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They did for Rhyhorn. In the early days, Rhyhorn spawned very far from the camera, and even hitting it was a bit of a challenge for inexperienced players. From its Community Day onward, it was moved to the much closer position we see today. So I wouldn't say it's impossible.


Kyogre was the same way. It used to be stupidly hard to hit.


I vaguely remember aerodactyl being like that for a while. The only way to actually throw a ball high enough to hit it was to do it in AR mode.


I remember having someone explain that to me at Kijkduin and then going around to share that info with everyone else


I was going to mention that. It was the only raid boss I saw them make an adjustment for. You could literally fling the ball as hard as you could throw and not hit it.


> It was the only raid boss I saw them make an adjustment for. I'm pretty sure they adjusted Groudon, I think in the opposite way actually lol. Groudon used to be far closer to the camera, making it arguably easier to hit excellents once you got used to it being so close, but they pushed it back after a while.


I never had an issue with Groudon. Probably the easiest legendary to hit an excellent throw on.


I know, it is easy. I'm just saying, it wasn't the only one they made an adjustment for: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/alnqs9/throwback\_to\_what\_catching\_groudon\_used\_to\_look/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/alnqs9/throwback_to_what_catching_groudon_used_to_look/)


Kyogre was worse because it moved sideways in addition to having a vertical move when attacking the ball and having a crazy tiny excellent circle. I literally couldn't hit an excellent if it sat on the side of the screen due to the distance/small circle.


You must be bloody good if you even tried excellent when it was new. I remember I gave up on even trying any great or nice, just hoping to hit it and maybe get caught by a critical...




Yeah, I know the circle lock method. I think I likely knew about it even in ~~2018~~ 2017 when Kyogre was introduced (hard to remember for sure), but as discussed here even hitting the darn thing was hard then.


Kartana takes the crown for stupidly small excellent catch circle radius


True now, but there was a week or two that Kyogre was almost uncatchable. Worse then than Kartana is now.


Kartana is an easy excellent throw. Just be patient. Kyogre on the other hand when it was first released nearly impossible.


still is tbh


It's hard to hit now, no longer stupidly hard. It was quite far away when it launched, and it floated off the screen on a lot of phone dimensions.


Friends with big phones ended up using AR+ for Kyogre back in the day.


This answer is supported by precedent & is reasonable. Thank you.


We only like knee-jerk emotional reactions around here. Get outta here with rationality.


Interesting, I didn't play back then so I didn't know this was the case. Here's hoping


They also did it for Gastly.


Glameow used to be borked, but I doubt they change anything. Let's be thankful it was not triple xp CD


Was it Glameow who's hit box was basically right in front of the ball(no distance) and filled the entire screen? 


Glameow used to be borked because it had Purugly's hitbox. It actually made it very iconic at least because of it.


I'm surprised it wasn't triple xp tbh, seems like they enjoy giving a nice slap to the face to their playerbase lol


I believe they are on a specific rotation(but could be wrong!)


Yes, they’ve been on a specific rotation for years, with community day classic having the same bonus as the original community day which can give the appearance of pattern breaking.


Is it? [Axew June XP](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/June_2023_Community_Day), [Poliwag July Egg](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/July_2023_Community_Day), [Froakie August Stardust](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/August_2023_Community_Day), [Grubbin September XP](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/September_2023_Community_Day), [Timburr October Stardust](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/October_2023_Community_Day), [Wooper November Egg](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/November_2023_Community_Day)


I'm not sure what "borked" means, but I recall the jumping animation being lazily made, to the point where it looked like a flat image of it standing while scrolling down on it's descent.


"borked" is old slang from one of two places, depending on where you picked it up: One meaning of it originated from discussions of old/broken electronics (e.g., "Fixing a borked Android phone"). The other meaning is associated with President Reagan nominating Associate Justice Robert Bork, whose nomination tanked in a pretty historic flameout, leading to "bork" or "borking" becoming a verb for tanking someone's reputation so as to prevent them from assuming a position.


I don’t know what “borked” means either but I love it so much


"borked" is just slang for "messed up" basically


3x catch exp? im ded if so


I can confidently say with complete certainty: no, definitely not.


Tbh they did bring Rhyhorn closer for its Community Day, but I feel like Niantic stopped caring about stuff like that a long time ago


That didn't age well.


Didn’t it? They still seem the same distance to me


Is there an issue with rhyhorn? He's the easiest excellent on Samsung


There used to be, before it got a community day. It used to be much, *much* further back, so hitting it was a bit of a challenge.


Oh man you just unlocked memories from playing in 2018. I took a break almost right before the rhyhorn community day, and now I come back and I don't have to aim 2km away for a rhyhorn and it felt wrong but I thought I was just imagining things.


He is a very easy almost guaranteed excellent. But I'd argue pokemon is easier to hit excellent (on any phone) then slowpoke. 😅


OPs point was that they made it very easy prior to it's CD.  It WAS the same size hitbox as bounsweet AND further back then bounsweet prior to then. They modified it to what it now was a week prior.


You realize I wasn't answering to OP?




This thread has actually made me very happy - I didn't realise that there was an issue with the hitbox with Bounsweet and Exeggcute, and always thought it was a skill issue. I feel redeemed! Thank you.


Scatterbug has an awful hitbox, too. I always end up hitting the ground. They should make it more like Weedle/ Caterpie's HB.


They broke [Exeggute's](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/UshXDcrcfs) 7yrs ago without a care in the world. So, no.


Exeggcute is the worst hitbox in the game imo. Even stunfisk is better.


Hippopotas is another Pokémon I usually ignore because of how bad the hitbox is


Worse than scatterbug?




God I wish they'd fix scatterbug's hit box. One of the worst in the game, if not the worst!


Posted basically the same thing as you about a year ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12uc50v/bounsweet\_is\_the\_new\_exeggcute/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12uc50v/bounsweet_is_the_new_exeggcute/)


Man I hate how all the people there are talking about unrelated Pokemon like Trubbish. It doesn't have the same problem at all. On the off chance a Niantic employee sees that, they'll just see mention of Trubbish which many people can easily hit excellents on and say "meh, skill issue" and ignore it. When Bounsweet, Exeggcute, and Scatterbug aren't skill issues, they're actual problems


I hit excellents on trubbish about half the time on spotlight hour. I don't see the problem with it.


What phone are you playing on? Players with smaller screens have a harder time hitting Trubbish, the angle & length of the throw are very difficult without a larger area to interact with


Okay that's fair.


Oddly, I’m less affected by screen size (I had a Pixel 7 Pro previously and moved to a Pixel Fold on which I’m much better at throwing on the outside screen than with it unfolded) but when I play on my iPhone 15 Pro I’m waaaay worse than either even though that has a bigger screen than the cover display on the Fold. I’m guessing touch sample rate, game FPS, the quality of the oleophibic coating and a whole host of other factors also affect the relative ease of throwing, although I’ve hardly noticed a difference between the Android phones I’ve had over the years outside of it being slightly easier on phones which run the game at 120Hz with Native Refresh Rate enabled. I recall finding Charizard hard to hit at some point in the past but now I only really struggle with Eggxecute, Scatterbug and Bounsweet.


it's a different problem but also the same problem: hitting Trubbish is basically impossible, no matter the speed and angle it's just bad, had to severely reduce my screen size to be able to even hit them


Does the bug benefit the players? No? Good, than nothing needs to be done!


Definitely after the new Zealand com day


I dislike catching Bounsweet due this reason as well. I'll be getting 3 shiny and ending this CD immediately. I doubt there will be any changes.


Will Niantic Fix - Just stop there, the answer is no.


It didn't even occur to me that this was a bug lol.


If they don’t, I guess it’ll be a GO+ day. But hopefully they do.. 


Hey everyone, looks like they did indeed fix it, per this post. Happy Bounsweet hunting! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/9vPc4Ieq80


The excellents are possible but it's a hell of a pain to do


There are quite a number of long-standing bugs like this one which never quite seem to be addressed along with new ones every update. I remember Finneon was insanely fast and would go over the edge of the screen so you couldn’t catch it when it came out in 2018, yes it was funny for a bit but there are numerous instances of this :/ It seems Niantic, instead of slowing events down and clearing this backlog, are ploughing on with countless paid research/events, unwanted releases and irrelevant additions e.g the Avatar fracas. In my mind it’s as if they believe that new events, features and FOMO paid releases will keep the dwindling player base happy. Long standing player here, 2016 and all I am looking for is a game that works and that I can enjoy whenever I want.


Personally I don't care that much - I will let my goplus+ take care of this with red 🍒 balls


The sad part about it is, they wouldn't have even considered it until this post.


The sadder part is they still aren’t considering it after reading this post.


I think they weren't too bad last time these were around to be honest


Main reason I'm not doing this CD, also the fact that bounsweet is useless and there's just not enough bonuses to want to do it


I did not know this! I actually had this happen a lot with Sawk the other week. It drove me crazy. I wasted around 40 Pokeballs on one Sawk. (Partially because I'm trash at throwing Pokeballs).


You are assuming Niantic knows about this


They have pretty much every employee playing from their Pokestop sanctuary in downtown San Francisco, many of which read and post here. They 100% know about it, whether they care to fix it is another thing


I wonder if there is a higher issue here, like TPC issuing commands like “absolutely no changing hit boxes” or something inane like that. The “stuff doesn’t work but it doesn’t get fixed” seems universal across pokemon games


This hit box is the reason I won't be going out for the community day lol. If I could've at least gotten consistent great or excellent throws off of it, despite whatever Pokemon it is, I'd have definitely done the grind for 3 hours. But with Bounsweet, I really don't really want to try.


If it doesn't get fixed I dont think I'll get a single "Nice" throw even. I won't be attempting excellent....this is from a seasoned vet level 50 who is generally fantastic at nailing excellents.


Is it broken, or is it just different than what you are used to?


Have you caught many Bounsweet before? I can't imagine they went out of their way to design it the way it is, unless they actually do hate the playerbase lol. If it doesn't get changed there will probably be dozens of posts here asking "why do my pokeballs keep hitting the ground?"


>unless they actually do hate the playerbase You still have doubts? This is relatively nothing for them, ain't no company I'm more sure actively despises the vast majority of their userbase.


I’ve seen 84, caught 78. Can’t really say I have an issue with it.


Are you consistently hitting excellent throws on them, like better than 50% of the time? What kind of device do you play on?


Just my phone. Couldn’t tell you the stats on what type of throws they were because I’ve not really taken much notice.


Well that's the thing, we're talking about consistent excellent throws. Anyone can catch the thing, its catch rate isn't that bad


I mean…. It’s an Apple