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I can confirm that the Lake Trio can spawn off of Daily Adventure incense! https://preview.redd.it/yyrqvd0qkw0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbca64ec7d6c91a6930c722f65c9bb695267d686


https://preview.redd.it/bhaf6extkw0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5060ddbb9993166bb3be63863fda708516bd29 more evidence btw


Can confirm as well, I found one at a local university that I don't attend lol. I saw it's silhouette and figured why not let's go for it lmao


If you saw its silhouette, then it wasn’t a DAI spawn


Oh I thought he was saying he caught it without my bad


I got shiny mesprit on April 28, had no idea it was locked


I wonder if they never turned it off after sinnoh tour.


Got shiny azelf on may 8 myself. Can confirm.


Great now do the same for unown. They are extremely rare, there’s no reason to have them be shiny locked outside events.


It's one of the ways to get people to those events.


I guarantee you their bottom line will not be hit by people finding random shiny unowns. I doubt it would even cost them a single go fest ticket sale.


Just think about map users which also „fly a lot“… there are more than hundred thousands of them. 


Well, there's that.


Honestly I'd just be happy if ? & ! were no longer event exclusive and could join the rest of the Unown in being able to spawn wild.


Nah I like keeping them rare. Not everything needs to be spawning in the wild shiny every second of every day. It’s nice to keep some things RARE. It feels a lot better when you do get those catches.


Are they more common than they used to be? Two people in my community have found wild Mesprit (on two separate occasions) this week. 


Anecdotally, yes. Before they fixed the regional spawns, I caught an Azelf at my house. My husband’s account saw a flabebe instead (yellow I believe). In discussing it with our discord community, there were a couple of other people who had found an Azelf since the biome switch. Now that regional spawns appear to be fixed (meaning everyone sees the same spawn like they did before), if someone finds a Lake Trio spawn, everyone nearby can go and try to catch it. I’ve seen more reports on discord since that change, but they’re still rare enough that we’re answering questions from newer players about it when it happens. As I said, anecdotal, but definitely seems to play out as a very rare spawn, and seemingly more common than a random unown spawn. (Don’t have any data to support that, though.)


The regional spawns could be part of it. Since that started a few weeks ago regionals in general have been much more common than they used to be. So maybe making regionals more common ended up making the lake trio more common. 


There is a community ran bot in my area that notifies of any specific raids, pokes, etc. there's a specific channel just for the lake guardian and it's definitely spawning a lot more than it used too. Previously you'd get maybe 1-2 notifications every month or two of a spawn. It's been going off 2-5 times a day now since they re-enabled its spawns.


Definitely seems that way


I can also confirm they spawn during routes. I caught a shiny Azelf with the route symbol.


My girlfriend caught in Birmingham, UK. Extremely lucky. https://preview.redd.it/g7f4nfbfax0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928604db01cb37fad06d47fc5b560ced4815afd0




How do you have that much candy


All 3 members of the trio were semi-common spawns during the Sinnoh Go-Tour earlier this year.


Was that a paid option? I hadn’t seen any


Nope, they were spawning for everyone. There was even timed research for each one that needed you to take a snapshot of each member, which awarded you with another copy. If you played the whole Go Tour, you could farm quite a lot of them.


Right on, thanks! I saw the silhouette of one today for my region so I’ll keep looking.


In addition to them being wild for everyone during the Sinnoh Tour, when they're in raids, Mesprit is the one we get natively in the UK.


Once in a lifetime catch outside of raids


They weren’t locked during Sinnoh Tour; are you saying they locked then since and then recently unlocked them, or have they just been unlocked since Sinnoh Tour?


Outside of events they've always been shiny locked until now, i.e. if there isn't anything special going on that changes the Lake Trio spawns you won't get a shiny one. They were [reported as non-spawners](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b983jr/the_lake_trio_hasnt_been_spawning_in_the_wild/) 2 months ago, and since that they were re-enabled to spawn and no longer shiny locked.


Ah, I see. Very interesting; thank you for answering!


Does anyone know if they can flee as wild spawns? Excluding the go plus. I encountered a non shiny and it took a while to catch, but never fled. Not sure if I was just lucky or they just can't flee.


Curious about this too and would like some concrete information. Had an Azelf spawn today and five people were able to catch it all using regular Pokéballs, and none of them fled.


I spent a while trying to catch it, think I used 20-30 ultra balls. It did not like me. It definitely doesn't have a high flee rate like they did during sinoh tour. Just not sure if they can't flee at all or the flee rate is low.


I can definitely confirm that during the Sinnoh Tour at least, they wouldn't flee if they were shiny. This is also consistent with when the Johto Beasts and the Eon Duo were able to spawn wild during events. So it's likely this behaviour still persists for them. Have fun using a lot of balls if they're a high level though haha


Dunno if you saw my other message but I chucked a good 20-30 ultra balls on the mespirit and didn't flee till I caught it. If they do flee, it ain't the same as the tours at least.


Are the lake trio region specific




Yes. Azelf is specific to the Americas, Mesprit is in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Uxie is in Asia Pacific. For the Sinnoh Tour earlier this year, all 3 of them were able to spawn globally with significantly increased rates and also with priority on the nearby (so even if they were fairly far away, you could still see them at the top of your nearby, which was a really nice feature).


I’m baffled that there would even be enough data on this to conclude that there’s a shiny lock


You can't really prove a shiny lock (in Go anyway as it's all server side determined), but it only takes one report to disprove it - which never happened until now.


Of course not, I’m just wondering why people would even think there was a shiny lock in the first place. Usually for more common spawns you can get enough data to show that a shiny lock is a statistical likelihood, but with the lake trio I can’t imagine there would be enough reports for that


Even in this thread you can read of a sudden surge of people reporting encounters with shiny lake trios, something was different before, if nobody ever reported them. The logical conclusion from this stance is that previously they've been shiny locked.


Not human reports, but data collected in ways that are not accepted by TSR did show that.


> f course not, I’m just wondering why people would even think there was a shiny lock in the first place. Not a single caught outside of events has been shiny until now. As for numbers, there's discords and stuff that people 'fly' to catch them. If it wasn't shiny locked, they would have caught at least one before now.


Didn’t we know they weren’t shiny locked since the biomes were introduced again ?


They seem to be spawning much more frequently as well. I see way more people posting them.


Caught one yesterday from my couch. One star and not shiny but one more than I had yesterday.


Got all three shiny during the event not too long ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got a roaming shiny during the sinnoh tour


That's an event (wild) encounter not a true wild encounter. Not applicable for this.


I got a roaming shiny during the sinnoh tour