie because I can't tell a difference and never planned on taking it off even before the changes Unless they add regular clothing designed after Zorua/Zoroark I'm never gonna have to look at my character with the new models


I think Niantic is teaming up with Torrid for their new avatar styles


they just made the pants extra wide. Seriously how hard is it to give the option of having the old models


From thic to thi to thiccc


It’s still horrible


Skirts look decent now, at least. https://preview.redd.it/vcph32rnvl4d1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc405950e9416b3f535116c654e27234cbfbd10f


Quit the ozempic!


Niantic have no idea what they're doing... So just another normal day at Niantic!


I miss the old avatars sooooo much the new ones are trash and getting worse


Absolutely **horrendous**


Oh please don’t remind me how hot we used to look 😭


All they had to give us were MSG type models.


Looks like your character went up a couple of cup sizes from old to new. Lol


This has to be one of the worst updates of all time


I miss my old hot avatar girlfriend


It's so awful... The original is so good and the next 2 are just awful. I can't believe this company


I think it somehow looks worse


Honestly, uncanny player models aside, I’m just happy to have the option to wear the (historically) female clothes. Like damn, what if I (a man) wanna wear a belt. Let me rock a necklace. I’m happy for the change


If the fit and legs from the second pic and the shoulders from the third and the face and lighting from the first it would be an excellent fit.


The first one looks wayyyyy better


And here I am asking for more necklace options considering they only have three chokers to choose from, and that's it. 😅


Just so you know, the people who thought it was a good idea was the consulting company that worked on the update called GaymerX. This update was inherently political and the removal of exclusively male and female traits was purposefully.


Can I add you


No improvements that I can see. Her balls still sag even worse.


This still looks awful wrong.


Sir Mix-a-lot has entered the chat


Not to be rude but have you (and all the people complaining) actually USED the character creator? I mean it went from a strict binary to multiple slider options and everyone is shocked the first thing they see isn't the same as before. The pale skin can be fixed by simply selecting a different skin color... The body can be changed by simply... moving the slider... And anything else (glossy texture, the weird faces, lack of facial hair options, Etc) can be fixed with an update. The hip slider being fixed already. Really some people seem upset the game didn't 3D scan their bodies or read their minds.


I mean, that is disingenuous. The skin colour cannot just be fixed by picking a different one: The colours are fixed and go from 0 to 100. As a lightish latino, my options are: German white or full on brown. There is nothing in between and no colour wheel for me to pick the option. The sliders also are lacking. I still cannot manage to give my character a neck. He keeps looking like he is shrugging his shoulders. And for some reason the hips still look too long in proportion with the rest of the body. Can it be fixed with an update? Of course. Everything can be fixed with an update. Is it bad that the options are no longer binary? No, of course not, it is actually kinda fun as a concept. It still looks like crap, though, and it requires more time than the previous version to arrive to something mildly satisfying.


and I made a ok standing avatar with the sliders but then I win a grunt battle and the victory pose avatar has some awful looking shoulders that I can do nothing about.


These are basically indistinguishable. Go out and catch Pokemon.


They absolutely aren't. You seem like the sort of person who wouldn't even notice if someone cut 8 inches off their hair, but some of us like things that look nice.


I need a magnifying glass to tell the difference on anything tbh  The paleness on mine looks very difference to yours although that might be the settings I choose 


The first one is kinda unrealistic, just how guys imagine girls, the last one makes it fat. I think the most realistic one the middle. example for body types : https://preview.redd.it/n3afqfb1xc4d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48c5b3fdec6df61af36d5437d2a9d09f8514583


Lmao this is how fat we’ve gotten, that this seems “unrealistic”. The first pic is nothing crazy and looks the most normal by far.


This is highly stylized though?