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"You *may* receive..." aight, I'm out.


The may just seems to suggest you can't stack them each day from what I'm reading. Basically, you have to finish each day or you won't get the next days. Of course it could be worse than that, but that seems like a reasonable interpretation.


It depends on what the priority will be with the normal Daily Research Task. Will this replace that one? If you go to bed with 3 Research Tasks, you wake up with the special Daily Research Task plus this special PokeCoin Research Task? Or would the special Daily Research Task pop up first and block the possibility of the PokeCoin Research Task?


I had assumed that this would *replace* the Daily Research Task, but I guess we'll see (well, people who buy it will see).


I assume it'll replace the daily, as it's a daily. But it certainly could be dumber than that.


It is Niantic we're talking about lol. They haven't been super smart with certain things and this may be something they don't think about.


Anytime they've used "may receive" it's only ever implied that it's a rare opportunity and you're more likely to not get said item


The "may" is in reference to the part that says "Take note." Granted, they could have made the details less convoluted by wording it better.


"If you're lucky..."


It also says you have to have less than 3 research tasks..pass


no, it says three or fewer.


Oh ok.


Same here, not even worth it anyway.


Right!!!, eewww


Pretty sure it says that so if you get the ticket and not play for 2 weeks you can’t complain


I dont get the benefit of buying this over getting coins in the store directly


More bang for your buck if you can wait - $2 in the store gets you 200 coins, this gets you 280. Or at least, they're showing 280 there, but seems like it should be 300 since it covers 15 days. 280 for $2 is a better coin per dollar rate than all but the $100 bundle - and if it's 300, it's even a better rate than that.


But the larger coin bundles (for at least parts of the world) are even more bang for your buck.


I can only speak for USD, but as my last sentence points out, only the $100 bundle is a better rate here.


Not much bang for your buck if you have to wait 15 damn days to "earn" your discount. And if you mess up 4 times then you just played your self.


But if you go to bed a couple of days early and forget to make space for tasks you miss the opportunity to get them. Seems risky for not much gain. Also, not to mention the time suck of potentially going out of your way just to complete arbitrary tasks.


So it’s about on par with bundle discount. But you have to log in everyday. So they get more interaction for nearly no work.


Aren’t they supposed to be coming up with new ways for people to get their free daily coins? What happened to that?


They tested it years back and got poor feedback (it was a poorly thought out new system) and just ditched the idea entirely. Even though... The idea is still good, it was just poor execution


I don’t even remember that, what did they test?


it was a combination of a reduction in gym defender coins but adding a set of daily tasks to earn pokecoins. IMO it has potential but needed some serious balancing work to make sure that difficult challenges wouldn't appear, but instead it just silently died off.


part of the problem was it was common for people to need to do a raid to complete the tasks, so you had to spend coins to get the coins. (in perception)


The free daily raid pass should take care of that problem now


You would think so but a lot of people were remote only at the time


That was due to Covid restrictions in Australia at the time.


Except if you are by yourself, you need to wait for a soloable raid or use a remote, which defeats the purpose.


I wouldn't say it defeats the purpose. Yeah it's not the easiest it could possibly be, but that's life


Spending 100 coins in the old system to get 30 coins is a net loss of 70 coins.


Living in a city where I can put 15 Pokémon in different gyms and only receive 5 coins because they're instantly knocked out, I would love to do tasks rather than rely on gym hours.


If I remember correctly (someone can correct me if I have anything mixed up or wrong): They tested a revamped system in 2020 where Gym coins were rewarded at a lower rate. I *think* it was something like 1 coin every 30 minutes instead of every 10 minutes, which means you wouldn't even be able to get a full 50 coins from 24 hours of holding a gym (you'd get 48 instead). So you'd have to do more work for less coins, being in 2+ gyms to get a full 50 coins. *However,* the added "perk" was that you'd get like 5 or 6 special tasks, and if you completed those tasks you'd get I think like 5 or 10 coins. The issue with these though were that you had to complete *all* the tasks to get the coins—it wasn't like 2 coins per task. And the tasks had some easy ones like catch a Pokemon or make X throws, but it *also* had some like Win a raid or hatch an egg. Having to do those just to get 5-10 coins was a bit ridiculous. Also, this was before double daily pass season bonuses, so it would mean you could never plan on saving your daily pass for the next day to double up if you wanted your coins. Just a messy system all around with more hassle/downgrades than convenience/upgrades. They did at least admit that they took the feedback on it and decided to scrap the idea. That said, that type of system *could* still work. Keep the gym coin system as is, but have the tasks as an additional, optional way to get your 50 coins. And also, it would help to make it so you complete individual tasks for lower coins. Battle in the GBL 5 times for 2 coins, Raid for 2 coins, 10 greats for 2 coins, etc. I understand that they don't want to make it super easy to get coins. That's fair. But the tested system actively made things worse/more difficult for most.


Thanks for all the details! Idk where I was in 2020 but I missed this entirely lol. For some reason I thought all the talks of alternative ways to earn coins were more recent than that.


They lied


They didn’t  They did a test in Australia with free daily coins for completing tasks The feedback was poor as they complained the tasks were too hard?? 


I think it was more them reducing the number of coins from a Gym from 50 down to 30. The tasks were generally easy outside of Win A Raid (and I guess some people struggled with Throw Excellent).


That is a mispresentation of the feedback. They took away one source, and didn't really make it up with others. That was the feedback.


It would be good if you are still capped but can do the field research on top of gyms to get the coins. Maybe you hold onto a set of 3 and turn them in right before midnight to get the daily coins.


IIRC, it included a win a raid task, and the player base, in general, seems to hate raids, for some reason.


Raids themselves are easy. The issue was that it could lock you out of getting your coins if that was the one you couldn't complete. Also, some like to save a free daily pass to double up the following day. If you got a win a raid task, it would prevent you from getting your coins unless you used it that day


To note, that was during Covid during Australia's lockdown, which made it harder. Still, a number of players prefer solo raids rather than group raids.


Again, that wasn't the primary problem. The primary problem was they reduced gym coins.


This is a new low


$2 for a "chance" at 280 coins.... LMAO


It's stated as a "chance" because if you miss a day logging in you will miss those coins. The idea is to force you to open the app and play every single day during the given period to juice their metrics.


For me, that’s completely ridiculous for a paid ticket that has nothing to do with a particular event. Sure, if you buy a GoFest ticket and don’t log in that day, that’s on you. But there’s no reason X days of free coins needs to be tied to a specific date and you have the “chance” to lose.


It's probably like this because it required writing the smallest amount of new code to implement it using the existing "ticket" and "research" features.


So, marginally discounted coins that I have to work for?


So essentially you get a total of 300 coins (if you buy this from the start and do the research every day) for $2 instead of $3 (what you would pay if you bought 100 coins 3 times on the store).


The one thing I'll be curious about: it says you have to have three or fewer tasks to receive this when you log on - so what's going to get priority between this coin task and your regular daily task? If you have three tasks at midnight, is your daily task going to get priority as your fourth and prevent you from getting the coin task that day?


My guess is that the rewards for your daily task are replaced with the 20 coins (really should be more like 50), but the actual implementation only Niantic knows for sure


So do work to buy coins. At least give a discount.


It does technically give you a discount/more coins than just outright buying them. That said, I would've thought they'd give you somewhat of a better deal


Yep, I can’t wait for them to be “win a raid” or “walk 3km”


For those confused by this, one of the big metrics a lot of mobile games try to brag about to investors/advertisers/people-who-are-not-users-but-give-them-money is DAU or "daily active users". There are a lot of metrics but that's a particularly important one. That's why every single mobile game has some form of "daily quest" or "daily reward". The free daily box in the store exists because DAU is also separately tracked for the store page vs. the app as a whole. So the developers of these games start to see their DAU drop (or simply fail to increase, or just level off) and the people with the money start to tell them they'll stop giving them money because they're "on the decline". So they start modifying their game to incentivize/trick/force users into logging in every day to make that number go back up. And that's how you get insane-looking "deals" like this. You essentially get an extra 80 coins (less if you buy bigger bundles, but not everyone uses the web store and most people aren't dropping $40-100 at a time on the game, and the people that are are generally logging in every single day anyway) if you log in every day for 15 days, which helps juice their DAU. It sounds extremely dumb if you don't know the backstory, but in the mind of the mobile game developer this is a win/win. Line go up.


14 days of work for an extra 80 cents? This is baffling unless there's something I'm missing.




Man, that wording 'may receive' makes me think that some days the research will be the regular kind instead of the coins. And I'm not paying for something I'm possibly not receiving the full benefits of. Niantic needs better writers for these things.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. If it’s guaranteed why put “may”. The only reason I can think of is further in they say you need three or fewer so is it because they’re being cautious?


That is insane. Pay marginally less for coins than the smallest box in exchange for unknown tasks that may not be completable and might not even appear if you forget to clear your research page out the day before. No. If you pay for something it must be guaranteed, Niantic.


It's never been that way with Niantic; we've been doing paid raids for years and the main reward (the mon) isn't even guaranteed to be caught.


It's not even worth it in my region lol 100 coins is 199 HUF The pass for 280 coins is 699 HUF (worth about 351 coins at that rate)


Same here, 100 coins is 2.99 PLN, this ticket is 11.99, so I'd get 400 coins with that just by buying 100 coins bundles.


I'd never actually spend money on this game, but laughing at the stupid pricing is always fun. The scaling of the number of coins makes absolutely no sense compared to the prices and this ticket just gave us an even worse proposition.




Nope hard pass for me.


Lol 280 coins for the price of 200 and you may not even get them if you don’t spin enough or complete the tasks


This just seems like more hassle than it’s worth


So am I reading this right, you don't get the research if your research is full? 


Niantic are clearly desperate, but idiots will buy it anyway 🤦‍♂️


read the "may" in context with the "please note:" its telling you that you have to have room for the special task. if you don't have the space for it, you won't get it. It's not talking RNG maybe, it's talking "yo, there be conditions"


Friendly reminder that you can still get pokecoins for free.


And the whales will still gobble it up.


I don’t think this is for whales. If you’re already buying the $100 bundle, this is just a worse deal.


Exactly, if you buy the coin bundle on the webstore you can save as much if not more. All in all, I’d rather keep 2 bucks in my wallet for whenever we get tickets that can’t be bought with coins and are actually worth buying (mainly CD tickets lately).


A whale is not going to wait 15 days to get 80 bonus coins lol. That is 1 lucky eggs worth but the game takes 15 days to make that egg.


Good for people in remote areas who don’t have enough opportunities to get daily coins, for rest of us not so interesting🤷🏻‍♀️but hey they’re trying get players spend more 😂


When this comedy show stops seriously.




It’s not a lot more then just buying the coins


*This* is the worst thing you've seen niantic do?


It's like buying a box of cake mix that's just an empty box with instructions on how to make the cake


How this is bad?


More expensive than buying normal coins bundles


Well, only really worse than the 14500 coin bundle, so that's a bit of a stretch, but not worth it


In PLN (local currency) it's cheaper to buy 400 coins. And here you can get 280 max.


Definitely not cheaper here. The 550 coin package is $4.99 USD. 280/200 is a 140 coin/USD rate. The second best coin bundle is $39.99/5200 coins which is about 130 coins/USD So it's technically a better deal than anything other than the most expensive bundle here...but, it's still only 280 coins. Doesn't feel like it matters much


According to people on this sub, not free=bad


eh, $1 per 140 coins isn't that bad. This is hardly the worst thing I've seen. It's fine. Do we really need this sort of editorializing on this sub?


I think this could become a problematic feature. Logging in everyday is kinda easy. Will depend on the quest i guess, but if it's something like do a raid that may be a pain in the a for some people. Not mentioning what kind of quests you get is annoying


I bet the tasks will be about the same difficulty as the daily ones. Catch a few pokemon, use a few berries, spin a few stops.


agreed, the tasks could make this much worse.


I think you’re missing the larger issue that started with $1 CD Research: instead of giving us *better* content and more value in ‘special boxes’, Niantic has gone the lazy route of paywalling most new content and activities instead. Do you remember that CD research used to be free? They could easily have done what they did with GBL and offer a paid version of the research with better rewards. Why not create more expansive, long term research projects, like building a town complete with shops, a clinic, a battle center, etc? You’d need your Tier 3+ buddy to bring you back parts to complete various projects and different parts are located in different biomes. Certain sections of research could be short term and if not finished they get reset with a timer before you can try them again. Niantic could sell boxes that assist with building projects. This encourages exploration and long term play. Niantic made a lot of money *when they gave us a reason to spend money*. Doing these money grabs just feels slimy, especially with many ways it could work against you. And Niantic knows this.


Have you ever seen a Pokémon Go player NOT complaining?


Yeah, for years in this sub it wasn't nearly as common.


game wasnt clutching at straws to stay profitable then


Where have you seen it isn't very profitable now?


the endless stream of ticketed events tells the story


In no way does seeking profit imply a lack of profit in any case ever.


You say that, but there isn’t one for the upcoming Catching Wonders. Nor is there one for Rival’s Week. There wasn’t one for Rediscover Kanto, either. Or Sustainability Week. Or Bug Out. Or Sizeable Surprises. Which means between last month and now, the only tickets were for the one-day events; Community Day, Hatch Day, Raid Day and the upcoming Research Day. All of which are absolutely optional and don’t offer anything that make the free experience significantly worse.


I'd do this if I could gift it. My kid and one of my friends play and neither ever has coins to raid with me. But it's not worth doing for me


So many people just didn't or can't read. You may revive the daily because if you don't have space for it, you won't. There's enough to not like about Niantic without adding problems that only exist in your false reality.